[pkg-horde] [SCM] Debian Horde Packages repository: dimp1 package branch, upstream+repack, updated. ba892f6d44f6f8d2af114fd7f67f90027d459584

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 18:06:36 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream+repack branch:
commit ba892f6d44f6f8d2af114fd7f67f90027d459584
Author: Mathieu Parent <math.parent at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Dec 21 19:04:23 2009 +0100

    Remove external JS libs

diff --git a/js/dragdrop.js b/js/dragdrop.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d4452de..0000000
--- a/js/dragdrop.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-var DragDrop={Drags:{drags:$H(),register:function(a){if(!this.drags.size()){if(!this.div){this.div=new Element("DIV",{className:a.options.classname}).hide()}$(document.body).insert(this.div)}this.drags.set(a.element.readAttribute("id"),a)},unregister:function(a){if(this.drag==a.element){this.drag.deactivate()}this.drags.unset(a.element.readAttribute("id"));if(!this.drags.size()&&this.div){this.div.remove()}},get_drag:function(a){return this.drags.get(Object.isElement(a)?$(a).readAttribute("id"):a)},activate:function(a){if(this.drag){this.deactivate()}this.drag=a;this.mousemoveE=a._mouseMove.bindAsEventListener(a);this.mouseupE=a._mouseUp.bindAsEventListener(a);document.observe("mousemove",this.mousemoveE);document.observe("mouseup",this.mouseupE)},deactivate:function(){if(this.drag){this.drag=null;document.stopObserving("mousemove",this.mousemoveE);document.stopObserving("mouseup",this.mouseupE)}}},Drops:{drops:$H(),register:function(a){this.drops.set(a.element.readAttribute("id"),a)},unregister:function(a){if(this.drop==a.element){this.drop=null}this.drops.unset(a.element.readAttribute("id"))},get_drop:function(a){return this.drops.get(Object.isElement(a)?$(a).readAttribute("id"):a)}},validDrop:function(a){var b=DragDrop.Drops.drop;return(b&&a&&a!=b.element&&(!b.options.accept.size()||b.options.accept.include(a.tagName)))}},Drag=Class.create({initialize:function(a){this.element=$(a);this.options=Object.extend({caption:"",classname:"drag",constraint:null,ghosting:false,scroll:null,snap:null,threshold:0,onDrag:null,onEnd:null,onStart:null},arguments[1]||{});this.mousedownE=this._mouseDown.bindAsEventListener(this);this.element.observe("mousedown",this.mousedownE);if(this.options.scroll){this.options.scroll=$(this.options.scroll)}DragDrop.Drags.register(this);if(Prototype.Browser.IE){this.element.observe("selectstart",Event.stop)}else{if(Prototype.Browser.Gecko){this.element.setStyle({MozUserSelect:"none"})}}},destroy:function(){this.element.stopObserving("mousedown",this.mousedownE);DragDrop.Drags.unregister(this)},_mouseDown:function(a){$(document.body).setStyle({cursor:"default"});DragDrop.Drags.activate(this);this.move=0;this.wasDragged=false;this.lastdrag=this.lastcaption=null;if(Object.isFunction(this.options.onStart)){this.options.onStart(this,a)}if(!Prototype.Browser.IE&&!Prototype.Browser.Gecko){a.stop()}},_mouseMove:function(f){var b,c,a,d;if(++this.move<=this.options.threshold){return}this.lastCoord=d=[f.pointerX(),f.pointerY()];if(this.options.ghosting){if(!this.ghost){b=this.element.offsetLeft;c=this.element.offsetTop;this.ghost=$(this.element.cloneNode(true)).writeAttribute("id",null).setOpacity(0.7).clonePosition(this.element,{setLeft:false,setTop:false}).setStyle({left:b+"px",position:"absolute",top:c+"px",zIndex:parseInt(this.element.getStyle("zIndex"))+1});this.element.insert({before:this.ghost});a=this.ghost.viewportOffset();this.ghostOffset=[a[0]-b,a[1]-c]}d[0]-=this.ghostOffset[0];d[1]-=this.ghostOffset[1];switch(this.options.constraint){case"horizontal":d[1]=this.ghost.offsetTop;break;case"vertical":d[0]=this.ghost.offsetLeft;break}if(this.options.snap){d=this.options.snap(d[0],d[1],this.element)}if(this.options.offset){d[0]+=this.options.offset.x;d[1]+=this.options.offset.y}this._setContents(this.ghost,d[0],d[1])}this._onMoveDrag(d);if(Object.isFunction(this.options.onDrag)){this.options.onDrag(this,f)}this.wasDragged=true;if(this.options.scroll){this._onMoveScroll()}},_mouseUp:function(a){var