[Pkg-ime-devel] Re: Bug#283047: scim-uim_0.1.3-1(hppa/unstable): FTBFS: missing build-depends?

Ming Hua minghua@rice.edu
Sun, 5 Dec 2004 22:21:22 -0600

On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 09:50:04PM +0100, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> Please check issues with binary package.

I've made the changes for scim-uim and checked in Alioth SVN (revision
283).  Besides build-depending on new libuim-dev (>= 1:0.4.5+1576-2), I
also added libxml2-dev as build-depends to make sure it builds (I think
this is a bug in libm17n-dev, I'll send a bug report for this).

I've tested it in pbuilder, and did some very basic testing (input seems
fine in XIM mode for uim-py and uim-ja-m17n-anthy).  If some one uses
scim-uim extensively, more testing feedback would be appreciated.

To test this new build, check out the Alioth svn repository (in your
uncompressed scim-uim-1.0.3 directory):
$ svn checkout \
You probably need to submit your SSH public key to Alioth first to have
SVN work properly for you (was the case two months ago, didn't check

I believe this package is good to be uploaded.  A note to Osamu or any
other DD who sponsor this upload -- please tag the upload in SVN.  If
you didn't change anything, a
$ svn copy \
  svn+ssh://<your_username>@svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-ime/scim-uim/trunk \
should do.  If you changed anything, check it in trunk first, then tag
it as it is uploaded.


We used to think that if we know one, we know two, because one and one are
two.  We are finding that we must learn a great deal more about ``and''.
                                                  --- Sir Arthur Eddington