[Pkg-ime-devel] Re: AMD64 patch etc.

Ming Hua minghua@rice.edu
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 19:14:39 -0600

On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 10:57:29AM +0100, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 03:52:45PM -0600, Ming Hua wrote:
> > I've made 1.0.2-1 package for scim, they are in SVN now.  
> I will check it out.
> ... looks good so far as I quickly glanced.  You seemed to kept fine
> grainness of *-socket packages.  Any thoughts on this?

Yes I am keeping them for now.  It would be a good idea to combine them
in a scim-socket package but that means we are going to go through NEW
queue again.  Considering the upcoming big structure change in 1.1.x
branch (will give detail in a separate email later), I don't think it's
worth it.  I would rather let 1.0.2 in since it has some quite important

> README.Debian should be updated (at least its title to 1.0.2)

I see that you've made some changes, I've not read them all yet.  But I
trust your change, and if you are comfortable with the current status of
the package, please upload it.  The debian/watch is still a mystery
though. :-(

This 1.0.2 package fixes my mozilla-firefox segfault bug, so if it is
uploaded, I'll ask the submitter of the other two segfault bugs to test
it.  We can always leave other fixes to 1.0.2-2, and from what I see in
upstream CVS, 1.0.3 is coming soon. :-)