b=DragDrop.Drops.drop;this._stopScrolling();if(this.ghost){this.ghost.remove();this.ghost=null}DragDrop.Drags.div.hide();if(DragDrop.validDrop(this.element)&&Object.isFunction(b.options.onDrop)){b.options.onDrop(b.element,this.element)}DragDrop.Drags.deactivate();if(Object.isFunction(this.options.onEnd)){this.options.onEnd(this,a)}},_onMoveDrag:function(g){var f,c,e,b,a,h=DragDrop.Drops.drop,i=DragDrop.Drags.div;if(h&&h.element!=this.lastdrag){if(DragDrop.validDrop(this.element)){b=h.options.caption;if(b){c=Object.isFunction(b)?b(h.element,this.element):b;if(c&&h.options.hoverclass){e=h.options.hoverclass}a=true}}else{a=true}this.lastdrag=h.element}else{if((!h&&this.lastdrag)||(this.move==(this.options.threshold+1))){a=true;this.lastdrag=null}}if(a){if(!c){f=this.options.caption;c=Object.isFunction(f)?f(this.element):f}this.lastcaption=c;i.update(c).writeAttribute({className:e||this.options.classname});if(c.empty()){i.hide()}}if(!this.lastcaption.empty()){this._setContents(i,g[0]+15,g[1]+(this.ghost?(this.ghost.getHeight()+5):5))}},_onMoveScroll:function(){this._stopScrolling();var e,d,b,a=this.options.scroll,c=a.getDimensions();if(a.scrollHeight==c.height){return}e=document.viewport.getScrollOffsets();d=a.viewportOffset(),b=[0,0];d[0]+=a.scrollLeft+e.left;d[2]=d[0]+c.width;if(this.lastCoord[0]>d[2]||this.lastCoord[0]<d[0]){return}d[1]+=a.scrollTop+e.top;d[3]=d[1]+c.height;if(this.lastCoord[1]<d[1]){b[1]=this.lastCoord[1]-d[1]}if(this.lastCoord[1]>d[3]){b[1]=this.lastCoord[1]-d[3]}if(b[0]||b[1]){this.lastScrolled=new Date();this.scrollInterval=setInterval(this._scroll.bind(this,b[0]*15,b[1]*15),10)}},_stopScrolling:function(){if(this.scrollInterval){clearInterval(this.scrollInterval);this.scrollInterval=null}},_scroll:function(a,e){var c=new Date(),d=c-this.lastScrolled,b=this.options.scroll;this.lastScrolled=c;b.scrollTop+=e*d/1000},_setContents:function(c,a,e){var d=document.viewport.getDimensions(),b=c.getDimensions();if((a+b.width>d.width)||(e+b.height>d.height)){c.hide()}else{c.setStyle({left:a+"px",top:e+"px"}).show()}}}),Drop=Class.create({initialize:function(a){this.element=$(a);this.options=Object.extend({accept:[],caption:"",hoverclass:"",onDrop:null,onOut:null,onOver:null},arguments[1]||{});this.mouseoverE=this._mouseOver.bindAsEventListener(this);this.mouseoutE=this._mouseOut.bindAsEventListener(this);this.element.observe("mouseover",this.mouseoverE);this.element.observe("mouseout",this.mouseoutE);DragDrop.Drops.register(this)},destroy:function(){this.element.stopObserving("mouseover",this.mouseoverE);this.element.stopObserving("mouseout",this.mouseoutE);DragDrop.Drops.unregister(this)},_mouseOver:function(a){if(DragDrop.Drags.drag){DragDrop.Drops.drop=this;if(Object.isFunction(this.options.onOver)){this.options.onOver(this.element,DragDrop.Drags.drag)}}},_mouseOut:function(a){if(Object.isFunction(this.options.onOut)){this.options.onOut(this.element,DragDrop.Drags.drag)}DragDrop.Drops.drop=null}});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/src/dragdrop.js b/js/src/dragdrop.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d1c226..0000000
--- a/js/src/dragdrop.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
- * dragdrop.js - A minimalist library to handle drag/drop actions.
