[jruby] 02/02: Prepare 1.7.19-1 upload

Miguel Landaeta nomadium at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon May 25 22:12:07 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

nomadium pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository jruby.

commit bfaecf2f2693786eeb6effee1e040b932fb5ceca
Author: Miguel Landaeta <nomadium at debian.org>
Date:   Mon May 25 18:46:10 2015 -0300

    Prepare 1.7.19-1 upload
 debian/NEWS.Debian                                 |   14 -
 debian/README.Debian                               |    7 -
 debian/changelog                                   |   49 +
 debian/control                                     |   68 +-
 debian/copyright                                   | 1444 ++-
 debian/dirs                                        |    2 -
 debian/jruby.docs                                  |    5 +
 debian/jruby.install                               |   11 +
 debian/jruby.links                                 |   13 +
 debian/jruby.lintian-overrides                     |    3 -
 debian/jruby.poms                                  |    7 +-
 debian/links                                       |    6 -
 debian/m2.conf                                     |    7 +
 debian/manpages                                    |    2 +-
 debian/maven.cleanIgnoreRules                      |    0
 debian/maven.ignoreRules                           |    9 +
 debian/maven.properties                            |    0
 debian/maven.rules                                 |    7 +-
 debian/missing-sources/jquery.js                   | 9404 ++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/0001-Fix-shebang-lines.patch        |   61 +-
 debian/patches/0002-Fix-warning-jruby-script.patch |   31 +
 ..._home-is-at-a-specific-location-on-Debian.patch |   25 -
 debian/patches/0003-do-not-install-gems.patch      |  150 -
 .../patches/0004-replace-bundled-libraries.patch   |  274 -
 debian/patches/0005-ignore-test-failures.patch     |   40 -
 ...06-do-not-build-InvokeDynamicSupport.java.patch |   20 -
 .../patches/0007-use-unversioned-jarjar.jar.patch  |   64 -
 debian/patches/0008-CVE-2011-4838.patch            |  132 -
 debian/patches/0009-CVE-2012-5370.patch            |  130 -
 ...D_CLOEXEC-correctly-using-F_SETFD-not-F_S.patch |   73 -
 debian/patches/0011-java7-compat.patch             |  704 --
 debian/patches/0012-nailgun.patch                  |   46 -
 debian/patches/series                              |   12 +-
 debian/postinst                                    |    9 -
 debian/preinst                                     |    9 -
 debian/rules                                       |   92 +-
 debian/source.lintian-overrides                    |    3 -
 debian/watch                                       |    8 +-
 38 files changed, 10317 insertions(+), 2624 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/NEWS.Debian b/debian/NEWS.Debian
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ba352e..0000000
--- a/debian/NEWS.Debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-In my previous jruby1.0 and jruby1.1 packages, the shebang lines in
-the /usr/bin/* binaries used to be '#!/usr/bin/env jruby1.x'; this is
-unfortunately broken in jruby1.2 (see JRuby bug 3354[0]), so those
-shebang lines are now the vanilla upstream ones, namely
-'#!/usr/bin/env jruby'.
-This means that if you point your /etc/alternatives/jruby to something
-else than jruby1.2, you *will* run that instead of jruby1.2, even if
-you call the 1.2 binaries directly (for instance, /usr/bin/jirb1.2).
-[0] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-3554
-  -- Sebastien Delafond <seb at debian.org> Thu, 09 Apr 2009 00:23:16 -0700
diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
deleted file mode 100644
index 5528bd1..0000000
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-This is the Debian package for jruby1.09, a 100% pure-Java
-implementation of ruby.
-Original packaging efforts courtesy of a hacker who'd rather remain
-anonymous; "keep the filth alive".
--- Sebastien Delafond <seb at debian.org>  Wed, 16 May 2007 18:38:29 -0700
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 5cca15c..9cec4ab 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,52 @@
+jruby (1.7.19-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release. (Closes: #636554, #773131, #750749).
+  * Switch build system to Maven, upstream doesn't maintain Ant one anymore:
+    - Add B-D on: cdbs, maven, maven-{debian,repo}-helper and several
+      maven plugins.
+  * Remove outdated packaging files:
+    - d/dirs, d/links, d/README.Debian, d/NEWS.Debian and a couple of
+      lintian overrides.
+  * Refresh patches:
+    - Update d/patches/0001-Fix-shebang-lines.patch.
+    - Drop unnecessary patches, some of them were merged at upstream:
+      + d/patches/0004-replace-bundled-libraries.patch
+      + d/patches/0005-ignore-test-failures.patch
+      + d/patches/0006-do-not-build-InvokeDynamicSupport.java.patch
+      + d/patches/0007-use-unversioned-jarjar.jar.patch
+      + d/patches/0008-CVE-2011-4838.patch
+      + d/patches/0009-CVE-2012-5370.patch
+      + d/patches/0010-jruby-Set-FD_CLOEXEC-correctly-using-F_SETFD-not-F_S.patch
+      + d/patches/0011-java7-compat.patch
+      + d/patches/0012-nailgun.patch
+  * Update Uploaders list:
+    - Remove Sebastien Delafond. Thanks for your work on this package!
+    - Remove Torsten Werner. Thanks for your work on this package!
+  * Update d/watch file.
+  * Update Build-Depends:
+    - Replace dependency on openjdk-7-jdk with openjdk-8-jdk.
+      Otherwise jruby will not even compile.
+    - Replace libjaffl-java with libjnr-ffi-java.
+    - Replace libjline-java with libjline2-java.
+    - Update to libyecht-java to (>= 1.0~).
+    - Update to nailgun (>= 0.9.1~).
+    - Update to bytelist (>= 1.0.12~).
+    - Update to jffi (>= 1.2.7~).
+    - Update to jnr-posix (>= 3.0.9~).
+    - Add libyaml-snake-java.
+    - Add libinvokebinder-java.
+    - Replace libasm3-java with libasm4-java.
+    - Add libjnr-x86asm-java.
+    - Update libjnr-netdb-java to (>= 1.1.4~).
+  * Update copyright file.
+  * Remove unnecessary preinst and postinst scripts.
+  * Update package description.
+  * Ship a copy of jquery library since the source package contains a
+    minified copy. This is to avoid lintian warnings, during build time
+    a link symbolic to libjs-jquery is deployed.
+ -- Miguel Landaeta <nomadium at debian.org>  Mon, 25 May 2015 16:53:27 -0300
 jruby (1.5.6-10) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Add myself to Uploaders list.
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index ea02077..2a29455 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -2,27 +2,69 @@ Source: jruby
 Section: ruby
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Sebastien Delafond <seb at debian.org>,
- Torsten Werner <twerner at debian.org>,
- Miguel Landaeta <nomadium at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9~), openjdk-7-jdk (>= 7u71-2.5.3), ant-optional,
- libasm3-java, libcommons-logging-java, libjarjar-java, libjoda-time-java,
- junit4, libbsf-java, libjline-java, bnd, libjnr-constants-java,
- netbase, libjgrapht0.8-java, libjcodings-java, libbytelist-java, libjffi-java,
- libjaffl-java, libjruby-joni-java, yydebug, nailgun, libjnr-posix-java,
- libjnr-netdb-java, libyecht-java (>= 0.0.2-2~), cdbs, maven-repo-helper
+Uploaders: Miguel Landaeta <nomadium at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: ant-optional,
+               bnd,
+               cdbs,
+               debhelper (>= 9~),
+               junit4,
+               libasm4-java,
+               libbsf-java,
+               libbuild-helper-maven-plugin-java,
+               libbytelist-java (>= 1.0.12~),
+               libcommons-logging-java,
+               libheadius-options-java,
+               libinvokebinder-java,
+               libjarjar-java,
+               libjcodings-java,
+               libjffi-java (>= 1.2.7~),
+               libjgrapht0.8-java,
+               libjline2-java,
+               libjnr-constants-java,
+               libjnr-enxio-java,
+               libjnr-ffi-java,
+               libjnr-netdb-java (>= 1.1.4~),
+               libjnr-posix-java (>= 3.0.9~),
+               libjnr-unixsocket-java,
+               libjnr-x86asm-java (>= 1.0.2~),
+               libjoda-time-java,
+               libjruby-joni-java,
+               libmaven-antrun-plugin-java,
+               libmaven-assembly-plugin-java,
+               libmaven-bundle-plugin-java,
+               libmaven-compiler-plugin-java (>= 3.2~),
+               libmaven-dependency-plugin-java,
+               libmaven-exec-plugin-java,
+               libmaven-invoker-plugin-java,
+               libmaven-shade-plugin-java,
+               libproperties-maven-plugin-java,
+               libunsafe-mock-java,
+               libyaml-snake-java,
+               libyecht-java (>= 1.0~),
+               maven,
+               maven-debian-helper,
+               maven-repo-helper,
+               nailgun (>= 0.9.1~),
+               netbase,
+               openjdk-8-jdk,
+               yydebug
 Standards-Version: 3.9.6
-Homepage: http://jruby.org
+Homepage: http://jruby.org/
 Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-java/jruby.git
 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-java/jruby.git
 Package: jruby
 Architecture: all
-Replaces: jruby1.0, jruby1.1, jruby1.2
-Depends: default-jre | java6-runtime, ${misc:Depends}, libjffi-jni
+Depends: default-jre | java6-runtime, libjffi-jni, libjansi-java, ${misc:Depends}
 Recommends: ri
 Description: 100% pure-Java implementation of Ruby
- JRuby is a 100% pure-Java implementation of the Ruby programming language.
+ JRuby is a high performance, stable, fully threaded Java implementation
+ of the Ruby programming language.
+ .
+ JRuby is tightly integrated with Java to allow the embedding of the
+ interpreter into any Java application with full two-way access
+ between the Java and the Ruby code (similar to Jython for the Python
+ language).
  JRuby provides a complete set of core "builtin" classes and syntax
  for the Ruby language, as well as most of the Ruby Standard
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 7599630..1ffff2f 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -1,785 +1,659 @@
-This package was debianized by Sebastien Delafond <seb at debian.org> on
-Thu, 8 Mar 2007 19:22:35 -0800.
-It was downloaded from:
-  http://dist.codehaus.org/jruby/
-  JRuby is Copyright (c) 2007-2009 The JRuby project, and is released
-  under a tri CPL/GPL/LGPL license. You can use it, redistribute it
-  and/or modify it under the terms of the:
-   Common Public License
-   GNU General Public License
-   GNU Lesser General Public License
-  Some additional libraries/files distributed with JRuby are not
-  covered by JRuby's license:
-   bench/rails/public/javascripts/* are distributed under the MIT
-   license, and have the following copyrights:
-     controls.js is Copyright:
-     (c) 2005-2008 Thomas Fuchs (http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us)
-     (c) 2005-2007 Ivan Krstic (http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ivan)
-     (c) 2005-2007 Jon Tirsen (http://www.tirsen.com)
-     dragdrop.js is Copyright:
-     (c) 2005-2008 Thomas Fuchs (http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us)
-     (c) 2005-2007 Sammi Williams (http://www.oriontransfer.co.nz, sammi at oriontransfer.co.nz)
-     effect.js is Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Thomas Fuchs.
-     prototype.js is Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Sam Stephenson.
-   build_lib/jna*jar (http://jna.dev.java.net) are distributed
-   under the LGPL-2.1+ license.
-On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be
-found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2' and the complete text of the GNU
-Lesser General Public License can be found in
-The complete text of the MIT license is as follow:
-    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-    obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-    files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without
-    restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-    copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-    copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-    Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-    conditions:
-    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-    included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-The complete text of the Common Public License is as follow:
-    Common Public License - v 1.0
-    "Contribution" means:
-	  a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and
-	     documentation distributed under this Agreement, and
-	  b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor:
-	  i) changes to the Program, and
-	  ii) additions to the Program;
-	  where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate
-	  from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A
-	  Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the
-	  Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such
-	  Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the
-	  Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in
-	  conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement,
-	  and (ii) are not derivative works of the Program.
-    "Contributor" means any person or entity that distributes the Program.
-    "Licensed Patents " mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor
-    which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution
-    alone or when combined with the Program.
-    "Program" means the Contributions distributed in accordance with this Agreement.
-    "Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this
-    Agreement, including all Contributors.
-	  a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor
-    hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
-    copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly
-    display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the Contribution
-    of such Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source code
-    and object code form.
-	  b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor
-    hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
-    patent license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to
-    sell, import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such
-    Contributor, if any, in source code and object code form. This patent
-    license shall apply to the combination of the Contribution and the
-    Program if, at the time the Contribution is added by the Contributor,
-    such addition of the Contribution causes such combination to be
-    covered by the Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to
-    any other combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per
-    se is licensed hereunder.
-	  c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants
-    the licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are
-    provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the
-    patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Each
-    Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims brought by
-    any other entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights
-    or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses
-    granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility
-    to secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any. For
-    example, if a third party patent license is required to allow
-    Recipient to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility
-    to acquire that license before distributing the Program.
-	  d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has
-    sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant the
-    copyright license set forth in this Agreement.
-    A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form
-    under its own license agreement, provided that:
-	  a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
-	     and
-	  b) its license agreement:
-	  i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all
-    warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties
-    or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or
-    conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose;
-	  ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all
-    liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental
-    and consequential damages, such as lost profits;
-	  iii) states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement
-    are offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other party; and
-	  iv) states that source code for the Program is available from
-    such Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a
-    reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software
-    exchange.
-    When the Program is made available in source code form:
-	  a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and
-	  b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of
-    the Program.
-    Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained
-    within the Program.
-    Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its
-    Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent
-    Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution.
-    Commercial distributors of software may accept certain
-    responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the
-    like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use
-    of the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a
-    commercial product offering should do so in a manner which does not
-    create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a
-    Contributor includes the Program in a commercial product offering,
-    such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend
-    and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor")
-    against any losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising
-    from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third party
-    against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the acts
-    or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its
-    distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The
-    obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses
-    relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property
-    infringement. In order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a)
-    promptly notify the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim,
-    and b) allow the Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with
-    the Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement
-    negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such
-    claim at its own expense.
-    For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial
-    product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial
-    Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance
-    claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance
-    claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility
-    alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to
-    defend claims against the other Contributors related to those
-    performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other
-    Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor
-    must pay those damages.
-    OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely
-    responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and
-    distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its
-    exercise of rights under this Agreement, including but not limited to
-    the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable
-    laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and
-    unavailability or interruption of operations.
-    7. GENERAL
-    If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under
-    applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of
-    the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further
-    action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the
-    minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.
-    If Recipient institutes patent litigation against a Contributor with
-    respect to a patent applicable to software (including a cross-claim or
-    counterclaim in a lawsuit), then any patent licenses granted by that
-    Contributor to such Recipient under this Agreement shall terminate as
-    of the date such litigation is filed. In addition, if Recipient
-    institutes patent litigation against any entity (including a
-    cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Program
-    itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or
-    hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such Recipient's
-    rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date such
-    litigation is filed.
-    All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it
-    fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this
-    Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of
-    time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's
-    rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use
-    and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably
-    practicable. However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and
-    any licenses granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall
-    continue and survive.
-    Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this Agreement,
-    but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is copyrighted and
-    may only be modified in the following manner. The Agreement Steward
-    reserves the right to publish new versions (including revisions) of
-    this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the Agreement
-    Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. IBM is the initial
-    Agreement Steward. IBM may assign the responsibility to serve as the
-    Agreement Steward to a suitable separate entity. Each new version of
-    the Agreement will be given a distinguishing version number. The
-    Program (including Contributions) may always be distributed subject to
-    the version of the Agreement under which it was received. In addition,
-    after a new version of the Agreement is published, Contributor may
-    elect to distribute the Program (including its Contributions) under
-    the new version. Except as expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b)
-    above, Recipient receives no rights or licenses to the intellectual
-    property of any Contributor under this Agreement, whether expressly,
-    by implication, estoppel or otherwise. All rights in the Program not
-    expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved.
-    This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and
-    the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No
-    party to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement
-    more than one year after the cause of action arose. Each party waives
-    its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.
-The files in build_lib/jruby-launcher-1.0.3-java.gem are
-Copyright 2009-2010 JRuby Team (www.jruby.org).
-Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-This code is licensed under either the CDDL Version 1.0 (see below) or the GPL 2
-(see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2) with the CLASSPATH license exception:
-    Certain source files distributed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-    are subject to the following clarification and special
-    exception to the GPL Version 2, but only where Sun has expressly
-    included in the particular source file's header the words
-    "Sun designates this particular file as subject to the
-    "Classpath" exception as provided by Sun in the License file
-    that accompanied this code."
-    Linking this library statically or dynamically with other
-    modules is making a combined work based on this library.
-    Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
-    License Version 2 cover the whole combination.
-    As a special exception, the copyright holders of this
-    library give you permission to link this library with
-    independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of
-    the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy
-    and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your
-    choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
-    independent module, the terms and conditions of the license
-    of that module. An independent module is a module which is
-    not derived from or based on this library. If you modify
-    this library, you may extend this exception to your version
-    of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you
-    do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
-    your version.
-The file rb_w32_cmdvector.h within jruby-launcher-1.0.3-java.gem is
-Copyright (c) 1993, Intergraph Corporation
-You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
-(see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2) or the Artistic License (see
-/usr/share/common-licenses/Artistic), as specified in the perl README file.
-The file ng.c within jruby-launcher-1.0.3-java.gem is
-Copyright 2004, 2010, Martian Software, Inc.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see
-The file strlcpy.c within jruby-launcher-1.0.3-java.gem is
-Copyright (c) 1998 Todd C. Miller <Todd.Miller at courtesan.com>
-All rights reserved.
-    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-    are met:
-    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-    3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
-    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-1. Definitions.
-1.1. "Contributor" means each individual or entity that
-creates or contributes to the creation of Modifications.
-1.2. "Contributor Version" means the combination of the
-Original Software, prior Modifications used by a
-Contributor (if any), and the Modifications made by that
-particular Contributor.
-1.3. "Covered Software" means (a) the Original Software, or
-(b) Modifications, or (c) the combination of files
-containing Original Software with files containing
-Modifications, in each case including portions thereof.
-1.4. "Executable" means the Covered Software in any form
-other than Source Code.
-1.5. "Initial Developer" means the individual or entity
-that first makes Original Software available under this
-1.6. "Larger Work" means a work which combines Covered
-Software or portions thereof with code not governed by the
-terms of this License.
-1.7. "License" means this document.
-1.8. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the
-maximum extent possible, whether at the time of the initial
-grant or subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights
-conveyed herein.
-1.9. "Modifications" means the Source Code and Executable
-form of any of the following:
-A. Any file that results from an addition to,
-deletion from or modification of the contents of a
-file containing Original Software or previous
-B. Any new file that contains any part of the
-Original Software or previous Modification; or
-C. Any new file that is contributed or otherwise made
-available under the terms of this License.
-1.10. "Original Software" means the Source Code and
-Executable form of computer software code that is
-originally released under this License.
-1.11. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned
-or hereafter acquired, including without limitation,
-method, process, and apparatus claims, in any patent
-Licensable by grantor.
-1.12. "Source Code" means (a) the common form of computer
-software code in which modifications are made and (b)
-associated documentation included in or with such code.
-1.13. "You" (or "Your") means an individual or a legal
-entity exercising rights under, and complying with all of
-the terms of, this License. For legal entities, "You"
-includes any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is
-under common control with You. For purposes of this
-definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or
-indirect, to cause the direction or management of such
-entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership
-of more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares
-or beneficial ownership of such entity.
-2. License Grants.
-2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
-Conditioned upon Your compliance with Section 3.1 below and
-subject to third party intellectual property claims, the
-Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide,
-royalty-free, non-exclusive license:
-(a) under intellectual property rights (other than
-patent or trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer,
-to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform,
-sublicense and distribute the Original Software (or
-portions thereof), with or without Modifications,
-and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
-(b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making,
-using or selling of Original Software, to make, have
-made, use, practice, sell, and offer for sale, and/or
-otherwise dispose of the Original Software (or
-portions thereof).
-(c) The licenses granted in Sections 2.1(a) and (b)
-are effective on the date Initial Developer first
-distributes or otherwise makes the Original Software
-available to a third party under the terms of this
-(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent
-license is granted: (1) for code that You delete from
-the Original Software, or (2) for infringements
-caused by: (i) the modification of the Original
-Software, or (ii) the combination of the Original
-Software with other software or devices.
-2.2. Contributor Grant.
-Conditioned upon Your compliance with Section 3.1 below and
-subject to third party intellectual property claims, each
-Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
-non-exclusive license:
-(a) under intellectual property rights (other than
-patent or trademark) Licensable by Contributor to
-use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense
-and distribute the Modifications created by such
-Contributor (or portions thereof), either on an
-unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as
-Covered Software and/or as part of a Larger Work; and
-(b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making,
-using, or selling of Modifications made by that
-Contributor either alone and/or in combination with
-its Contributor Version (or portions of such
-combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale,
-have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: (1)
-Modifications made by that Contributor (or portions
-thereof); and (2) the combination of Modifications
-made by that Contributor with its Contributor Version
-(or portions of such combination).
-(c) The licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and
-2.2(b) are effective on the date Contributor first
-distributes or otherwise makes the Modifications
-available to a third party.
-(d) Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent
-license is granted: (1) for any code that Contributor
-has deleted from the Contributor Version; (2) for
-infringements caused by: (i) third party
-modifications of Contributor Version, or (ii) the
-combination of Modifications made by that Contributor
-with other software (except as part of the
-Contributor Version) or other devices; or (3) under
-Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the
-absence of Modifications made by that Contributor.
-3. Distribution Obligations.
-3.1. Availability of Source Code.
-Any Covered Software that You distribute or otherwise make
-available in Executable form must also be made available in
-Source Code form and that Source Code form must be
-distributed only under the terms of this License. You must
-include a copy of this License with every copy of the
-Source Code form of the Covered Software You distribute or
-otherwise make available. You must inform recipients of any
-such Covered Software in Executable form as to how they can
-obtain such Covered Software in Source Code form in a
-reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used
-for software exchange.
-3.2. Modifications.
-The Modifications that You create or to which You
-contribute are governed by the terms of this License. You
-represent that You believe Your Modifications are Your
-original creation(s) and/or You have sufficient rights to
-grant the rights conveyed by this License.
-3.3. Required Notices.
-You must include a notice in each of Your Modifications
-that identifies You as the Contributor of the Modification.
-You may not remove or alter any copyright, patent or
-trademark notices contained within the Covered Software, or
-any notices of licensing or any descriptive text giving
-attribution to any Contributor or the Initial Developer.
-3.4. Application of Additional Terms.
-You may not offer or impose any terms on any Covered
-Software in Source Code form that alters or restricts the
-applicable version of this License or the recipients'
-rights hereunder. You may choose to offer, and to charge a
-fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability
-obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Software.
-However, you may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
-behalf of the Initial Developer or any Contributor. You
-must make it absolutely clear that any such warranty,
-support, indemnity or liability obligation is offered by
-You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial
-Developer and every Contributor for any liability incurred
-by the Initial Developer or such Contributor as a result of
-warranty, support, indemnity or liability terms You offer.
-3.5. Distribution of Executable Versions.
-You may distribute the Executable form of the Covered
-Software under the terms of this License or under the terms
-of a license of Your choice, which may contain terms
-different from this License, provided that You are in
-compliance with the terms of this License and that the
-license for the Executable form does not attempt to limit
-or alter the recipient's rights in the Source Code form
-from the rights set forth in this License. If You
-distribute the Covered Software in Executable form under a
-different license, You must make it absolutely clear that
-any terms which differ from this License are offered by You
-alone, not by the Initial Developer or Contributor. You
-hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every
-Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial
-Developer or such Contributor as a result of any such terms
-You offer.
-3.6. Larger Works.
-You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Software
-with other code not governed by the terms of this License
-and distribute the Larger Work as a single product. In such
-a case, You must make sure the requirements of this License
-are fulfilled for the Covered Software.
-4. Versions of the License.
-4.1. New Versions.
-Sun Microsystems, Inc. is the initial license steward and
-may publish revised and/or new versions of this License
-from time to time. Each version will be given a
-distinguishing version number. Except as provided in
-Section 4.3, no one other than the license steward has the
-right to modify this License.
-4.2. Effect of New Versions.
-You may always continue to use, distribute or otherwise
-make the Covered Software available under the terms of the
-version of the License under which You originally received
-the Covered Software. If the Initial Developer includes a
-notice in the Original Software prohibiting it from being
-distributed or otherwise made available under any
-subsequent version of the License, You must distribute and
-make the Covered Software available under the terms of the
-version of the License under which You originally received
-the Covered Software. Otherwise, You may also choose to
-use, distribute or otherwise make the Covered Software
-available under the terms of any subsequent version of the
-License published by the license steward.
-4.3. Modified Versions.
-When You are an Initial Developer and You want to create a
-new license for Your Original Software, You may create and
-use a modified version of this License if You: (a) rename
-the license and remove any references to the name of the
-license steward (except to note that the license differs
-from this License); and (b) otherwise make it clear that
-the license contains terms which differ from this License.
-6.1. This License and the rights granted hereunder will
-terminate automatically if You fail to comply with terms
-herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
-becoming aware of the breach. Provisions which, by their
-nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of
-this License shall survive.
-6.2. If You assert a patent infringement claim (excluding
-declaratory judgment actions) against Initial Developer or
-a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against
-whom You assert such claim is referred to as "Participant")
-alleging that the Participant Software (meaning the
-Contributor Version where the Participant is a Contributor
-or the Original Software where the Participant is the
-Initial Developer) directly or indirectly infringes any
-patent, then any and all rights granted directly or
-indirectly to You by such Participant, the Initial
-Developer (if the Initial Developer is not the Participant)
-and all Contributors under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this
-License shall, upon 60 days notice from Participant
-terminate prospectively and automatically at the expiration
-of such 60 day notice period, unless if within such 60 day
-period You withdraw Your claim with respect to the
-Participant Software against such Participant either
-unilaterally or pursuant to a written agreement with
-6.3. If You assert a patent infringement claim against
-Participant alleging that the Participant Software directly
-or indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is
-resolved (such as by license or settlement) prior to the
-initiation of patent infringement litigation, then the
-reasonable value of the licenses granted by such Participant
-under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken into account in
-determining the amount or value of any payment or license.
-6.4. In the event of termination under Sections 6.1 or 6.2
-above, all end user licenses that have been validly granted
-by You or any distributor hereunder prior to termination
-(excluding licenses granted to You by any distributor)
-shall survive termination.
