[libjogl2-java] 04/58: Imported Debian patch 2.0-rc2-1

Tony Mancill tmancill at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 4 03:59:06 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tmancill pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libjogl2-java.

commit 550d274a722a7bd91ffa64d5f8f10e2f02850176
Merge: 01fe1f4 164f872
Author: Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Apr 17 14:41:20 2011 +0200

    Imported Debian patch 2.0-rc2-1

 .classpath                                         |   35 +
 .externalToolBuilders/jogl builder.launch          |   18 +
 .../org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder.launch        |    7 +
 .project                                           |   31 +
 LICENSE.txt                                        |    8 +
 debian/changelog                                   |    8 +
 debian/control                                     |    9 +-
 debian/libjogl2-awt-java.install                   |    6 +-
 debian/libjogl2-awt-jni.install                    |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-core-java.install                  |    6 +-
 debian/libjogl2-core-newt-java.install             |    4 +-
 debian/libjogl2-core-newt-jni.install              |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-desktop-java.install               |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-desktop-jni.install                |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-es-common-java.install             |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-es1-java.install                   |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-es1-jni.install                    |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-es2-java.install                   |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-es2-jni.install                    |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-glu-java.install                   |    6 +-
 debian/libjogl2-platform-java.install              |    4 +-
 debian/libjogl2-platform-jni.install               |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-platform-newt-java.install         |    2 +-
 debian/libjogl2-toolkits.install                   |    2 +-
 debian/patches/disableOneDir.diff                  |   16 +
 debian/patches/series                              |    1 +
 debian/patches/variousFixes.diff                   |   63 +-
 debian/rules                                       |    2 +-
 doc/NEWT.txt                                       |   30 +
 doc/TODO.txt                                       |   17 +-
 etc/profile.jogl                                   |   29 +
 jnlp-files/applet-version-jnlp.html                |   41 +
 jnlp-files/applet-version-lancheronly.html         |   39 +
 jnlp-files/applet-version.jnlp                     |   24 +
 jnlp-files/application-version.jnlp                |   19 +
 jnlp-files/javaws-version.jnlp                     |   19 +
 jnlp-files/jogl-all-awt.jnlp                       |    2 +-
 jnlp-files/jogl-all-noawt.jnlp                     |    2 +-
 jnlp-files/jogl-awt.jnlp                           |    2 +-
 jnlp-files/jogl-core.jnlp                          |    4 +-
 jnlp-files/jogl-gl2es12.jnlp                       |   48 -
 jnlp-files/nativewindow-all-awt.jnlp               |    6 +-
 jnlp-files/nativewindow-awt.jnlp                   |    6 +-
 jnlp-files/nativewindow.jnlp                       |   30 +-
 jnlp-files/newt-all-awt.jnlp                       |    4 +-
 jnlp-files/newt-all-noawt.jnlp                     |    4 +-
 jnlp-files/newt-awt.jnlp                           |    4 +-
 jnlp-files/newt-jogl.jnlp                          |    4 +-
 jnlp-files/newt.jnlp                               |   32 +-
 jogl.iml                                           |    1 -
 make/build-common.xml                              |  165 +-
 make/build-jogl.xml                                |  429 ++--
 make/build-junit.xml                               |  280 ---
 make/build-nativewindow.xml                        |  258 +--
 make/build-newt.xml                                |  302 +--
 make/build-staticglgen.xml                         |    6 +-
 make/build-test.xml                                |  487 ++++
 make/build.xml                                     |   57 +-
 make/config/jogl/cg-common-CustomJavaCode.java     |    6 +-
 make/config/jogl/cg-common.cfg                     |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/cgl-macosx.cfg                    |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/cglext.cfg                        |    4 +-
 make/config/jogl/egl-common.cfg                    |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/egl.cfg                           |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/eglext.cfg                        |    6 +-
 make/config/jogl/gl-common.cfg                     |    4 +-
 make/config/jogl/gl-es1.cfg                        |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/gl-es2.cfg                        |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/gl-gl4bc.cfg                      |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/gl-if-gl3.cfg                     |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/gl-impl-CustomCCode-gl4bc.c       |   12 +-
 make/config/jogl/gl-impl-CustomCCode-gles1.c       |    8 +-
 make/config/jogl/gl-impl-CustomCCode-gles2.c       |    8 +-
 make/config/jogl/glu-CustomJavaCode-base.java      |    4 +-
 make/config/jogl/glu-CustomJavaCode-gl2es1.java    |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/glu-base.cfg                      |    4 +-
 make/config/jogl/glu-common.cfg                    |    6 +-
 make/config/jogl/glu-gl2.cfg                       |   12 +-
 make/config/jogl/glu-gl2es1.cfg                    |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/glx-CustomCCode.c                 |   22 +-
 make/config/jogl/glx-CustomJavaCode.java           |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/glx-x11.cfg                       |    4 +-
 make/config/jogl/glxext.cfg                        |    8 +-
 make/config/jogl/wgl-win32.cfg                     |    2 +-
 make/config/jogl/wglext.cfg                        |    4 +-
 .../jawt-DrawingSurfaceInfo-CustomJavaCode.java    |    6 +-
 make/config/nativewindow/jawt-common.cfg           |    4 +-
 make/config/nativewindow/jawt-macosx.cfg           |    2 +-
 make/config/nativewindow/jawt-win32.cfg            |    2 +-
 make/config/nativewindow/jawt-x11.cfg              |    2 +-
 make/config/nativewindow/win32-CustomJavaCode.java |   58 +-
 make/config/nativewindow/win32-lib.cfg             |    7 +-
 make/config/nativewindow/x11-CustomJavaCode.java   |    2 +-
 make/config/nativewindow/x11-lib.cfg               |    2 +-
 make/createTagletProps.sh                          |   34 +
 make/doc/jogl/spec-overview.html                   |  177 +-
 make/jogl_wince6_vs9/gluegen-rt/gluegen-rt.vcproj  |    2 +-
 make/jogl_wince6_vs9/jogl_es1/jogl_es1.vcproj      |    2 +-
 make/jogl_wince6_vs9/jogl_es2/jogl_es2.vcproj      |    2 +-
 make/jogl_wince6_vs9/newt/newt.vcproj              |    2 +-
 make/joglversion-cdc                               |   12 -
 make/lib/swt/LICENSE.txt                           |   16 +
 make/lib/swt/README.txt                            |    1 +
 make/lib/swt/cocoa-macosx-x86_64/about.html        |  205 ++
 .../swt/cocoa-macosx-x86_64/about_files/IJG_README |  385 +++
 .../cocoa-macosx-x86_64/about_files/mpl-v11.txt    |  470 ++++
 make/lib/swt/cocoa-macosx-x86_64/swt-debug.jar     |  Bin 0 -> 2110655 bytes
 make/lib/swt/cocoa-macosx/about.html               |  218 ++
 make/lib/swt/cocoa-macosx/about_files/IJG_README   |  385 +++
 make/lib/swt/cocoa-macosx/about_files/mpl-v11.txt  |  470 ++++
 make/lib/swt/cocoa-macosx/swt-debug.jar            |  Bin 0 -> 2197872 bytes
 make/lib/swt/epl-v10.html                          |  261 +++
 make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86/about.html              |  301 +++
 make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86/about_files/IJG_README  |  385 +++
 .../swt/gtk-linux-x86/about_files/about_cairo.html |   48 +
 .../lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86/about_files/lgpl-v21.txt |  506 ++++
 make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86/about_files/mpl-v11.txt |  470 ++++
 .../gtk-linux-x86/about_files/pixman-licenses.txt  |   92 +
 .../swt/gtk-linux-x86/about_files/webkit-bsd.txt   |   20 +
 make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86/swt-debug.jar           |  Bin 0 -> 2097107 bytes
 make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about.html           |  301 +++
 .../swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about_files/IJG_README    |  385 +++
 .../gtk-linux-x86_64/about_files/about_cairo.html  |   48 +
 .../swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about_files/lgpl-v21.txt  |  506 ++++
 .../swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/about_files/mpl-v11.txt   |  470 ++++
 .../about_files/pixman-licenses.txt                |   92 +
 .../gtk-linux-x86_64/about_files/webkit-bsd.txt    |   20 +
 make/lib/swt/gtk-linux-x86_64/swt-debug.jar        |  Bin 0 -> 2259562 bytes
 make/lib/swt/notice.html                           |  107 +
 make/lib/swt/win32-win32-x86/about.html            |  184 ++
 .../lib/swt/win32-win32-x86/about_files/IJG_README |  385 +++
 .../swt/win32-win32-x86/about_files/mpl-v11.txt    |  470 ++++
 make/lib/swt/win32-win32-x86/swt-debug.jar         |  Bin 0 -> 2402240 bytes
 make/lib/swt/win32-win32-x86_64/about.html         |  171 ++
 .../swt/win32-win32-x86_64/about_files/IJG_README  |  385 +++
 .../swt/win32-win32-x86_64/about_files/mpl-v11.txt |  470 ++++
 make/lib/swt/win32-win32-x86_64/swt-debug.jar      |  Bin 0 -> 2425896 bytes
 make/native-taglet.properties                      |  832 ++++---
 make/nativewindowversion-cdc                       |   12 -
 make/newtversion-cdc                               |   12 -
 make/scripts/cmpOld2New.sh                         |    0
 make/scripts/count-lock.sh                         |    0
 make/scripts/cpp-gluegen-test.sh                   |    0
 make/scripts/java-win32-dbg.bat                    |   11 +-
 make/scripts/java-win32.bat                        |    8 +-
 make/scripts/java-win64-dbg.bat                    |   15 +-
 make/scripts/java-win64.bat                        |    8 +-
 make/scripts/junit-singletest-x64.bat              |    1 +
 make/scripts/junit-singletest-x64.sh               |    1 +
 make/scripts/lstjars.sh                            |   29 +-
 make/scripts/make-runtime-properties.sh            |    0
 make/scripts/make.jogl.all.linux-x86.sh            |    3 -
 make/scripts/make.jogl.all.linux-x86_64.sh         |    4 -
 make/scripts/make.jogl.all.macosx.sh               |    6 +-
 make/scripts/make.jogl.all.win32.bat               |    9 +-
 make/scripts/make.jogl.all.win64.bat               |    9 +-
 make/scripts/make.jogl.cdcfp.linux-x86.sh          |   38 -
 make/scripts/make.jogl.cdcfp.macosx.sh             |   27 -
 make/scripts/make.jogl.doc.all.x86_64.sh           |    1 -
 make/scripts/make.jogl.doc.x86_64.sh               |    1 -
 make/scripts/setenv-jogl.sh                        |    5 +-
 make/scripts/setvc9-jogl.bat                       |    4 +-
 make/scripts/tests-javaws-x64.bat                  |   18 +
 make/scripts/tests-javaws.sh                       |   16 +
 make/scripts/tests-osx.sh                          |    7 +
 make/scripts/tests-x32.bat                         |   59 +-
 make/scripts/tests-x32.sh                          |    7 +
 make/scripts/tests-x64.bat                         |   87 +-
 make/scripts/tests-x64.sh                          |    7 +
 make/scripts/tests.sh                              |  196 +-
 make/stub_includes/win32/windows.h                 |   13 +-
 make/stub_includes/win32/wingdi.h                  |   31 +-
 nativewindow.iml                                   |    1 -
 nbproject/ide-file-targets.xml                     |    4 +-