- * Requires prototype.js
- *
- * Adapted from SkyByte.js/SkyByteDD.js v1.0-beta, May 17 2007
- *   (c) 2007 Aleksandras Ilarionovas (Alex)
- *   http://www.skybyte.net/scripts/
- *
- * Scrolling and ghosting code adapted from script.aculo.us dragdrop.js v1.8.0
- *   (c) 2005-2007 Thomas Fuchs (http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us)
- *   (c) 2005-2007 Sammi Williams (http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz, sammi at oriontransfer.co.nz)
- *
- * The original scripts were freely distributable under the terms of an
- * MIT-style license.
- *
- * Usage:
- *   new Drag(element, {
- *       classname: '',           // Class name of the drag element
- *       caption: '',             // Either string or function to set caption
- *                                // on mouse move
- *       ghosting: false,         // Show ghost outline when dragging.
- *       offset: { x:0, y:0 },    // An offset to apply to ghosted elements.
- *       scroll: element,         // Scroll this element when above/below.
- *                                // Only working for vertical elements
- *       snap: null,              // If ghosting, snap allows to specify
- *                                // coords at which the ghosted image will
- *                                // "snap" into place.
- *       threshold: 0,            // Move threshold
- *       // For the following functions, d = drop element, e = event object
- *       onStart: function(d,e),  // A function to run on mousedown
- *       onDrag: function(d,e),   // A function to run on mousemove
- *       onEnd: function(d,e)     // A function to run on mouseup
- *   });
- *
- *   new Drop(element, {
- *       accept: [],           // Accept filter by tag name(s) or leave empty
- *                             // to accept all tags
- *       caption: '',          // Either string or function to set caption on
- *                             // mouse over
- *       hoverclass: '',       // Change the drag element to this class when
- *                             // hovering over an element.
- *       onDrop: function(drop,drag)  // Function fired when mouse button
- *                                    // released (a/k/a a drop event)
- *       onOver: function(drop,drag)  // Function fired when mouse over zone
- *       onOut: function(drop,drag)   // Function fired when mouse leaves the
- *                                    // zone
- *  });
- *
- * $Horde
- *
- * @author Michael Slusarz <slusarz at curecanti.org>
- */
-var DragDrop = {
-    Drags: {
-        drags: $H(),
-        register: function(obj)
-        {
-            if (!this.drags.size()) {
-                if (!this.div) {
-                    this.div = new Element('DIV', { className: obj.options.classname }).hide();
-                }
-                $(document.body).insert(this.div);
-            }
-            this.drags.set(obj.element.readAttribute('id'), obj);
-        },
-        unregister: function(obj)
-        {
-            if (this.drag == obj.element) {
-                this.drag.deactivate();
-            }
-            this.drags.unset(obj.element.readAttribute('id'));
-            if (!this.drags.size() && this.div) {
-                this.div.remove();
-            }
-        },
-        get_drag: function(el)
-        {
-            return this.drags.get(Object.isElement(el) ? $(el).readAttribute('id') : el);
-        },
-        activate: function(drag)
-        {
-            if (this.drag) {
-                this.deactivate();
-            }
-            this.drag = drag;
-            this.mousemoveE = drag._mouseMove.bindAsEventListener(drag);
-            this.mouseupE = drag._mouseUp.bindAsEventListener(drag);
-            document.observe('mousemove', this.mousemoveE);
-            document.observe('mouseup', this.mouseupE);
-        },
-        deactivate: function()
-        {
-            if (this.drag) {
-                this.drag = null;
-                document.stopObserving('mousemove', this.mousemoveE);
-                document.stopObserving('mouseup', this.mouseupE);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    Drops: {
-        drops: $H(),
-        register: function(obj)
-        {
-            this.drops.set(obj.element.readAttribute('id'), obj);
-        },
-        unregister: function(obj)
-        {
-            if (this.drop == obj.element) {
-                this.drop = null;
-            }
-            this.drops.unset(obj.element.readAttribute('id'));
-        },
-        get_drop: function(el)
-        {
-            return this.drops.get(Object.isElement(el) ? $(el).readAttribute('id') : el);
-        }
-    },
-    validDrop: function(el)
-    {
-        var d = DragDrop.Drops.drop;
-        return (d &&
-                el &&
-                el != d.element &&
-                (!d.options.accept.size() ||
-                 d.options.accept.include(el.tagName)));
-    }
-Drag = Class.create({
-    initialize: function(el) {
-        this.element = $(el);
-        this.options = Object.extend({
-            caption: '',
-            classname: 'drag',
-            constraint: null,
-            ghosting: false,
-            scroll: null,
-            snap: null,
-            threshold: 0,
-            onDrag: null,
-            onEnd: null,
-            onStart: null
-        }, arguments[1] || {});
-        this.mousedownE = this._mouseDown.bindAsEventListener(this);
-        this.element.observe('mousedown', this.mousedownE);
-        if (this.options.scroll) {
-            this.options.scroll = $(this.options.scroll);
-        }
-        DragDrop.Drags.register(this);
-        // Disable text selection.