-The Covered Software is a "commercial item," as that term is
-defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of "commercial
-computer software" (as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R.
-§ 252.227-7014(a)(1)) and "commercial computer software
-documentation" as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept.
-1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1
-through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users
-acquire Covered Software with only those rights set forth herein.
-This U.S. Government Rights clause is in lieu of, and supersedes,
-any other FAR, DFAR, or other clause or provision that addresses
-Government rights in computer software under this License.
-This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject
-matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
-unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the
-extent necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be
-governed by the law of the jurisdiction specified in a notice
-contained within the Original Software (except to the extent
-applicable law, if any, provides otherwise), excluding such
-jurisdiction's conflict-of-law provisions. Any litigation
-relating to this License shall be subject to the jurisdiction of
-the courts located in the jurisdiction and venue specified in a
-notice contained within the Original Software, with the losing
-party responsible for costs, including, without limitation, court
-costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. The
-application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
-International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Any law or
-regulation which provides that the language of a contract shall
-be construed against the drafter shall not apply to this License.
-You agree that You alone are responsible for compliance with the
-United States export administration regulations (and the export
-control laws and regulation of any other countries) when You use,
-distribute or otherwise make available any Covered Software.
-As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is
-responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or
-indirectly, out of its utilization of rights under this License
-and You agree to work with Initial Developer and Contributors to
-distribute such responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing
-herein is intended or shall be deemed to constitute any admission
-of liability.
-The code released under the CDDL shall be governed by the laws
-of the State of California (excluding conflict-of-law provisions).
-Any litigation relating to this License shall be subject to the
-jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of
-California and the state courts of the State of California, with
-venue lying in Santa Clara County, California.
+Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Upstream-Name: JRuby
+Upstream-Contact: Charles Oliver Nutter <headius at headius.com>
+Source: http://jruby.org/
+Files: *
+Copyright: 2007-2013 The JRuby project
+License: EPL-1.0 or GPL-2 or LGPL-2.1
+Files: lib/*
+Copyright: 1998-2013 Ruby Standard Library contributors
+License: GPL-2 or Ruby
+Files: spec/ffi/*
+       spec/ruby/optional/ffi/*
+Copyright: 2008-2014 Ruby-FFI contributors
+License: Expat
+Files: spec/mspec/*
+       spec/ruby/*
+Copyright: 2008 Engine Yard, Inc.
+License: Expat
+Files: tool/nailgun/*
+Copyright: 2004-2012, Martian Software, Inc.
+License: Apache-2.0
+Files: ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/RipperParser.java
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/RipperLibrary.java
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/StringTerm.java
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/RipperLexer.java
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/RipperParserState.java
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/HeredocTerm.java
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/Ripper19Parser.java
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/RubyRipper.java
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/StrTerm.java
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/Ripper19Parser.y
+       ext/ripper/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/ripper/Tokens.java
+Copyright: 2002-2013 The JRuby Team (jruby at jruby.org)
+License: CPL-1.0 or GPL-2 or LGPL-2.1
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: 2014-2015 Miguel Landaeta <nomadium at debian.org>
+License: EPL-1.0 or GPL-2 or LGPL-2.1
+License: EPL-1.0
+ Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ "Contribution" means:
+ .
+     a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and
+        documentation distributed under this Agreement, and
+ .
+     b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor:
+ .
+         i) changes to the Program, and
+ .
+         ii) additions to the Program;
+             where such changes and/or additions to the Program
+             originate from and are distributed by that particular
+             Contributor. A Contribution 'originates' from a
+             Contributor if it was added to the Program by such
+             Contributor itself or anyone acting on such
+             Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include
+             additions to the Program which: (i) are separate modules
+             of software distributed in conjunction with the Program
+             under their own license agreement, and (ii) are not
+             derivative works of the Program.
+ .
+ "Contributor" means any person or entity that distributes the Program.
+ .
+ "Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor
+ which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its
+ Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.
+ .
+ "Program" means the Contributions distributed in accordance with
+ this Agreement.
+ .
+ "Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this
+ Agreement, including all Contributors.
+ .
+ .
+     a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor
+        hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide,
+        royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare
+        derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform,
+        distribute and sublicense the Contribution of such
+        Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source
+        code and object code form.
+ .
+     b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor
+        hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide,
+        royalty-free patent license under Licensed Patents to make,
+        use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise transfer the
+        Contribution of such Contributor, if any, in source code and
+        object code form. This patent license shall apply to the
+        combination of the Contribution and the Program if, at the
+        time the Contribution is added by the Contributor, such
+        addition of the Contribution causes such combination to be
+        covered by the Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not
+        apply to any other combinations which include the
+        Contribution. No hardware per se is licensed hereunder.
+ .
+     c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants
+        the licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no
+        assurances are provided by any Contributor that the Program
+        does not infringe the patent or other intellectual property
+        rights of any other entity. Each Contributor disclaims any
+        liability to Recipient for claims brought by any other entity
+        based on infringement of intellectual property rights or
+        otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and
+        licenses granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes
+        sole responsibility to secure any other intellectual property
+        rights needed, if any. For example, if a third party patent
+        license is required to allow Recipient to distribute the
+        Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire that
+        license before distributing the Program.
+ .
+     d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has
+        sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to
+        grant the copyright license set forth in this Agreement.
+ .
+ .
+ A Contributor  may choose to  distribute the Program in  object code
+ form under its own license agreement, provided that:
+ .
+     a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and
+ .
+     b) its license agreement:
+ .
+         i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all
+            warranties and conditions, express and implied, including
+            warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement,
+            and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability
+            and fitness for a particular purpose;
+ .
+         ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all
+             liability for damages, including direct, indirect,
+             special, incidental and consequential damages, such as
+             lost profits;
+ .
+         iii) states that any provisions which differ from this
+              Agreement are offered by that Contributor alone and not
+              by any other party; and
+ .
+         iv) states that source code for the Program is available
+             from such Contributor, and informs licensees how to
+             obtain it in a reasonable manner on or through a medium
+             customarily used for software exchange.
+ .
+ When the Program is made available in source code form:
+ .
+     a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and
+ .
+     b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of
+        the Program.
+ .
+ Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained
+ within the Program.
+ .
+ Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its
+ Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent
+ Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution.
+ .
+ .
+ Commercial distributors of software may accept certain
+ responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and
+ the like. While this license is intended to facilitate the
+ commercial use of the Program, the Contributor who includes the
+ Program in a commercial product offering should do so in a manner
+ which does not create potential liability for other Contributors.
+ Therefore, if a Contributor includes the Program in a commercial
+ product offering, such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby
+ agrees to defend and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified
+ Contributor") against any losses, damages and costs (collectively
+ "Losses") arising from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions
+ brought by a third party against the Indemnified Contributor to the
+ extent caused by the acts or omissions of such Commercial
+ Contributor in connection with its distribution of the Program in a
+ commercial product offering. The obligations in this section do not
+ apply to any claims or Losses relating to any actual or alleged
+ intellectual property infringement. In order to qualify, an
+ Indemnified Contributor must: a) promptly notify the Commercial
+ Contributor in writing of such claim, and b) allow the Commercial
+ Contributor to control, and cooperate with the Commercial
+ Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations.
+ The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such claim at its
+ own expense.
+ .
+ For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial
+ product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial
+ Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance
+ claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance
+ claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's
+ responsibility alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor
+ would have to defend claims against the other Contributors related
+ to those performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires
+ any other Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial
+ Contributor must pay those damages.
+ .
+ .
+ is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using
+ and distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with
+ its exercise of rights under this Agreement , including but not
+ limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with
+ applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment,
+ and unavailability or interruption of operations.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under
+ applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability
+ of the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further
+ action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to
+ the minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and
+ enforceable.
+ .
+ If Recipient institutes patent litigation against any entity
+ (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+ the Program itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other
+ software or hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then
+ such Recipient's rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate
+ as of the date such litigation is filed.
+ .
+ All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it
+ fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this
+ Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of
+ time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's
+ rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use
+ and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable.
+ However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any
+ licenses granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall continue
+ and survive.
+ .
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this
+ Agreement, but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is
+ copyrighted and may only be modified in the following manner. The
+ Agreement Steward reserves the right to publish new versions
+ (including revisions) of this Agreement from time to time. No one
+ other than the Agreement Steward has the right to modify this
+ Agreement. The Eclipse Foundation is the initial Agreement Steward.
+ The Eclipse Foundation may assign the responsibility to serve as the
+ Agreement Steward to a suitable separate entity. Each new version of
+ the Agreement will be given a distinguishing version number. The
+ Program (including Contributions) may always be distributed subject
+ to the version of the Agreement under which it was received. In
+ addition, after a new version of the Agreement is published,
+ Contributor may elect to distribute the Program (including its
+ Contributions) under the new version. Except as expressly stated in
+ Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives no rights or
+ licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor under this
+ Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or otherwise.
+ All rights in the Program not expressly granted under this Agreement
+ are reserved.
+ .
+ This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and
+ the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No
+ party to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this
+ Agreement more than one year after the cause of action arose. Each
+ party waives its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.
+License: GPL-2
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+ can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
+License: LGPL-2.1
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ .
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ .
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+ MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1'.
+License: Ruby
+ 1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
+    software without restriction, provided that you duplicate all of the
+    original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
+ .
+ 2. You may modify your copy of the software in any way, provided that
+    you do at least ONE of the following:
+ .
+      a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise
+         make them Freely Available, such as by posting said
+	  modifications to Usenet or an equivalent medium, or by allowing
+	  the author to include your modifications in the software.
+ .
+      b) use the modified software only within your corporation or
+         organization.
+ .
+      c) give non-standard binaries non-standard names, with
+         instructions on where to get the original software distribution.
+ .
+      d) make other distribution arrangements with the author.
+ .
+ 3. You may distribute the software in object code or binary form,
+    provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+ .
+      a) distribute the binaries and library files of the software,
+	  together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent)
+	  on where to get the original distribution.
+ .
+      b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of
+	  the software.
+ .
+      c) give non-standard binaries non-standard names, with
+         instructions on where to get the original software distribution.
+ .
+      d) make other distribution arrangements with the author.
+ .
+ 4. You may modify and include the part of the software into any other
+    software (possibly commercial).  But some files in the distribution
+    are not written by the author, so that they are not under these terms.
+ .
+    For the list of those files and their copying conditions, see the
+    file LEGAL.
+ .
+ 5. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as 
+    output from the software do not automatically fall under the
+    copyright of the software, but belong to whomever generated them, 
+    and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this
+    software.
+ .
+License: Expat
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+ files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+ restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+ copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+ conditions:
+ .
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ .
+License: Apache-2.0
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ .
+     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ .
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ .
+ On Debian systems, the complete text of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0'.
+License: CPL-1.0
+ Common Public License - v 1.0
+ .
+ Updated 16 Apr 2009
+ .
+ As of 25 Feb 2009, IBM has assigned the Agreement Steward role for the
+ CPL to the Eclipse Foundation. Eclipse has designated the Eclipse
+ Public License (EPL) as the follow-on version of the CPL.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ "Contribution" means:
+ .
+     a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial code and
+     documentation distributed under this Agreement, and 
+ .
+     b) in the case
+     of each subsequent Contributor:
+ .
+     i) changes to the Program, and
+ .
+     ii) additions to the Program;
+ .
+     where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from
+     and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A Contribution
+     'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the Program by
+     such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such Contributor's
+     behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the Program
+     which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in
+     conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement,
+     and (ii) are not derivative works of the Program.
+ .
+ "Contributor" means any person or entity that distributes the Program.
+ .
+ "Licensed Patents " mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor
+ which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution
+ alone or when combined with the Program.
+ .
+ "Program" means the Contributions distributed in accordance with this Agreement.
+ .
+ "Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under this
+ Agreement, including all Contributors.
+ .
+ .
+     a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby
+     grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+     copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of,
+     publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the
+     Contribution of such Contributor, if any, and such derivative
+     works, in source code and object code form.
+ .
+     b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Contributor hereby
+     grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent
+     license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell,
+     import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such
+     Contributor, if any, in source code and object code form. This
+     patent license shall apply to the combination of the Contribution
+     and the Program if, at the time the Contribution is added by the
+     Contributor, such addition of the Contribution causes such
+     combination to be covered by the Licensed Patents. The patent
+     license shall not apply to any other combinations which include
+     the Contribution. No hardware per se is licensed hereunder.
+ .
+     c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor grants the
+     licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances are
+     provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the
+     patent or other intellectual property rights of any other
+     entity. Each Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for
+     claims brought by any other entity based on infringement of
+     intellectual property rights or otherwise. As a condition to
+     exercising the rights and licenses granted hereunder, each
+     Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility to secure any other
+     intellectual property rights needed, if any. For example, if a
+     third party patent license is required to allow Recipient to
+     distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to
+     acquire that license before distributing the Program.
+ .
+     d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it has
+     sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant
+     the copyright license set forth in this Agreement.
+ .
+ .
+ A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code form
+ under its own license agreement, provided that:
+ .
+     a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and
+ .
+     b) its license agreement:
+ .
+     i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors all
+     warranties and conditions, express and implied, including
+     warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and
+     implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness
+     for a particular purpose;
+ .
+     ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors all
+     liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special,
+     incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits;
+ .
+     iii) states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement
+     are offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other party;
+     and
+ .
+     iv) states that source code for the Program is available from such
+     Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a
+     reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for
+     software exchange.
+ .
+ When the Program is made available in source code form:
+ .
+     a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and 
+ .
+     b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each copy of the Program. 
+ .
+ Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained
+ within the Program.
+ .
+ Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its
+ Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent
+ Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution.
+ .
+ .
+ Commercial distributors of software may accept certain
+ responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the
+ like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use
+ of the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a
+ commercial product offering should do so in a manner which does not
+ create potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a
+ Contributor includes the Program in a commercial product offering,
+ such Contributor ("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend
+ and indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor")
+ against any losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") arising
+ from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third party
+ against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the acts
+ or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its
+ distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The
+ obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses
+ relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property
+ infringement. In order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a)
+ promptly notify the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim,
+ and b) allow the Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with
+ the Commercial Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement
+ negotiations. The Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such
+ claim at its own expense.
+ .
+ For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial
+ product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial
+ Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance
+ claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance
+ claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility
+ alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to
+ defend claims against the other Contributors related to those
+ performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other
+ Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor
+ must pay those damages.
+ .
+ .
+ responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and
+ distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its
+ exercise of rights under this Agreement, including but not limited to
+ the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable
+ laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and
+ unavailability or interruption of operations.
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under
+ applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of
+ the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further
+ action by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the
+ minimum extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.
+ .
+ If Recipient institutes patent litigation against a Contributor with
+ respect to a patent applicable to software (including a cross-claim or
+ counterclaim in a lawsuit), then any patent licenses granted by that
+ Contributor to such Recipient under this Agreement shall terminate as
+ of the date such litigation is filed. In addition, if Recipient
+ institutes patent litigation against any entity (including a
+ cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Program
+ itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other software or
+ hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such Recipient's
+ rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the date such
+ litigation is filed.
+ .
+ All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it
+ fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this
+ Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of
+ time after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's
+ rights under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use
+ and distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably
+ practicable. However, Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and
+ any licenses granted by Recipient relating to the Program shall
+ continue and survive.
+ .
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this Agreement,
+ but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is copyrighted and
+ may only be modified in the following manner. The Agreement Steward
+ reserves the right to publish new versions (including revisions) of
+ this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the Agreement
+ Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. IBM is the initial
+ Agreement Steward. IBM may assign the responsibility to serve as the
+ Agreement Steward to a suitable separate entity. Each new version of
+ the Agreement will be given a distinguishing version number. The
+ Program (including Contributions) may always be distributed subject to
+ the version of the Agreement under which it was received. In addition,
+ after a new version of the Agreement is published, Contributor may
+ elect to distribute the Program (including its Contributions) under
+ the new version. Except as expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b)
+ above, Recipient receives no rights or licenses to the intellectual
+ property of any Contributor under this Agreement, whether expressly,
+ by implication, estoppel or otherwise. All rights in the Program not
+ expressly granted under this Agreement are reserved.
+ .
+ This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and
+ the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No
+ party to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement
+ more than one year after the cause of action arose. Each party waives
+ its rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.
diff --git a/debian/dirs b/debian/dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index d66de20..0000000
--- a/debian/dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/jruby.docs b/debian/jruby.docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2450643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/jruby.docs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/debian/jruby.install b/debian/jruby.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ab059b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/jruby.install
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+target/package/bin/ast         usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/bin/gem         usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/bin/jgem        usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/bin/jirb        usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/bin/jirb_swing  usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/bin/jruby       usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/bin/jrubyc      usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/bin/rdoc        usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/bin/ri          usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/bin/testrb      usr/share/jruby/bin
+target/package/lib/ruby        usr/share/jruby/lib
diff --git a/debian/jruby.links b/debian/jruby.links
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6298168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/jruby.links
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#usr/share/jruby/bin/gem                usr/bin/gem
+#usr/share/jruby/bin/rdoc               usr/bin/rdoc
+#usr/share/jruby/bin/ri                 usr/bin/ri
+usr/share/java/jruby-core.jar          usr/share/java/jruby.jar
+usr/share/java/jruby-core.jar          usr/share/jruby/lib/jruby.jar
+usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.js  usr/share/jruby/lib/ruby/2.0/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/js/jquery.js
+usr/share/jruby/bin/ast                usr/bin/ast
+usr/share/jruby/bin/jgem               usr/bin/jgem
+usr/share/jruby/bin/jirb               usr/bin/jirb
+usr/share/jruby/bin/jirb_swing         usr/bin/jirb_swing
+usr/share/jruby/bin/jruby              usr/bin/jruby
+usr/share/jruby/bin/jrubyc             usr/bin/jrubyc
+usr/share/jruby/bin/testrb             usr/bin/testrb
diff --git a/debian/jruby.lintian-overrides b/debian/jruby.lintian-overrides
deleted file mode 100644
index f1f8a53..0000000
--- a/debian/jruby.lintian-overrides
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# # we really do not need to depend (or even suggest or recommend) ruby
-# # just for this script
-# jruby binary: ruby-script-but-no-ruby-dep ./usr/lib/jruby/bin/jruby.rb
diff --git a/debian/jruby.poms b/debian/jruby.poms
index 568117a..e477279 100644
--- a/debian/jruby.poms
+++ b/debian/jruby.poms
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
-maven/jruby/pom.xml --no-parent
+pom.xml --no-parent
diff --git a/debian/links b/debian/links
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ee1313..0000000
--- a/debian/links
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-usr/lib/jruby/bin/jirb      usr/bin/jirb
-usr/lib/jruby/bin/jruby     usr/bin/jruby
-usr/lib/jruby/bin/jruby.rb  usr/bin/jruby.rb
-usr/lib/jruby/bin/jrubyc    usr/bin/jrubyc
-usr/lib/jruby/lib/jruby.jar usr/share/java/jruby.jar
-usr/share/ri/1.8/system     usr/lib/jruby/share/ri/1.8/system
diff --git a/debian/m2.conf b/debian/m2.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a107568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/m2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+main is org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli from plexus.core
+set maven.home default /usr/share/maven
+optionally ${maven.home}/lib/ext/*.jar
+load       ${maven.home}/lib/*.jar
diff --git a/debian/manpages b/debian/manpages
index a9635f2..ecb9e1e 100644
--- a/debian/manpages
+++ b/debian/manpages
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/maven.cleanIgnoreRules b/debian/maven.cleanIgnoreRules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/debian/maven.ignoreRules b/debian/maven.ignoreRules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6885593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/maven.ignoreRules
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+org.apache.maven.plugins maven-scm-publish-plugin * * * *
+org.codehaus.mojo buildnumber-maven-plugin * * * *
+de.saumya.mojo gem-maven-plugin * * * *
+io.tesla.polyglot tesla-polyglot-maven-plugin
+org.jruby joda-timezones * * * *
+com.headius coro-mock * * * *
+com.headius jsr292-mock * * * *
+com.github.jnr jffi jar * native *
diff --git a/debian/maven.properties b/debian/maven.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/debian/maven.rules b/debian/maven.rules
index 99394bb..5fecc99 100644
--- a/debian/maven.rules
+++ b/debian/maven.rules
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
-asm * jar s/.*/3.x/ * *
-s/org\.jruby\.extras/com.github.jnr/ s/constantine/jnr-constants/ jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+org.ow2.asm * jar s/.*/4.x/ * *
+org.jruby.extras bytelist jar s/.*/debian/ * *
+org.yaml snakeyaml jar s/.*/1.x/ * *
+junit junit jar s/.*/4.x/ * *
+jline jline jar s/2\..*/2.x/ * *
diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/jquery.js b/debian/missing-sources/jquery.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..417eb67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/jquery.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9404 @@
+ * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.7.2
+ * http://jquery.com/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011, John Resig
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * Includes Sizzle.js
+ * http://sizzlejs.com/
+ * Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation
+ * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *
+ * Date: Fri Aug 29 09:46:34 UTC 2014
+ */
+(function( window, undefined ) {
+// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
+var document = window.document,
+	navigator = window.navigator,
+	location = window.location;
+var jQuery = (function() {
+// Define a local copy of jQuery
+var jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
+		// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
+		return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery );
+	},
+	// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
+	_jQuery = window.jQuery,
+	// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
+	_$ = window.$,
+	// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
+	rootjQuery,
+	// A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings
+	// Prioritize #id over <tag> to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521)
+	quickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/,
+	// Check if a string has a non-whitespace character in it
+	rnotwhite = /\S/,
+	// Used for trimming whitespace
+	trimLeft = /^\s+/,
+	trimRight = /\s+$/,
+	// Match a standalone tag
+	rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/,
+	// JSON RegExp
+	rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
+	rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,
+	rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,
+	rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
+	// Useragent RegExp
+	rwebkit = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
+	ropera = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
+	rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/,
+	rmozilla = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/,
+	// Matches dashed string for camelizing
+	rdashAlpha = /-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig,
+	rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/,
+	// Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace()
+	fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
+		return ( letter + "" ).toUpperCase();
+	},
+	// Keep a UserAgent string for use with jQuery.browser
+	userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
+	// For matching the engine and version of the browser
+	browserMatch,
+	// The deferred used on DOM ready
+	readyList,
+	// The ready event handler
+	DOMContentLoaded,
+	// Save a reference to some core methods
+	toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+	hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+	push = Array.prototype.push,
+	slice = Array.prototype.slice,
+	trim = String.prototype.trim,
+	indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf,
+	// [[Class]] -> type pairs
+	class2type = {};
+jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
+	constructor: jQuery,
+	init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) {
+		var match, elem, ret, doc;
+		// Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined)
+		if ( !selector ) {
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Handle $(DOMElement)
+		if ( selector.nodeType ) {
+			this.context = this[0] = selector;
+			this.length = 1;
+			return this;
+		}
+		// The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
+		if ( selector === "body" && !context && document.body ) {
+			this.context = document;
+			this[0] = document.body;
+			this.selector = selector;
+			this.length = 1;
+			return this;
+		}
+		// Handle HTML strings
+		if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
+			// Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID?
+			if ( selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt( selector.length - 1 ) === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) {
+				// Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check
+				match = [ null, selector, null ];
+			} else {
+				match = quickExpr.exec( selector );
+			}
+			// Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id
+			if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {
+				// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
+				if ( match[1] ) {
+					context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context;
+					doc = ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : document );
+					// If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag
+					// just do a createElement and skip the rest
+					ret = rsingleTag.exec( selector );
+					if ( ret ) {
+						if ( jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
+							selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
+							jQuery.fn.attr.call( selector, context, true );
+						} else {
+							selector = [ doc.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
+						}
+					} else {
+						ret = jQuery.buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] );
+						selector = ( ret.cacheable ? jQuery.clone(ret.fragment) : ret.fragment ).childNodes;
+					}
+					return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
+				// HANDLE: $("#id")
+				} else {
+					elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
+					// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+					// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+					if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+						// Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
+						// by name instead of ID
+						if ( elem.id !== match[2] ) {
+							return rootjQuery.find( selector );
+						}
+						// Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object
+						this.length = 1;
+						this[0] = elem;
+					}
+					this.context = document;
+					this.selector = selector;
+					return this;
+				}
+			// HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
+			} else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
+				return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector );
+			// HANDLE: $(expr, context)
+			// (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
+			} else {
+				return this.constructor( context ).find( selector );
+			}
+		// HANDLE: $(function)
+		// Shortcut for document ready
+		} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
+			return rootjQuery.ready( selector );
+		}
+		if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) {
+			this.selector = selector.selector;
+			this.context = selector.context;
+		}
+		return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
+	},
+	// Start with an empty selector
+	selector: "",
+	// The current version of jQuery being used
+	jquery: "1.7.2",
+	// The default length of a jQuery object is 0
+	length: 0,
+	// The number of elements contained in the matched element set
+	size: function() {
+		return this.length;
+	},
+	toArray: function() {
+		return slice.call( this, 0 );
+	},
+	// Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
+	// Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
+	get: function( num ) {
+		return num == null ?
+			// Return a 'clean' array
+			this.toArray() :
+			// Return just the object
+			( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] );
+	},
+	// Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
+	// (returning the new matched element set)
+	pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) {
+		// Build a new jQuery matched element set
+		var ret = this.constructor();
+		if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) {
+			push.apply( ret, elems );
+		} else {
+			jQuery.merge( ret, elems );
+		}
+		// Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
+		ret.prevObject = this;
+		ret.context = this.context;
+		if ( name === "find" ) {
+			ret.selector = this.selector + ( this.selector ? " " : "" ) + selector;
+		} else if ( name ) {
+			ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")";
+		}
+		// Return the newly-formed element set
+		return ret;
+	},
+	// Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
+	// (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
+	// only used internally.)
+	each: function( callback, args ) {
+		return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
+	},
+	ready: function( fn ) {
+		// Attach the listeners
+		jQuery.bindReady();
+		// Add the callback
+		readyList.add( fn );
+		return this;
+	},
+	eq: function( i ) {
+		i = +i;
+		return i === -1 ?
+			this.slice( i ) :
+			this.slice( i, i + 1 );
+	},
+	first: function() {
+		return this.eq( 0 );
+	},
+	last: function() {
+		return this.eq( -1 );
+	},
+	slice: function() {
+		return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ),
+			"slice", slice.call(arguments).join(",") );
+	},
+	map: function( callback ) {
+		return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) {
+			return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
+		}));
+	},
+	end: function() {
+		return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null);
+	},
+	// For internal use only.