 nbproject/project.xml                              |   34 +-
 .../gluegen/opengl/BuildComposablePipeline.java    |    2 +-
 .../classes/com/jogamp/opengl/JoglVersion.java     |   38 +-
 .../opengl/cg/CgDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java      |    5 -
 src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/impl/Debug.java |  140 --
 .../impl/DesktopGLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java    |   58 -
 .../opengl/impl/DesktopGLDynamicLookupHelper.java  |   68 -
 .../opengl/impl/ExtensionAvailabilityCache.java    |  218 --
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/GLBufferSizeTracker.java    |  214 --
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/GLBufferStateTracker.java   |  157 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLContextImpl.java      | 1224 ----------
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLContextLock.java      |  157 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLContextShareSet.java  |  293 ---
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/GLDrawableFactoryImpl.java  |  433 ----
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLDrawableHelper.java   |  379 ---
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLDrawableImpl.java     |  221 --
 .../opengl/impl/GLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java    |   54 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/GLDynamicLookupHelper.java  |   50 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLJNILibLoader.java     |   63 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLPbufferImpl.java      |  350 ---
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLRunnableTask.java     |   89 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLStateTracker.java     |  179 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/GLWorkerThread.java     |  275 ---
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/MemoryObject.java       |  142 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/ProjectFloat.java       | 1058 ---------
 .../opengl/impl/SystemUtil.java.javame_cdc_fp      |   10 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/SystemUtil.java.javase  |   18 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/ThreadingImpl.java      |  240 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/ThreadingPlugin.java    |   62 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/awt/AWTThreadingPlugin.java |  126 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/awt/AWTUtil.java        |  120 -
 .../classes/com/jogamp/opengl/impl/awt/Java2D.java |  569 -----
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/awt/Java2DGLContext.java    |   52 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/egl/EGLContext.java     |  275 ---
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/egl/EGLDrawable.java    |  232 --
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/egl/EGLDrawableFactory.java |  193 --
 .../impl/egl/EGLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java      |   73 -
 .../impl/egl/EGLES1DynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java   |   73 -
 .../impl/egl/EGLES2DynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java   |   73 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/egl/EGLExternalContext.java |   90 -
 .../opengl/impl/egl/EGLGraphicsConfiguration.java  |  302 ---
 .../impl/egl/EGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java  |  327 ---
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/egl/EGLOnscreenContext.java |   59 -
 .../opengl/impl/egl/EGLOnscreenDrawable.java       |   64 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/egl/EGLPbufferContext.java  |   62 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/egl/EGLPbufferDrawable.java |  102 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/gl2/ProjectDouble.java  | 1042 ---------
 .../classes/com/jogamp/opengl/impl/gl2/Util.java   |  244 --
 .../opengl/impl/gl2/fixme/GLObjectTracker.java     |  835 -------
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/GLUquadricImpl.java | 1212 ----------
 .../classes/com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/Glue.java   |  114 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/error/Error.java    |  100 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/gl2/nurbs/GL2Backend.java      |   49 -
 .../impl/glu/gl2/nurbs/GL2CurveEvaluator.java      |  205 --
 .../impl/glu/gl2/nurbs/GL2SurfaceEvaluator.java    |  217 --
 .../opengl/impl/glu/gl2/nurbs/GLUgl2nurbsImpl.java |  862 -------
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/BuildMipmap.java | 1597 -------------
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract.java |   56 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract1010102.java     |   97 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract1555rev.java     |   97 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract2101010rev.java  |   97 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract233rev.java      |   85 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract332.java  |   84 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract4444.java |   96 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract4444rev.java     |   97 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract5551.java |   97 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract565.java  |   92 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract565rev.java      |   92 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract8888.java |   97 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Extract8888rev.java     |   97 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/ExtractFloat.java       |   74 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/ExtractPrimitive.java   |   56 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/ExtractSByte.java       |   69 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/ExtractSInt.java |   76 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/ExtractSShort.java      |   76 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/ExtractUByte.java       |   70 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/ExtractUInt.java |   76 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/ExtractUShort.java      |   76 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/HalveImage.java  | 1533 ------------
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Image.java   | 1413 -----------
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Mipmap.java  |  868 -------
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/PixelStorageModes.java  |  426 ----
 .../opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/ScaleInternal.java      | 2447 --------------------
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/mipmap/Type_Widget.java |  224 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Arc.java      |  258 ---
 .../opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/ArcSdirSorter.java       |   63 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/ArcTdirSorter.java       |   60 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/ArcTesselator.java       |   90 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Backend.java  |  217 --
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/BezierArc.java    |   44 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Bin.java      |  155 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Breakpt.java  |   59 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/CArrayOfArcs.java |  194 --
 .../opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/CArrayOfBreakpts.java    |  130 --
 .../opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/CArrayOfFloats.java      |  195 --
 .../opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/CArrayOfQuiltspecs.java  |  160 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Curve.java    |  238 --
 .../opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/CurveEvaluator.java      |   86 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Curvelist.java    |  121 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/DisplayList.java  |   56 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Flist.java    |  130 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Knotspec.java |  557 -----
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Knotvector.java   |  179 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Mapdesc.java  |  442 ----
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Maplist.java  |  122 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/NurbsConsts.java  |  184 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/O_curve.java  |   63 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/O_nurbscurve.java |   80 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/O_nurbssurface.java      |   79 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/O_pwlcurve.java   |   44 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/O_surface.java    |   52 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/O_trim.java   |   44 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Patch.java    |   54 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Patchlist.java    |  145 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Property.java |   75 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Pspec.java    |   47 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/PwlArc.java   |   71 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Quilt.java    |  282 ---
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Quiltspec.java    |   85 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Renderhints.java  |  128 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Splinespec.java   |  204 --
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/Subdivider.java   | 1167 ----------
 .../opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/SurfaceEvaluator.java    |  111 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/nurbs/TrimVertex.java   |   56 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/registry/Registry.java  |   79 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/ActiveRegion.java  |   69 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/CachedVertex.java  |   58 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/Dict.java   |  140 --
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/DictNode.java      |   59 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/GLUface.java       |   65 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/GLUhalfEdge.java   |   71 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/GLUmesh.java       |   60 -
 .../impl/glu/tessellator/GLUtessellatorImpl.java   |  646 ------
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/GLUvertex.java     |   65 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/Geom.java   |  338 ---
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/Mesh.java   |  734 ------
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/Normal.java |  288 ---
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/PriorityQ.java     |  100 -
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/PriorityQHeap.java |  262 ---
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/PriorityQSort.java |  278 ---
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/Render.java |  557 -----
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/Sweep.java  | 1353 -----------
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/TessMono.java      |  241 --
 .../opengl/impl/glu/tessellator/TessState.java     |   59 -
 .../opengl/impl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLContext.java   |  331 ---
 .../opengl/impl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLDrawable.java  |   99 -
 .../impl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLDrawableFactory.java  |  209 --
 .../cgl/MacOSXCGLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java     |   72 -
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLGraphicsConfiguration.java |  233 --