-        // See: http://ajaxcookbook.org/disable-text-selection/
-        // Stopping the event on mousedown works on all browsers, but avoid
-        // that if possible because it will prevent any event handlers further
-        // up the DOM tree from firing.
-        if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
-            this.element.observe('selectstart', Event.stop);
-        } else if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko) {
-            this.element.setStyle({ MozUserSelect: 'none' });
-        }
-    },
-    destroy: function()
-    {
-        this.element.stopObserving('mousedown', this.mousedownE);
-        DragDrop.Drags.unregister(this);
-    },
-    _mouseDown: function(e)
-    {
-        $(document.body).setStyle({ cursor: 'default' });
-        DragDrop.Drags.activate(this);
-        this.move = 0;
-        this.wasDragged = false;
-        this.lastdrag = this.lastcaption = null;
-        if (Object.isFunction(this.options.onStart)) {
-            this.options.onStart(this, e);
-        }
-        if (!Prototype.Browser.IE && !Prototype.Browser.Gecko) {
-            e.stop();
-        }
-    },
-    _mouseMove: function(e)
-    {
-        var oleft, otop, vo, xy;
-        if (++this.move <= this.options.threshold) {
-            return;
-        }
-        this.lastCoord = xy = [ e.pointerX(), e.pointerY() ];
-        if (this.options.ghosting) {
-            if (!this.ghost) {
-                oleft = this.element.offsetLeft;
-                otop = this.element.offsetTop;
-                this.ghost = $(this.element.cloneNode(true)).writeAttribute('id', null).setOpacity(0.7).clonePosition(this.element, { setLeft: false, setTop: false }).setStyle({ left: oleft + 'px', position: 'absolute', top: otop + 'px', zIndex: parseInt(this.element.getStyle('zIndex')) + 1 });
-                this.element.insert({ before: this.ghost });
-                vo = this.ghost.viewportOffset();
-                this.ghostOffset = [ vo[0] - oleft, vo[1] - otop ];
-            }
-            xy[0] -= this.ghostOffset[0];
-            xy[1] -= this.ghostOffset[1];
-            switch (this.options.constraint) {
-            case 'horizontal':
-                xy[1] = this.ghost.offsetTop;
-                break;
-            case 'vertical':
-                xy[0] = this.ghost.offsetLeft;
-                break;
-            }
-            if (this.options.snap) {
-                xy = this.options.snap(xy[0], xy[1], this.element);
-            }
-            if (this.options.offset) {
-                xy[0] += this.options.offset.x;
-                xy[1] += this.options.offset.y;
-            }
-            this._setContents(this.ghost, xy[0], xy[1]);
-        }
-        this._onMoveDrag(xy);
-        if (Object.isFunction(this.options.onDrag)) {
-            this.options.onDrag(this, e);
-        }
-        this.wasDragged = true;
-        if (this.options.scroll) {
-            this._onMoveScroll();
-        }
-    },
-    _mouseUp: function(e)
-    {
-        var d = DragDrop.Drops.drop;
-        this._stopScrolling();
-        if (this.ghost) {
-            this.ghost.remove();
-            this.ghost = null;
-        }
-        DragDrop.Drags.div.hide();
-        if (DragDrop.validDrop(this.element) &&
-            Object.isFunction(d.options.onDrop)) {
-            d.options.onDrop(d.element, this.element);
-        }
-        DragDrop.Drags.deactivate();
-        if (Object.isFunction(this.options.onEnd)) {
-            this.options.onEnd(this, e);
-        }
-    },
-    _onMoveDrag: function(xy)
-    {
-        var c_opt, caption, cname, d_cap, d_update,
-            d = DragDrop.Drops.drop,
-            div = DragDrop.Drags.div;
-        if (d && d.element != this.lastdrag) {
-            if (DragDrop.validDrop(this.element)) {
-                d_cap = d.options.caption;
-                if (d_cap) {
-                    caption = Object.isFunction(d_cap) ? d_cap(d.element, this.element) : d_cap;
-                    if (caption && d.options.hoverclass) {
-                        cname = d.options.hoverclass;
-                    }
-                    d_update = true;
-                }
-            } else {
-                d_update = true;
-            }
-            this.lastdrag = d.element;
-        } else if ((!d && this.lastdrag) ||
-                   (this.move == (this.options.threshold + 1))) {
-            d_update = true;
-            this.lastdrag = null;
-        }
-        if (d_update) {
-            if (!caption) {
-                c_opt = this.options.caption;
-                caption = Object.isFunction(c_opt) ? c_opt(this.element) : c_opt;
-            }
-            this.lastcaption = caption;
-            div.update(caption).writeAttribute({ className: cname || this.options.classname });
-            if (caption.empty()) {
-                div.hide();
-            }
-        }
-        if (!this.lastcaption.empty()) {
-            this._setContents(div, xy[0] + 15, xy[1] + (this.ghost ? (this.ghost.getHeight() + 5) : 5));
-        }
-    },
-    _onMoveScroll: function()
-    {
-        this._stopScrolling();
-        var delta, p, speed,
-            s = this.options.scroll,
-            dim = s.getDimensions();
-        // No need to scroll if element is not current scrolling.