+	// Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
+	push: push,
+	sort: [].sort,
+	splice: [].splice
+// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
+jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
+jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
+	var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
+		target = arguments[0] || {},
+		i = 1,
+		length = arguments.length,
+		deep = false;
+	// Handle a deep copy situation
+	if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
+		deep = target;
+		target = arguments[1] || {};
+		// skip the boolean and the target
+		i = 2;
+	}
+	// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
+	if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) {
+		target = {};
+	}
+	// extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
+	if ( length === i ) {
+		target = this;
+		--i;
+	}
+	for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+		// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
+		if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {
+			// Extend the base object
+			for ( name in options ) {
+				src = target[ name ];
+				copy = options[ name ];
+				// Prevent never-ending loop
+				if ( target === copy ) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				// Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
+				if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) {
+					if ( copyIsArray ) {
+						copyIsArray = false;
+						clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
+					} else {
+						clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
+					}
+					// Never move original objects, clone them
+					target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
+				// Don't bring in undefined values
+				} else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
+					target[ name ] = copy;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Return the modified object
+	return target;
+	noConflict: function( deep ) {
+		if ( window.$ === jQuery ) {
+			window.$ = _$;
+		}
+		if ( deep && window.jQuery === jQuery ) {
+			window.jQuery = _jQuery;
+		}
+		return jQuery;
+	},
+	// Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
+	isReady: false,
+	// A counter to track how many items to wait for before
+	// the ready event fires. See #6781
+	readyWait: 1,
+	// Hold (or release) the ready event
+	holdReady: function( hold ) {
+		if ( hold ) {
+			jQuery.readyWait++;
+		} else {
+			jQuery.ready( true );
+		}
+	},
+	// Handle when the DOM is ready
+	ready: function( wait ) {
+		// Either a released hold or an DOMready/load event and not yet ready
+		if ( (wait === true && !--jQuery.readyWait) || (wait !== true && !jQuery.isReady) ) {
+			// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
+			if ( !document.body ) {
+				return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
+			}
+			// Remember that the DOM is ready
+			jQuery.isReady = true;
+			// If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be
+			if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// If there are functions bound, to execute
+			readyList.fireWith( document, [ jQuery ] );
+			// Trigger any bound ready events
+			if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) {
+				jQuery( document ).trigger( "ready" ).off( "ready" );
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	bindReady: function() {
+		if ( readyList ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		readyList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" );
+		// Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the
+		// browser event has already occurred.
+		if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
+			// Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
+			return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
+		}
+		// Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
+		if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+			// Use the handy event callback
+			document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
+			// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+			window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
+		// If IE event model is used
+		} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
+			// ensure firing before onload,
+			// maybe late but safe also for iframes
+			document.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
+			// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+			window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
+			// If IE and not a frame
+			// continually check to see if the document is ready
+			var toplevel = false;
+			try {
+				toplevel = window.frameElement == null;
+			} catch(e) {}
+			if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) {
+				doScrollCheck();
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction.
+	// Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert
+	// aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968).
+	isFunction: function( obj ) {
+		return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
+	},
+	isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) {
+		return jQuery.type(obj) === "array";
+	},
+	isWindow: function( obj ) {
+		return obj != null && obj == obj.window;
+	},
+	isNumeric: function( obj ) {
+		return !isNaN( parseFloat(obj) ) && isFinite( obj );
+	},
+	type: function( obj ) {
+		return obj == null ?
+			String( obj ) :
+			class2type[ toString.call(obj) ] || "object";
+	},
+	isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
+		// Must be an Object.
+		// Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
+		// Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
+		if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		try {
+			// Not own constructor property must be Object
+			if ( obj.constructor &&
+				!hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") &&
+				!hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) {
+				return false;
+			}
+		} catch ( e ) {
+			// IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897
+			return false;
+		}
+		// Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
+		// if last one is own, then all properties are own.
+		var key;
+		for ( key in obj ) {}
+		return key === undefined || hasOwn.call( obj, key );
+	},
+	isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
+		for ( var name in obj ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	},
+	error: function( msg ) {
+		throw new Error( msg );
+	},
+	parseJSON: function( data ) {
+		if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		// Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
+		data = jQuery.trim( data );
+		// Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first
+		if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) {
+			return window.JSON.parse( data );
+		}
+		// Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
+		// Logic borrowed from http://json.org/json2.js
+		if ( rvalidchars.test( data.replace( rvalidescape, "@" )
+			.replace( rvalidtokens, "]" )
+			.replace( rvalidbraces, "")) ) {
+			return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )();
+		}
+		jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );
+	},
+	// Cross-browser xml parsing
+	parseXML: function( data ) {
+		if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		var xml, tmp;
+		try {
+			if ( window.DOMParser ) { // Standard
+				tmp = new DOMParser();
+				xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" );
+			} else { // IE
+				xml = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
+				xml.async = "false";
+				xml.loadXML( data );
+			}
+		} catch( e ) {
+			xml = undefined;
+		}
+		if ( !xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) {
+			jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data );
+		}
+		return xml;
+	},
+	noop: function() {},
+	// Evaluates a script in a global context
+	// Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll
+	// http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2009/09/08/eval-javascript-global-context
+	globalEval: function( data ) {
+		if ( data && rnotwhite.test( data ) ) {
+			// We use execScript on Internet Explorer
+			// We use an anonymous function so that context is window
+			// rather than jQuery in Firefox
+			( window.execScript || function( data ) {
+				window[ "eval" ].call( window, data );
+			} )( data );
+		}
+	},
+	// Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules
+	// Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572)
+	camelCase: function( string ) {
+		return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase );
+	},
+	nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
+		return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase();
+	},
+	// args is for internal usage only
+	each: function( object, callback, args ) {
+		var name, i = 0,
+			length = object.length,
+			isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction( object );
+		if ( args ) {
+			if ( isObj ) {
+				for ( name in object ) {
+					if ( callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( ; i < length; ) {
+					if ( callback.apply( object[ i++ ], args ) === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
+		} else {
+			if ( isObj ) {
+				for ( name in object ) {
+					if ( callback.call( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( ; i < length; ) {
+					if ( callback.call( object[ i ], i, object[ i++ ] ) === false ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return object;
+	},
+	// Use native String.trim function wherever possible
+	trim: trim ?
+		function( text ) {
+			return text == null ?
+				"" :
+				trim.call( text );
+		} :
+		// Otherwise use our own trimming functionality
+		function( text ) {
+			return text == null ?
+				"" :
+				text.toString().replace( trimLeft, "" ).replace( trimRight, "" );
+		},
+	// results is for internal usage only
+	makeArray: function( array, results ) {
+		var ret = results || [];
+		if ( array != null ) {
+			// The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length'
+			// Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930
+			var type = jQuery.type( array );
+			if ( array.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( array ) ) {
+				push.call( ret, array );
+			} else {
+				jQuery.merge( ret, array );
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	inArray: function( elem, array, i ) {
+		var len;
+		if ( array ) {
+			if ( indexOf ) {
+				return indexOf.call( array, elem, i );
+			}
+			len = array.length;
+			i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max( 0, len + i ) : i : 0;
+			for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
+				// Skip accessing in sparse arrays
+				if ( i in array && array[ i ] === elem ) {
+					return i;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return -1;
+	},
+	merge: function( first, second ) {
+		var i = first.length,
+			j = 0;
+		if ( typeof second.length === "number" ) {
+			for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+				first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
+			}
+		} else {
+			while ( second[j] !== undefined ) {
+				first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];
+			}
+		}
+		first.length = i;
+		return first;
+	},
+	grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) {
+		var ret = [], retVal;
+		inv = !!inv;
+		// Go through the array, only saving the items
+		// that pass the validator function
+		for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+			retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i );
+			if ( inv !== retVal ) {
+				ret.push( elems[ i ] );
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	// arg is for internal usage only
+	map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
+		var value, key, ret = [],
+			i = 0,
+			length = elems.length,
+			// jquery objects are treated as arrays
+			isArray = elems instanceof jQuery || length !== undefined && typeof length === "number" && ( ( length > 0 && elems[ 0 ] && elems[ length -1 ] ) || length === 0 || jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) ;
+		// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
+		if ( isArray ) {
+			for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+				value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
+				if ( value != null ) {
+					ret[ ret.length ] = value;
+				}
+			}
+		// Go through every key on the object,
+		} else {
+			for ( key in elems ) {
+				value = callback( elems[ key ], key, arg );
+				if ( value != null ) {
+					ret[ ret.length ] = value;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Flatten any nested arrays
+		return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );
+	},
+	// A global GUID counter for objects
+	guid: 1,
+	// Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any
+	// arguments.
+	proxy: function( fn, context ) {
+		if ( typeof context === "string" ) {
+			var tmp = fn[ context ];
+			context = fn;
+			fn = tmp;
+		}
+		// Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec
+		// this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined.
+		if ( !jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
+			return undefined;
+		}
+		// Simulated bind
+		var args = slice.call( arguments, 2 ),
+			proxy = function() {
+				return fn.apply( context, args.concat( slice.call( arguments ) ) );
+			};
+		// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
+		proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || proxy.guid || jQuery.guid++;
+		return proxy;
+	},
+	// Mutifunctional method to get and set values to a collection
+	// The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function
+	access: function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, pass ) {
+		var exec,
+			bulk = key == null,
+			i = 0,
+			length = elems.length;
+		// Sets many values
+		if ( key && typeof key === "object" ) {
+			for ( i in key ) {
+				jQuery.access( elems, fn, i, key[i], 1, emptyGet, value );
+			}
+			chainable = 1;
+		// Sets one value
+		} else if ( value !== undefined ) {
+			// Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true
+			exec = pass === undefined && jQuery.isFunction( value );
+			if ( bulk ) {
+				// Bulk operations only iterate when executing function values
+				if ( exec ) {
+					exec = fn;
+					fn = function( elem, key, value ) {
+						return exec.call( jQuery( elem ), value );
+					};
+				// Otherwise they run against the entire set
+				} else {
+					fn.call( elems, value );
+					fn = null;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( fn ) {
+				for (; i < length; i++ ) {
+					fn( elems[i], key, exec ? value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass );
+				}
+			}
+			chainable = 1;
+		}
+		return chainable ?
+			elems :
+			// Gets
+			bulk ?
+				fn.call( elems ) :
+				length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : emptyGet;
+	},
+	now: function() {
+		return ( new Date() ).getTime();
+	},
+	// Use of jQuery.browser is frowned upon.
+	// More details: http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.browser
+	uaMatch: function( ua ) {
+		ua = ua.toLowerCase();
+		var match = rwebkit.exec( ua ) ||
+			ropera.exec( ua ) ||
+			rmsie.exec( ua ) ||
+			ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && rmozilla.exec( ua ) ||
+			[];
+		return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" };
+	},
+	sub: function() {
+		function jQuerySub( selector, context ) {
+			return new jQuerySub.fn.init( selector, context );
+		}
+		jQuery.extend( true, jQuerySub, this );
+		jQuerySub.superclass = this;
+		jQuerySub.fn = jQuerySub.prototype = this();
+		jQuerySub.fn.constructor = jQuerySub;
+		jQuerySub.sub = this.sub;
+		jQuerySub.fn.init = function init( selector, context ) {
+			if ( context && context instanceof jQuery && !(context instanceof jQuerySub) ) {
+				context = jQuerySub( context );
+			}
+			return jQuery.fn.init.call( this, selector, context, rootjQuerySub );
+		};
+		jQuerySub.fn.init.prototype = jQuerySub.fn;
+		var rootjQuerySub = jQuerySub(document);
+		return jQuerySub;
+	},
+	browser: {}
+// Populate the class2type map
+jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) {
+	class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
+browserMatch = jQuery.uaMatch( userAgent );
+if ( browserMatch.browser ) {
+	jQuery.browser[ browserMatch.browser ] = true;
+	jQuery.browser.version = browserMatch.version;
+// Deprecated, use jQuery.browser.webkit instead
+if ( jQuery.browser.webkit ) {
+	jQuery.browser.safari = true;
+// IE doesn't match non-breaking spaces with \s
+if ( rnotwhite.test( "\xA0" ) ) {
+	trimLeft = /^[\s\xA0]+/;
+	trimRight = /[\s\xA0]+$/;
+// All jQuery objects should point back to these
+rootjQuery = jQuery(document);
+// Cleanup functions for the document ready method
+if ( document.addEventListener ) {
+	DOMContentLoaded = function() {
+		document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
+		jQuery.ready();
+	};
+} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
+	DOMContentLoaded = function() {
+		// Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
+		if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
+			document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
+			jQuery.ready();
+		}
+	};
+// The DOM ready check for Internet Explorer
+function doScrollCheck() {
+	if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	try {
+		// If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
+		// http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
+		document.documentElement.doScroll("left");
+	} catch(e) {
+		setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 1 );
+		return;
+	}
+	// and execute any waiting functions
+	jQuery.ready();
+return jQuery;
+// String to Object flags format cache
+var flagsCache = {};
+// Convert String-formatted flags into Object-formatted ones and store in cache
+function createFlags( flags ) {
+	var object = flagsCache[ flags ] = {},
+		i, length;
+	flags = flags.split( /\s+/ );
+	for ( i = 0, length = flags.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+		object[ flags[i] ] = true;
+	}
+	return object;
+ * Create a callback list using the following parameters:
+ *
+ *	flags:	an optional list of space-separated flags that will change how
+ *			the callback list behaves
+ *
+ * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
+ * "fired" multiple times.
+ *
+ * Possible flags:
+ *
+ *	once:			will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
+ *
+ *	memory:			will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
+ *					after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
+ *					values (like a Deferred)
+ *
+ *	unique:			will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
+ *
+ *	stopOnFalse:	interrupt callings when a callback returns false
+ *
+ */
+jQuery.Callbacks = function( flags ) {
+	// Convert flags from String-formatted to Object-formatted
+	// (we check in cache first)
+	flags = flags ? ( flagsCache[ flags ] || createFlags( flags ) ) : {};
+	var // Actual callback list
+		list = [],
+		// Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
+		stack = [],
+		// Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
+		memory,
+		// Flag to know if list was already fired
+		fired,
+		// Flag to know if list is currently firing
+		firing,
+		// First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
+		firingStart,
+		// End of the loop when firing
+		firingLength,
+		// Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
+		firingIndex,
+		// Add one or several callbacks to the list
+		add = function( args ) {
+			var i,
+				length,
+				elem,
+				type,
+				actual;
+			for ( i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++ ) {
+				elem = args[ i ];
+				type = jQuery.type( elem );
+				if ( type === "array" ) {
+					// Inspect recursively
+					add( elem );
+				} else if ( type === "function" ) {
+					// Add if not in unique mode and callback is not in
+					if ( !flags.unique || !self.has( elem ) ) {
+						list.push( elem );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		// Fire callbacks
+		fire = function( context, args ) {
+			args = args || [];
+			memory = !flags.memory || [ context, args ];
+			fired = true;
+			firing = true;
+			firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
+			firingStart = 0;
+			firingLength = list.length;
+			for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) {
+				if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( context, args ) === false && flags.stopOnFalse ) {
+					memory = true; // Mark as halted
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			firing = false;
+			if ( list ) {
+				if ( !flags.once ) {
+					if ( stack && stack.length ) {
+						memory = stack.shift();
+						self.fireWith( memory[ 0 ], memory[ 1 ] );
+					}
+				} else if ( memory === true ) {
+					self.disable();
+				} else {
+					list = [];
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		// Actual Callbacks object
+		self = {
+			// Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
+			add: function() {
+				if ( list ) {
+					var length = list.length;
+					add( arguments );
+					// Do we need to add the callbacks to the
+					// current firing batch?
+					if ( firing ) {
+						firingLength = list.length;
+					// With memory, if we're not firing then
+					// we should call right away, unless previous
+					// firing was halted (stopOnFalse)
+					} else if ( memory && memory !== true ) {
+						firingStart = length;
+						fire( memory[ 0 ], memory[ 1 ] );
+					}
+				}
+				return this;
+			},
+			// Remove a callback from the list
+			remove: function() {
+				if ( list ) {
+					var args = arguments,
+						argIndex = 0,
+						argLength = args.length;
+					for ( ; argIndex < argLength ; argIndex++ ) {
+						for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
+							if ( args[ argIndex ] === list[ i ] ) {
+								// Handle firingIndex and firingLength
+								if ( firing ) {
+									if ( i <= firingLength ) {
+										firingLength--;
+										if ( i <= firingIndex ) {
+											firingIndex--;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								// Remove the element
+								list.splice( i--, 1 );
+								// If we have some unicity property then
+								// we only need to do this once
+								if ( flags.unique ) {
+									break;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return this;
+			},
+			// Control if a given callback is in the list
+			has: function( fn ) {
+				if ( list ) {
+					var i = 0,
+						length = list.length;
+					for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+						if ( fn === list[ i ] ) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return false;
+			},
+			// Remove all callbacks from the list
+			empty: function() {
+				list = [];
+				return this;
+			},
+			// Have the list do nothing anymore
+			disable: function() {
+				list = stack = memory = undefined;
+				return this;
+			},
+			// Is it disabled?
+			disabled: function() {
+				return !list;
+			},
+			// Lock the list in its current state
+			lock: function() {
+				stack = undefined;
+				if ( !memory || memory === true ) {
+					self.disable();
+				}
+				return this;
+			},
+			// Is it locked?
+			locked: function() {
+				return !stack;
+			},
+			// Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
+			fireWith: function( context, args ) {
+				if ( stack ) {
+					if ( firing ) {
+						if ( !flags.once ) {
+							stack.push( [ context, args ] );
+						}
+					} else if ( !( flags.once && memory ) ) {
+						fire( context, args );
+					}
+				}
+				return this;
+			},
+			// Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
+			fire: function() {
+				self.fireWith( this, arguments );
+				return this;
+			},
+			// To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
+			fired: function() {
+				return !!fired;
+			}
+		};
+	return self;
+var // Static reference to slice
+	sliceDeferred = [].slice;
+	Deferred: function( func ) {
+		var doneList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
+			failList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
+			progressList = jQuery.Callbacks( "memory" ),
+			state = "pending",
+			lists = {
+				resolve: doneList,
+				reject: failList,
+				notify: progressList
+			},
+			promise = {
+				done: doneList.add,
+				fail: failList.add,
+				progress: progressList.add,
+				state: function() {
+					return state;
+				},
+				// Deprecated
+				isResolved: doneList.fired,
+				isRejected: failList.fired,
+				then: function( doneCallbacks, failCallbacks, progressCallbacks ) {
+					deferred.done( doneCallbacks ).fail( failCallbacks ).progress( progressCallbacks );
+					return this;
+				},
+				always: function() {
+					deferred.done.apply( deferred, arguments ).fail.apply( deferred, arguments );
+					return this;
+				},
+				pipe: function( fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress ) {
+					return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) {
+						jQuery.each( {
+							done: [ fnDone, "resolve" ],
+							fail: [ fnFail, "reject" ],
+							progress: [ fnProgress, "notify" ]
+						}, function( handler, data ) {
+							var fn = data[ 0 ],
+								action = data[ 1 ],
+								returned;
+							if ( jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
+								deferred[ handler ](function() {
+									returned = fn.apply( this, arguments );
+									if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) {
+										returned.promise().then( newDefer.resolve, newDefer.reject, newDefer.notify );
+									} else {
+										newDefer[ action + "With" ]( this === deferred ? newDefer : this, [ returned ] );
+									}
+								});
+							} else {
+								deferred[ handler ]( newDefer[ action ] );
+							}
+						});
+					}).promise();
+				},
+				// Get a promise for this deferred
+				// If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
+				promise: function( obj ) {
+					if ( obj == null ) {
+						obj = promise;
+					} else {
+						for ( var key in promise ) {
+							obj[ key ] = promise[ key ];
+						}
+					}
+					return obj;
+				}
+			},
+			deferred = promise.promise({}),
+			key;
+		for ( key in lists ) {
+			deferred[ key ] = lists[ key ].fire;
+			deferred[ key + "With" ] = lists[ key ].fireWith;
+		}
+		// Handle state
+		deferred.done( function() {
+			state = "resolved";
+		}, failList.disable, progressList.lock ).fail( function() {
+			state = "rejected";
+		}, doneList.disable, progressList.lock );
+		// Call given func if any
+		if ( func ) {
+			func.call( deferred, deferred );
+		}
+		// All done!
+		return deferred;
+	},
+	// Deferred helper
+	when: function( firstParam ) {
+		var args = sliceDeferred.call( arguments, 0 ),
+			i = 0,
+			length = args.length,
+			pValues = new Array( length ),
+			count = length,
+			pCount = length,
+			deferred = length <= 1 && firstParam && jQuery.isFunction( firstParam.promise ) ?
+				firstParam :
+				jQuery.Deferred(),
+			promise = deferred.promise();
+		function resolveFunc( i ) {
+			return function( value ) {
+				args[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? sliceDeferred.call( arguments, 0 ) : value;
+				if ( !( --count ) ) {
+					deferred.resolveWith( deferred, args );
+				}
+			};
+		}
+		function progressFunc( i ) {
+			return function( value ) {
+				pValues[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? sliceDeferred.call( arguments, 0 ) : value;
+				deferred.notifyWith( promise, pValues );
+			};
+		}
+		if ( length > 1 ) {
+			for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+				if ( args[ i ] && args[ i ].promise && jQuery.isFunction( args[ i ].promise ) ) {
+					args[ i ].promise().then( resolveFunc(i), deferred.reject, progressFunc(i) );
+				} else {
+					--count;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( !count ) {
+				deferred.resolveWith( deferred, args );
+			}
+		} else if ( deferred !== firstParam ) {
+			deferred.resolveWith( deferred, length ? [ firstParam ] : [] );
+		}
+		return promise;
+	}
+jQuery.support = (function() {
+	var support,
+		all,
+		a,
+		select,
+		opt,
+		input,
+		fragment,
+		tds,
+		events,
+		eventName,
+		i,
+		isSupported,
+		div = document.createElement( "div" ),
+		documentElement = document.documentElement;
+	// Preliminary tests
+	div.setAttribute("className", "t");
+	div.innerHTML = "   <link/><table></table><a href='/a' style='top:1px;float:left;opacity:.55;'>a</a><input type='checkbox'/>";
+	all = div.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
+	a = div.getElementsByTagName( "a" )[ 0 ];
+	// Can't get basic test support
+	if ( !all || !all.length || !a ) {
+		return {};
+	}
+	// First batch of supports tests
+	select = document.createElement( "select" );
+	opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") );
+	input = div.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
+	support = {
+		// IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used
+		leadingWhitespace: ( div.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ),
+		// Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted
+		// IE will insert them into empty tables
+		tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
+		// Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML
+		// This requires a wrapper element in IE
+		htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
+		// Get the style information from getAttribute
+		// (IE uses .cssText instead)
+		style: /top/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ),
+		// Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated
+		// (IE normalizes it by default)
+		hrefNormalized: ( a.getAttribute("href") === "/a" ),
+		// Make sure that element opacity exists
+		// (IE uses filter instead)
+		// Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145
+		opacity: /^0.55/.test( a.style.opacity ),
+		// Verify style float existence
+		// (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat)
+		cssFloat: !!a.style.cssFloat,
+		// Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox
+		// that it defaults to "on".
+		// (WebKit defaults to "" instead)
+		checkOn: ( input.value === "on" ),
+		// Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property.
+		// (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup)
+		optSelected: opt.selected,
+		// Test setAttribute on camelCase class. If it works, we need attrFixes when doing get/setAttribute (ie6/7)
+		getSetAttribute: div.className !== "t",
+		// Tests for enctype support on a form(#6743)
+		enctype: !!document.createElement("form").enctype,
+		// Makes sure cloning an html5 element does not cause problems
+		// Where outerHTML is undefined, this still works
+		html5Clone: document.createElement("nav").cloneNode( true ).outerHTML !== "<:nav></:nav>",
+		// Will be defined later
+		submitBubbles: true,
+		changeBubbles: true,
+		focusinBubbles: false,
+		deleteExpando: true,
+		noCloneEvent: true,
+		inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false,
+		shrinkWrapBlocks: false,
+		reliableMarginRight: true,
+		pixelMargin: true
+	};
+	// jQuery.boxModel DEPRECATED in 1.3, use jQuery.support.boxModel instead
+	jQuery.boxModel = support.boxModel = (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat");
+	// Make sure checked status is properly cloned
+	input.checked = true;
+	support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked;
+	// Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
+	// (WebKit marks them as disabled)
+	select.disabled = true;
+	support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;
+	// Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element
+	// Fails in Internet Explorer
+	try {
+		delete div.test;
+	} catch( e ) {
+		support.deleteExpando = false;
+	}
+	if ( !div.addEventListener && div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) {
+		div.attachEvent( "onclick", function() {
+			// Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any
+			// bound event handlers (IE does this)
+			support.noCloneEvent = false;
+		});
+		div.cloneNode( true ).fireEvent( "onclick" );
+	}
+	// Check if a radio maintains its value
+	// after being appended to the DOM
+	input = document.createElement("input");
+	input.value = "t";
+	input.setAttribute("type", "radio");
+	support.radioValue = input.value === "t";
+	input.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
+	// #11217 - WebKit loses check when the name is after the checked attribute
+	input.setAttribute( "name", "t" );
+	div.appendChild( input );
+	fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+	fragment.appendChild( div.lastChild );
+	// WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
+	support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked;
+	// Check if a disconnected checkbox will retain its checked
+	// value of true after appended to the DOM (IE6/7)
+	support.appendChecked = input.checked;
+	fragment.removeChild( input );
+	fragment.appendChild( div );
+	// Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
+	// http://perfectionkills.com/detecting-event-support-without-browser-sniffing/
+	// We only care about the case where non-standard event systems
+	// are used, namely in IE. Short-circuiting here helps us to
+	// avoid an eval call (in setAttribute) which can cause CSP
+	// to go haywire. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Security/CSP
+	if ( div.attachEvent ) {
+		for ( i in {
+			submit: 1,
+			change: 1,
+			focusin: 1
+		}) {
+			eventName = "on" + i;
+			isSupported = ( eventName in div );
+			if ( !isSupported ) {
+				div.setAttribute( eventName, "return;" );
+				isSupported = ( typeof div[ eventName ] === "function" );
+			}
+			support[ i + "Bubbles" ] = isSupported;
+		}
+	}
+	fragment.removeChild( div );
+	// Null elements to avoid leaks in IE
+	fragment = select = opt = div = input = null;
+	// Run tests that need a body at doc ready
+	jQuery(function() {
+		var container, outer, inner, table, td, offsetSupport,
+			marginDiv, conMarginTop, style, html, positionTopLeftWidthHeight,
+			paddingMarginBorderVisibility, paddingMarginBorder,
+			body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+		if ( !body ) {
+			// Return for frameset docs that don't have a body
+			return;
+		}
+		conMarginTop = 1;
+		paddingMarginBorder = "padding:0;margin:0;border:";
+		positionTopLeftWidthHeight = "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:1px;height:1px;";
+		paddingMarginBorderVisibility = paddingMarginBorder + "0;visibility:hidden;";
+		style = "style='" + positionTopLeftWidthHeight + paddingMarginBorder + "5px solid #000;";
+		html = "<div " + style + "display:block;'><div style='" + paddingMarginBorder + "0;display:block;overflow:hidden;'></div></div>" +
+			"<table " + style + "' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>" +
+			"<tr><td></td></tr></table>";
+		container = document.createElement("div");
+		container.style.cssText = paddingMarginBorderVisibility + "width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:" + conMarginTop + "px";
+		body.insertBefore( container, body.firstChild );
+		// Construct the test element
+		div = document.createElement("div");
+		container.appendChild( div );
+		// Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set
+		// to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a
+		// table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when
+		// determining if an element has been hidden directly using
+		// display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is
+		// hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information).