 .../cgl/MacOSXCGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java |   86 -
 .../impl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXExternalCGLContext.java  |  193 --
 .../impl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXOffscreenCGLContext.java |   64 -
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXOffscreenCGLDrawable.java     |   57 -
 .../impl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXOnscreenCGLContext.java  |   89 -
 .../impl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXOnscreenCGLDrawable.java |   93 -
 .../impl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXPbufferCGLContext.java   |  366 ---
 .../impl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXPbufferCGLDrawable.java  |  252 --
 .../cgl/awt/MacOSXAWTCGLDrawableFactory.java       |   60 -
 .../MacOSXAWTCGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java  |  116 -
 .../macosx/cgl/awt/MacOSXJava2DCGLContext.java     |  135 --
 .../impl/windows/wgl/WindowsDummyWGLDrawable.java  |  112 -
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsExternalWGLContext.java     |  149 --
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsExternalWGLDrawable.java    |   98 -
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsOffscreenWGLContext.java    |   64 -
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsOffscreenWGLDrawable.java   |  145 --
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsOnscreenWGLContext.java     |   53 -
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsOnscreenWGLDrawable.java    |   56 -
 .../impl/windows/wgl/WindowsPbufferWGLContext.java |  147 --
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsPbufferWGLDrawable.java     |  339 ---
 .../opengl/impl/windows/wgl/WindowsWGLContext.java |  447 ----
 .../impl/windows/wgl/WindowsWGLDrawable.java       |  107 -
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsWGLDrawableFactory.java     |  368 ---
 .../wgl/WindowsWGLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java    |   58 -
 .../wgl/WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.java       |  748 ------
 .../WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java    |  426 ----
 .../WindowsAWTWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java |  119 -
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/impl/x11/glx/GLXUtil.java    |  102 -
 .../opengl/impl/x11/glx/X11DummyGLXDrawable.java   |   89 -
 .../opengl/impl/x11/glx/X11ExternalGLXContext.java |  141 --
 .../impl/x11/glx/X11ExternalGLXDrawable.java       |  105 -
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/x11/glx/X11GLXContext.java  |  556 -----
 .../jogamp/opengl/impl/x11/glx/X11GLXDrawable.java |   74 -
 .../opengl/impl/x11/glx/X11GLXDrawableFactory.java |  639 -----
 .../x11/glx/X11GLXDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java    |   84 -
 .../impl/x11/glx/X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.java  |  435 ----
 .../glx/X11GLXGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java    |  423 ----
 .../impl/x11/glx/X11OffscreenGLXContext.java       |   70 -
 .../impl/x11/glx/X11OffscreenGLXDrawable.java      |  137 --
 .../opengl/impl/x11/glx/X11OnscreenGLXContext.java |   48 -
 .../impl/x11/glx/X11OnscreenGLXDrawable.java       |   97 -
 .../opengl/impl/x11/glx/X11PbufferGLXContext.java  |   64 -
 .../opengl/impl/x11/glx/X11PbufferGLXDrawable.java |  145 --
 .../awt/X11AWTGLXGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java |  178 --
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/AWTAnimatorImpl.java    |    8 +-
 .../classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/Animator.java   |   31 +-
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/AnimatorBase.java       |    4 +-
 .../jogamp/opengl/util/DefaultAnimatorImpl.java    |    4 +-
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/FPSAnimator.java        |   10 +-
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataClient.java  |    2 +-
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLArrayDataWrapper.java |    2 +-
 src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/Gamma.java |    2 +-
 .../classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/PMVMatrix.java  |    2 +-
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/awt/TextRenderer.java   |   61 +-
 .../jogamp/opengl/util/awt/TextureRenderer.java    |    3 +-
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/ShaderCode.java    |    2 +-
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/glsl/ShaderState.java   |    2 +-
 .../opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncUtil.java  |    2 +-
 .../util/glsl/fixedfunc/impl/FixedFuncHook.java    |  331 ---
 .../glsl/fixedfunc/impl/FixedFuncPipeline.java     |  554 -----
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/texture/Texture.java    |    2 +-
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/util/texture/TextureIO.java  | 1258 ++++++++++
 .../util/texture/TextureIO.java.javame_cdc_fp      | 1256 ----------
 .../opengl/util/texture/TextureIO.java.javase      | 1258 ----------
 .../spi/{DDSImage.java.javase => DDSImage.java}    |    0
 .../util/texture/spi/DDSImage.java.javame_cdc_fp   |  889 -------
 .../spi/{TGAImage.java.javase => TGAImage.java}    |    0
 .../util/texture/spi/TGAImage.java.javame_cdc_fp   |  417 ----
 .../util/texture/spi/awt/IIOTextureProvider.java   |    2 +-
 .../classes/com/jogamp/openmax/OMXInstance.java    |    8 +-
 .../media/opengl/DefaultGLCapabilitiesChooser.java |   76 +-
 .../javax/media/opengl/GLAnimatorControl.java      |   16 +-
 .../classes/javax/media/opengl/GLAutoDrawable.java |    2 +-
 .../classes/javax/media/opengl/GLCapabilities.java |  133 +-
 src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/GLContext.java |   66 +-
 .../javax/media/opengl/GLDrawableFactory.java      |  204 +-
 .../javax/media/opengl/GLPipelineFactory.java      |    2 +-
 src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/GLProfile.java |  252 +-
 src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/Threading.java |    2 +-
 .../javax/media/opengl/awt/AWTGLAutoDrawable.java  |    1 -
 .../classes/javax/media/opengl/awt/GLCanvas.java   |  557 +++--
 .../classes/javax/media/opengl/awt/GLJPanel.java   |  140 +-
 .../media/opengl/glu/GLUtessellatorCallback.java   |    2 +-
 .../opengl/glu/GLUtessellatorCallbackAdapter.java  |    2 +-
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/Debug.java          |  140 ++
 .../opengl/DesktopGLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java  |   58 +
 .../opengl/DesktopGLDynamicLookupHelper.java       |   63 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/ExtensionAvailabilityCache.java  |  218 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/GLBufferSizeTracker.java |  214 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/GLBufferStateTracker.java        |  157 ++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLContextImpl.java  | 1044 +++++++++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLContextLock.java  |  157 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/GLContextShareSet.java   |  293 +++
 .../jogamp/opengl/GLDrawableFactoryImpl.java       |  467 ++++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/GLDrawableHelper.java    |  387 ++++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLDrawableImpl.java |  221 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/GLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java  |   54 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/GLDynamicLookupHelper.java       |   44 +
 .../opengl/GLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java     |   97 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/GLGraphicsConfigurationUtil.java |  147 ++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLPbufferImpl.java  |  299 +++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLRunnableTask.java |   89 +
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLStateTracker.java |  179 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/GLVersionNumber.java     |  123 +
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLWorkerThread.java |  276 +++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/MemoryObject.java   |  142 ++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/ProjectFloat.java   | 1058 +++++++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/SharedResourceRunner.java        |  249 ++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/SystemUtil.java     |   18 +
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/ThreadingImpl.java  |  234 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/ThreadingPlugin.java     |   62 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/awt/AWTThreadingPlugin.java      |  120 +
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/awt/AWTUtil.java    |  119 +
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/awt/Java2D.java     |  569 +++++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/awt/Java2DGLContext.java |   52 +
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLContext.java |  279 +++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLDrawable.java     |  232 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLDrawableFactory.java      |  254 ++
 .../opengl/egl/EGLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java    |   73 +
 .../opengl/egl/EGLES1DynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java |   73 +
 .../opengl/egl/EGLES2DynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java |   73 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLExternalContext.java      |   86 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLGLCapabilities.java       |   96 +
 .../opengl/egl/EGLGraphicsConfiguration.java       |  313 +++
 .../egl/EGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java       |  343 +++
 .../jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLOnscreenContext.java      |   59 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLOnscreenDrawable.java     |   64 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLPbufferContext.java       |   62 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/egl/EGLPbufferDrawable.java      |  102 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/gl2/ProjectDouble.java   | 1042 +++++++++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/gl2/Util.java       |  244 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/gl2/fixme/GLObjectTracker.java   |  835 +++++++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/GLUquadricImpl.java  | 1212 ++++++++++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/Glue.java       |  114 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/error/Error.java     |  100 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/gl2/nurbs/GL2Backend.java    |   49 +
 .../opengl/glu/gl2/nurbs/GL2CurveEvaluator.java    |  205 ++
 .../opengl/glu/gl2/nurbs/GL2SurfaceEvaluator.java  |  217 ++
 .../opengl/glu/gl2/nurbs/GLUgl2nurbsImpl.java      |  862 +++++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/BuildMipmap.java      | 1597 +++++++++++++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract.java  |   56 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract1010102.java   |   97 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract1555rev.java   |   97 +
