[maven] branch master updated (731fb75 -> 92b1ccd)

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 8 06:47:37 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ebourg-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository maven.

  discards  731fb75   Install the guice dependencies (aopalliance and javax.inject) in the /usr/share/maven/lib/ directory
  discards  a181aff   New dependency on libslf4j-java
  discards  da88f6d   Install the new logging directory in the conf directory
  discards  12fb5e3   No longer add the plexus-container-default dependency to maven-model-builder
  discards  dba0dbc   New build dependencies on liblogback-java and libmockito-java
  discards  38520e1   Updated the versions of the plugins in debian/maven.buildRules
  discards  4099b57   Replaced the dependency on libaether-java with libeclipse-aether-java
  discards  d37ed4c   Updated the Maven version in the substitution rules of debian/maven.buildRules
  discards  ed6765f   Removed the dependency on libsisu-ioc-java
  discards  5966b4a   Depend on libplexus-utils2-java >= 3.0.15
  discards  7b95ae3   Set the exact version of modello used
  discards  46e6f71   Removed the no_aop classifier from the sisu-guice dependency
  discards  3912bc7   Updated the clean target
  discards  617e973   New dependency on libsisu-plexus-java >= 0.3.0
  discards  ce512ec   Refreshed the patches
  discards  57de30f   Imported Upstream version 3.1.1
      adds  2803722   Imported Upstream version 3.1.1
       new  25e8b77   Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.1'
       new  398d7a7   Refreshed the patches
       new  fc06696   New dependency on libsisu-plexus-java >= 0.3.0
       new  81f3c60   Updated the clean target
       new  672628b   Removed the no_aop classifier from the sisu-guice dependency
       new  a712646   Set the exact version of modello used
       new  058411a   Depend on libplexus-utils2-java >= 3.0.15
       new  2d6add3   Removed the dependency on libsisu-ioc-java
       new  1c98f70   Updated the Maven version in the substitution rules of debian/maven.buildRules
       new  fea69da   Replaced the dependency on libaether-java with libeclipse-aether-java
       new  61caa18   Updated the versions of the plugins in debian/maven.buildRules
       new  8483ef0   New build dependencies on liblogback-java and libmockito-java
       new  a5e0f6d   No longer add the plexus-container-default dependency to maven-model-builder
       new  feee26c   Install the new logging directory in the conf directory
       new  a85fe4f   New dependency on libslf4j-java
       new  92b1ccd   Install the guice dependencies (aopalliance and javax.inject) in the /usr/share/maven/lib/ directory

This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.
That is to say, some revisions that were in the old version of the
branch are not in the new version.  This situation occurs
when a user --force pushes a change and generates a repository
containing something like this:

 * -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O   (731fb75)
             N -- N -- N   refs/heads/master (92b1ccd)

You should already have received notification emails for all of the O
revisions, and so the following emails describe only the N revisions
from the common base, B.

Any revisions marked "omits" are not gone; other references still
refer to them.  Any revisions marked "discards" are gone forever.

The 16 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/maven.git

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