+		// (only IE 8 fails this test)
+		div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td style='" + paddingMarginBorder + "0;display:none'></td><td>t</td></tr></table>";
+		tds = div.getElementsByTagName( "td" );
+		isSupported = ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
+		tds[ 0 ].style.display = "";
+		tds[ 1 ].style.display = "none";
+		// Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height
+		// (IE <= 8 fail this test)
+		support.reliableHiddenOffsets = isSupported && ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
+		// Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
+		// gets computed margin-right based on width of container. For more
+		// info see bug #3333
+		// Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies
+		// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
+		if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
+			div.innerHTML = "";
+			marginDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
+			marginDiv.style.width = "0";
+			marginDiv.style.marginRight = "0";
+			div.style.width = "2px";
+			div.appendChild( marginDiv );
+			support.reliableMarginRight =
+				( parseInt( ( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ) || { marginRight: 0 } ).marginRight, 10 ) || 0 ) === 0;
+		}
+		if ( typeof div.style.zoom !== "undefined" ) {
+			// Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block
+			// elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving
+			// them layout
+			// (IE < 8 does this)
+			div.innerHTML = "";
+			div.style.width = div.style.padding = "1px";
+			div.style.border = 0;
+			div.style.overflow = "hidden";
+			div.style.display = "inline";
+			div.style.zoom = 1;
+			support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ( div.offsetWidth === 3 );
+			// Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children
+			// (IE 6 does this)
+			div.style.display = "block";
+			div.style.overflow = "visible";
+			div.innerHTML = "<div style='width:5px;'></div>";
+			support.shrinkWrapBlocks = ( div.offsetWidth !== 3 );
+		}
+		div.style.cssText = positionTopLeftWidthHeight + paddingMarginBorderVisibility;
+		div.innerHTML = html;
+		outer = div.firstChild;
+		inner = outer.firstChild;
+		td = outer.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild;
+		offsetSupport = {
+			doesNotAddBorder: ( inner.offsetTop !== 5 ),
+			doesAddBorderForTableAndCells: ( td.offsetTop === 5 )
+		};
+		inner.style.position = "fixed";
+		inner.style.top = "20px";
+		// safari subtracts parent border width here which is 5px
+		offsetSupport.fixedPosition = ( inner.offsetTop === 20 || inner.offsetTop === 15 );
+		inner.style.position = inner.style.top = "";
+		outer.style.overflow = "hidden";
+		outer.style.position = "relative";
+		offsetSupport.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = ( inner.offsetTop === -5 );
+		offsetSupport.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = ( body.offsetTop !== conMarginTop );
+		if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
+			div.style.marginTop = "1%";
+			support.pixelMargin = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || { marginTop: 0 } ).marginTop !== "1%";
+		}
+		if ( typeof container.style.zoom !== "undefined" ) {
+			container.style.zoom = 1;
+		}
+		body.removeChild( container );
+		marginDiv = div = container = null;
+		jQuery.extend( support, offsetSupport );
+	});
+	return support;
+var rbrace = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/,
+	rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g;
+	cache: {},
+	// Please use with caution
+	uuid: 0,
+	// Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
+	// Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery
+	expando: "jQuery" + ( jQuery.fn.jquery + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ),
+	// The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you
+	// attempt to add expando properties to them.
+	noData: {
+		"embed": true,
+		// Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos)
+		"object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000",
+		"applet": true
+	},
+	hasData: function( elem ) {
+		elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+		return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem );
+	},
+	data: function( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+		if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		var privateCache, thisCache, ret,
+			internalKey = jQuery.expando,
+			getByName = typeof name === "string",
+			// We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7
+			// can't GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary
+			isNode = elem.nodeType,
+			// Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is
+			// attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically
+			cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
+			// Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows
+			// the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache
+			id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : elem[ internalKey ] && internalKey,
+			isEvents = name === "events";
+		// Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an
+		// object that has no data at all
+		if ( (!id || !cache[id] || (!isEvents && !pvt && !cache[id].data)) && getByName && data === undefined ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		if ( !id ) {
+			// Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data
+			// ends up in the global cache
+			if ( isNode ) {
+				elem[ internalKey ] = id = ++jQuery.uuid;
+			} else {
+				id = internalKey;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
+			cache[ id ] = {};
+			// Avoids exposing jQuery metadata on plain JS objects when the object
+			// is serialized using JSON.stringify
+			if ( !isNode ) {
+				cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop;
+			}
+		}
+		// An object can be passed to jQuery.data instead of a key/value pair; this gets
+		// shallow copied over onto the existing cache
+		if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) {
+			if ( pvt ) {
+				cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ], name );
+			} else {
+				cache[ id ].data = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ].data, name );
+			}
+		}
+		privateCache = thisCache = cache[ id ];
+		// jQuery data() is stored in a separate object inside the object's internal data
+		// cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined
+		// data.
+		if ( !pvt ) {
+			if ( !thisCache.data ) {
+				thisCache.data = {};
+			}
+			thisCache = thisCache.data;
+		}
+		if ( data !== undefined ) {
+			thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ] = data;
+		}
+		// Users should not attempt to inspect the internal events object using jQuery.data,
+		// it is undocumented and subject to change. But does anyone listen? No.
+		if ( isEvents && !thisCache[ name ] ) {
+			return privateCache.events;
+		}
+		// Check for both converted-to-camel and non-converted data property names
+		// If a data property was specified
+		if ( getByName ) {
+			// First Try to find as-is property data
+			ret = thisCache[ name ];
+			// Test for null|undefined property data
+			if ( ret == null ) {
+				// Try to find the camelCased property
+				ret = thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ];
+			}
+		} else {
+			ret = thisCache;
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	removeData: function( elem, name, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
+		if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		var thisCache, i, l,
+			// Reference to internal data cache key
+			internalKey = jQuery.expando,
+			isNode = elem.nodeType,
+			// See jQuery.data for more information
+			cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
+			// See jQuery.data for more information
+			id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : internalKey;
+		// If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no
+		// purpose in continuing
+		if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		if ( name ) {
+			thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ] : cache[ id ].data;
+			if ( thisCache ) {
+				// Support array or space separated string names for data keys
+				if ( !jQuery.isArray( name ) ) {
+					// try the string as a key before any manipulation
+					if ( name in thisCache ) {
+						name = [ name ];
+					} else {
+						// split the camel cased version by spaces unless a key with the spaces exists
+						name = jQuery.camelCase( name );
+						if ( name in thisCache ) {
+							name = [ name ];
+						} else {
+							name = name.split( " " );
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				for ( i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					delete thisCache[ name[i] ];
+				}
+				// If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue
+				// and let the cache object itself get destroyed
+				if ( !( pvt ? isEmptyDataObject : jQuery.isEmptyObject )( thisCache ) ) {
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// See jQuery.data for more information
+		if ( !pvt ) {
+			delete cache[ id ].data;
+			// Don't destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object
+			// had been the only thing left in it
+			if ( !isEmptyDataObject(cache[ id ]) ) {
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		// Browsers that fail expando deletion also refuse to delete expandos on
+		// the window, but it will allow it on all other JS objects; other browsers
+		// don't care
+		// Ensure that `cache` is not a window object #10080
+		if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando || !cache.setInterval ) {
+			delete cache[ id ];
+		} else {
+			cache[ id ] = null;
+		}
+		// We destroyed the cache and need to eliminate the expando on the node to avoid
+		// false lookups in the cache for entries that no longer exist
+		if ( isNode ) {
+			// IE does not allow us to delete expando properties from nodes,
+			// nor does it have a removeAttribute function on Document nodes;
+			// we must handle all of these cases
+			if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando ) {
+				delete elem[ internalKey ];
+			} else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
+				elem.removeAttribute( internalKey );
+			} else {
+				elem[ internalKey ] = null;
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// For internal use only.
+	_data: function( elem, name, data ) {
+		return jQuery.data( elem, name, data, true );
+	},
+	// A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando
+	acceptData: function( elem ) {
+		if ( elem.nodeName ) {
+			var match = jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+			if ( match ) {
+				return !(match === true || elem.getAttribute("classid") !== match);
+			}
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	data: function( key, value ) {
+		var parts, part, attr, name, l,
+			elem = this[0],
+			i = 0,
+			data = null;
+		// Gets all values
+		if ( key === undefined ) {
+			if ( this.length ) {
+				data = jQuery.data( elem );
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs" ) ) {
+					attr = elem.attributes;
+					for ( l = attr.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+						name = attr[i].name;
+						if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) {
+							name = jQuery.camelCase( name.substring(5) );
+							dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] );
+						}
+					}
+					jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs", true );
+				}
+			}
+			return data;
+		}
+		// Sets multiple values
+		if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				jQuery.data( this, key );
+			});
+		}
+		parts = key.split( ".", 2 );
+		parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "";
+		part = parts[1] + "!";
+		return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
+			if ( value === undefined ) {
+				data = this.triggerHandler( "getData" + part, [ parts[0] ] );
+				// Try to fetch any internally stored data first
+				if ( data === undefined && elem ) {
+					data = jQuery.data( elem, key );
+					data = dataAttr( elem, key, data );
+				}
+				return data === undefined && parts[1] ?
+					this.data( parts[0] ) :
+					data;
+			}
+			parts[1] = value;
+			this.each(function() {
+				var self = jQuery( this );
+				self.triggerHandler( "setData" + part, parts );
+				jQuery.data( this, key, value );
+				self.triggerHandler( "changeData" + part, parts );
+			});
+		}, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, false );
+	},
+	removeData: function( key ) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			jQuery.removeData( this, key );
+		});
+	}
+function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
+	// If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
+	// data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
+	if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+		var name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
+		data = elem.getAttribute( name );
+		if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
+			try {
+				data = data === "true" ? true :
+				data === "false" ? false :
+				data === "null" ? null :
+				jQuery.isNumeric( data ) ? +data :
+					rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) :
+					data;
+			} catch( e ) {}
+			// Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
+			jQuery.data( elem, key, data );
+		} else {
+			data = undefined;
+		}
+	}
+	return data;
+// checks a cache object for emptiness
+function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) {
+	for ( var name in obj ) {
+		// if the public data object is empty, the private is still empty
+		if ( name === "data" && jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj[name] ) ) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		if ( name !== "toJSON" ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	return true;
+function handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, src ) {
+	var deferDataKey = type + "defer",
+		queueDataKey = type + "queue",
+		markDataKey = type + "mark",
+		defer = jQuery._data( elem, deferDataKey );
+	if ( defer &&
+		( src === "queue" || !jQuery._data(elem, queueDataKey) ) &&
+		( src === "mark" || !jQuery._data(elem, markDataKey) ) ) {
+		// Give room for hard-coded callbacks to fire first
+		// and eventually mark/queue something else on the element
+		setTimeout( function() {
+			if ( !jQuery._data( elem, queueDataKey ) &&
+				!jQuery._data( elem, markDataKey ) ) {
+				jQuery.removeData( elem, deferDataKey, true );
+				defer.fire();
+			}
+		}, 0 );
+	}
+	_mark: function( elem, type ) {
+		if ( elem ) {
+			type = ( type || "fx" ) + "mark";
+			jQuery._data( elem, type, (jQuery._data( elem, type ) || 0) + 1 );
+		}
+	},
+	_unmark: function( force, elem, type ) {
+		if ( force !== true ) {
+			type = elem;
+			elem = force;
+			force = false;
+		}
+		if ( elem ) {
+			type = type || "fx";
+			var key = type + "mark",
+				count = force ? 0 : ( (jQuery._data( elem, key ) || 1) - 1 );
+			if ( count ) {
+				jQuery._data( elem, key, count );
+			} else {
+				jQuery.removeData( elem, key, true );
+				handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, "mark" );
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
+		var q;
+		if ( elem ) {
+			type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue";
+			q = jQuery._data( elem, type );
+			// Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
+			if ( data ) {
+				if ( !q || jQuery.isArray(data) ) {
+					q = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
+				} else {
+					q.push( data );
+				}
+			}
+			return q || [];
+		}
+	},
+	dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
+		type = type || "fx";
+		var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
+			fn = queue.shift(),
+			hooks = {};
+		// If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
+		if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
+			fn = queue.shift();
+		}
+		if ( fn ) {
+			// Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
+			// automatically dequeued
+			if ( type === "fx" ) {
+				queue.unshift( "inprogress" );
+			}
+			jQuery._data( elem, type + ".run", hooks );
+			fn.call( elem, function() {
+				jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
+			}, hooks );
+		}
+		if ( !queue.length ) {
+			jQuery.removeData( elem, type + "queue " + type + ".run", true );
+			handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, "queue" );
+		}
+	}
+	queue: function( type, data ) {
+		var setter = 2;
+		if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+			data = type;
+			type = "fx";
+			setter--;
+		}
+		if ( arguments.length < setter ) {
+			return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
+		}
+		return data === undefined ?
+			this :
+			this.each(function() {
+				var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
+				if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
+					jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+				}
+			});
+	},
+	dequeue: function( type ) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+		});
+	},
+	// Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
+	// http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/
+	delay: function( time, type ) {
+		time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time;
+		type = type || "fx";
+		return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) {
+			var timeout = setTimeout( next, time );
+			hooks.stop = function() {
+				clearTimeout( timeout );
+			};
+		});
+	},
+	clearQueue: function( type ) {
+		return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
+	},
+	// Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
+	// are emptied (fx is the type by default)
+	promise: function( type, object ) {
+		if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+			object = type;
+			type = undefined;
+		}
+		type = type || "fx";
+		var defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
+			elements = this,
+			i = elements.length,
+			count = 1,
+			deferDataKey = type + "defer",
+			queueDataKey = type + "queue",
+			markDataKey = type + "mark",
+			tmp;
+		function resolve() {
+			if ( !( --count ) ) {
+				defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] );
+			}
+		}
+		while( i-- ) {
+			if (( tmp = jQuery.data( elements[ i ], deferDataKey, undefined, true ) ||
+					( jQuery.data( elements[ i ], queueDataKey, undefined, true ) ||
+						jQuery.data( elements[ i ], markDataKey, undefined, true ) ) &&
+					jQuery.data( elements[ i ], deferDataKey, jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ), true ) )) {
+				count++;
+				tmp.add( resolve );
+			}
+		}
+		resolve();
+		return defer.promise( object );
+	}
+var rclass = /[\n\t\r]/g,
+	rspace = /\s+/,
+	rreturn = /\r/g,
+	rtype = /^(?:button|input)$/i,
+	rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
+	rclickable = /^a(?:rea)?$/i,
+	rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i,
+	getSetAttribute = jQuery.support.getSetAttribute,
+	nodeHook, boolHook, fixSpecified;
+	attr: function( name, value ) {
+		return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
+	},
+	removeAttr: function( name ) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			jQuery.removeAttr( this, name );
+		});
+	},
+	prop: function( name, value ) {
+		return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
+	},
+	removeProp: function( name ) {
+		name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
+		return this.each(function() {
+			// try/catch handles cases where IE balks (such as removing a property on window)
+			try {
+				this[ name ] = undefined;
+				delete this[ name ];
+			} catch( e ) {}
+		});
+	},
+	addClass: function( value ) {
+		var classNames, i, l, elem,
+			setClass, c, cl;
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+			return this.each(function( j ) {
+				jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call(this, j, this.className) );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) {
+			classNames = value.split( rspace );
+			for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				elem = this[ i ];
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+					if ( !elem.className && classNames.length === 1 ) {
+						elem.className = value;
+					} else {
+						setClass = " " + elem.className + " ";
+						for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
+							if ( !~setClass.indexOf( " " + classNames[ c ] + " " ) ) {
+								setClass += classNames[ c ] + " ";
+							}
+						}
+						elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	removeClass: function( value ) {
+		var classNames, i, l, elem, className, c, cl;
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+			return this.each(function( j ) {
+				jQuery( this ).removeClass( value.call(this, j, this.className) );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) {
+			classNames = ( value || "" ).split( rspace );
+			for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				elem = this[ i ];
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) {
+					if ( value ) {
+						className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace( rclass, " " );
+						for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
+							className = className.replace(" " + classNames[ c ] + " ", " ");
+						}
+						elem.className = jQuery.trim( className );
+					} else {
+						elem.className = "";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
+		var type = typeof value,
+			isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean";
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+			return this.each(function( i ) {
+				jQuery( this ).toggleClass( value.call(this, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal );
+			});
+		}
+		return this.each(function() {
+			if ( type === "string" ) {
+				// toggle individual class names
+				var className,
+					i = 0,
+					self = jQuery( this ),
+					state = stateVal,
+					classNames = value.split( rspace );
+				while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
+					// check each className given, space seperated list
+					state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className );
+					self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className );
+				}
+			} else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) {
+				if ( this.className ) {
+					// store className if set
+					jQuery._data( this, "__className__", this.className );
+				}
+				// toggle whole className
+				this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery._data( this, "__className__" ) || "";
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	hasClass: function( selector ) {
+		var className = " " + selector + " ",
+			i = 0,
+			l = this.length;
+		for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+			if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) > -1 ) {
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	},
+	val: function( value ) {
+		var hooks, ret, isFunction,
+			elem = this[0];
+		if ( !arguments.length ) {
+			if ( elem ) {
+				hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+				if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) {
+					return ret;
+				}
+				ret = elem.value;
+				return typeof ret === "string" ?
+					// handle most common string cases
+					ret.replace(rreturn, "") :
+					// handle cases where value is null/undef or number
+					ret == null ? "" : ret;
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value );
+		return this.each(function( i ) {
+			var self = jQuery(this), val;
+			if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			if ( isFunction ) {
+				val = value.call( this, i, self.val() );
+			} else {
+				val = value;
+			}
+			// Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
+			if ( val == null ) {
+				val = "";
+			} else if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
+				val += "";
+			} else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) {
+				val = jQuery.map(val, function ( value ) {
+					return value == null ? "" : value + "";
+				});
+			}
+			hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
+			// If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting
+			if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) {
+				this.value = val;
+			}
+		});
+	}
+	valHooks: {
+		option: {
+			get: function( elem ) {
+				// attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but
+				// uses .value. See #6932
+				var val = elem.attributes.value;
+				return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
+			}
+		},
+		select: {
+			get: function( elem ) {
+				var value, i, max, option,
+					index = elem.selectedIndex,
+					values = [],
+					options = elem.options,
+					one = elem.type === "select-one";
+				// Nothing was selected
+				if ( index < 0 ) {
+					return null;
+				}
+				// Loop through all the selected options
+				i = one ? index : 0;
+				max = one ? index + 1 : options.length;
+				for ( ; i < max; i++ ) {
+					option = options[ i ];
+					// Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
+					if ( option.selected && (jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) &&
+							(!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" )) ) {
+						// Get the specific value for the option
+						value = jQuery( option ).val();
+						// We don't need an array for one selects
+						if ( one ) {
+							return value;
+						}
+						// Multi-Selects return an array
+						values.push( value );
+					}
+				}
+				// Fixes Bug #2551 -- select.val() broken in IE after form.reset()
+				if ( one && !values.length && options.length ) {
+					return jQuery( options[ index ] ).val();
+				}
+				return values;
+			},
+			set: function( elem, value ) {
+				var values = jQuery.makeArray( value );
+				jQuery(elem).find("option").each(function() {
+					this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0;
+				});
+				if ( !values.length ) {
+					elem.selectedIndex = -1;
+				}
+				return values;
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	attrFn: {
+		val: true,
+		css: true,
+		html: true,
+		text: true,
+		data: true,
+		width: true,
+		height: true,
+		offset: true
+	},
+	attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) {
+		var ret, hooks, notxml,
+			nType = elem.nodeType;
+		// don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes
+		if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		if ( pass && name in jQuery.attrFn ) {
+			return jQuery( elem )[ name ]( value );
+		}
+		// Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported
+		if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === "undefined" ) {
+			return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value );
+		}
+		notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
+		// All attributes are lowercase
+		// Grab necessary hook if one is defined
+		if ( notxml ) {
+			name = name.toLowerCase();
+			hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] || ( rboolean.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook );
+		}
+		if ( value !== undefined ) {
+			if ( value === null ) {
+				jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
+				return;
+			} else if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
+				return ret;
+			} else {
+				elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value );
+				return value;
+			}
+		} else if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
+			return ret;
+		} else {
+			ret = elem.getAttribute( name );
+			// Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
+			return ret === null ?
+				undefined :
+				ret;
+		}
+	},
+	removeAttr: function( elem, value ) {
+		var propName, attrNames, name, l, isBool,
+			i = 0;
+		if ( value && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+			attrNames = value.toLowerCase().split( rspace );
+			l = attrNames.length;
+			for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+				name = attrNames[ i ];
+				if ( name ) {
+					propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
+					isBool = rboolean.test( name );
+					// See #9699 for explanation of this approach (setting first, then removal)
+					// Do not do this for boolean attributes (see #10870)
+					if ( !isBool ) {
+						jQuery.attr( elem, name, "" );
+					}
+					elem.removeAttribute( getSetAttribute ? name : propName );
+					// Set corresponding property to false for boolean attributes
+					if ( isBool && propName in elem ) {
+						elem[ propName ] = false;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	attrHooks: {
+		type: {
+			set: function( elem, value ) {
+				// We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
+				if ( rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) {
+					jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" );
+				} else if ( !jQuery.support.radioValue && value === "radio" && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "input") ) {
+					// Setting the type on a radio button after the value resets the value in IE6-9
+					// Reset value to it's default in case type is set after value
+					// This is for element creation
+					var val = elem.value;
+					elem.setAttribute( "type", value );
+					if ( val ) {
+						elem.value = val;
+					}
+					return value;
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		// Use the value property for back compat
+		// Use the nodeHook for button elements in IE6/7 (#1954)
+		value: {
+			get: function( elem, name ) {
+				if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
+					return nodeHook.get( elem, name );
+				}
+				return name in elem ?
+					elem.value :
+					null;
+			},
+			set: function( elem, value, name ) {
+				if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
+					return nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
+				}
+				// Does not return so that setAttribute is also used
+				elem.value = value;
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	propFix: {
+		tabindex: "tabIndex",
+		readonly: "readOnly",
+		"for": "htmlFor",
+		"class": "className",
+		maxlength: "maxLength",
+		cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
+		cellpadding: "cellPadding",
+		rowspan: "rowSpan",
+		colspan: "colSpan",
+		usemap: "useMap",
+		frameborder: "frameBorder",
+		contenteditable: "contentEditable"
+	},
+	prop: function( elem, name, value ) {
+		var ret, hooks, notxml,
+			nType = elem.nodeType;
+		// don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes
+		if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
+		if ( notxml ) {
+			// Fix name and attach hooks
+			name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
+			hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ];
+		}
+		if ( value !== undefined ) {
+			if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
+				return ret;
+			} else {
+				return ( elem[ name ] = value );
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
+				return ret;
+			} else {
+				return elem[ name ];
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	propHooks: {
+		tabIndex: {
+			get: function( elem ) {
+				// elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set
+				// http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/
+				var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabindex");
+				return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ?
+					parseInt( attributeNode.value, 10 ) :
+					rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ?
+						0 :
+						undefined;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// Add the tabIndex propHook to attrHooks for back-compat (different case is intentional)
+jQuery.attrHooks.tabindex = jQuery.propHooks.tabIndex;
+// Hook for boolean attributes
+boolHook = {
+	get: function( elem, name ) {
+		// Align boolean attributes with corresponding properties
+		// Fall back to attribute presence where some booleans are not supported
+		var attrNode,
+			property = jQuery.prop( elem, name );
+		return property === true || typeof property !== "boolean" && ( attrNode = elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) && attrNode.nodeValue !== false ?
+			name.toLowerCase() :
+			undefined;
+	},
+	set: function( elem, value, name ) {
+		var propName;
+		if ( value === false ) {
+			// Remove boolean attributes when set to false
+			jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
+		} else {
+			// value is true since we know at this point it's type boolean and not false
+			// Set boolean attributes to the same name and set the DOM property
+			propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
+			if ( propName in elem ) {
+				// Only set the IDL specifically if it already exists on the element
+				elem[ propName ] = true;
+			}
+			elem.setAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() );
+		}
+		return name;
+	}
+// IE6/7 do not support getting/setting some attributes with get/setAttribute
+if ( !getSetAttribute ) {
+	fixSpecified = {
+		name: true,
+		id: true,
+		coords: true
+	};
+	// Use this for any attribute in IE6/7
+	// This fixes almost every IE6/7 issue
+	nodeHook = jQuery.valHooks.button = {
+		get: function( elem, name ) {
+			var ret;
+			ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
+			return ret && ( fixSpecified[ name ] ? ret.nodeValue !== "" : ret.specified ) ?