 .../opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract2101010rev.java       |   97 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract233rev.java    |   85 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract332.java       |   84 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract4444.java      |   96 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract4444rev.java   |   97 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract5551.java      |   97 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract565.java       |   92 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract565rev.java    |   92 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract8888.java      |   97 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Extract8888rev.java   |   97 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ExtractFloat.java     |   74 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ExtractPrimitive.java |   56 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ExtractSByte.java     |   69 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ExtractSInt.java      |   76 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ExtractSShort.java    |   76 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ExtractUByte.java     |   70 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ExtractUInt.java      |   76 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ExtractUShort.java    |   76 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/HalveImage.java       | 1533 ++++++++++++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Image.java    | 1413 +++++++++++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Mipmap.java   |  868 +++++++
 .../opengl/glu/mipmap/PixelStorageModes.java       |  426 ++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/ScaleInternal.java    | 2447 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/mipmap/Type_Widget.java      |  226 ++
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Arc.java  |  258 +++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/ArcSdirSorter.java     |   63 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/ArcTdirSorter.java     |   60 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/ArcTesselator.java     |   90 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Backend.java   |  217 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/BezierArc.java |   44 +
 src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Bin.java  |  155 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Breakpt.java   |   59 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/CArrayOfArcs.java      |  194 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/CArrayOfBreakpts.java  |  130 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/CArrayOfFloats.java    |  195 ++
 .../opengl/glu/nurbs/CArrayOfQuiltspecs.java       |  160 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Curve.java     |  238 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/CurveEvaluator.java    |   86 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Curvelist.java |  121 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/DisplayList.java       |   56 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Flist.java     |  130 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Knotspec.java  |  557 +++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Knotvector.java        |  179 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Mapdesc.java   |  442 ++++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Maplist.java   |  122 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/NurbsConsts.java       |  184 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/O_curve.java   |   63 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/O_nurbscurve.java      |   80 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/O_nurbssurface.java    |   79 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/O_pwlcurve.java        |   44 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/O_surface.java |   52 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/O_trim.java    |   44 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Patch.java     |   54 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Patchlist.java |  145 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Property.java  |   75 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Pspec.java     |   47 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/PwlArc.java    |   71 +
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Quilt.java     |  282 +++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Quiltspec.java |   85 +
 .../impl => jogamp/opengl}/glu/nurbs/README.txt    |    0
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Renderhints.java       |  128 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Splinespec.java        |  204 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/Subdivider.java        | 1167 ++++++++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/SurfaceEvaluator.java  |  111 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/nurbs/TrimVertex.java        |   56 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/registry/Registry.java       |   79 +
 .../opengl/glu/tessellator/ActiveRegion.java       |   69 +
 .../opengl/glu/tessellator/CachedVertex.java       |   58 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/Dict.java        |  140 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/DictNode.java    |   59 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/GLUface.java     |   65 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/GLUhalfEdge.java |   71 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/GLUmesh.java     |   60 +
 .../opengl/glu/tessellator/GLUtessellatorImpl.java |  646 ++++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/GLUvertex.java   |   65 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/Geom.java        |  338 +++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/Mesh.java        |  734 ++++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/Normal.java      |  288 +++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/PriorityQ.java   |  100 +
 .../opengl/glu/tessellator/PriorityQHeap.java      |  262 +++
 .../opengl/glu/tessellator/PriorityQSort.java      |  278 +++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/Render.java      |  557 +++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/Sweep.java       | 1353 +++++++++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/TessMono.java    |  241 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/glu/tessellator/TessState.java   |   59 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLContext.java |  328 +++
 .../opengl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLDrawable.java       |   99 +
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLDrawableFactory.java       |  230 ++
 .../cgl/MacOSXCGLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java     |   72 +
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLGraphicsConfiguration.java |  233 ++
 .../cgl/MacOSXCGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java |   87 +
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXExternalCGLContext.java       |  194 ++
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXOffscreenCGLContext.java      |   64 +
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXOffscreenCGLDrawable.java     |   57 +
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXOnscreenCGLContext.java       |   90 +
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXOnscreenCGLDrawable.java      |   91 +
 .../opengl/macosx/cgl/MacOSXPbufferCGLContext.java |  366 +++
 .../macosx/cgl/MacOSXPbufferCGLDrawable.java       |  252 ++
 .../cgl/awt/MacOSXAWTCGLDrawableFactory.java       |   60 +
 .../MacOSXAWTCGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java  |  117 +
 .../macosx/cgl/awt/MacOSXJava2DCGLContext.java     |  135 ++
 .../opengl/util/glsl/fixedfunc/FixedFuncHook.java  |  331 +++
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 .../util/glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/FixedFuncColor.fp |    0
 .../util/glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/FixedFuncColor.vp |    0
 .../glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/FixedFuncColorLight.vp |    0
 .../fixedfunc}/shaders/FixedFuncColorTexture.fp    |    0
 .../shaders/bin/nvidia/FixedFuncColor.bfp          |  Bin
 .../shaders/bin/nvidia/FixedFuncColor.bvp          |  Bin
 .../shaders/bin/nvidia/FixedFuncColorLight.bvp     |  Bin
 .../shaders/bin/nvidia/FixedFuncColorTexture.bfp   |  Bin
 .../util/glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/es_precision.glsl |    0
 .../glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/mgl_attribute.glsl     |    0
 .../util/glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/mgl_const.glsl    |    0
 .../util/glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/mgl_lightdef.glsl |    0
 .../glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/mgl_settexcoord.vp     |    0
 .../util/glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/mgl_uniform.glsl  |    0
 .../glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/mgl_uniform_light.glsl |    0
 .../util/glsl/fixedfunc}/shaders/mgl_varying.glsl  |    0
 .../shaders/scripts/nvidia-apx/glslc-ff.bat        |    0
 .../shaders/scripts/nvidia-apx/glslc.bat           |    0
 .../opengl/windows/wgl/WGLGLCapabilities.java      |  243 ++
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsBitmapWGLContext.java       |   64 +
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsBitmapWGLDrawable.java      |  175 ++
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsDummyWGLDrawable.java       |  103 +
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsExternalWGLContext.java     |  155 ++
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsExternalWGLDrawable.java    |   92 +
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsOnscreenWGLContext.java     |   53 +
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsOnscreenWGLDrawable.java    |   56 +
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsPbufferWGLContext.java      |  147 ++
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsPbufferWGLDrawable.java     |  266 +++
 .../opengl/windows/wgl/WindowsWGLContext.java      |  478 ++++
 .../opengl/windows/wgl/WindowsWGLDrawable.java     |  107 +
 .../windows/wgl/WindowsWGLDrawableFactory.java     |  539 +++++
 .../wgl/WindowsWGLDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java    |   58 +
 .../wgl/WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.java       |  693 ++++++
 .../WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java    |  471 ++++
 .../WindowsAWTWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java |  173 ++
 .../classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/GLXUtil.java     |  102 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/X11DummyGLXDrawable.java |   90 +
 .../opengl/x11/glx/X11ExternalGLXContext.java      |  137 ++
 .../opengl/x11/glx/X11ExternalGLXDrawable.java     |  105 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/X11GLCapabilities.java   |  124 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/X11GLXContext.java       |  587 +++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/X11GLXDrawable.java      |   74 +
 .../opengl/x11/glx/X11GLXDrawableFactory.java      |  552 +++++
 .../x11/glx/X11GLXDynamicLibraryBundleInfo.java    |   84 +
 .../x11/glx/X11GLXGraphicsConfiguration.java       |  447 ++++
 .../glx/X11GLXGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java    |  378 +++
 .../opengl/x11/glx/X11OnscreenGLXContext.java      |   48 +
 .../opengl/x11/glx/X11OnscreenGLXDrawable.java     |   97 +
 .../opengl/x11/glx/X11PbufferGLXContext.java       |   64 +
 .../opengl/x11/glx/X11PbufferGLXDrawable.java      |  145 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/X11PixmapGLXContext.java |   70 +
 .../opengl/x11/glx/X11PixmapGLXDrawable.java       |  137 ++
 .../awt/X11AWTGLXGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java |  173 ++
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 .../jogamp/test/junit/jogl/awt/TestAWT01GLn.java   |  143 --
 .../junit/jogl/awt/TestAWT02WindowClosing.java     |  111 -
 .../test/junit/jogl/awt/TestSwingAWT01GLn.java     |  153 --
 .../test/junit/jogl/caps/MultisampleChooser01.java |   66 -
 .../test/junit/jogl/caps/MultisampleDemo01.java    |  138 --
 .../test/junit/jogl/caps/TestMultisampleAWT.java   |  122 -
 .../test/junit/jogl/caps/TestMultisampleNEWT.java  |  100 -
 .../test/junit/jogl/demos/es1/RedSquare.java       |  169 --
 .../test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/RedSquare0.java      |  198 --
 .../jogl/demos/es2/shader/RedSquareShader.java     |   68 -
 .../test/junit/jogl/demos/gl2/gears/Gears.java     |  316 ---
