[SCM] GeoGebra: Dynamic mathematics software for education branch, master, updated. upstream/

Giovanni Mascellani mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it
Mon Dec 5 18:44:41 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 4d8020fe3f6b75e56f36748c38517ff687ac75d6
Author: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
Date:   Mon Dec 5 19:44:08 2011 +0100

    Update information about embedded copies and get_orig_source.sh script.

diff --git a/debian/README.source b/debian/README.source
index 0627ffe..8d98b95 100644
--- a/debian/README.source
+++ b/debian/README.source
@@ -45,30 +45,26 @@ distribution of GeoGebra, but are not included in the Debian package:
    anyway already included in package libswing-layout-java
- * JFugue, that will have to be put in Debian as a separate package
-   (org/jfugue/);
+ * JFugue, that is already included in Debian (org/jfugue/);
- * Mathpiper, that is already included in Debian, although it will
-   probably require to be updated (org/mathpiper/); it advertises
-   itself as version .81f;
+ * Mathpiper, that is already included in Debian (org/mathpiper/);
  * Rhino (or at least some pieces of it), a JavaScript implementation
    written in Java, which is already contained in _many_ Debian
    packages (the main one appears to be librhino-java);
- * Java Algebra System (JAS), that will have to be put in Debian as a
-   separate package (edu/jas/, sources from
-   http://krum.rz.uni-mannheim.de/jas/);
+ * Java Algebra System (JAS), that is already included in Debian
+   (edu/jas/);
  * A file in the edu/mas/ directory, that appears to be unnecessary;
- * Java Universal Network/Graph Framework (JUNG), that will have to be
-   put in Debian as a separate package (edu/uci/, sources from
+ * Part of the Java Universal Network/Graph Framework (JUNG), that is
+   not in Debian at the moment (edu/uci/, sources from
    http://jung.sourceforge.net/); actually, the required classes are
-   only a small part of JUNG: since maintaining it all would be quite
-   a burden and it would bring in dependencies that appear to be
-   non-free, I'll probably just include the necessary class files
-   directly in the geogebra package;
+   only a small part of JUNG: since maintaining it all in a separate
+   package would be quite a burden and it would bring in dependencies
+   that appear to be non-free, only some necessary classes are
+   retained in the geogebra package;
  * JLaTeXMath, that is already included in Debian (jlatexmath.jar,
    jlm_cyrillic.jar, jlm_greek.jar);
diff --git a/debian/get_orig_source.sh b/debian/get_orig_source.sh
index 88c0711..3fe5203 100755
--- a/debian/get_orig_source.sh
+++ b/debian/get_orig_source.sh
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ DESTDIR="../tarballs/geogebra-$VERSION"
 TEMPDIR="$(mktemp -d)"
+# Files that need to be retained from the JUNG library
+JUNG_FILES="AbstractGraph.java EdgeType.java Pair.java Graph.java MultiGraph.java Hypergraph.java SparseMultigraph.java Distance.java ShortestPath.java MapBinaryHeap.java BasicMapEntry.java DijkstraShortestPath.java DijkstraDistance.java"
 if [ "x$ONLYFILTER" == "x" ] ; then
 	# Downloads code from SVN repository
 	test -d ../tarballs/. || mkdir -p ../tarballs
@@ -32,7 +35,9 @@ fi
 # Removes embedded copies of other software
 rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/org"
-rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/edu"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/edu/jas"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/edu/mas"
+echo find "$DESTDIR/edu/uci" -type f $(echo $JUNG_FILES | tr ' ' '\n' | sed 's:^:-a ! -wholename '\''*/:;s:$:'\'':') -delete | sh
 # Remove other unecessary files
 rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/installer"

GeoGebra: Dynamic mathematics software for education

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