+				ret.nodeValue :
+				undefined;
+		},
+		set: function( elem, value, name ) {
+			// Set the existing or create a new attribute node
+			var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
+			if ( !ret ) {
+				ret = document.createAttribute( name );
+				elem.setAttributeNode( ret );
+			}
+			return ( ret.nodeValue = value + "" );
+		}
+	};
+	// Apply the nodeHook to tabindex
+	jQuery.attrHooks.tabindex.set = nodeHook.set;
+	// Set width and height to auto instead of 0 on empty string( Bug #8150 )
+	// This is for removals
+	jQuery.each([ "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
+		jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
+			set: function( elem, value ) {
+				if ( value === "" ) {
+					elem.setAttribute( name, "auto" );
+					return value;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	});
+	// Set contenteditable to false on removals(#10429)
+	// Setting to empty string throws an error as an invalid value
+	jQuery.attrHooks.contenteditable = {
+		get: nodeHook.get,
+		set: function( elem, value, name ) {
+			if ( value === "" ) {
+				value = "false";
+			}
+			nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
+		}
+	};
+// Some attributes require a special call on IE
+if ( !jQuery.support.hrefNormalized ) {
+	jQuery.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
+		jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
+			get: function( elem ) {
+				var ret = elem.getAttribute( name, 2 );
+				return ret === null ? undefined : ret;
+			}
+		});
+	});
+if ( !jQuery.support.style ) {
+	jQuery.attrHooks.style = {
+		get: function( elem ) {
+			// Return undefined in the case of empty string
+			// Normalize to lowercase since IE uppercases css property names
+			return elem.style.cssText.toLowerCase() || undefined;
+		},
+		set: function( elem, value ) {
+			return ( elem.style.cssText = "" + value );
+		}
+	};
+// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option
+// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
+if ( !jQuery.support.optSelected ) {
+	jQuery.propHooks.selected = jQuery.extend( jQuery.propHooks.selected, {
+		get: function( elem ) {
+			var parent = elem.parentNode;
+			if ( parent ) {
+				parent.selectedIndex;
+				// Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701
+				if ( parent.parentNode ) {
+					parent.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+				}
+			}
+			return null;
+		}
+	});
+// IE6/7 call enctype encoding
+if ( !jQuery.support.enctype ) {
+	jQuery.propFix.enctype = "encoding";
+// Radios and checkboxes getter/setter
+if ( !jQuery.support.checkOn ) {
+	jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
+		jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = {
+			get: function( elem ) {
+				// Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
+				return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
+			}
+		};
+	});
+jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
+	jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.valHooks[ this ], {
+		set: function( elem, value ) {
+			if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) {
+				return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 );
+			}
+		}
+	});
+var rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i,
+	rtypenamespace = /^([^\.]*)?(?:\.(.+))?$/,
+	rhoverHack = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\S+)?\b/,
+	rkeyEvent = /^key/,
+	rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/,
+	rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
+	rquickIs = /^(\w*)(?:#([\w\-]+))?(?:\.([\w\-]+))?$/,
+	quickParse = function( selector ) {
+		var quick = rquickIs.exec( selector );
+		if ( quick ) {
+			//   0  1    2   3
+			// [ _, tag, id, class ]
+			quick[1] = ( quick[1] || "" ).toLowerCase();
+			quick[3] = quick[3] && new RegExp( "(?:^|\\s)" + quick[3] + "(?:\\s|$)" );
+		}
+		return quick;
+	},
+	quickIs = function( elem, m ) {
+		var attrs = elem.attributes || {};
+		return (
+			(!m[1] || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === m[1]) &&
+			(!m[2] || (attrs.id || {}).value === m[2]) &&
+			(!m[3] || m[3].test( (attrs[ "class" ] || {}).value ))
+		);
+	},
+	hoverHack = function( events ) {
+		return jQuery.event.special.hover ? events : events.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1" );
+	};
+ * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface.
+ * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas.
+ */
+jQuery.event = {
+	add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) {
+		var elemData, eventHandle, events,
+			t, tns, type, namespaces, handleObj,
+			handleObjIn, quick, handlers, special;
+		// Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (allow plain objects tho)
+		if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !types || !handler || !(elemData = jQuery._data( elem )) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler
+		if ( handler.handler ) {
+			handleObjIn = handler;
+			handler = handleObjIn.handler;
+			selector = handleObjIn.selector;
+		}
+		// Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later
+		if ( !handler.guid ) {
+			handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
+		}
+		// Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
+		events = elemData.events;
+		if ( !events ) {
+			elemData.events = events = {};
+		}
+		eventHandle = elemData.handle;
+		if ( !eventHandle ) {
+			elemData.handle = eventHandle = function( e ) {
+				// Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
+				// when an event is called after a page has unloaded
+				return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ?
+					jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) :
+					undefined;
+			};
+			// Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events
+			eventHandle.elem = elem;
+		}
+		// Handle multiple events separated by a space
+		// jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
+		types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack(types) ).split( " " );
+		for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
+			tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
+			type = tns[1];
+			namespaces = ( tns[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
+			// If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type
+			special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+			// If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type
+			type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
+			// Update special based on newly reset type
+			special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+			// handleObj is passed to all event handlers
+			handleObj = jQuery.extend({
+				type: type,
+				origType: tns[1],
+				data: data,
+				handler: handler,
+				guid: handler.guid,
+				selector: selector,
+				quick: selector && quickParse( selector ),
+				namespace: namespaces.join(".")
+			}, handleObjIn );
+			// Init the event handler queue if we're the first
+			handlers = events[ type ];
+			if ( !handlers ) {
+				handlers = events[ type ] = [];
+				handlers.delegateCount = 0;
+				// Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special events handler returns false
+				if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
+					// Bind the global event handler to the element
+					if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
+						elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
+					} else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
+						elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if ( special.add ) {
+				special.add.call( elem, handleObj );
+				if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
+					handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
+				}
+			}
+			// Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front
+			if ( selector ) {
+				handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj );
+			} else {
+				handlers.push( handleObj );
+			}
+			// Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization
+			jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true;
+		}
+		// Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
+		elem = null;
+	},
+	global: {},
+	// Detach an event or set of events from an element
+	remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) {
+		var elemData = jQuery.hasData( elem ) && jQuery._data( elem ),
+			t, tns, type, origType, namespaces, origCount,
+			j, events, special, handle, eventType, handleObj;
+		if ( !elemData || !(events = elemData.events) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted
+		types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack( types || "" ) ).split(" ");
+		for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
+			tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
+			type = origType = tns[1];
+			namespaces = tns[2];
+			// Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element
+			if ( !type ) {
+				for ( type in events ) {
+					jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true );
+				}
+				continue;
+			}
+			special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+			type = ( selector? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
+			eventType = events[ type ] || [];
+			origCount = eventType.length;
+			namespaces = namespaces ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
+			// Remove matching events
+			for ( j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
+				handleObj = eventType[ j ];
+				if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) &&
+					 ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) &&
+					 ( !namespaces || namespaces.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) &&
+					 ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) {
+					eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
+					if ( handleObj.selector ) {
+						eventType.delegateCount--;
+					}
+					if ( special.remove ) {
+						special.remove.call( elem, handleObj );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist
+			// (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers)
+			if ( eventType.length === 0 && origCount !== eventType.length ) {
+				if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces ) === false ) {
+					jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
+				}
+				delete events[ type ];
+			}
+		}
+		// Remove the expando if it's no longer used
+		if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
+			handle = elemData.handle;
+			if ( handle ) {
+				handle.elem = null;
+			}
+			// removeData also checks for emptiness and clears the expando if empty
+			// so use it instead of delete
+			jQuery.removeData( elem, [ "events", "handle" ], true );
+		}
+	},
+	// Events that are safe to short-circuit if no handlers are attached.
+	// Native DOM events should not be added, they may have inline handlers.
+	customEvent: {
+		"getData": true,
+		"setData": true,
+		"changeData": true
+	},
+	trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) {
+		// Don't do events on text and comment nodes
+		if ( elem && (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Event object or event type
+		var type = event.type || event,
+			namespaces = [],
+			cache, exclusive, i, cur, old, ontype, special, handle, eventPath, bubbleType;
+		// focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now
+		if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		if ( type.indexOf( "!" ) >= 0 ) {
+			// Exclusive events trigger only for the exact event (no namespaces)
+			type = type.slice(0, -1);
+			exclusive = true;
+		}
+		if ( type.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) {
+			// Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle()
+			namespaces = type.split(".");
+			type = namespaces.shift();
+			namespaces.sort();
+		}
+		if ( (!elem || jQuery.event.customEvent[ type ]) && !jQuery.event.global[ type ] ) {
+			// No jQuery handlers for this event type, and it can't have inline handlers
+			return;
+		}
+		// Caller can pass in an Event, Object, or just an event type string
+		event = typeof event === "object" ?
+			// jQuery.Event object
+			event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event :
+			// Object literal
+			new jQuery.Event( type, event ) :
+			// Just the event type (string)
+			new jQuery.Event( type );
+		event.type = type;
+		event.isTrigger = true;
+		event.exclusive = exclusive;
+		event.namespace = namespaces.join( "." );
+		event.namespace_re = event.namespace? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
+		ontype = type.indexOf( ":" ) < 0 ? "on" + type : "";
+		// Handle a global trigger
+		if ( !elem ) {
+			// TODO: Stop taunting the data cache; remove global events and always attach to document
+			cache = jQuery.cache;
+			for ( i in cache ) {
+				if ( cache[ i ].events && cache[ i ].events[ type ] ) {
+					jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, cache[ i ].handle.elem, true );
+				}
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		// Clean up the event in case it is being reused
+		event.result = undefined;
+		if ( !event.target ) {
+			event.target = elem;
+		}
+		// Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list
+		data = data != null ? jQuery.makeArray( data ) : [];
+		data.unshift( event );
+		// Allow special events to draw outside the lines
+		special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
+		if ( special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951)
+		// Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724)
+		eventPath = [[ elem, special.bindType || type ]];
+		if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
+			bubbleType = special.delegateType || type;
+			cur = rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ? elem : elem.parentNode;
+			old = null;
+			for ( ; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
+				eventPath.push([ cur, bubbleType ]);
+				old = cur;
+			}
+			// Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM)
+			if ( old && old === elem.ownerDocument ) {
+				eventPath.push([ old.defaultView || old.parentWindow || window, bubbleType ]);
+			}
+		}
+		// Fire handlers on the event path
+		for ( i = 0; i < eventPath.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
+			cur = eventPath[i][0];
+			event.type = eventPath[i][1];
+			handle = ( jQuery._data( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && jQuery._data( cur, "handle" );
+			if ( handle ) {
+				handle.apply( cur, data );
+			}
+			// Note that this is a bare JS function and not a jQuery handler
+			handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ];
+			if ( handle && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) && handle.apply( cur, data ) === false ) {
+				event.preventDefault();
+			}
+		}
+		event.type = type;
+		// If nobody prevented the default action, do it now
+		if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+			if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( elem.ownerDocument, data ) === false) &&
+				!(type === "click" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "a" )) && jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
+				// Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event.
+				// Can't use an .isFunction() check here because IE6/7 fails that test.
+				// Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170)
+				// IE<9 dies on focus/blur to hidden element (#1486)
+				if ( ontype && elem[ type ] && ((type !== "focus" && type !== "blur") || event.target.offsetWidth !== 0) && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
+					// Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
+					old = elem[ ontype ];
+					if ( old ) {
+						elem[ ontype ] = null;
+					}
+					// Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above
+					jQuery.event.triggered = type;
+					elem[ type ]();
+					jQuery.event.triggered = undefined;
+					if ( old ) {
+						elem[ ontype ] = old;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return event.result;
+	},
+	dispatch: function( event ) {
+		// Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object
+		event = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );
+		var handlers = ( (jQuery._data( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || []),
+			delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount,
+			args = [].slice.call( arguments, 0 ),
+			run_all = !event.exclusive && !event.namespace,
+			special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {},
+			handlerQueue = [],
+			i, j, cur, jqcur, ret, selMatch, matched, matches, handleObj, sel, related;
+		// Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event
+		args[0] = event;
+		event.delegateTarget = this;
+		// Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired
+		if ( special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call( this, event ) === false ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Determine handlers that should run if there are delegated events
+		// Avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
+		if ( delegateCount && !(event.button && event.type === "click") ) {
+			// Pregenerate a single jQuery object for reuse with .is()
+			jqcur = jQuery(this);
+			jqcur.context = this.ownerDocument || this;
+			for ( cur = event.target; cur != this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) {
+				// Don't process events on disabled elements (#6911, #8165)
+				if ( cur.disabled !== true ) {
+					selMatch = {};
+					matches = [];
+					jqcur[0] = cur;
+					for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) {
+						handleObj = handlers[ i ];
+						sel = handleObj.selector;
+						if ( selMatch[ sel ] === undefined ) {
+							selMatch[ sel ] = (
+								handleObj.quick ? quickIs( cur, handleObj.quick ) : jqcur.is( sel )
+							);
+						}
+						if ( selMatch[ sel ] ) {
+							matches.push( handleObj );
+						}
+					}
+					if ( matches.length ) {
+						handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, matches: matches });
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers
+		if ( handlers.length > delegateCount ) {
+			handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, matches: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) });
+		}
+		// Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us
+		for ( i = 0; i < handlerQueue.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
+			matched = handlerQueue[ i ];
+			event.currentTarget = matched.elem;
+			for ( j = 0; j < matched.matches.length && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(); j++ ) {
+				handleObj = matched.matches[ j ];
+				// Triggered event must either 1) be non-exclusive and have no namespace, or
+				// 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace).
+				if ( run_all || (!event.namespace && !handleObj.namespace) || event.namespace_re && event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
+					event.data = handleObj.data;
+					event.handleObj = handleObj;
+					ret = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler )
+							.apply( matched.elem, args );
+					if ( ret !== undefined ) {
+						event.result = ret;
+						if ( ret === false ) {
+							event.preventDefault();
+							event.stopPropagation();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type
+		if ( special.postDispatch ) {
+			special.postDispatch.call( this, event );
+		}
+		return event.result;
+	},
+	// Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent
+	// *** attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement  are not normalized, non-W3C, deprecated, will be removed in 1.8 ***
+	props: "attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "),
+	fixHooks: {},
+	keyHooks: {
+		props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "),
+		filter: function( event, original ) {
+			// Add which for key events
+			if ( event.which == null ) {
+				event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode;
+			}
+			return event;
+		}
+	},
+	mouseHooks: {
+		props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "),
+		filter: function( event, original ) {
+			var eventDoc, doc, body,
+				button = original.button,
+				fromElement = original.fromElement;
+			// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
+			if ( event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null ) {
+				eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
+				doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
+				body = eventDoc.body;
+				event.pageX = original.clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 );
+				event.pageY = original.clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0 );
+			}
+			// Add relatedTarget, if necessary
+			if ( !event.relatedTarget && fromElement ) {
+				event.relatedTarget = fromElement === event.target ? original.toElement : fromElement;
+			}
+			// Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
+			// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
+			if ( !event.which && button !== undefined ) {
+				event.which = ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) );
+			}
+			return event;
+		}
+	},
+	fix: function( event ) {
+		if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) {
+			return event;
+		}
+		// Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties
+		var i, prop,
+			originalEvent = event,
+			fixHook = jQuery.event.fixHooks[ event.type ] || {},
+			copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat( fixHook.props ) : this.props;
+		event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
+		for ( i = copy.length; i; ) {
+			prop = copy[ --i ];
+			event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ];
+		}
+		// Fix target property, if necessary (#1925, IE 6/7/8 & Safari2)
+		if ( !event.target ) {
+			event.target = originalEvent.srcElement || document;
+		}
+		// Target should not be a text node (#504, Safari)
+		if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) {
+			event.target = event.target.parentNode;
+		}
+		// For mouse/key events; add metaKey if it's not there (#3368, IE6/7/8)
+		if ( event.metaKey === undefined ) {
+			event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey;
+		}
+		return fixHook.filter? fixHook.filter( event, originalEvent ) : event;
+	},
+	special: {
+		ready: {
+			// Make sure the ready event is setup
+			setup: jQuery.bindReady
+		},
+		load: {
+			// Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load
+			noBubble: true
+		},
+		focus: {
+			delegateType: "focusin"
+		},
+		blur: {
+			delegateType: "focusout"
+		},
+		beforeunload: {
+			setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) {
+				// We only want to do this special case on windows
+				if ( jQuery.isWindow( this ) ) {
+					this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle;
+				}
+			},
+			teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) {
+				if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) {
+					this.onbeforeunload = null;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	simulate: function( type, elem, event, bubble ) {
+		// Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one.
+		// Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the
+		// simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor.
+		var e = jQuery.extend(
+			new jQuery.Event(),
+			event,
+			{ type: type,
+				isSimulated: true,
+				originalEvent: {}
+			}
+		);
+		if ( bubble ) {
+			jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, elem );
+		} else {
+			jQuery.event.dispatch.call( elem, e );
+		}
+		if ( e.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
+			event.preventDefault();
+		}
+	}
+// Some plugins are using, but it's undocumented/deprecated and will be removed.
+// The 1.7 special event interface should provide all the hooks needed now.
+jQuery.event.handle = jQuery.event.dispatch;
+jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ?
+	function( elem, type, handle ) {
+		if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {
+			elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false );
+		}
+	} :
+	function( elem, type, handle ) {
+		if ( elem.detachEvent ) {
+			elem.detachEvent( "on" + type, handle );
+		}
+	};
+jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) {
+	// Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
+	if ( !(this instanceof jQuery.Event) ) {
+		return new jQuery.Event( src, props );
+	}
+	// Event object
+	if ( src && src.type ) {
+		this.originalEvent = src;
+		this.type = src.type;
+		// Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented
+		// by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value.
+		this.isDefaultPrevented = ( src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false ||
+			src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault() ) ? returnTrue : returnFalse;
+	// Event type
+	} else {
+		this.type = src;
+	}
+	// Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object
+	if ( props ) {
+		jQuery.extend( this, props );
+	}
+	// Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one
+	this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || jQuery.now();
+	// Mark it as fixed
+	this[ jQuery.expando ] = true;
+function returnFalse() {
+	return false;
+function returnTrue() {
+	return true;
+// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
+// http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html
+jQuery.Event.prototype = {
+	preventDefault: function() {
+		this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
+		var e = this.originalEvent;
+		if ( !e ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
+		if ( e.preventDefault ) {
+			e.preventDefault();
+		// otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
+		} else {
+			e.returnValue = false;
+		}
+	},
+	stopPropagation: function() {
+		this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+		var e = this.originalEvent;
+		if ( !e ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
+		if ( e.stopPropagation ) {
+			e.stopPropagation();
+		}
+		// otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
+		e.cancelBubble = true;
+	},
+	stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
+		this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
+		this.stopPropagation();
+	},
+	isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
+	isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
+	isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse
+// Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks
+	mouseenter: "mouseover",
+	mouseleave: "mouseout"
+}, function( orig, fix ) {
+	jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
+		delegateType: fix,
+		bindType: fix,
+		handle: function( event ) {
+			var target = this,
+				related = event.relatedTarget,
+				handleObj = event.handleObj,
+				selector = handleObj.selector,
+				ret;
+			// For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
+			// NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
+			if ( !related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related )) ) {
+				event.type = handleObj.origType;
+				ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
+				event.type = fix;
+			}
+			return ret;
+		}
+	};
+// IE submit delegation
+if ( !jQuery.support.submitBubbles ) {
+	jQuery.event.special.submit = {
+		setup: function() {
+			// Only need this for delegated form submit events
+			if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Lazy-add a submit handler when a descendant form may potentially be submitted
+			jQuery.event.add( this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function( e ) {
+				// Node name check avoids a VML-related crash in IE (#9807)
+				var elem = e.target,
+					form = jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ? elem.form : undefined;
+				if ( form && !form._submit_attached ) {
+					jQuery.event.add( form, "submit._submit", function( event ) {
+						event._submit_bubble = true;
+					});
+					form._submit_attached = true;
+				}
+			});
+			// return undefined since we don't need an event listener
+		},
+		postDispatch: function( event ) {
+			// If form was submitted by the user, bubble the event up the tree
+			if ( event._submit_bubble ) {
+				delete event._submit_bubble;
+				if ( this.parentNode && !event.isTrigger ) {
+					jQuery.event.simulate( "submit", this.parentNode, event, true );
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		teardown: function() {
+			// Only need this for delegated form submit events
+			if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Remove delegated handlers; cleanData eventually reaps submit handlers attached above
+			jQuery.event.remove( this, "._submit" );
+		}
+	};
+// IE change delegation and checkbox/radio fix
+if ( !jQuery.support.changeBubbles ) {
+	jQuery.event.special.change = {
+		setup: function() {
+			if ( rformElems.test( this.nodeName ) ) {
+				// IE doesn't fire change on a check/radio until blur; trigger it on click
+				// after a propertychange. Eat the blur-change in special.change.handle.
+				// This still fires onchange a second time for check/radio after blur.
+				if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) {
+					jQuery.event.add( this, "propertychange._change", function( event ) {
+						if ( event.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" ) {
+							this._just_changed = true;
+						}
+					});
+					jQuery.event.add( this, "click._change", function( event ) {
+						if ( this._just_changed && !event.isTrigger ) {
+							this._just_changed = false;
+							jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this, event, true );
+						}
+					});
+				}
+				return false;
+			}
+			// Delegated event; lazy-add a change handler on descendant inputs
+			jQuery.event.add( this, "beforeactivate._change", function( e ) {
+				var elem = e.target;
+				if ( rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) && !elem._change_attached ) {
+					jQuery.event.add( elem, "change._change", function( event ) {
+						if ( this.parentNode && !event.isSimulated && !event.isTrigger ) {
+							jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this.parentNode, event, true );
+						}
+					});
+					elem._change_attached = true;
+				}
+			});
+		},
+		handle: function( event ) {
+			var elem = event.target;
+			// Swallow native change events from checkbox/radio, we already triggered them above
+			if ( this !== elem || event.isSimulated || event.isTrigger || (elem.type !== "radio" && elem.type !== "checkbox") ) {
+				return event.handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
+			}
+		},
+		teardown: function() {
+			jQuery.event.remove( this, "._change" );
+			return rformElems.test( this.nodeName );
+		}
+	};
+// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events
+if ( !jQuery.support.focusinBubbles ) {
+	jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) {
+		// Attach a single capturing handler while someone wants focusin/focusout
+		var attaches = 0,
+			handler = function( event ) {
+				jQuery.event.simulate( fix, event.target, jQuery.event.fix( event ), true );
+			};
+		jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = {
+			setup: function() {
+				if ( attaches++ === 0 ) {
+					document.addEventListener( orig, handler, true );
+				}
+			},
+			teardown: function() {
+				if ( --attaches === 0 ) {
+					document.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true );
+				}
+			}
+		};
+	});
+	on: function( types, selector, data, fn, /*INTERNAL*/ one ) {
+		var origFn, type;
+		// Types can be a map of types/handlers
+		if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
+			// ( types-Object, selector, data )
+			if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { // && selector != null
+				// ( types-Object, data )
+				data = data || selector;
+				selector = undefined;
+			}
+			for ( type in types ) {
+				this.on( type, selector, data, types[ type ], one );
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		if ( data == null && fn == null ) {
+			// ( types, fn )
+			fn = selector;
+			data = selector = undefined;
+		} else if ( fn == null ) {
+			if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
+				// ( types, selector, fn )
+				fn = data;
+				data = undefined;
+			} else {
+				// ( types, data, fn )
+				fn = data;
+				data = selector;
+				selector = undefined;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( fn === false ) {
+			fn = returnFalse;
+		} else if ( !fn ) {
+			return this;
+		}
+		if ( one === 1 ) {
+			origFn = fn;
+			fn = function( event ) {
+				// Can use an empty set, since event contains the info
+				jQuery().off( event );
+				return origFn.apply( this, arguments );
+			};
+			// Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn
+			fn.guid = origFn.guid || ( origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++ );
+		}
+		return this.each( function() {
+			jQuery.event.add( this, types, fn, data, selector );
+		});
+	},
+	one: function( types, selector, data, fn ) {
+		return this.on( types, selector, data, fn, 1 );
+	},
+	off: function( types, selector, fn ) {
+		if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) {
+			// ( event )  dispatched jQuery.Event
+			var handleObj = types.handleObj;
+			jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off(
+				handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType,
+				handleObj.selector,
+				handleObj.handler
+			);
+			return this;
+		}
+		if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
+			// ( types-object [, selector] )
+			for ( var type in types ) {
+				this.off( type, selector, types[ type ] );
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+		if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) {
+			// ( types [, fn] )
+			fn = selector;
+			selector = undefined;
+		}
+		if ( fn === false ) {
+			fn = returnFalse;
+		}
+		return this.each(function() {
+			jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector );
+		});
+	},
+	bind: function( types, data, fn ) {
+		return this.on( types, null, data, fn );
+	},
+	unbind: function( types, fn ) {
+		return this.off( types, null, fn );
+	},
+	live: function( types, data, fn ) {
+		jQuery( this.context ).on( types, this.selector, data, fn );
+		return this;
+	},
+	die: function( types, fn ) {
+		jQuery( this.context ).off( types, this.selector || "**", fn );
+		return this;
+	},
+	delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) {
+		return this.on( types, selector, data, fn );
+	},
+	undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) {
+		// ( namespace ) or ( selector, types [, fn] )
+		return arguments.length == 1? this.off( selector, "**" ) : this.off( types, selector, fn );
+	},
+	trigger: function( type, data ) {
+		return this.each(function() {
+			jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );
+		});
+	},
+	triggerHandler: function( type, data ) {
+		if ( this[0] ) {
+			return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this[0], true );
+		}
+	},
+	toggle: function( fn ) {
+		// Save reference to arguments for access in closure
+		var args = arguments,
+			guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++,
+			i = 0,
+			toggler = function( event ) {
+				// Figure out which function to execute
+				var lastToggle = ( jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i;
+				jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 );
+				// Make sure that clicks stop
+				event.preventDefault();
+				// and execute the function
+				return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false;
+			};
+		// link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler
+		toggler.guid = guid;
+		while ( i < args.length ) {
+			args[ i++ ].guid = guid;
+		}
+		return this.click( toggler );
+	},
+	hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) {
+		return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver );
+	}
+jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " +
+	"mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " +
+	"change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu").split(" "), function( i, name ) {
+	// Handle event binding
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) {
+		if ( fn == null ) {
+			fn = data;
+			data = null;
+		}
+		return arguments.length > 0 ?