 .../junit/jogl/demos/gl2/gears/TestGearsAWT.java   |  122 -
 .../jogl/demos/gl2/gears/TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.java |  130 --
 .../jogl/demos/gl2/gears/newt/TestGearsNEWT.java   |  126 -
 .../gl2/gears/newt/TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.java    |  114 -
 .../junit/jogl/drawable/TestDrawable01NEWT.java    |  184 --
 .../test/junit/jogl/glsl/TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.java |  143 --
 .../TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.java   |  231 --
 ...TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.java |  333 ---
 .../test/junit/jogl/offscreen/ReadBuffer2File.java |   70 -
 .../junit/jogl/offscreen/ReadBuffer2Screen.java    |  188 --
 .../test/junit/jogl/offscreen/ReadBufferBase.java  |   91 -
 .../test/junit/jogl/offscreen/ReadBufferUtil.java  |  107 -
 .../test/junit/jogl/offscreen/Surface2File.java    |   79 -
 .../junit/jogl/offscreen/TestOffscreen01NEWT.java  |  489 ----
 .../test/junit/jogl/offscreen/WindowUtilNEWT.java  |  110 -
 .../test/junit/jogl/texture/TestTexture01AWT.java  |  146 --
 .../util/texture/gl2/TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.java  |  109 -
 .../jogamp/test/junit/newt/TestCloseNewtAWT.java   |  141 --
 .../junit/newt/TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.java     |  264 ---
 .../junit/newt/TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.java     |  386 ---
 .../test/junit/newt/TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.java  |  110 -
 .../test/junit/newt/TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.java  |  201 --
 .../test/junit/newt/TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.java  |  301 ---
 .../test/junit/newt/TestGLWindows00NEWT.java       |  133 --
 .../test/junit/newt/TestGLWindows01NEWT.java       |  384 ---
 .../junit/newt/TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.java    |  303 ---
 .../test/junit/newt/TestListenerCom01AWT.java      |  167 --
 .../test/junit/newt/TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.java |  161 --
 .../test/junit/newt/TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.java    |  146 --
 .../test/junit/newt/TestScreenMode00NEWT.java      |  140 --
 .../test/junit/newt/TestScreenMode01NEWT.java      |  284 ---
 .../test/junit/newt/TestScreenMode02NEWT.java      |  187 --
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 .../jogamp/test/junit/newt/WindowEventCom2.java    |   48 -
 .../jogamp/test/junit/newt/WindowEventCom3.java    |   44 -
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 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting01NEWT.java  |  716 ------
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting01aAWT.java  |  443 ----
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting01bAWT.java  |  205 --
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting01cAWT.java  |  243 --
 .../newt/parenting/TestParenting01cSwingAWT.java   |  365 ---
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting02AWT.java   |  267 ---
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting02NEWT.java  |  235 --
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting03AWT.java   |  203 --
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting03bAWT.java  |  258 ---
 .../test/junit/newt/parenting/WindowAction.java    |   44 -
 .../jogamp/test/junit/util/AWTFocusAdapter.java    |   73 -
 .../com/jogamp/test/junit/util/AWTKeyAdapter.java  |   54 -
 .../jogamp/test/junit/util/AWTMouseAdapter.java    |   53 -
 .../com/jogamp/test/junit/util/AWTRobotUtil.java   |  338 ---
 .../com/jogamp/test/junit/util/DumpVersion.java    |   52 -
 .../jogamp/test/junit/util/EventCountAdapter.java  |   36 -
 .../test/junit/util/EventCountAdapterUtil.java     |   49 -
 .../jogamp/test/junit/util/GLSLSimpleProgram.java  |  121 -
 .../com/jogamp/test/junit/util/MiscUtils.java      |   63 -
 .../jogamp/test/junit/util/NEWTFocusAdapter.java   |   64 -
 .../com/jogamp/test/junit/util/NEWTKeyAdapter.java |   58 -
 .../jogamp/test/junit/util/NEWTMouseAdapter.java   |   57 -
 .../com/jogamp/test/junit/util/QuitAdapter.java    |   53 -
 .../jogamp/test/junit/util/SingletonInstance.java  |  143 --
 .../com/jogamp/test/junit/util/UITestCase.java     |   72 -
 .../jogamp/nativewindow/NativeWindowVersion.java   |    4 +-
 .../com/jogamp/nativewindow/impl/Debug.java        |  140 --
 .../impl/GraphicsConfigurationFactoryImpl.java     |   43 -
 .../jogamp/nativewindow/impl/NWJNILibLoader.java   |   47 -
 .../nativewindow/impl/NativeWindowFactoryImpl.java |  110 -
 .../jogamp/nativewindow/impl/NullToolkitLock.java  |   55 -
 .../com/jogamp/nativewindow/impl/ProxySurface.java |  156 --
 .../nativewindow/impl/jawt/JAWTJNILibLoader.java   |   78 -
 .../nativewindow/impl/jawt/JAWTToolkitLock.java    |   54 -
 .../jogamp/nativewindow/impl/jawt/JAWTUtil.java    |  195 --
 .../jogamp/nativewindow/impl/jawt/JAWTWindow.java  |  277 ---
 .../nativewindow/impl/jawt/JAWT_PlatformInfo.java  |   47 -
 .../impl/jawt/macosx/MacOSXJAWTWindow.java         |  148 --
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 .../impl/jawt/x11/X11JAWTToolkitLock.java          |   60 -
 .../nativewindow/impl/jawt/x11/X11JAWTWindow.java  |  156 --
 .../impl/jawt/x11/X11SunJDKReflection.java         |  132 --
 .../impl/x11/X11GraphicsConfigurationFactory.java  |  104 -
 .../nativewindow/impl/x11/X11ToolkitLock.java      |   55 -
 .../com/jogamp/nativewindow/impl/x11/X11Util.java  |  609 -----
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 .../nativewindow/GraphicsConfigurationFactory.java |   26 +-
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 .../jawt/windows/WindowsJAWTWindow.java            |  147 ++
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 .../nativewindow/jawt/x11/X11JAWTWindow.java       |  156 ++
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 .../windows/RegisteredClassFactory.java            |  133 ++
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 .../classes/jogamp/nativewindow/x11/X11Util.java   |  612 +++++
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 src/nativewindow/native/NativewindowCommon.c       |   57 +
 src/nativewindow/native/NativewindowCommon.h       |   15 +
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 src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/Screen.java       |    2 +-
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 .../com/jogamp/newt/awt/NewtFactoryAWT.java        |    4 +-
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 .../com/jogamp/newt/event/TraceWindowAdapter.java  |    4 +
 .../com/jogamp/newt/event/WindowAdapter.java       |    2 +
 .../classes/com/jogamp/newt/event/WindowEvent.java |   12 +-
 .../com/jogamp/newt/event/WindowListener.java      |    3 +
 .../com/jogamp/newt/event/awt/AWTAdapter.java      |    2 +-
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 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/DefaultEDTUtil.java       |  330 ---
 .../classes/com/jogamp/newt/impl/DisplayImpl.java  |  416 ----
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/NEWTJNILibLoader.java     |   62 -
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 .../classes/com/jogamp/newt/impl/ScreenImpl.java   |  505 ----
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/ScreenModeStatus.java     |  207 --
 .../classes/com/jogamp/newt/impl/WindowImpl.java   | 2205 ------------------
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/awt/AWTCanvas.java        |  289 ---
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/awt/AWTDisplay.java       |   63 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/awt/AWTScreen.java        |   65 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/awt/AWTWindow.java        |  289 ---
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/event/NEWTEventTask.java  |   56 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/intel/gdl/Display.java    |  104 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/intel/gdl/Screen.java     |   68 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/intel/gdl/Window.java     |  147 --
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/macosx/MacDisplay.java    |  101 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/macosx/MacScreen.java     |   57 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/macosx/MacWindow.java     |  434 ----
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 .../newt/impl/opengl/broadcom/egl/Screen.java      |   62 -
 .../newt/impl/opengl/broadcom/egl/Window.java      |  164 --
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/opengl/kd/KDDisplay.java  |   84 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/opengl/kd/KDScreen.java   |   58 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/opengl/kd/KDWindow.java   |  147 --
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 .../jogamp/newt/impl/windows/WindowsWindow.java    |  209 --
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/x11/X11Display.java       |  115 -
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/x11/X11Screen.java        |  270 ---
 .../com/jogamp/newt/impl/x11/X11Window.java        |  150 --
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 .../classes/jogamp/newt/windows/WindowsWindow.java |  209 ++
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 src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/x11/X11Screen.java    |  270 +++
 src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/x11/X11Window.java    |  146 ++
 src/newt/native/BroadcomEGL.c                      |   16 +-
 src/newt/native/IntelGDL.c                         |   24 +-
 src/newt/native/KDWindow.c                         |   25 +-
 src/newt/native/MacWindow.m                        |   62 +-
 src/newt/native/NewtMacWindow.m                    |    5 +-
 src/newt/native/WindowEvent.h                      |   13 +-
 src/newt/native/WindowsWindow.c                    |  188 +-
 src/newt/native/X11Window.c                        |  119 +-
 .../opengl/test/bugs/Bug427GLJPanelTest1.java      |   72 +
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/test/bugs/Issue326Test1.java |   94 +
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/test/bugs/Issue326Test2.java |   73 +
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/test/bugs/Issue344Base.java  |  107 +
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/test/bugs/Issue344Test1.java |   12 +
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/test/bugs/Issue344Test2.java |   12 +
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/test/bugs/Issue344Test3.java |   12 +
 .../com/jogamp/opengl/test/bugs/Issue344Test4.java |   12 +
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 .../jogl/acore/TestSharedContextListNEWT.java      |  140 ++
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 .../awt/text/TextRendererGLEventListener01.java    |  124 +
 .../jogl/awt/text/TextRendererTraceGL2Mock01.java  |  137 ++
 .../test/junit/jogl/caps/MultisampleChooser01.java |   68 +
 .../test/junit/jogl/caps/MultisampleDemo01.java    |  138 ++
 .../test/junit/jogl/caps/TestMultisampleAWT.java   |  121 +
 .../test/junit/jogl/caps/TestMultisampleNEWT.java  |  100 +
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 .../test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/RedSquare0.java      |  198 ++
 .../jogl/demos/es2/shader/RedSquareShader.java     |   68 +
 .../test/junit/jogl/demos/gl2/gears/Gears.java     |  371 +++
 .../junit/jogl/demos/gl2/gears/TestGearsAWT.java   |  122 +
 .../jogl/demos/gl2/gears/TestGearsGLJPanelAWT.java |  130 ++
 .../gl2/gears/TestGearsGLJPanelAWTBug450.java      |  163 ++
 .../jogl/demos/gl2/gears/newt/TestGearsNEWT.java   |  130 ++
 .../gl2/gears/newt/TestGearsNewtAWTWrapper.java    |  112 +
 .../junit/jogl/drawable/TestDrawable01NEWT.java    |  184 ++
 .../test/junit/jogl/glsl/TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.java |  143 ++
 .../jogl/glsl/TestShaderCompilationBug459AWT.java  |  162 ++
 .../TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.java   |  231 ++
