Hi<br>how are you doing<br>i will like to be your friend<br>please send me your email to my privet my box<br>at (agatha.beko@yahoo.com)<br>so that i will give my pictures<br>am awaiting your reply to my mail box<br>have a nice day<br>thanks<br>Agatha<br>agatha.beko@yahoo.com<br><br><br><div style="border-top:1px dashed #ccc; border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc; padding:5px;"><a href="http://mail.in.com/mails/new_reg.php?utm_source=invite&utm_medium=outgoing" style="font:13px arial; color:#1E56A1; text-decoration:none;">Get Yourself a cool, short <b>@in.com</b> Email ID now!</a></div>