+			this.on( name, null, data, fn ) :
+			this.trigger( name );
+	};
+	if ( jQuery.attrFn ) {
+		jQuery.attrFn[ name ] = true;
+	}
+	if ( rkeyEvent.test( name ) ) {
+		jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.keyHooks;
+	}
+	if ( rmouseEvent.test( name ) ) {
+		jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.mouseHooks;
+	}
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine
+ *  Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation
+ *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *  More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
+ */
+var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
+	expando = "sizcache" + (Math.random() + '').replace('.', ''),
+	done = 0,
+	toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+	hasDuplicate = false,
+	baseHasDuplicate = true,
+	rBackslash = /\\/g,
+	rReturn = /\r\n/g,
+	rNonWord = /\W/;
+// Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
+// optimization where it does not always call our comparision
+// function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
+//   Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
+[0, 0].sort(function() {
+	baseHasDuplicate = false;
+	return 0;
+var Sizzle = function( selector, context, results, seed ) {
+	results = results || [];
+	context = context || document;
+	var origContext = context;
+	if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
+		return [];
+	}
+	if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+		return results;
+	}
+	var m, set, checkSet, extra, ret, cur, pop, i,
+		prune = true,
+		contextXML = Sizzle.isXML( context ),
+		parts = [],
+		soFar = selector;
+	// Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
+	do {
+		chunker.exec( "" );
+		m = chunker.exec( soFar );
+		if ( m ) {
+			soFar = m[3];
+			parts.push( m[1] );
+			if ( m[2] ) {
+				extra = m[3];
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	} while ( m );
+	if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
+		if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
+			set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context, seed );
+		} else {
+			set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
+				[ context ] :
+				Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
+			while ( parts.length ) {
+				selector = parts.shift();
+				if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] ) {
+					selector += parts.shift();
+				}
+				set = posProcess( selector, set, seed );
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
+		// (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID)
+		if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
+				Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
+			ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
+			context = ret.expr ?
+				Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] :
+				ret.set[0];
+		}
+		if ( context ) {
+			ret = seed ?
+				{ expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
+				Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
+			set = ret.expr ?
+				Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) :
+				ret.set;
+			if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
+				checkSet = makeArray( set );
+			} else {
+				prune = false;
+			}
+			while ( parts.length ) {
+				cur = parts.pop();
+				pop = cur;
+				if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
+					cur = "";
+				} else {
+					pop = parts.pop();
+				}
+				if ( pop == null ) {
+					pop = context;
+				}
+				Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
+			}
+		} else {
+			checkSet = parts = [];
+		}
+	}
+	if ( !checkSet ) {
+		checkSet = set;
+	}
+	if ( !checkSet ) {
+		Sizzle.error( cur || selector );
+	}
+	if ( toString.call(checkSet) === "[object Array]" ) {
+		if ( !prune ) {
+			results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
+		} else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
+			for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+				if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && Sizzle.contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
+					results.push( set[i] );
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+				if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+					results.push( set[i] );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		makeArray( checkSet, results );
+	}
+	if ( extra ) {
+		Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
+		Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
+	}
+	return results;
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
+	if ( sortOrder ) {
+		hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
+		results.sort( sortOrder );
+		if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+			for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
+				if ( results[i] === results[ i - 1 ] ) {
+					results.splice( i--, 1 );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return results;
+Sizzle.matches = function( expr, set ) {
+	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, set );
+Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
+	return Sizzle( expr, null, null, [node] ).length > 0;
+Sizzle.find = function( expr, context, isXML ) {
+	var set, i, len, match, type, left;
+	if ( !expr ) {
+		return [];
+	}
+	for ( i = 0, len = Expr.order.length; i < len; i++ ) {
+		type = Expr.order[i];
+		if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
+			left = match[1];
+			match.splice( 1, 1 );
+			if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
+				match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace( rBackslash, "" );
+				set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
+				if ( set != null ) {
+					expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ( !set ) {
+		set = typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ?
+			context.getElementsByTagName( "*" ) :
+			[];
+	}
+	return { set: set, expr: expr };
+Sizzle.filter = function( expr, set, inplace, not ) {
+	var match, anyFound,
+		type, found, item, filter, left,
+		i, pass,
+		old = expr,
+		result = [],
+		curLoop = set,
+		isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && Sizzle.isXML( set[0] );
+	while ( expr && set.length ) {
+		for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
+			if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) != null && match[2] ) {
+				filter = Expr.filter[ type ];
+				left = match[1];
+				anyFound = false;
+				match.splice(1,1);
+				if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) === "\\" ) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				if ( curLoop === result ) {
+					result = [];
+				}
+				if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
+					match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );
+					if ( !match ) {
+						anyFound = found = true;
+					} else if ( match === true ) {
+						continue;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( match ) {
+					for ( i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+						if ( item ) {
+							found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
+							pass = not ^ found;
+							if ( inplace && found != null ) {
+								if ( pass ) {
+									anyFound = true;
+								} else {
+									curLoop[i] = false;
+								}
+							} else if ( pass ) {
+								result.push( item );
+								anyFound = true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if ( found !== undefined ) {
+					if ( !inplace ) {
+						curLoop = result;
+					}
+					expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+					if ( !anyFound ) {
+						return [];
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Improper expression
+		if ( expr === old ) {
+			if ( anyFound == null ) {
+				Sizzle.error( expr );
+			} else {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		old = expr;
+	}
+	return curLoop;
+Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
+	throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
+ * Utility function for retreiving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
+ * @param {Array|Element} elem
+ */
+var getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
+    var i, node,
+		nodeType = elem.nodeType,
+		ret = "";
+	if ( nodeType ) {
+		if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
+			// Use textContent || innerText for elements
+			if ( typeof elem.textContent === 'string' ) {
+				return elem.textContent;
+			} else if ( typeof elem.innerText === 'string' ) {
+				// Replace IE's carriage returns
+				return elem.innerText.replace( rReturn, '' );
+			} else {
+				// Traverse it's children
+				for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) {
+					ret += getText( elem );
+				}
+			}
+		} else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
+			return elem.nodeValue;
+		}
+	} else {
+		// If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
+		for ( i = 0; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) {
+			// Do not traverse comment nodes
+			if ( node.nodeType !== 8 ) {
+				ret += getText( node );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+	order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
+	match: {
+		ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
+		CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
+		NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
+		ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|(#?(?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)*)|)|)\s*\]/,
+		TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/,
+		CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\(\s*(even|odd|(?:[+\-]?\d+|(?:[+\-]?\d*)?n\s*(?:[+\-]\s*\d+)?))\s*\))?/,
+		POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/,
+		PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
+	},
+	leftMatch: {},
+	attrMap: {
+		"class": "className",
+		"for": "htmlFor"
+	},
+	attrHandle: {
+		href: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.getAttribute( "href" );
+		},
+		type: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.getAttribute( "type" );
+		}
+	},
+	relative: {
+		"+": function(checkSet, part){
+			var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
+				isTag = isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ),
+				isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;
+			if ( isTag ) {
+				part = part.toLowerCase();
+			}
+			for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
+				if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
+					while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
+					checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ?
+						elem || false :
+						elem === part;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
+				Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+			}
+		},
+		">": function( checkSet, part ) {
+			var elem,
+				isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
+				i = 0,
+				l = checkSet.length;
+			if ( isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) {
+				part = part.toLowerCase();
+				for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+					elem = checkSet[i];
+					if ( elem ) {
+						var parent = elem.parentNode;
+						checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? parent : false;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
+					elem = checkSet[i];
+					if ( elem ) {
+						checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
+							elem.parentNode :
+							elem.parentNode === part;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( isPartStr ) {
+					Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		"": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+			var nodeCheck,
+				doneName = done++,
+				checkFn = dirCheck;
+			if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) {
+				part = part.toLowerCase();
+				nodeCheck = part;
+				checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+			}
+			checkFn( "parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
+		},
+		"~": function( checkSet, part, isXML ) {
+			var nodeCheck,
+				doneName = done++,
+				checkFn = dirCheck;
+			if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) {
+				part = part.toLowerCase();
+				nodeCheck = part;
+				checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+			}
+			checkFn( "previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
+		}
+	},
+	find: {
+		ID: function( match, context, isXML ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+				var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+				// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+				// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+				return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
+			}
+		},
+		NAME: function( match, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
+				var ret = [],
+					results = context.getElementsByName( match[1] );
+				for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
+						ret.push( results[i] );
+					}
+				}
+				return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
+			}
+		},
+		TAG: function( match, context ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
+				return context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	preFilter: {
+		CLASS: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
+			match = " " + match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ) + " ";
+			if ( isXML ) {
+				return match;
+			}
+			for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+				if ( elem ) {
+					if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
+						if ( !inplace ) {
+							result.push( elem );
+						}
+					} else if ( inplace ) {
+						curLoop[i] = false;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		},
+		ID: function( match ) {
+			return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" );
+		},
+		TAG: function( match, curLoop ) {
+			return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ).toLowerCase();
+		},
+		CHILD: function( match ) {
+			if ( match[1] === "nth" ) {
+				if ( !match[2] ) {
+					Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+				}
+				match[2] = match[2].replace(/^\+|\s*/g, '');
+				// parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
+				var test = /(-?)(\d*)(?:n([+\-]?\d*))?/.exec(
+					match[2] === "even" && "2n" || match[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" ||
+					!/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
+				// calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
+				match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
+				match[3] = test[3] - 0;
+			}
+			else if ( match[2] ) {
+				Sizzle.error( match[0] );
+			}
+			// TODO: Move to normal caching system
+			match[0] = done++;
+			return match;
+		},
+		ATTR: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
+			var name = match[1] = match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" );
+			if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
+				match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
+			}
+			// Handle if an un-quoted value was used
+			match[4] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( rBackslash, "" );
+			if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+				match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
+			}
+			return match;
+		},
+		PSEUDO: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not ) {
+			if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
+				// If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
+				if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
+					match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
+				} else {
+					var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
+					if ( !inplace ) {
+						result.push.apply( result, ret );
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			} else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
+				return true;
+			}
+			return match;
+		},
+		POS: function( match ) {
+			match.unshift( true );
+			return match;
+		}
+	},
+	filters: {
+		enabled: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
+		},
+		disabled: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.disabled === true;
+		},
+		checked: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.checked === true;
+		},
+		selected: function( elem ) {
+			// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
+			// options in Safari work properly
+			if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+				elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+			}
+			return elem.selected === true;
+		},
+		parent: function( elem ) {
+			return !!elem.firstChild;
+		},
+		empty: function( elem ) {
+			return !elem.firstChild;
+		},
+		has: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
+		},
+		header: function( elem ) {
+			return (/h\d/i).test( elem.nodeName );
+		},
+		text: function( elem ) {
+			var attr = elem.getAttribute( "type" ), type = elem.type;
+			// IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc)
+			// use getAttribute instead to test this case
+			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "text" === type && ( attr === type || attr === null );
+		},
+		radio: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "radio" === elem.type;
+		},
+		checkbox: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "checkbox" === elem.type;
+		},
+		file: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "file" === elem.type;
+		},
+		password: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "password" === elem.type;
+		},
+		submit: function( elem ) {
+			var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			return (name === "input" || name === "button") && "submit" === elem.type;
+		},
+		image: function( elem ) {
+			return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "image" === elem.type;
+		},
+		reset: function( elem ) {
+			var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			return (name === "input" || name === "button") && "reset" === elem.type;
+		},
+		button: function( elem ) {
+			var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+			return name === "input" && "button" === elem.type || name === "button";
+		},
+		input: function( elem ) {
+			return (/input|select|textarea|button/i).test( elem.nodeName );
+		},
+		focus: function( elem ) {
+			return elem === elem.ownerDocument.activeElement;
+		}
+	},
+	setFilters: {
+		first: function( elem, i ) {
+			return i === 0;
+		},
+		last: function( elem, i, match, array ) {
+			return i === array.length - 1;
+		},
+		even: function( elem, i ) {
+			return i % 2 === 0;
+		},
+		odd: function( elem, i ) {
+			return i % 2 === 1;
+		},
+		lt: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return i < match[3] - 0;
+		},
+		gt: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return i > match[3] - 0;
+		},
+		nth: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return match[3] - 0 === i;
+		},
+		eq: function( elem, i, match ) {
+			return match[3] - 0 === i;
+		}
+	},
+	filter: {
+		PSEUDO: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
+			var name = match[1],
+				filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
+			if ( filter ) {
+				return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+			} else if ( name === "contains" ) {
+				return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText([ elem ]) || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
+			} else if ( name === "not" ) {
+				var not = match[3];
+				for ( var j = 0, l = not.length; j < l; j++ ) {
+					if ( not[j] === elem ) {
+						return false;
+					}
+				}
+				return true;
+			} else {
+				Sizzle.error( name );
+			}
+		},
+		CHILD: function( elem, match ) {
+			var first, last,
+				doneName, parent, cache,
+				count, diff,
+				type = match[1],
+				node = elem;
+			switch ( type ) {
+				case "only":
+				case "first":
+					while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
+						if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					if ( type === "first" ) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					node = elem;
+					/* falls through */
+				case "last":
+					while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) {
+						if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					return true;
+				case "nth":
+					first = match[2];
+					last = match[3];
+					if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) {
+						return true;
+					}
+					doneName = match[0];
+					parent = elem.parentNode;
+					if ( parent && (parent[ expando ] !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
+						count = 0;
+						for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
+							if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+								node.nodeIndex = ++count;
+							}
+						}
+						parent[ expando ] = doneName;
+					}
+					diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
+					if ( first === 0 ) {
+						return diff === 0;
+					} else {
+						return ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+					}
+			}
+		},
+		ID: function( elem, match ) {
+			return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
+		},
+		TAG: function( elem, match ) {
+			return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || !!elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match;
+		},
+		CLASS: function( elem, match ) {
+			return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
+				.indexOf( match ) > -1;
+		},
+		ATTR: function( elem, match ) {
+			var name = match[1],
+				result = Sizzle.attr ?
+					Sizzle.attr( elem, name ) :
+					Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
+					Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
+					elem[ name ] != null ?
+						elem[ name ] :
+						elem.getAttribute( name ),
+				value = result + "",
+				type = match[2],
+				check = match[4];
+			return result == null ?
+				type === "!=" :
+				!type && Sizzle.attr ?
+				result != null :
+				type === "=" ?
+				value === check :
+				type === "*=" ?
+				value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+				type === "~=" ?
+				(" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+				!check ?
+				value && result !== false :
+				type === "!=" ?
+				value !== check :
+				type === "^=" ?
+				value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+				type === "$=" ?
+				value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+				type === "|=" ?
+				value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
+				false;
+		},
+		POS: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
+			var name = match[2],
+				filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
+			if ( filter ) {
+				return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+var origPOS = Expr.match.POS,
+	fescape = function(all, num){
+		return "\\" + (num - 0 + 1);
+	};
+for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
+	Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + (/(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source) );
+	Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, fescape) );
+// Expose origPOS
+// "global" as in regardless of relation to brackets/parens
+Expr.match.globalPOS = origPOS;
+var makeArray = function( array, results ) {
+	array = Array.prototype.slice.call( array, 0 );
+	if ( results ) {
+		results.push.apply( results, array );
+		return results;
+	}
+	return array;
+// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
+// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
+// Also verifies that the returned array holds DOM nodes
+// (which is not the case in the Blackberry browser)
+try {
+	Array.prototype.slice.call( document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType;
+// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
+} catch( e ) {
+	makeArray = function( array, results ) {
+		var i = 0,
+			ret = results || [];
+		if ( toString.call(array) === "[object Array]" ) {
+			Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
+		} else {
+			if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
+				for ( var l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					ret.push( array[i] );
+				}
+			} else {
+				for ( ; array[i]; i++ ) {
+					ret.push( array[i] );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	};
+var sortOrder, siblingCheck;
+if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+			return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
+		}
+		return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1;
+	};
+} else {
+	sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+		// The nodes are identical, we can exit early
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			hasDuplicate = true;
+			return 0;
+		// Fallback to using sourceIndex (in IE) if it's available on both nodes
+		} else if ( a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex ) {
+			return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
+		}
+		var al, bl,
+			ap = [],
+			bp = [],
+			aup = a.parentNode,
+			bup = b.parentNode,
+			cur = aup;
+		// If the nodes are siblings (or identical) we can do a quick check
+		if ( aup === bup ) {
+			return siblingCheck( a, b );
+		// If no parents were found then the nodes are disconnected
+		} else if ( !aup ) {
+			return -1;
+		} else if ( !bup ) {
+			return 1;
+		}
+		// Otherwise they're somewhere else in the tree so we need
+		// to build up a full list of the parentNodes for comparison
+		while ( cur ) {
+			ap.unshift( cur );
+			cur = cur.parentNode;
+		}
+		cur = bup;
+		while ( cur ) {
+			bp.unshift( cur );
+			cur = cur.parentNode;
+		}
+		al = ap.length;
+		bl = bp.length;
+		// Start walking down the tree looking for a discrepancy
+		for ( var i = 0; i < al && i < bl; i++ ) {
+			if ( ap[i] !== bp[i] ) {
+				return siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] );
+			}
+		}
+		// We ended someplace up the tree so do a sibling check
+		return i === al ?
+			siblingCheck( a, bp[i], -1 ) :
+			siblingCheck( ap[i], b, 1 );
+	};
+	siblingCheck = function( a, b, ret ) {
+		if ( a === b ) {
+			return ret;
+		}
+		var cur = a.nextSibling;
+		while ( cur ) {
+			if ( cur === b ) {
+				return -1;
+			}
+			cur = cur.nextSibling;
+		}
+		return 1;
+	};
+// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
+// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
+	// We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
+	var form = document.createElement("div"),
+		id = "script" + (new Date()).getTime(),
+		root = document.documentElement;
+	form.innerHTML = "<a name='" + id + "'/>";
+	// Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
+	root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
+	// The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
+	// Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
+	if ( document.getElementById( id ) ) {
+		Expr.find.ID = function( match, context, isXML ) {
+			if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+				var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+				return m ?
+					m.id === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ?
+						[m] :
+						undefined :
+					[];
+			}
+		};
+		Expr.filter.ID = function( elem, match ) {
+			var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+			return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
+		};
+	}
+	root.removeChild( form );
+	// release memory in IE
+	root = form = null;
+	// Check to see if the browser returns only elements
+	// when doing getElementsByTagName("*")
+	// Create a fake element
+	var div = document.createElement("div");
+	div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
+	// Make sure no comments are found
+	if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
+		Expr.find.TAG = function( match, context ) {
+			var results = context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
+			// Filter out possible comments
+			if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
+				var tmp = [];
+				for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
+					if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+						tmp.push( results[i] );
+					}
+				}
+				results = tmp;
+			}
+			return results;
+		};
+	}
+	// Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes
+	div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
+	if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
+			div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
+		Expr.attrHandle.href = function( elem ) {
+			return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 );
+		};
+	}
+	// release memory in IE
+	div = null;
+if ( document.querySelectorAll ) {
+	(function(){
+		var oldSizzle = Sizzle,
+			div = document.createElement("div"),
+			id = "__sizzle__";
+		div.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>";
+		// Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
+		// in quirks mode.
+		if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		Sizzle = function( query, context, extra, seed ) {
+			context = context || document;
+			// Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents
+			// (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents)
+			if ( !seed && !Sizzle.isXML(context) ) {
+				// See if we find a selector to speed up
+				var match = /^(\w+$)|^\.([\w\-]+$)|^#([\w\-]+$)/.exec( query );
+				if ( match && (context.nodeType === 1 || context.nodeType === 9) ) {
+					// Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
+					if ( match[1] ) {
+						return makeArray( context.getElementsByTagName( query ), extra );
+					// Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
+					} else if ( match[2] && Expr.find.CLASS && context.getElementsByClassName ) {
+						return makeArray( context.getElementsByClassName( match[2] ), extra );
+					}
+				}
+				if ( context.nodeType === 9 ) {
+					// Speed-up: Sizzle("body")
+					// The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
+					if ( query === "body" && context.body ) {
+						return makeArray( [ context.body ], extra );
+					// Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
+					} else if ( match && match[3] ) {
+						var elem = context.getElementById( match[3] );
+						// Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
+						// nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
+						if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
+							// Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
+							// by name instead of ID
+							if ( elem.id === match[3] ) {
+								return makeArray( [ elem ], extra );
+							}
+						} else {
+							return makeArray( [], extra );
+						}
+					}
+					try {
+						return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
+					} catch(qsaError) {}
+				// qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
+				// We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
+				// and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
+				// IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
+				} else if ( context.nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
+					var oldContext = context,
+						old = context.getAttribute( "id" ),
+						nid = old || id,
+						hasParent = context.parentNode,
+						relativeHierarchySelector = /^\s*[+~]/.test( query );
+					if ( !old ) {
+						context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
+					} else {
+						nid = nid.replace( /'/g, "\\$&" );
+					}
+					if ( relativeHierarchySelector && hasParent ) {
+						context = context.parentNode;
+					}
+					try {
+						if ( !relativeHierarchySelector || hasParent ) {
+							return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll( "[id='" + nid + "'] " + query ), extra );
+						}
+					} catch(pseudoError) {
+					} finally {
+						if ( !old ) {
+							oldContext.removeAttribute( "id" );
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
+		};
+		for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
+			Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];
+		}
+		// release memory in IE
+		div = null;
+	})();
+	var html = document.documentElement,
+		matches = html.matchesSelector || html.mozMatchesSelector || html.webkitMatchesSelector || html.msMatchesSelector;
+	if ( matches ) {
+		// Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
+		// on a disconnected node (IE 9 fails this)
+		var disconnectedMatch = !matches.call( document.createElement( "div" ), "div" ),
+			pseudoWorks = false;
+		try {
+			// This should fail with an exception
+			// Gecko does not error, returns false instead
+			matches.call( document.documentElement, "[test!='']:sizzle" );
+		} catch( pseudoError ) {
+			pseudoWorks = true;
+		}
+		Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
+			// Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
+			expr = expr.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']");
+			if ( !Sizzle.isXML( node ) ) {
+				try {
+					if ( pseudoWorks || !Expr.match.PSEUDO.test( expr ) && !/!=/.test( expr ) ) {
+						var ret = matches.call( node, expr );
+						// IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
+						if ( ret || !disconnectedMatch ||
+								// As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
+								// fragment in IE 9, so check for that
+								node.document && node.document.nodeType !== 11 ) {
+							return ret;
+						}
+					}
+				} catch(e) {}
+			}
+			return Sizzle(expr, null, null, [node]).length > 0;
+		};
+	}
+	var div = document.createElement("div");
+	div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";
+	// Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
+	// Also, make sure that getElementsByClassName actually exists
+	if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	// Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2)
+	div.lastChild.className = "e";
+	if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
+	Expr.find.CLASS = function( match, context, isXML ) {
+		if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+			return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
+		}
+	};
+	// release memory in IE
+	div = null;
+function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+	for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+		var elem = checkSet[i];
+		if ( elem ) {
+			var match = false;
+			elem = elem[dir];
+			while ( elem ) {
+				if ( elem[ expando ] === doneName ) {
+					match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+					break;
+				}
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
+					elem[ expando ] = doneName;
+					elem.sizset = i;
+				}
+				if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === cur ) {
+					match = elem;
+					break;
+				}
+				elem = elem[dir];
+			}
+			checkSet[i] = match;
+		}
+	}
+function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+	for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+		var elem = checkSet[i];
+		if ( elem ) {
+			var match = false;
+			elem = elem[dir];
+			while ( elem ) {
+				if ( elem[ expando ] === doneName ) {
+					match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+					break;
+				}
+				if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+					if ( !isXML ) {
+						elem[ expando ] = doneName;
+						elem.sizset = i;
+					}
+					if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
+						if ( elem === cur ) {
+							match = true;
+							break;
+						}
+					} else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
+						match = elem;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				elem = elem[dir];
+			}
+			checkSet[i] = match;
+		}
+	}
+if ( document.documentElement.contains ) {
+	Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
+		return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
+	};
+} else if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+	Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
+		return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
+	};
+} else {
+	Sizzle.contains = function() {
+		return false;
+	};
+Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
+	// documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
+	// (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
+	var documentElement = (elem ? elem.ownerDocument || elem : 0).documentElement;
+	return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
+var posProcess = function( selector, context, seed ) {
+	var match,
+		tmpSet = [],
+		later = "",
+		root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
+	// Position selectors must be done after the filter
+	// And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end
+	while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
+		later += match[0];
+		selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );
+	}
+	selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;
+	for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+		Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet, seed );
+	}
+	return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );
+// Override sizzle attribute retrieval
+Sizzle.attr = jQuery.attr;
+Sizzle.selectors.attrMap = {};
+jQuery.find = Sizzle;
+jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
+jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.filters;
+jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
+jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
+jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
+jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;
+var runtil = /Until$/,
+	rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/,
+	// Note: This RegExp should be improved, or likely pulled from Sizzle
+	rmultiselector = /,/,
+	isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,
+	slice = Array.prototype.slice,
+	POS = jQuery.expr.match.globalPOS,
+	// methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set
+	guaranteedUnique = {
+		children: true,
+		contents: true,
+		next: true,
+		prev: true
+	};
+	find: function( selector ) {
+		var self = this,
+			i, l;
+		if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+			return jQuery( selector ).filter(function() {
+				for ( i = 0, l = self.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+					if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) {
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}
+		var ret = this.pushStack( "", "find", selector ),
+			length, n, r;
+		for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+			length = ret.length;
+			jQuery.find( selector, this[i], ret );
+			if ( i > 0 ) {
+				// Make sure that the results are unique
+				for ( n = length; n < ret.length; n++ ) {
+					for ( r = 0; r < length; r++ ) {
+						if ( ret[r] === ret[n] ) {
+							ret.splice(n--, 1);
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	has: function( target ) {
+		var targets = jQuery( target );
+		return this.filter(function() {
+			for ( var i = 0, l = targets.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) {
+					return true;
+				}
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	not: function( selector ) {
+		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false), "not", selector);
+	},
+	filter: function( selector ) {
+		return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true), "filter", selector );
+	},
+	is: function( selector ) {
+		return !!selector && (
+			typeof selector === "string" ?
+				// If this is a positional selector, check membership in the returned set
+				// so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p".
+				POS.test( selector ) ?
+					jQuery( selector, this.context ).index( this[0] ) >= 0 :
+					jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0 :
+				this.filter( selector ).length > 0 );
+	},
+	closest: function( selectors, context ) {
+		var ret = [], i, l, cur = this[0];
+		// Array (deprecated as of jQuery 1.7)
+		if ( jQuery.isArray( selectors ) ) {
+			var level = 1;
+			while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context ) {
+				for ( i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++ ) {
+					if ( jQuery( cur ).is( selectors[ i ] ) ) {
+						ret.push({ selector: selectors[ i ], elem: cur, level: level });
+					}
+				}
+				cur = cur.parentNode;
+				level++;
+			}
+			return ret;
+		}
+		// String
+		var pos = POS.test( selectors ) || typeof selectors !== "string" ?