 .../jogl/glu/TestBug463ScaleImageMemoryAWT.java    |  114 +
 .../junit/jogl/glu/TestGluUnprojectDoubleNOUI.java |   57 +
 .../junit/jogl/glu/TestGluUnprojectFloatNOUI.java  |   58 +
 ...TestSwingAWTRobotUsageBeforeJOGLInitBug411.java |  333 +++
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 .../junit/jogl/offscreen/ReadBuffer2Screen.java    |  188 ++
 .../test/junit/jogl/offscreen/ReadBufferBase.java  |   91 +
 .../test/junit/jogl/offscreen/ReadBufferUtil.java  |  107 +
 .../test/junit/jogl/offscreen/Surface2File.java    |   79 +
 .../offscreen/TestOffscreen01GLPBufferNEWT.java    |  327 +++
 .../jogl/offscreen/TestOffscreen02BitmapNEWT.java  |  184 ++
 .../test/junit/jogl/offscreen/WindowUtilNEWT.java  |  110 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/jogl/swt/OneTriangle.java    |   71 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/jogl/swt/TestSWT01GLn.java   |  199 ++
 .../opengl/test/junit/jogl/swt/TestSWT02GLn.java   |  236 ++
 .../test/junit/jogl/swt/TestSWTAWT01GLn.java       |  184 ++
 .../texture/TestGrayTextureFromFileAWTBug417.java  |  143 ++
 .../test/junit/jogl/texture/TestTexture01AWT.java  |  146 ++
 .../test/junit/jogl/texture/grayscale_texture.png  |  Bin 0 -> 4873 bytes
 .../util/texture/gl2/TextureGL2ListenerDraw1.java  |  112 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/newt/TestCloseNewtAWT.java   |  122 +
 .../junit/newt/TestDisplayLifecycle01NEWT.java     |  264 +++
 .../junit/newt/TestDisplayLifecycle02NEWT.java     |  386 +++
 .../test/junit/newt/TestEventSourceNotAWTBug.java  |  110 +
 .../test/junit/newt/TestFocus01SwingAWTRobot.java  |  201 ++
 .../test/junit/newt/TestFocus02SwingAWTRobot.java  |  301 +++
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 .../test/junit/newt/TestGLWindows01NEWT.java       |  384 +++
 .../junit/newt/TestGLWindows02NEWTAnimated.java    |  303 +++
 .../test/junit/newt/TestListenerCom01AWT.java      |  167 ++
 .../test/junit/newt/TestRemoteGLWindows01NEWT.java |  171 ++
 .../test/junit/newt/TestRemoteWindow01NEWT.java    |  151 ++
 .../test/junit/newt/TestScreenMode00NEWT.java      |  135 ++
 .../test/junit/newt/TestScreenMode01NEWT.java      |  284 +++
 .../test/junit/newt/TestScreenMode02NEWT.java      |  187 ++
 .../junit/newt/TestWindowClosingProtocol01AWT.java |  160 ++
 .../newt/TestWindowClosingProtocol02NEWT.java      |   96 +
 .../newt/TestWindowClosingProtocol03NewtAWT.java   |  115 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/newt/TestWindows01NEWT.java  |  179 ++
 .../opengl/test/junit/newt/WindowEventCom1.java    |   42 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/newt/WindowEventCom2.java    |   48 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/newt/WindowEventCom3.java    |   44 +
 .../test/junit/newt/parenting/GLRunnableDummy.java |   57 +
 .../test/junit/newt/parenting/KeyAction.java       |   45 +
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting01NEWT.java  |  716 ++++++
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting01aAWT.java  |  443 ++++
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting01bAWT.java  |  205 ++
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting01cAWT.java  |  243 ++
 .../newt/parenting/TestParenting01cSwingAWT.java   |  365 +++
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting02AWT.java   |  267 +++
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting02NEWT.java  |  235 ++
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting03AWT.java   |  203 ++
 .../junit/newt/parenting/TestParenting03bAWT.java  |  258 +++
 .../test/junit/newt/parenting/WindowAction.java    |   47 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/AWTFocusAdapter.java    |   73 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/AWTKeyAdapter.java      |   54 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/AWTMouseAdapter.java    |   53 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/AWTRobotUtil.java       |  497 ++++
 .../jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/DumpGLInfo.java  |   51 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/EventCountAdapter.java  |   36 +
 .../test/junit/util/EventCountAdapterUtil.java     |   49 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/GLSLSimpleProgram.java  |  121 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/MiscUtils.java   |   63 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/NEWTFocusAdapter.java   |   64 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/NEWTKeyAdapter.java     |   58 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/NEWTMouseAdapter.java   |   57 +
 .../jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/QuitAdapter.java |   52 +
 .../opengl/test/junit/util/SingletonInstance.java  |  143 ++
 .../jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/UITestCase.java  |   72 +
 src/test/jogamp/newt/WindowImplAccess.java         |   57 +
 {test => src/test}/native/displayMultiple01.c      |    0
 {test => src/test}/native/displayMultiple02.c      |    0
 {test => src/test}/native/glExtensionsListGL2.c    |    0
 {test => src/test}/native/glExtensionsListGL3.c    |    0
 {test => src/test}/native/make.sh                  |    0
 test/Issue326Test1.java                            |   92 -
 test/Issue326Test2.java                            |   71 -
 test/Issue344Base.java                             |  105 -
 test/Issue344Test1.java                            |   10 -
 test/Issue344Test2.java                            |   10 -
 test/Issue344Test3.java                            |   10 -
 test/Issue344Test4.java                            |   10 -
 www/index.html                                     |   10 +-
 976 files changed, 88667 insertions(+), 76052 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index eefa7ba,0000000..1db9bb9
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,7 -1,0 +1,15 @@@
++libjogl2-java (2.0-rc2-1) unstable; urgency=low
++  * New upstream release
++  * Standards-Version updated to version 3.9.2
++  * needless-dependency-on-jre removed
++ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org>  Sun, 17 Apr 2011 14:41:20 +0200
 +libjogl2-java (2.0-rc1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release (Closes: #614819)
 + -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org>  Tue, 01 Mar 2011 14:12:56 +0100
diff --cc debian/control
index 6dd51fb,0000000..8fef633
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -1,418 -1,0 +1,419 @@@
 +Source: libjogl2-java
 +Section: java
 +Priority: optional
 +Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 +Uploaders: Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org>
 +Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cdbs, quilt, default-jdk,
 + ant-optional, libgl1-mesa-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev, libxxf86vm-dev, 
 + x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev, libxt-dev, libgluegen2-build-java, ant-contrib,
-  ant-contrib-cpptasks, libxinerama-dev, libxrandr-dev
- Standards-Version: 3.9.1
++ ant-contrib-cpptasks, libxinerama-dev, libxrandr-dev, libgluegen2-rt-java,
++ junit4
++Standards-Version: 3.9.2
 +Homepage: http://jogamp.org/
 +Vcs-Svn: svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-java/trunk/libjogl2-java
 +Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-java/trunk/libjogl2-java/
 +Package: libjogl2-core-java
 +Architecture: all
- Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, default-jre, 
-  libjogl2-core-jni (>= ${source:Version}), libgluegen2-rt-java
++Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-jni (>= ${source:Version}),
++ libgluegen2-rt-java
 +Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. 
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, 
 + >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
 + extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
 + custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
 + suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
 + Sun Microsystems. 
 +# Package: libjogl2-core-jni
 +# Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 +# Architecture: any
 +# Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API (JNI lib)
 +#  The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 +#  OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 +#  to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 +#  implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 +#  from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 +#  the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 +#  the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 +#  .
 +#  JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 +#  well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 +#  widget sets.
 +Package: libjogl2-core-newt-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, 
 + libjogl2-core-java
 +Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. 
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, 
 + >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
 + extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
 + custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
 + suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
 + Sun Microsystems. 
 +Package: libjogl2-core-newt-jni
 +Architecture: any
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends},
 + libjogl2-core-java
 +Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API (JNI lib)
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +Package: libjogl2-platform-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java
 +Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. 
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, 
 + >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
 + extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
 + custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
 + suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
 + Sun Microsystems. 
 +Package: libjogl2-platform-jni
 +Architecture: any
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java, ${shlibs:Depends}
 +Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API (JNI lib)
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +Package: libjogl2-platform-newt-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-newt-java
 +Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. 
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, 
 + >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
 + extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
 + custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
 + suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
 + Sun Microsystems. 
 +# nativewindow.core.jar nativewindow.os.x11.jar jogl.core.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
 +# newt.core.jar newt.os.x11.jar newt.ogl.jar jogl.util.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
 +# jogl.gldesktop.jar jogl.gldesktop.dbg.jar
 +Package: libjogl2-desktop-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Suggests: libjogl2-java-doc
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java, libjogl2-platform-java,
 + libjogl2-platform-newt-java
 +Description: Java bindings for Desktop OpenGL API (main package)
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. 
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, 
 + >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
 + extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
 + custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
 + suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
 + Sun Microsystems. 
 +Package: libjogl2-es-common-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java, libjogl2-platform-java,
 + libjogl2-platform-newt-java
 +Description: Java bindings for Embedded Device OpenGL API (common)
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. 
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, 
 + >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
 + extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
 + custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
 + suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
 + Sun Microsystems. 