-        if (s.scrollHeight == dim.height) {
-            return;
-        }
-        delta = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets();
-        p = s.viewportOffset(),
-        speed = [ 0, 0 ];
-        p[0] += s.scrollLeft + delta.left;
-        p[2] = p[0] + dim.width;
-        // Only scroll if directly above/below element
-        if (this.lastCoord[0] > p[2] ||
-            this.lastCoord[0] < p[0]) {
-            return;
-        }
-        p[1] += s.scrollTop + delta.top;
-        p[3] = p[1] + dim.height;
-        // Left scroll
-        //if (this.lastCoord[0] < p[0]) {
-        //    speed[0] = this.lastCoord[0] - p[0];
-        //}
-        // Top scroll
-        if (this.lastCoord[1] < p[1]) {
-            speed[1] = this.lastCoord[1] - p[1];
-        }
-        // Scroll right
-        //if (this.lastCoord[0] > p[2]) {
-        //    speed[0] = this.lastCoord[0] - p[2];
-        //}
-        // Scroll left
-        if (this.lastCoord[1] > p[3]) {
-            speed[1] = this.lastCoord[1] - p[3];
-        }
-        if (speed[0] || speed[1]) {
-            this.lastScrolled = new Date();
-            this.scrollInterval = setInterval(this._scroll.bind(this, speed[0] * 15, speed[1] * 15), 10);
-        }
-    },
-    _stopScrolling: function()
-    {
-        if (this.scrollInterval) {
-            clearInterval(this.scrollInterval);
-            this.scrollInterval = null;
-        }
-    },
-    _scroll: function(x, y)
-    {
-        var current = new Date(),
-            delta = current - this.lastScrolled,
-            s = this.options.scroll;
-        this.lastScrolled = current;
-        //s.scrollLeft += x * delta / 1000;
-        s.scrollTop += y * delta / 1000;
-    },
-    _setContents: function(elt, x, y)
-    {
-        var d_pos = document.viewport.getDimensions(),
-            e_pos = elt.getDimensions();
-        if ((x + e_pos.width > d_pos.width) ||
-            (y + e_pos.height > d_pos.height)) {
-            elt.hide();
-        } else {
-            elt.setStyle({ left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' }).show();
-        }
-    }
-Drop = Class.create({
-    initialize: function(el)
-    {
-        this.element = $(el);
-        this.options = Object.extend({
-            accept: [],
-            caption: '',
-            hoverclass: '',
-            onDrop: null,
-            onOut: null,
-            onOver: null
-        }, arguments[1] || {});
-        this.mouseoverE = this._mouseOver.bindAsEventListener(this);
-        this.mouseoutE = this._mouseOut.bindAsEventListener(this);
-        this.element.observe('mouseover', this.mouseoverE);
-        this.element.observe('mouseout', this.mouseoutE);
-        DragDrop.Drops.register(this);
-    },
-    destroy: function()
-    {
-        this.element.stopObserving('mouseover', this.mouseoverE);
-        this.element.stopObserving('mouseout', this.mouseoutE);
-        DragDrop.Drops.unregister(this);
-    },
-    _mouseOver: function(e)
-    {
-        if (DragDrop.Drags.drag) {
-            DragDrop.Drops.drop = this;
-            if (Object.isFunction(this.options.onOver)) {
-                this.options.onOver(this.element, DragDrop.Drags.drag);
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    _mouseOut: function(e)
-    {
-        if (Object.isFunction(this.options.onOut)) {
-            this.options.onOut(this.element, DragDrop.Drags.drag);
-        }
-        DragDrop.Drops.drop = null;
-    }

Debian Horde Packages repository: dimp1 package

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