+				jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) :
+				0;
+		for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+			cur = this[i];
+			while ( cur ) {
+				if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors) ) {
+					ret.push( cur );
+					break;
+				} else {
+					cur = cur.parentNode;
+					if ( !cur || !cur.ownerDocument || cur === context || cur.nodeType === 11 ) {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		ret = ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret;
+		return this.pushStack( ret, "closest", selectors );
+	},
+	// Determine the position of an element within
+	// the matched set of elements
+	index: function( elem ) {
+		// No argument, return index in parent
+		if ( !elem ) {
+			return ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) ? this.prevAll().length : -1;
+		}
+		// index in selector
+		if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
+			return jQuery.inArray( this[0], jQuery( elem ) );
+		}
+		// Locate the position of the desired element
+		return jQuery.inArray(
+			// If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
+			elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this );
+	},
+	add: function( selector, context ) {
+		var set = typeof selector === "string" ?
+				jQuery( selector, context ) :
+				jQuery.makeArray( selector && selector.nodeType ? [ selector ] : selector ),
+			all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set );
+		return this.pushStack( isDisconnected( set[0] ) || isDisconnected( all[0] ) ?
+			all :
+			jQuery.unique( all ) );
+	},
+	andSelf: function() {
+		return this.add( this.prevObject );
+	}
+// A painfully simple check to see if an element is disconnected
+// from a document (should be improved, where feasible).
+function isDisconnected( node ) {
+	return !node || !node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeType === 11;
+	parent: function( elem ) {
+		var parent = elem.parentNode;
+		return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
+	},
+	parents: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" );
+	},
+	parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until );
+	},
+	next: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "nextSibling" );
+	},
+	prev: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "previousSibling" );
+	},
+	nextAll: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" );
+	},
+	prevAll: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" );
+	},
+	nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until );
+	},
+	prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
+		return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until );
+	},
+	siblings: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.sibling( ( elem.parentNode || {} ).firstChild, elem );
+	},
+	children: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild );
+	},
+	contents: function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ?
+			elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document :
+			jQuery.makeArray( elem.childNodes );
+	}
+}, function( name, fn ) {
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
+		var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn, until );
+		if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) {
+			selector = until;
+		}
+		if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
+			ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret );
+		}
+		ret = this.length > 1 && !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret;
+		if ( (this.length > 1 || rmultiselector.test( selector )) && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) {
+			ret = ret.reverse();
+		}
+		return this.pushStack( ret, name, slice.call( arguments ).join(",") );
+	};
+	filter: function( expr, elems, not ) {
+		if ( not ) {
+			expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
+		}
+		return elems.length === 1 ?
+			jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] :
+			jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
+	},
+	dir: function( elem, dir, until ) {
+		var matched = [],
+			cur = elem[ dir ];
+		while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) {
+			if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				matched.push( cur );
+			}
+			cur = cur[dir];
+		}
+		return matched;
+	},
+	nth: function( cur, result, dir, elem ) {
+		result = result || 1;
+		var num = 0;
+		for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] ) {
+			if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && ++num === result ) {
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return cur;
+	},
+	sibling: function( n, elem ) {
+		var r = [];
+		for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
+			if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) {
+				r.push( n );
+			}
+		}
+		return r;
+	}
+// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
+function winnow( elements, qualifier, keep ) {
+	// Can't pass null or undefined to indexOf in Firefox 4
+	// Set to 0 to skip string check
+	qualifier = qualifier || 0;
+	if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
+		return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+			var retVal = !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem );
+			return retVal === keep;
+		});
+	} else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
+		return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+			return ( elem === qualifier ) === keep;
+		});
+	} else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) {
+		var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) {
+			return elem.nodeType === 1;
+		});
+		if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) {
+			return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep);
+		} else {
+			qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered );
+		}
+	}
+	return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
+		return ( jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0 ) === keep;
+	});
+function createSafeFragment( document ) {
+	var list = nodeNames.split( "|" ),
+	safeFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
+	if ( safeFrag.createElement ) {
+		while ( list.length ) {
+			safeFrag.createElement(
+				list.pop()
+			);
+		}
+	}
+	return safeFrag;
+var nodeNames = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|" +
+		"header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video",
+	rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g,
+	rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/,
+	rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig,
+	rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/,
+	rtbody = /<tbody/i,
+	rhtml = /<|&#?\w+;/,
+	rnoInnerhtml = /<(?:script|style)/i,
+	rnocache = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i,
+	rnoshimcache = new RegExp("<(?:" + nodeNames + ")[\\s/>]", "i"),
+	// checked="checked" or checked
+	rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
+	rscriptType = /\/(java|ecma)script/i,
+	rcleanScript = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|\-\-)/,
+	wrapMap = {
+		option: [ 1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>" ],
+		legend: [ 1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>" ],
+		thead: [ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ],
+		tr: [ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ],
+		td: [ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ],
+		col: [ 2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ],
+		area: [ 1, "<map>", "</map>" ],
+		_default: [ 0, "", "" ]
+	},
+	safeFragment = createSafeFragment( document );
+wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option;
+wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead;
+wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td;
+// IE can't serialize <link> and <script> tags normally
+if ( !jQuery.support.htmlSerialize ) {
+	wrapMap._default = [ 1, "div<div>", "</div>" ];
+	text: function( value ) {
+		return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
+			return value === undefined ?
+				jQuery.text( this ) :
+				this.empty().append( ( this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document ).createTextNode( value ) );
+		}, null, value, arguments.length );
+	},
+	wrapAll: function( html ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				jQuery(this).wrapAll( html.call(this, i) );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( this[0] ) {
+			// The elements to wrap the target around
+			var wrap = jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument ).eq(0).clone(true);
+			if ( this[0].parentNode ) {
+				wrap.insertBefore( this[0] );
+			}
+			wrap.map(function() {
+				var elem = this;
+				while ( elem.firstChild && elem.firstChild.nodeType === 1 ) {
+					elem = elem.firstChild;
+				}
+				return elem;
+			}).append( this );
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	wrapInner: function( html ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( html ) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				jQuery(this).wrapInner( html.call(this, i) );
+			});
+		}
+		return this.each(function() {
+			var self = jQuery( this ),
+				contents = self.contents();
+			if ( contents.length ) {
+				contents.wrapAll( html );
+			} else {
+				self.append( html );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	wrap: function( html ) {
+		var isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( html );
+		return this.each(function(i) {
+			jQuery( this ).wrapAll( isFunction ? html.call(this, i) : html );
+		});
+	},
+	unwrap: function() {
+		return this.parent().each(function() {
+			if ( !jQuery.nodeName( this, "body" ) ) {
+				jQuery( this ).replaceWith( this.childNodes );
+			}
+		}).end();
+	},
+	append: function() {
+		return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) {
+			if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				this.appendChild( elem );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	prepend: function() {
+		return this.domManip(arguments, true, function( elem ) {
+			if ( this.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild );
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	before: function() {
+		if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
+			return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) {
+				this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this );
+			});
+		} else if ( arguments.length ) {
+			var set = jQuery.clean( arguments );
+			set.push.apply( set, this.toArray() );
+			return this.pushStack( set, "before", arguments );
+		}
+	},
+	after: function() {
+		if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
+			return this.domManip(arguments, false, function( elem ) {
+				this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling );
+			});
+		} else if ( arguments.length ) {
+			var set = this.pushStack( this, "after", arguments );
+			set.push.apply( set, jQuery.clean(arguments) );
+			return set;
+		}
+	},
+	// keepData is for internal use only--do not document
+	remove: function( selector, keepData ) {
+		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+			if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ elem ] ).length ) {
+				if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+					jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") );
+					jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ] );
+				}
+				if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+					elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	empty: function() {
+		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+			// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
+			if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+				jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") );
+			}
+			// Remove any remaining nodes
+			while ( elem.firstChild ) {
+				elem.removeChild( elem.firstChild );
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	clone: function( dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) {
+		dataAndEvents = dataAndEvents == null ? false : dataAndEvents;
+		deepDataAndEvents = deepDataAndEvents == null ? dataAndEvents : deepDataAndEvents;
+		return this.map( function () {
+			return jQuery.clone( this, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents );
+		});
+	},
+	html: function( value ) {
+		return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
+			var elem = this[0] || {},
+				i = 0,
+				l = this.length;
+			if ( value === undefined ) {
+				return elem.nodeType === 1 ?
+					elem.innerHTML.replace( rinlinejQuery, "" ) :
+					null;
+			}
+			if ( typeof value === "string" && !rnoInnerhtml.test( value ) &&
+				( jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace || !rleadingWhitespace.test( value ) ) &&
+				!wrapMap[ ( rtagName.exec( value ) || ["", ""] )[1].toLowerCase() ] ) {
+				value = value.replace( rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>" );
+				try {
+					for (; i < l; i++ ) {
+						// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
+						elem = this[i] || {};
+						if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+							jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName( "*" ) );
+							elem.innerHTML = value;
+						}
+					}
+					elem = 0;
+				// If using innerHTML throws an exception, use the fallback method
+				} catch(e) {}
+			}
+			if ( elem ) {
+				this.empty().append( value );
+			}
+		}, null, value, arguments.length );
+	},
+	replaceWith: function( value ) {
+		if ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) {
+			// Make sure that the elements are removed from the DOM before they are inserted
+			// this can help fix replacing a parent with child elements
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
+				return this.each(function(i) {
+					var self = jQuery(this), old = self.html();
+					self.replaceWith( value.call( this, i, old ) );
+				});
+			}
+			if ( typeof value !== "string" ) {
+				value = jQuery( value ).detach();
+			}
+			return this.each(function() {
+				var next = this.nextSibling,
+					parent = this.parentNode;
+				jQuery( this ).remove();
+				if ( next ) {
+					jQuery(next).before( value );
+				} else {
+					jQuery(parent).append( value );
+				}
+			});
+		} else {
+			return this.length ?
+				this.pushStack( jQuery(jQuery.isFunction(value) ? value() : value), "replaceWith", value ) :
+				this;
+		}
+	},
+	detach: function( selector ) {
+		return this.remove( selector, true );
+	},
+	domManip: function( args, table, callback ) {
+		var results, first, fragment, parent,
+			value = args[0],
+			scripts = [];
+		// We can't cloneNode fragments that contain checked, in WebKit
+		if ( !jQuery.support.checkClone && arguments.length === 3 && typeof value === "string" && rchecked.test( value ) ) {
+			return this.each(function() {
+				jQuery(this).domManip( args, table, callback, true );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction(value) ) {
+			return this.each(function(i) {
+				var self = jQuery(this);
+				args[0] = value.call(this, i, table ? self.html() : undefined);
+				self.domManip( args, table, callback );
+			});
+		}
+		if ( this[0] ) {
+			parent = value && value.parentNode;
+			// If we're in a fragment, just use that instead of building a new one
+			if ( jQuery.support.parentNode && parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === this.length ) {
+				results = { fragment: parent };
+			} else {
+				results = jQuery.buildFragment( args, this, scripts );
+			}
+			fragment = results.fragment;
+			if ( fragment.childNodes.length === 1 ) {
+				first = fragment = fragment.firstChild;
+			} else {
+				first = fragment.firstChild;
+			}
+			if ( first ) {
+				table = table && jQuery.nodeName( first, "tr" );
+				for ( var i = 0, l = this.length, lastIndex = l - 1; i < l; i++ ) {
+					callback.call(
+						table ?
+							root(this[i], first) :
+							this[i],
+						// Make sure that we do not leak memory by inadvertently discarding
+						// the original fragment (which might have attached data) instead of
+						// using it; in addition, use the original fragment object for the last
+						// item instead of first because it can end up being emptied incorrectly
+						// in certain situations (Bug #8070).
+						// Fragments from the fragment cache must always be cloned and never used
+						// in place.
+						results.cacheable || ( l > 1 && i < lastIndex ) ?
+							jQuery.clone( fragment, true, true ) :
+							fragment
+					);
+				}
+			}
+			if ( scripts.length ) {
+				jQuery.each( scripts, function( i, elem ) {
+					if ( elem.src ) {
+						jQuery.ajax({
+							type: "GET",
+							global: false,
+							url: elem.src,
+							async: false,
+							dataType: "script"
+						});
+					} else {
+						jQuery.globalEval( ( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" ).replace( rcleanScript, "/*$0*/" ) );
+					}
+					if ( elem.parentNode ) {
+						elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	}
+function root( elem, cur ) {
+	return jQuery.nodeName(elem, "table") ?
+		(elem.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] ||
+		elem.appendChild(elem.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody"))) :
+		elem;
+function cloneCopyEvent( src, dest ) {
+	if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery.hasData( src ) ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	var type, i, l,
+		oldData = jQuery._data( src ),
+		curData = jQuery._data( dest, oldData ),
+		events = oldData.events;
+	if ( events ) {
+		delete curData.handle;
+		curData.events = {};
+		for ( type in events ) {
+			for ( i = 0, l = events[ type ].length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				jQuery.event.add( dest, type, events[ type ][ i ] );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// make the cloned public data object a copy from the original
+	if ( curData.data ) {
+		curData.data = jQuery.extend( {}, curData.data );
+	}
+function cloneFixAttributes( src, dest ) {
+	var nodeName;
+	// We do not need to do anything for non-Elements
+	if ( dest.nodeType !== 1 ) {
+		return;
+	}
+	// clearAttributes removes the attributes, which we don't want,
+	// but also removes the attachEvent events, which we *do* want
+	if ( dest.clearAttributes ) {
+		dest.clearAttributes();
+	}
+	// mergeAttributes, in contrast, only merges back on the
+	// original attributes, not the events
+	if ( dest.mergeAttributes ) {
+		dest.mergeAttributes( src );
+	}
+	nodeName = dest.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+	// IE6-8 fail to clone children inside object elements that use
+	// the proprietary classid attribute value (rather than the type
+	// attribute) to identify the type of content to display
+	if ( nodeName === "object" ) {
+		dest.outerHTML = src.outerHTML;
+	} else if ( nodeName === "input" && (src.type === "checkbox" || src.type === "radio") ) {
+		// IE6-8 fails to persist the checked state of a cloned checkbox
+		// or radio button. Worse, IE6-7 fail to give the cloned element
+		// a checked appearance if the defaultChecked value isn't also set
+		if ( src.checked ) {
+			dest.defaultChecked = dest.checked = src.checked;
+		}
+		// IE6-7 get confused and end up setting the value of a cloned
+		// checkbox/radio button to an empty string instead of "on"
+		if ( dest.value !== src.value ) {
+			dest.value = src.value;
+		}
+	// IE6-8 fails to return the selected option to the default selected
+	// state when cloning options
+	} else if ( nodeName === "option" ) {
+		dest.selected = src.defaultSelected;
+	// IE6-8 fails to set the defaultValue to the correct value when
+	// cloning other types of input fields
+	} else if ( nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea" ) {
+		dest.defaultValue = src.defaultValue;
+	// IE blanks contents when cloning scripts
+	} else if ( nodeName === "script" && dest.text !== src.text ) {
+		dest.text = src.text;
+	}
+	// Event data gets referenced instead of copied if the expando
+	// gets copied too
+	dest.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando );
+	// Clear flags for bubbling special change/submit events, they must
+	// be reattached when the newly cloned events are first activated
+	dest.removeAttribute( "_submit_attached" );
+	dest.removeAttribute( "_change_attached" );
+jQuery.buildFragment = function( args, nodes, scripts ) {
+	var fragment, cacheable, cacheresults, doc,
+	first = args[ 0 ];
+	// nodes may contain either an explicit document object,
+	// a jQuery collection or context object.
+	// If nodes[0] contains a valid object to assign to doc
+	if ( nodes && nodes[0] ) {
+		doc = nodes[0].ownerDocument || nodes[0];
+	}
+	// Ensure that an attr object doesn't incorrectly stand in as a document object
+	// Chrome and Firefox seem to allow this to occur and will throw exception
+	// Fixes #8950
+	if ( !doc.createDocumentFragment ) {
+		doc = document;
+	}
+	// Only cache "small" (1/2 KB) HTML strings that are associated with the main document
+	// Cloning options loses the selected state, so don't cache them
+	// IE 6 doesn't like it when you put <object> or <embed> elements in a fragment
+	// Also, WebKit does not clone 'checked' attributes on cloneNode, so don't cache
+	// Lastly, IE6,7,8 will not correctly reuse cached fragments that were created from unknown elems #10501
+	if ( args.length === 1 && typeof first === "string" && first.length < 512 && doc === document &&
+		first.charAt(0) === "<" && !rnocache.test( first ) &&
+		(jQuery.support.checkClone || !rchecked.test( first )) &&
+		(jQuery.support.html5Clone || !rnoshimcache.test( first )) ) {
+		cacheable = true;
+		cacheresults = jQuery.fragments[ first ];
+		if ( cacheresults && cacheresults !== 1 ) {
+			fragment = cacheresults;
+		}
+	}
+	if ( !fragment ) {
+		fragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();
+		jQuery.clean( args, doc, fragment, scripts );
+	}
+	if ( cacheable ) {
+		jQuery.fragments[ first ] = cacheresults ? fragment : 1;
+	}
+	return { fragment: fragment, cacheable: cacheable };
+jQuery.fragments = {};
+	appendTo: "append",
+	prependTo: "prepend",
+	insertBefore: "before",
+	insertAfter: "after",
+	replaceAll: "replaceWith"
+}, function( name, original ) {
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) {
+		var ret = [],
+			insert = jQuery( selector ),
+			parent = this.length === 1 && this[0].parentNode;
+		if ( parent && parent.nodeType === 11 && parent.childNodes.length === 1 && insert.length === 1 ) {
+			insert[ original ]( this[0] );
+			return this;
+		} else {
+			for ( var i = 0, l = insert.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+				var elems = ( i > 0 ? this.clone(true) : this ).get();
+				jQuery( insert[i] )[ original ]( elems );
+				ret = ret.concat( elems );
+			}
+			return this.pushStack( ret, name, insert.selector );
+		}
+	};
+function getAll( elem ) {
+	if ( typeof elem.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
+		return elem.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
+	} else if ( typeof elem.querySelectorAll !== "undefined" ) {
+		return elem.querySelectorAll( "*" );
+	} else {
+		return [];
+	}
+// Used in clean, fixes the defaultChecked property
+function fixDefaultChecked( elem ) {
+	if ( elem.type === "checkbox" || elem.type === "radio" ) {
+		elem.defaultChecked = elem.checked;
+	}
+// Finds all inputs and passes them to fixDefaultChecked
+function findInputs( elem ) {
+	var nodeName = ( elem.nodeName || "" ).toLowerCase();
+	if ( nodeName === "input" ) {
+		fixDefaultChecked( elem );
+	// Skip scripts, get other children
+	} else if ( nodeName !== "script" && typeof elem.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
+		jQuery.grep( elem.getElementsByTagName("input"), fixDefaultChecked );
+	}
+// Derived From: http://www.iecss.com/shimprove/javascript/shimprove.1-0-1.js
+function shimCloneNode( elem ) {
+	var div = document.createElement( "div" );
+	safeFragment.appendChild( div );
+	div.innerHTML = elem.outerHTML;
+	return div.firstChild;
+	clone: function( elem, dataAndEvents, deepDataAndEvents ) {
+		var srcElements,
+			destElements,
+			i,
+			// IE<=8 does not properly clone detached, unknown element nodes
+			clone = jQuery.support.html5Clone || jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) || !rnoshimcache.test( "<" + elem.nodeName + ">" ) ?
+				elem.cloneNode( true ) :
+				shimCloneNode( elem );
+		if ( (!jQuery.support.noCloneEvent || !jQuery.support.noCloneChecked) &&
+				(elem.nodeType === 1 || elem.nodeType === 11) && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ) {
+			// IE copies events bound via attachEvent when using cloneNode.
+			// Calling detachEvent on the clone will also remove the events
+			// from the original. In order to get around this, we use some
+			// proprietary methods to clear the events. Thanks to MooTools
+			// guys for this hotness.
+			cloneFixAttributes( elem, clone );
+			// Using Sizzle here is crazy slow, so we use getElementsByTagName instead
+			srcElements = getAll( elem );
+			destElements = getAll( clone );
+			// Weird iteration because IE will replace the length property
+			// with an element if you are cloning the body and one of the
+			// elements on the page has a name or id of "length"
+			for ( i = 0; srcElements[i]; ++i ) {
+				// Ensure that the destination node is not null; Fixes #9587
+				if ( destElements[i] ) {
+					cloneFixAttributes( srcElements[i], destElements[i] );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Copy the events from the original to the clone
+		if ( dataAndEvents ) {
+			cloneCopyEvent( elem, clone );
+			if ( deepDataAndEvents ) {
+				srcElements = getAll( elem );
+				destElements = getAll( clone );
+				for ( i = 0; srcElements[i]; ++i ) {
+					cloneCopyEvent( srcElements[i], destElements[i] );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		srcElements = destElements = null;
+		// Return the cloned set
+		return clone;
+	},
+	clean: function( elems, context, fragment, scripts ) {
+		var checkScriptType, script, j,
+				ret = [];
+		context = context || document;
+		// !context.createElement fails in IE with an error but returns typeof 'object'
+		if ( typeof context.createElement === "undefined" ) {
+			context = context.ownerDocument || context[0] && context[0].ownerDocument || document;
+		}
+		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+			if ( typeof elem === "number" ) {
+				elem += "";
+			}
+			if ( !elem ) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Convert html string into DOM nodes
+			if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
+				if ( !rhtml.test( elem ) ) {
+					elem = context.createTextNode( elem );
+				} else {
+					// Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers
+					elem = elem.replace(rxhtmlTag, "<$1></$2>");
+					// Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected
+					var tag = ( rtagName.exec( elem ) || ["", ""] )[1].toLowerCase(),
+						wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default,
+						depth = wrap[0],
+						div = context.createElement("div"),
+						safeChildNodes = safeFragment.childNodes,
+						remove;
+					// Append wrapper element to unknown element safe doc fragment
+					if ( context === document ) {
+						// Use the fragment we've already created for this document
+						safeFragment.appendChild( div );
+					} else {
+						// Use a fragment created with the owner document
+						createSafeFragment( context ).appendChild( div );
+					}
+					// Go to html and back, then peel off extra wrappers
+					div.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem + wrap[2];
+					// Move to the right depth
+					while ( depth-- ) {
+						div = div.lastChild;
+					}
+					// Remove IE's autoinserted <tbody> from table fragments
+					if ( !jQuery.support.tbody ) {
+						// String was a <table>, *may* have spurious <tbody>
+						var hasBody = rtbody.test(elem),
+							tbody = tag === "table" && !hasBody ?
+								div.firstChild && div.firstChild.childNodes :
+								// String was a bare <thead> or <tfoot>
+								wrap[1] === "<table>" && !hasBody ?
+									div.childNodes :
+									[];
+						for ( j = tbody.length - 1; j >= 0 ; --j ) {
+							if ( jQuery.nodeName( tbody[ j ], "tbody" ) && !tbody[ j ].childNodes.length ) {
+								tbody[ j ].parentNode.removeChild( tbody[ j ] );
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// IE completely kills leading whitespace when innerHTML is used
+					if ( !jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace && rleadingWhitespace.test( elem ) ) {
+						div.insertBefore( context.createTextNode( rleadingWhitespace.exec(elem)[0] ), div.firstChild );
+					}
+					elem = div.childNodes;
+					// Clear elements from DocumentFragment (safeFragment or otherwise)
+					// to avoid hoarding elements. Fixes #11356
+					if ( div ) {
+						div.parentNode.removeChild( div );
+						// Guard against -1 index exceptions in FF3.6
+						if ( safeChildNodes.length > 0 ) {
+							remove = safeChildNodes[ safeChildNodes.length - 1 ];
+							if ( remove && remove.parentNode ) {
+								remove.parentNode.removeChild( remove );
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Resets defaultChecked for any radios and checkboxes
+			// about to be appended to the DOM in IE 6/7 (#8060)
+			var len;
+			if ( !jQuery.support.appendChecked ) {
+				if ( elem[0] && typeof (len = elem.length) === "number" ) {
+					for ( j = 0; j < len; j++ ) {
+						findInputs( elem[j] );
+					}
+				} else {
+					findInputs( elem );
+				}
+			}
+			if ( elem.nodeType ) {
+				ret.push( elem );
+			} else {
+				ret = jQuery.merge( ret, elem );
+			}
+		}
+		if ( fragment ) {
+			checkScriptType = function( elem ) {
+				return !elem.type || rscriptType.test( elem.type );
+			};
+			for ( i = 0; ret[i]; i++ ) {
+				script = ret[i];
+				if ( scripts && jQuery.nodeName( script, "script" ) && (!script.type || rscriptType.test( script.type )) ) {
+					scripts.push( script.parentNode ? script.parentNode.removeChild( script ) : script );
+				} else {
+					if ( script.nodeType === 1 ) {
+						var jsTags = jQuery.grep( script.getElementsByTagName( "script" ), checkScriptType );
+						ret.splice.apply( ret, [i + 1, 0].concat( jsTags ) );
+					}
+					fragment.appendChild( script );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	cleanData: function( elems ) {
+		var data, id,
+			cache = jQuery.cache,
+			special = jQuery.event.special,
+			deleteExpando = jQuery.support.deleteExpando;
+		for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+			if ( elem.nodeName && jQuery.noData[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()] ) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			id = elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+			if ( id ) {
+				data = cache[ id ];
+				if ( data && data.events ) {
+					for ( var type in data.events ) {
+						if ( special[ type ] ) {
+							jQuery.event.remove( elem, type );
+						// This is a shortcut to avoid jQuery.event.remove's overhead
+						} else {
+							jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, data.handle );
+						}
+					}
+					// Null the DOM reference to avoid IE6/7/8 leak (#7054)
+					if ( data.handle ) {
+						data.handle.elem = null;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( deleteExpando ) {
+					delete elem[ jQuery.expando ];
+				} else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
+					elem.removeAttribute( jQuery.expando );
+				}
+				delete cache[ id ];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+var ralpha = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i,
+	ropacity = /opacity=([^)]*)/,
+	// fixed for IE9, see #8346
+	rupper = /([A-Z]|^ms)/g,
+	rnum = /^[\-+]?(?:\d*\.)?\d+$/i,
+	rnumnonpx = /^-?(?:\d*\.)?\d+(?!px)[^\d\s]+$/i,
+	rrelNum = /^([\-+])=([\-+.\de]+)/,
+	rmargin = /^margin/,
+	cssShow = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" },
+	// order is important!
+	cssExpand = [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ],
+	curCSS,
+	getComputedStyle,
+	currentStyle;
+jQuery.fn.css = function( name, value ) {
+	return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, name, value ) {
+		return value !== undefined ?