 +# nativewindow.core.jar nativewindow.os.x11.jar jogl.core.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
 +# newt.core.jar newt.os.x11.jar newt.ogl.jar jogl.util.jar jogl.gles1.jar
 +# jogl.gles1.dbg.jar jogl.egl.jar
 +Package: libjogl2-es1-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Suggests: libjogl2-java-doc
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java, libjogl2-platform-java,
 + libjogl2-platform-newt-java, libjogl2-es-common-java
 +Description: Java bindings for Embedded Device OpenGL API
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +# nativewindow.core.jar nativewindow.os.x11.jar jogl.core.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
 +# newt.core.jar newt.os.x11.jar newt.ogl.jar jogl.util.jar jogl.gles2.jar
 +# jogl.gles2.dbg.jar jogl.egl.jar jogl.util.fixedfuncemu.jar
 +Package: libjogl2-es2-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Suggests: libjogl2-java-doc
 +Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java, libjogl2-platform-java,
 + libjogl2-platform-newt-java, libjogl2-es-common-java
 +Description: Java bindings for Embedded Device OpenGL API
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. 
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, 
 + >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
 + extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
 + custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
 + suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
 + Sun Microsystems. 
 +Package: libjogl2-desktop-jni
 +Architecture: any
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
 +Description: Java bindings for Desktop OpenGL API (JNI lib)
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +Package: libjogl2-es1-jni
 +Architecture: any
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
 +Description: Java bindings for Embedded Device OpenGL API (JNI lib)
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +Package: libjogl2-es2-jni
 +Architecture: any
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
 +Description: Java bindings for Embedded Device OpenGL API (JNI lib)
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +# nativewindow.core.jar nativewindow.os.x11.jar jogl.core.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
 +# newt.core.jar newt.os.x11.jar newt.ogl.jar jogl.util.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
 +# jogl.gl2es12.jar jogl.gles1.dbg.jar jogl.gles2.dbg.jar
 +# jogl.util.fixedfuncemu.jar
 +# Package: libjogl2-desktop-gl2es12-java
 +# Architecture: all
 +# Suggests: libjogl2-java-doc
 +# Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java, libjogl2-platform-java,
 +#  libjogl2-platform-newt-java, libjogl2-toolkits
 +# Description: Java bindings for desktop ES1/ES2 emulation OpenGL API
 +#  The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 +#  OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 +#  to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 +#  implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 +#  from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 +#  the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 +#  the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 +#  .
 +#  JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 +#  well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 +#  widget sets.
 +# Package: libjogl2-desktop-gl2es12-jni
 +# Architecture: any
 +# Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
 +# Description: Java bindings for desktop ES1/ES2 emulation OpenGL API (JNI lib)
 +#  The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 +#  OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 +#  to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 +#  implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 +#  from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 +#  the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 +#  the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 +#  .
 +#  JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 +#  well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 +#  widget sets.
 +#  .
 +#  This package includes the architecture specific java native interface.
 +Package: libjogl2-awt-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}
 +Description: Java bindings for AWT OpenGL API
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +Package: libjogl2-awt-jni
 +Architecture: any
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
 +Description: Java bindings for AWT OpenGL API (JNI lib)
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +Package: libjogl2-awt-newt-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}
 +Description: Java bindings for AWT NEWT OpenGL API
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +Package: libjogl2-glu-java
 +Architecture: all
 +Depends:  ${misc:Depends}
 +Description: Java bindings for GLU OpenGL API
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by 
 + the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as 
 + well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing 
 + widget sets.
 +# Package: libjogl2-java-doc
 +# Architecture: all
 +# Section: doc
 +# Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 +# Suggests: libjogl2java
 +# Description: Documentation for the Java bindings for OpenGL
 +#  The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 +#  OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 +#  to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 +#  implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 +#  from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 +#  the JSR. 
 +#  .
 +#  JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
 +#  well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
 +#  widget sets.
 +#  .
 +#  This package includes the API documentation for JOGL package.
 +Package: libjogl2-toolkits
 +Architecture: all
 +Section: doc
 +Depends: ${misc:Depends}
 +Description: Toolkits to play with JOGL2
 + The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for 
 + OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics 
 + to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference 
 + implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken 
 + from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of 
 + the JSR. 
 + .
 + JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3, 
 + >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
 + extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
 + custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
 + suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
 + Sun Microsystems. 
 + .
 + This package includes JOGL toolkits.
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-awt-java.install
index f3a03cf,0000000..1748900
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-awt-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-awt-java.install
@@@ -1,3 -1,0 +1,3 @@@
- build/jar/nativewindow.awt.jar /usr/share/java/
- build/jar/jogl.awt.jar /usr/share/java/
- build/jar/jogl.util.awt.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/nativewindow/nativewindow.awt.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.awt.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.util.awt.jar /usr/share/java/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-awt-jni.install
index c6efa42,0000000..a0ab142
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-awt-jni.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-awt-jni.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/lib/libnativewindow_awt.so /usr/lib/jni/
++build/nativewindow/obj/libnativewindow_awt.so /usr/lib/jni/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-core-java.install
index 8f29db6,0000000..09d859e
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-core-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-core-java.install
@@@ -1,4 -1,0 +1,4 @@@
- build/jar/nativewindow.core.jar /usr/share/java/
- build/jar/jogl.core.jar /usr/share/java/
- build/jar/jogl.util.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/nativewindow/nativewindow.core.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.core.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.util.jar /usr/share/java/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-core-newt-java.install
index 724a97d,0000000..276b2fa
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-core-newt-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-core-newt-java.install
@@@ -1,2 -1,0 +1,2 @@@
- build/jar/newt.core.jar /usr/share/java/
- build/jar/newt.ogl.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/newt/newt.core.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/newt/newt.ogl.jar /usr/share/java/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-core-newt-jni.install
index ccf6753,0000000..95b5399
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-core-newt-jni.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-core-newt-jni.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/lib/libnewt.so /usr/lib/jni/
++build/newt/obj/libnewt.so /usr/lib/jni/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-desktop-java.install
index 7dff123,0000000..482141e
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-desktop-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-desktop-java.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/jar/jogl.gldesktop.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.gldesktop.jar /usr/share/java/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-desktop-jni.install
index 28ac24e,0000000..5b2e006
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-desktop-jni.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-desktop-jni.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/lib/libjogl_desktop.so /usr/lib/jni/
++build/jogl/obj/libjogl_desktop.so /usr/lib/jni/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-es-common-java.install
index db9774e,0000000..1d2885c
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-es-common-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-es-common-java.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/jar/jogl.egl.jar /usr/share/java
++build/jogl/jogl.egl.jar /usr/share/java
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-es1-java.install
index 4e722ba,0000000..02609e0
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-es1-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-es1-java.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/jar/jogl.gles1.jar /usr/share/java
++build/jogl/jogl.gles1.jar /usr/share/java
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-es1-jni.install
index 67668da,0000000..839e2b4
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-es1-jni.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-es1-jni.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/lib/libjogl_es1.so /usr/lib/jni/
++build/jogl/obj/libjogl_es1.so /usr/lib/jni/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-es2-java.install
index 252495d,0000000..e0ad070
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-es2-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-es2-java.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/jar/jogl.gles2.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.gles2.jar /usr/share/java/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-es2-jni.install
index ee1dfa7,0000000..d53d855
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-es2-jni.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-es2-jni.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/lib/libjogl_es2.so /usr/lib/jni/
++build/jogl/obj/libjogl_es2.so /usr/lib/jni/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-glu-java.install
index 2a4d456,0000000..2287c66
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-glu-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-glu-java.install
@@@ -1,3 -1,0 +1,3 @@@
- build/jar/jogl.glu.tess.jar /usr/share/java/
- build/jar/jogl.glu.gldesktop.jar /usr/share/java/
- build/jar/jogl.glu.mipmap.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.glu.tess.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.glu.gldesktop.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.glu.mipmap.jar /usr/share/java/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-platform-java.install
index 8359026,0000000..c3db0cf
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-platform-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-platform-java.install
@@@ -1,2 -1,0 +1,2 @@@
- build/jar/nativewindow.os.x11.jar /usr/share/java/
- build/jar/jogl.os.x11.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/nativewindow/nativewindow.os.x11.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.os.x11.jar /usr/share/java/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-platform-jni.install
index 9122fa2,0000000..a6d57df
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-platform-jni.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-platform-jni.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/lib/libnativewindow_x11.so /usr/lib/jni/
++build/nativewindow/obj/libnativewindow_x11.so /usr/lib/jni/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-platform-newt-java.install
index cdd8348,0000000..c056842
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-platform-newt-java.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-platform-newt-java.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/jar/newt.os.x11.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/newt/newt.os.x11.jar /usr/share/java/
diff --cc debian/libjogl2-toolkits.install
index e87bd7a,0000000..82aef5d
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libjogl2-toolkits.install
+++ b/debian/libjogl2-toolkits.install
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- build/jar/jogl.util.fixedfuncemu.jar /usr/share/java/
++build/jogl/jogl.util.fixedfuncemu.jar /usr/share/java/
diff --cc debian/patches/disableOneDir.diff
index 0000000,0000000..3793ce0
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/disableOneDir.diff
@@@ -1,0 -1,0 +1,16 @@@
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc2/make/build.xml
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc2.orig/make/build.xml	2011-04-17 16:06:37.000000000 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc2/make/build.xml	2011-04-17 16:06:45.000000000 +0200
++@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
++        - Main build target.
++       -->
++-    <target name="all" description="Build nativewindow, jogl and newt projects, incl. all junit tests " depends="init,build.nativewindow,build.jogl,build.newt,test.compile,one.dir,tag.build,developer-zip-archive" />
+++    <target name="all" description="Build nativewindow, jogl and newt projects, incl. all junit tests " depends="init,build.nativewindow,build.jogl,build.newt,test.compile,tag.build,developer-zip-archive" />
++-    <target name="all.but-archives" description="Build nativewindow, jogl and newt projects, incl. all junit tests " depends="init,build.nativewindow,build.jogl,build.newt,test.compile,one.dir,tag.build" />
+++    <target name="all.but-archives" description="Build nativewindow, jogl and newt projects, incl. all junit tests " depends="init,build.nativewindow,build.jogl,build.newt,test.compile,tag.build" />
++     <target name="all.ide" description="Build nativewindow, jogl and newt projects, including all junit tests, but don't copy libs or JARs or tag the build" depends="init,build.nativewindow,build.jogl,build.newt,test.compile" />
diff --cc debian/patches/series
index 4262ae7,0000000..6e0226a
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,2 @@@
diff --cc debian/patches/variousFixes.diff
index 84ea144,0000000..261d15b
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/variousFixes.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/variousFixes.diff
@@@ -1,92 -1,0 +1,69 @@@
- diff -ur jogl/make//build-common.xml libjogl2-java-2.0-rc1/make//build-common.xml
- --- jogl/make//build-common.xml	2011-02-22 14:28:48.000000000 +0100
- +++ libjogl2-java-2.0-rc1/make//build-common.xml	2011-02-22 17:59:48.000000000 +0100
- @@ -13,11 +13,9 @@
++diff -ur jogl-v2.0-rc2.orig/make/build-common.xml jogl-v2.0-rc2/make/build-common.xml
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc2.orig/make/build-common.xml	2011-03-02 20:52:40.000000000 +0100
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc2/make/build-common.xml	2011-04-17 15:28:58.000000000 +0200
++@@ -13,13 +13,11 @@
 +     </fail>
 +     <!-- Pull in GlueGen cpptasks build file -->
 +-    <property name="gluegen.root" value="../../gluegen" />
 ++    <property name="gluegen.root" value="/usr/share/gluegen2/" />
 +     <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/gluegen-cpptasks.xml" />
++     <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/jogamp-archivetasks.xml" />
++     <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/jogamp-env.xml" />
 +-    <property name="ant-contrib.jar"  value="${gluegen.root}/make/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
 +     <condition property="rootrel.build" value="build">
 +       <not>
 +           <isset property="rootrel.build"/>
- @@ -115,7 +113,7 @@
++@@ -150,7 +148,7 @@
 +         <property name="gluegen.build.xml"          value="${gluegen.make}/build.xml" />
 +         <property name="build.gluegen"              value="${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}" />
 +         <property name="obj.gluegen"                value="${build.gluegen}/obj"/>
 +-        <property name="gluegen.jar"                value="${build.gluegen}/gluegen.jar" />
 ++        <property name="gluegen.jar"                value="/usr/share/java/gluegen2.jar" />
 +         <property name="ant.jar"                    value="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar" />
 +         <property name="ant-junit.jar"              value="${ant.home}/lib/ant-junit.jar" />
- @@ -159,7 +157,7 @@
++@@ -192,7 +190,7 @@
 +         </path>
 +         <!-- JavaSE combinations -->
 +-        <property name="gluegen-rt.jar"             value="${build.gluegen}/gluegen-rt.jar" />
 ++        <property name="gluegen-rt.jar"             value="/usr/share/java/gluegen2-rt.jar" />
 +         <property name="jogl.test.jar"              value="${build.jogl}/jogl.test.jar"/>
 +         <!-- JavaSE combinations . AWT -->
- @@ -356,11 +354,11 @@
++@@ -362,7 +360,10 @@
++         <!-- Run the GlueGen build to ensure that the GlueGen ANT task
 +            - has been built. -->
-          <!-- FIXME: remove passing down of antlr.jar when gluegen.properties is on all
-               nightly build machines -->
- +<!--<mkdir dir="${basedir}/${build.jogl}/gensrc/classes/src/java/com/jogamp/common/util/"/>-->
-          <ant antfile="${gluegen.build.xml}" dir="${gluegen.make}" target="all" inheritAll="false">
- -          <propertyset>
- -            <propertyref name="antlr.jar" />
- -            <!--propertyref name="gluegen.nsig" /-->
- -          </propertyset>
- +
++-        <ant antfile="${gluegen.build.xml}" dir="${gluegen.make}" target="base.compile" inheritAll="false"/>
+++        <ant antfile="${gluegen.build.xml}" dir="${gluegen.make}" target="base.compile" inheritAll="false">
 ++          <property name="build" value="${basedir}/../"/>
 ++          <property name="test.dir" value="${basedir}/../test"/>
-          </ant>
+++        </ant>
 +     </target>
- diff -ur jogl/make//build-jogl.xml libjogl2-java-2.0-rc1/make//build-jogl.xml
- --- jogl/make//build-jogl.xml	2011-02-22 14:28:48.000000000 +0100
- +++ libjogl2-java-2.0-rc1/make//build-jogl.xml	2011-02-22 16:39:37.000000000 +0100
- @@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@
-                       includes="${java.part.util.fixedfuncemu.shadercode}"/>
-          </jar>
-      </target>
- -    <target name="build-jars-all-cdc" depends="setup-manifestfile">
- +    <target name="build-jars-all-cdc" depends="setup-manifestfile" unless="setup.noCDC">
-          <jar manifest="${build.jogl}/tempversion-cdc" destfile="${jogl.all.cdc.jar}" filesonly="true">
-              <fileset dir="${classes-cdc}"
-                       includes="${java.part.core} ${java.part.egl} ${java.part.glutess} ${java.part.glumipmap} ${java.part.openmax} ${java.part.sdk} ${java.part.glx} ${java.part.cgl} ${java.part.wgl} ${java.part.es1} ${java.part.es1.dbg} ${java.part.es2} ${java.part.es2.dbg} ${java.part.util} ${java.part.util.glsl} ${java.part.util.fixedfuncemu}"
- diff -ur jogl/make//build.xml libjogl2-java-2.0-rc1/make//build.xml
- --- jogl/make//build.xml	2011-02-22 14:28:48.000000000 +0100
- +++ libjogl2-java-2.0-rc1/make//build.xml	2011-02-22 16:54:49.000000000 +0100
- @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
-          <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true" dir="${lib}" failonerror="false" />
-          <mkdir dir="${lib}" />
-          <copy todir="${lib}">
- -            <fileset dir="${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}/obj" includes="*.${native.library.suffix} *.${native.library.suffix-cdc}" />
- +<!--            <fileset dir="${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}/obj" includes="*.${native.library.suffix} *.${native.library.suffix-cdc}" />-->
-              <fileset dir="${build}/jogl/obj" includes="*.${native.library.suffix} *.${native.library.suffix-cdc}" />
-              <fileset dir="${build}/nativewindow/obj" includes="*.${native.library.suffix} *.${native.library.suffix-cdc}" />
-              <fileset dir="${build}/newt/obj" includes="*.${native.library.suffix} *.${native.library.suffix-cdc}" />
- @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
++diff -ur jogl-v2.0-rc2.orig/make/build.xml jogl-v2.0-rc2/make/build.xml
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc2.orig/make/build.xml	2011-03-02 20:52:40.000000000 +0100
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc2/make/build.xml	2011-04-17 15:26:47.000000000 +0200
++@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 +         <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="true" dir="${jar}" failonerror="false" />
 +         <mkdir dir="${jar}" />
 +         <copy todir="${jar}">
 +-            <fileset dir="${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}" includes="gluegen-rt*.jar" />
 ++<!--            <fileset dir="${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}" includes="gluegen-rt*.jar" />-->
 +             <fileset dir="${build}/jogl" includes="*.jar" />
 +             <fileset dir="${build}/nativewindow" includes="*.jar" />
 +             <fileset dir="${build}/newt" includes="*.jar" />
- @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
++@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
 +     </target>
 +     <target name="tag.build" depends="init">
 +-        <copy file="${build.gluegen}/artifact.properties" todir="${build}" overwrite="true"/>
 ++        <copy file="/usr/share/gluegen2/artifact.properties" todir="${build}" overwrite="true"/>
 +         <echo message='jogl.build.number=${jogl.build.number}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
 +         <echo message='jogl.build.id=${jogl.build.id}${line.separator}'         file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
 +         <echo message='jogl.build.branch=${jogl.build.branch}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
diff --cc debian/rules
index eecd26d,0000000..dc29e84
mode 100755,000000..100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@@ -1,21 -1,0 +1,21 @@@
 +#!/usr/bin/make -f
 +include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
 +include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ant.mk
 +include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk
 +JAVA_HOME            := /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/
- DEB_JARS             := ant-contrib-cpptasks ant-nodeps antlr ant-antlr
++DEB_JARS             := ant-contrib ant-contrib-cpptasks ant-nodeps antlr ant-antlr
 +DEB_ANT_ARGS         := -Dsetup.noCDC=true
 +DEB_ANT_BUILDFILE    := make/build.xml
 +	$(DEB_ANT_INVOKE) javadoc
 +	$(RM) -r gluegen/build
 +	-uscan --upstream-version 0

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/libjogl2-java.git

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