+			jQuery.style( elem, name, value ) :
+			jQuery.css( elem, name );
+	}, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
+	// Add in style property hooks for overriding the default
+	// behavior of getting and setting a style property
+	cssHooks: {
+		opacity: {
+			get: function( elem, computed ) {
+				if ( computed ) {
+					// We should always get a number back from opacity
+					var ret = curCSS( elem, "opacity" );
+					return ret === "" ? "1" : ret;
+				} else {
+					return elem.style.opacity;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	// Exclude the following css properties to add px
+	cssNumber: {
+		"fillOpacity": true,
+		"fontWeight": true,
+		"lineHeight": true,
+		"opacity": true,
+		"orphans": true,
+		"widows": true,
+		"zIndex": true,
+		"zoom": true
+	},
+	// Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before
+	// setting or getting the value
+	cssProps: {
+		// normalize float css property
+		"float": jQuery.support.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"
+	},
+	// Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
+	style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) {
+		// Don't set styles on text and comment nodes
+		if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !elem.style ) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// Make sure that we're working with the right name
+		var ret, type, origName = jQuery.camelCase( name ),
+			style = elem.style, hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ origName ];
+		name = jQuery.cssProps[ origName ] || origName;
+		// Check if we're setting a value
+		if ( value !== undefined ) {
+			type = typeof value;
+			// convert relative number strings (+= or -=) to relative numbers. #7345
+			if ( type === "string" && (ret = rrelNum.exec( value )) ) {
+				value = ( +( ret[1] + 1) * +ret[2] ) + parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, name ) );
+				// Fixes bug #9237
+				type = "number";
+			}
+			// Make sure that NaN and null values aren't set. See: #7116
+			if ( value == null || type === "number" && isNaN( value ) ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// If a number was passed in, add 'px' to the (except for certain CSS properties)
+			if ( type === "number" && !jQuery.cssNumber[ origName ] ) {
+				value += "px";
+			}
+			// If a hook was provided, use that value, otherwise just set the specified value
+			if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || (value = hooks.set( elem, value )) !== undefined ) {
+				// Wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors when 'invalid' values are provided
+				// Fixes bug #5509
+				try {
+					style[ name ] = value;
+				} catch(e) {}
+			}
+		} else {
+			// If a hook was provided get the non-computed value from there
+			if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, false, extra )) !== undefined ) {
+				return ret;
+			}
+			// Otherwise just get the value from the style object
+			return style[ name ];
+		}
+	},
+	css: function( elem, name, extra ) {
+		var ret, hooks;
+		// Make sure that we're working with the right name
+		name = jQuery.camelCase( name );
+		hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ];
+		name = jQuery.cssProps[ name ] || name;
+		// cssFloat needs a special treatment
+		if ( name === "cssFloat" ) {
+			name = "float";
+		}
+		// If a hook was provided get the computed value from there
+		if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, true, extra )) !== undefined ) {
+			return ret;
+		// Otherwise, if a way to get the computed value exists, use that
+		} else if ( curCSS ) {
+			return curCSS( elem, name );
+		}
+	},
+	// A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations
+	swap: function( elem, options, callback ) {
+		var old = {},
+			ret, name;
+		// Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
+		for ( name in options ) {
+			old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ];
+			elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ];
+		}
+		ret = callback.call( elem );
+		// Revert the old values
+		for ( name in options ) {
+			elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ];
+		}
+		return ret;
+	}
+// DEPRECATED in 1.3, Use jQuery.css() instead
+jQuery.curCSS = jQuery.css;
+if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ) {
+	getComputedStyle = function( elem, name ) {
+		var ret, defaultView, computedStyle, width,
+			style = elem.style;
+		name = name.replace( rupper, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
+		if ( (defaultView = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView) &&
+				(computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null )) ) {
+			ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( name );
+			if ( ret === "" && !jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument.documentElement, elem ) ) {
+				ret = jQuery.style( elem, name );
+			}
+		}
+		// A tribute to the "awesome hack by Dean Edwards"
+		// WebKit uses "computed value (percentage if specified)" instead of "used value" for margins
+		// which is against the CSSOM draft spec: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#resolved-values
+		if ( !jQuery.support.pixelMargin && computedStyle && rmargin.test( name ) && rnumnonpx.test( ret ) ) {
+			width = style.width;
+			style.width = ret;
+			ret = computedStyle.width;
+			style.width = width;
+		}
+		return ret;
+	};
+if ( document.documentElement.currentStyle ) {
+	currentStyle = function( elem, name ) {
+		var left, rsLeft, uncomputed,
+			ret = elem.currentStyle && elem.currentStyle[ name ],
+			style = elem.style;
+		// Avoid setting ret to empty string here
+		// so we don't default to auto
+		if ( ret == null && style && (uncomputed = style[ name ]) ) {
+			ret = uncomputed;
+		}
+		// From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards
+		// http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291
+		// If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
+		// but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
+		if ( rnumnonpx.test( ret ) ) {
+			// Remember the original values
+			left = style.left;
+			rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle && elem.runtimeStyle.left;
+			// Put in the new values to get a computed value out
+			if ( rsLeft ) {
+				elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
+			}
+			style.left = name === "fontSize" ? "1em" : ret;
+			ret = style.pixelLeft + "px";
+			// Revert the changed values
+			style.left = left;
+			if ( rsLeft ) {
+				elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
+			}
+		}
+		return ret === "" ? "auto" : ret;
+	};
+curCSS = getComputedStyle || currentStyle;
+function getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra ) {
+	// Start with offset property
+	var val = name === "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight,
+		i = name === "width" ? 1 : 0,
+		len = 4;
+	if ( val > 0 ) {
+		if ( extra !== "border" ) {
+			for ( ; i < len; i += 2 ) {
+				if ( !extra ) {
+					val -= parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ] ) ) || 0;
+				}
+				if ( extra === "margin" ) {
+					val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ] ) ) || 0;
+				} else {
+					val -= parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width" ) ) || 0;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return val + "px";
+	}
+	// Fall back to computed then uncomputed css if necessary
+	val = curCSS( elem, name );
+	if ( val < 0 || val == null ) {
+		val = elem.style[ name ];
+	}
+	// Computed unit is not pixels. Stop here and return.
+	if ( rnumnonpx.test(val) ) {
+		return val;
+	}
+	// Normalize "", auto, and prepare for extra
+	val = parseFloat( val ) || 0;
+	// Add padding, border, margin
+	if ( extra ) {
+		for ( ; i < len; i += 2 ) {
+			val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "padding" + cssExpand[ i ] ) ) || 0;
+			if ( extra !== "padding" ) {
+				val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, "border" + cssExpand[ i ] + "Width" ) ) || 0;
+			}
+			if ( extra === "margin" ) {
+				val += parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ]) ) || 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return val + "px";
+jQuery.each([ "height", "width" ], function( i, name ) {
+	jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] = {
+		get: function( elem, computed, extra ) {
+			if ( computed ) {
+				if ( elem.offsetWidth !== 0 ) {
+					return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
+				} else {
+					return jQuery.swap( elem, cssShow, function() {
+						return getWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra );
+					});
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		set: function( elem, value ) {
+			return rnum.test( value ) ?
+				value + "px" :
+				value;
+		}
+	};
+if ( !jQuery.support.opacity ) {
+	jQuery.cssHooks.opacity = {
+		get: function( elem, computed ) {
+			// IE uses filters for opacity
+			return ropacity.test( (computed && elem.currentStyle ? elem.currentStyle.filter : elem.style.filter) || "" ) ?
+				( parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ) / 100 ) + "" :
+				computed ? "1" : "";
+		},
+		set: function( elem, value ) {
+			var style = elem.style,
+				currentStyle = elem.currentStyle,
+				opacity = jQuery.isNumeric( value ) ? "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")" : "",
+				filter = currentStyle && currentStyle.filter || style.filter || "";
+			// IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
+			// Force it by setting the zoom level
+			style.zoom = 1;
+			// if setting opacity to 1, and no other filters exist - attempt to remove filter attribute #6652
+			if ( value >= 1 && jQuery.trim( filter.replace( ralpha, "" ) ) === "" ) {
+				// Setting style.filter to null, "" & " " still leave "filter:" in the cssText
+				// if "filter:" is present at all, clearType is disabled, we want to avoid this
+				// style.removeAttribute is IE Only, but so apparently is this code path...
+				style.removeAttribute( "filter" );
+				// if there there is no filter style applied in a css rule, we are done
+				if ( currentStyle && !currentStyle.filter ) {
+					return;
+				}
+			}
+			// otherwise, set new filter values
+			style.filter = ralpha.test( filter ) ?
+				filter.replace( ralpha, opacity ) :
+				filter + " " + opacity;
+		}
+	};
+jQuery(function() {
+	// This hook cannot be added until DOM ready because the support test
+	// for it is not run until after DOM ready
+	if ( !jQuery.support.reliableMarginRight ) {
+		jQuery.cssHooks.marginRight = {
+			get: function( elem, computed ) {
+				// WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
+				// Work around by temporarily setting element display to inline-block
+				return jQuery.swap( elem, { "display": "inline-block" }, function() {
+					if ( computed ) {
+						return curCSS( elem, "margin-right" );
+					} else {
+						return elem.style.marginRight;
+					}
+				});
+			}
+		};
+	}
+if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
+	jQuery.expr.filters.hidden = function( elem ) {
+		var width = elem.offsetWidth,
+			height = elem.offsetHeight;
+		return ( width === 0 && height === 0 ) || (!jQuery.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && ((elem.style && elem.style.display) || jQuery.css( elem, "display" )) === "none");
+	};
+	jQuery.expr.filters.visible = function( elem ) {
+		return !jQuery.expr.filters.hidden( elem );
+	};
+// These hooks are used by animate to expand properties
+	margin: "",
+	padding: "",
+	border: "Width"
+}, function( prefix, suffix ) {
+	jQuery.cssHooks[ prefix + suffix ] = {
+		expand: function( value ) {
+			var i,
+				// assumes a single number if not a string
+				parts = typeof value === "string" ? value.split(" ") : [ value ],
+				expanded = {};
+			for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
+				expanded[ prefix + cssExpand[ i ] + suffix ] =
+					parts[ i ] || parts[ i - 2 ] || parts[ 0 ];
+			}
+			return expanded;
+		}
+	};
+var r20 = /%20/g,
+	rbracket = /\[\]$/,
+	rCRLF = /\r?\n/g,
+	rhash = /#.*$/,
+	rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg, // IE leaves an \r character at EOL
+	rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i,
+	// #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection
+	rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|res|widget):$/,
+	rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
+	rprotocol = /^\/\//,
+	rquery = /\?/,
+	rscript = /<script\b[^<]*(?:(?!<\/script>)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
+	rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i,
+	rspacesAjax = /\s+/,
+	rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
+	rurl = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/,
+	// Keep a copy of the old load method
+	_load = jQuery.fn.load,
+	/* Prefilters
+	 * 1) They are useful to introduce custom dataTypes (see ajax/jsonp.js for an example)
+	 * 2) These are called:
+	 *    - BEFORE asking for a transport
+	 *    - AFTER param serialization (s.data is a string if s.processData is true)
+	 * 3) key is the dataType
+	 * 4) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
+	 * 5) execution will start with transport dataType and THEN continue down to "*" if needed
+	 */
+	prefilters = {},
+	/* Transports bindings
+	 * 1) key is the dataType
+	 * 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used
+	 * 3) selection will start with transport dataType and THEN go to "*" if needed
+	 */
+	transports = {},
+	// Document location
+	ajaxLocation,
+	// Document location segments
+	ajaxLocParts,
+	// Avoid comment-prolog char sequence (#10098); must appease lint and evade compression
+	allTypes = ["*/"] + ["*"];
+// #8138, IE may throw an exception when accessing
+// a field from window.location if document.domain has been set
+try {
+	ajaxLocation = location.href;
+} catch( e ) {
+	// Use the href attribute of an A element
+	// since IE will modify it given document.location
+	ajaxLocation = document.createElement( "a" );
+	ajaxLocation.href = "";
+	ajaxLocation = ajaxLocation.href;
+// Segment location into parts
+ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec( ajaxLocation.toLowerCase() ) || [];
+// Base "constructor" for jQuery.ajaxPrefilter and jQuery.ajaxTransport
+function addToPrefiltersOrTransports( structure ) {
+	// dataTypeExpression is optional and defaults to "*"
+	return function( dataTypeExpression, func ) {
+		if ( typeof dataTypeExpression !== "string" ) {
+			func = dataTypeExpression;
+			dataTypeExpression = "*";
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( func ) ) {
+			var dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().split( rspacesAjax ),
+				i = 0,
+				length = dataTypes.length,
+				dataType,
+				list,
+				placeBefore;
+			// For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression
+			for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
+				dataType = dataTypes[ i ];
+				// We control if we're asked to add before
+				// any existing element
+				placeBefore = /^\+/.test( dataType );
+				if ( placeBefore ) {
+					dataType = dataType.substr( 1 ) || "*";
+				}
+				list = structure[ dataType ] = structure[ dataType ] || [];
+				// then we add to the structure accordingly
+				list[ placeBefore ? "unshift" : "push" ]( func );
+			}
+		}
+	};
+// Base inspection function for prefilters and transports
+function inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR,
+		dataType /* internal */, inspected /* internal */ ) {
+	dataType = dataType || options.dataTypes[ 0 ];
+	inspected = inspected || {};
+	inspected[ dataType ] = true;
+	var list = structure[ dataType ],
+		i = 0,
+		length = list ? list.length : 0,
+		executeOnly = ( structure === prefilters ),
+		selection;
+	for ( ; i < length && ( executeOnly || !selection ); i++ ) {
+		selection = list[ i ]( options, originalOptions, jqXHR );
+		// If we got redirected to another dataType
+		// we try there if executing only and not done already
+		if ( typeof selection === "string" ) {
+			if ( !executeOnly || inspected[ selection ] ) {
+				selection = undefined;
+			} else {
+				options.dataTypes.unshift( selection );
+				selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(
+						structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, selection, inspected );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// If we're only executing or nothing was selected
+	// we try the catchall dataType if not done already
+	if ( ( executeOnly || !selection ) && !inspected[ "*" ] ) {
+		selection = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports(
+				structure, options, originalOptions, jqXHR, "*", inspected );
+	}
+	// unnecessary when only executing (prefilters)
+	// but it'll be ignored by the caller in that case
+	return selection;
+// A special extend for ajax options
+// that takes "flat" options (not to be deep extended)
+// Fixes #9887
+function ajaxExtend( target, src ) {
+	var key, deep,
+		flatOptions = jQuery.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
+	for ( key in src ) {
+		if ( src[ key ] !== undefined ) {
+			( flatOptions[ key ] ? target : ( deep || ( deep = {} ) ) )[ key ] = src[ key ];
+		}
+	}
+	if ( deep ) {
+		jQuery.extend( true, target, deep );
+	}
+	load: function( url, params, callback ) {
+		if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) {
+			return _load.apply( this, arguments );
+		// Don't do a request if no elements are being requested
+		} else if ( !this.length ) {
+			return this;
+		}
+		var off = url.indexOf( " " );
+		if ( off >= 0 ) {
+			var selector = url.slice( off, url.length );
+			url = url.slice( 0, off );
+		}
+		// Default to a GET request
+		var type = "GET";
+		// If the second parameter was provided
+		if ( params ) {
+			// If it's a function
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) {
+				// We assume that it's the callback
+				callback = params;
+				params = undefined;
+			// Otherwise, build a param string
+			} else if ( typeof params === "object" ) {
+				params = jQuery.param( params, jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional );
+				type = "POST";
+			}
+		}
+		var self = this;
+		// Request the remote document
+		jQuery.ajax({
+			url: url,
+			type: type,
+			dataType: "html",
+			data: params,
+			// Complete callback (responseText is used internally)
+			complete: function( jqXHR, status, responseText ) {
+				// Store the response as specified by the jqXHR object
+				responseText = jqXHR.responseText;
+				// If successful, inject the HTML into all the matched elements
+				if ( jqXHR.isResolved() ) {
+					// #4825: Get the actual response in case
+					// a dataFilter is present in ajaxSettings
+					jqXHR.done(function( r ) {
+						responseText = r;
+					});
+					// See if a selector was specified
+					self.html( selector ?
+						// Create a dummy div to hold the results
+						jQuery("<div>")
+							// inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts
+							// to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE
+							.append(responseText.replace(rscript, ""))
+							// Locate the specified elements
+							.find(selector) :
+						// If not, just inject the full result
+						responseText );
+				}
+				if ( callback ) {
+					self.each( callback, [ responseText, status, jqXHR ] );
+				}
+			}
+		});
+		return this;
+	},
+	serialize: function() {
+		return jQuery.param( this.serializeArray() );
+	},
+	serializeArray: function() {
+		return this.map(function(){
+			return this.elements ? jQuery.makeArray( this.elements ) : this;
+		})
+		.filter(function(){
+			return this.name && !this.disabled &&
+				( this.checked || rselectTextarea.test( this.nodeName ) ||
+					rinput.test( this.type ) );
+		})
+		.map(function( i, elem ){
+			var val = jQuery( this ).val();
+			return val == null ?
+				null :
+				jQuery.isArray( val ) ?
+					jQuery.map( val, function( val, i ){
+						return { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
+					}) :
+					{ name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
+		}).get();
+	}
+// Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events
+jQuery.each( "ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split( " " ), function( i, o ){
+	jQuery.fn[ o ] = function( f ){
+		return this.on( o, f );
+	};
+jQuery.each( [ "get", "post" ], function( i, method ) {
+	jQuery[ method ] = function( url, data, callback, type ) {
+		// shift arguments if data argument was omitted
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
+			type = type || callback;
+			callback = data;
+			data = undefined;
+		}
+		return jQuery.ajax({
+			type: method,
+			url: url,
+			data: data,
+			success: callback,
+			dataType: type
+		});
+	};
+	getScript: function( url, callback ) {
+		return jQuery.get( url, undefined, callback, "script" );
+	},
+	getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
+		return jQuery.get( url, data, callback, "json" );
+	},
+	// Creates a full fledged settings object into target
+	// with both ajaxSettings and settings fields.
+	// If target is omitted, writes into ajaxSettings.
+	ajaxSetup: function( target, settings ) {
+		if ( settings ) {
+			// Building a settings object
+			ajaxExtend( target, jQuery.ajaxSettings );
+		} else {
+			// Extending ajaxSettings
+			settings = target;
+			target = jQuery.ajaxSettings;
+		}
+		ajaxExtend( target, settings );
+		return target;
+	},
+	ajaxSettings: {
+		url: ajaxLocation,
+		isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] ),
+		global: true,
+		type: "GET",
+		contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
+		processData: true,
+		async: true,
+		/*
+		timeout: 0,
+		data: null,
+		dataType: null,
+		username: null,
+		password: null,
+		cache: null,
+		traditional: false,
+		headers: {},
+		*/
+		accepts: {
+			xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
+			html: "text/html",
+			text: "text/plain",
+			json: "application/json, text/javascript",
+			"*": allTypes
+		},
+		contents: {
+			xml: /xml/,
+			html: /html/,
+			json: /json/
+		},
+		responseFields: {
+			xml: "responseXML",
+			text: "responseText"
+		},
+		// List of data converters
+		// 1) key format is "source_type destination_type" (a single space in-between)
+		// 2) the catchall symbol "*" can be used for source_type
+		converters: {
+			// Convert anything to text
+			"* text": window.String,
+			// Text to html (true = no transformation)
+			"text html": true,
+			// Evaluate text as a json expression
+			"text json": jQuery.parseJSON,
+			// Parse text as xml
+			"text xml": jQuery.parseXML
+		},
+		// For options that shouldn't be deep extended:
+		// you can add your own custom options here if
+		// and when you create one that shouldn't be
+		// deep extended (see ajaxExtend)
+		flatOptions: {
+			context: true,
+			url: true
+		}
+	},
+	ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters ),
+	ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports( transports ),
+	// Main method
+	ajax: function( url, options ) {
+		// If url is an object, simulate pre-1.5 signature
+		if ( typeof url === "object" ) {
+			options = url;
+			url = undefined;
+		}
+		// Force options to be an object
+		options = options || {};
+		var // Create the final options object
+			s = jQuery.ajaxSetup( {}, options ),
+			// Callbacks context
+			callbackContext = s.context || s,
+			// Context for global events
+			// It's the callbackContext if one was provided in the options
+			// and if it's a DOM node or a jQuery collection
+			globalEventContext = callbackContext !== s &&
+				( callbackContext.nodeType || callbackContext instanceof jQuery ) ?
+						jQuery( callbackContext ) : jQuery.event,
+			// Deferreds
+			deferred = jQuery.Deferred(),
+			completeDeferred = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
+			// Status-dependent callbacks
+			statusCode = s.statusCode || {},
+			// ifModified key
+			ifModifiedKey,
+			// Headers (they are sent all at once)
+			requestHeaders = {},
+			requestHeadersNames = {},
+			// Response headers
+			responseHeadersString,
+			responseHeaders,
+			// transport
+			transport,
+			// timeout handle
+			timeoutTimer,
+			// Cross-domain detection vars
+			parts,
+			// The jqXHR state
+			state = 0,
+			// To know if global events are to be dispatched
+			fireGlobals,
+			// Loop variable
+			i,
+			// Fake xhr
+			jqXHR = {
+				readyState: 0,
+				// Caches the header
+				setRequestHeader: function( name, value ) {
+					if ( !state ) {
+						var lname = name.toLowerCase();
+						name = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] = requestHeadersNames[ lname ] || name;
+						requestHeaders[ name ] = value;
+					}
+					return this;
+				},
+				// Raw string
+				getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
+					return state === 2 ? responseHeadersString : null;
+				},
+				// Builds headers hashtable if needed
+				getResponseHeader: function( key ) {
+					var match;
+					if ( state === 2 ) {
+						if ( !responseHeaders ) {
+							responseHeaders = {};
+							while( ( match = rheaders.exec( responseHeadersString ) ) ) {
+								responseHeaders[ match[1].toLowerCase() ] = match[ 2 ];
+							}
+						}
+						match = responseHeaders[ key.toLowerCase() ];
+					}
+					return match === undefined ? null : match;
+				},
+				// Overrides response content-type header
+				overrideMimeType: function( type ) {
+					if ( !state ) {
+						s.mimeType = type;
+					}
+					return this;
+				},
+				// Cancel the request
+				abort: function( statusText ) {
+					statusText = statusText || "abort";
+					if ( transport ) {
+						transport.abort( statusText );
+					}
+					done( 0, statusText );
+					return this;
+				}
+			};
+		// Callback for when everything is done
+		// It is defined here because jslint complains if it is declared
+		// at the end of the function (which would be more logical and readable)
+		function done( status, nativeStatusText, responses, headers ) {
+			// Called once
+			if ( state === 2 ) {
+				return;
+			}
+			// State is "done" now
+			state = 2;
+			// Clear timeout if it exists
+			if ( timeoutTimer ) {
+				clearTimeout( timeoutTimer );
+			}
+			// Dereference transport for early garbage collection
+			// (no matter how long the jqXHR object will be used)
+			transport = undefined;
+			// Cache response headers
+			responseHeadersString = headers || "";
+			// Set readyState
+			jqXHR.readyState = status > 0 ? 4 : 0;
+			var isSuccess,
+				success,
+				error,
+				statusText = nativeStatusText,
+				response = responses ? ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) : undefined,
+				lastModified,
+				etag;
+			// If successful, handle type chaining
+			if ( status >= 200 && status < 300 || status === 304 ) {
+				// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
+				if ( s.ifModified ) {
+					if ( ( lastModified = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "Last-Modified" ) ) ) {
+						jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] = lastModified;
+					}
+					if ( ( etag = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "Etag" ) ) ) {
+						jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] = etag;
+					}
+				}
+				// If not modified
+				if ( status === 304 ) {
+					statusText = "notmodified";
+					isSuccess = true;
+				// If we have data
+				} else {
+					try {
+						success = ajaxConvert( s, response );
+						statusText = "success";
+						isSuccess = true;
+					} catch(e) {
+						// We have a parsererror
+						statusText = "parsererror";
+						error = e;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				// We extract error from statusText
+				// then normalize statusText and status for non-aborts
+				error = statusText;
+				if ( !statusText || status ) {
+					statusText = "error";
+					if ( status < 0 ) {
+						status = 0;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Set data for the fake xhr object
+			jqXHR.status = status;
+			jqXHR.statusText = "" + ( nativeStatusText || statusText );
+			// Success/Error
+			if ( isSuccess ) {
+				deferred.resolveWith( callbackContext, [ success, statusText, jqXHR ] );
+			} else {
+				deferred.rejectWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText, error ] );
+			}
+			// Status-dependent callbacks
+			jqXHR.statusCode( statusCode );
+			statusCode = undefined;
+			if ( fireGlobals ) {
+				globalEventContext.trigger( "ajax" + ( isSuccess ? "Success" : "Error" ),
+						[ jqXHR, s, isSuccess ? success : error ] );
+			}
+			// Complete
+			completeDeferred.fireWith( callbackContext, [ jqXHR, statusText ] );
+			if ( fireGlobals ) {
+				globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxComplete", [ jqXHR, s ] );
+				// Handle the global AJAX counter
+				if ( !( --jQuery.active ) ) {
+					jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Attach deferreds
+		deferred.promise( jqXHR );
+		jqXHR.success = jqXHR.done;
+		jqXHR.error = jqXHR.fail;
+		jqXHR.complete = completeDeferred.add;
+		// Status-dependent callbacks
+		jqXHR.statusCode = function( map ) {
+			if ( map ) {
+				var tmp;
+				if ( state < 2 ) {
+					for ( tmp in map ) {
+						statusCode[ tmp ] = [ statusCode[tmp], map[tmp] ];
+					}
+				} else {
+					tmp = map[ jqXHR.status ];
+					jqXHR.then( tmp, tmp );
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		};
+		// Remove hash character (#7531: and string promotion)
+		// Add protocol if not provided (#5866: IE7 issue with protocol-less urls)
+		// We also use the url parameter if available
+		s.url = ( ( url || s.url ) + "" ).replace( rhash, "" ).replace( rprotocol, ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] + "//" );
+		// Extract dataTypes list
+		s.dataTypes = jQuery.trim( s.dataType || "*" ).toLowerCase().split( rspacesAjax );
+		// Determine if a cross-domain request is in order
+		if ( s.crossDomain == null ) {
+			parts = rurl.exec( s.url.toLowerCase() );
+			s.crossDomain = !!( parts &&
+				( parts[ 1 ] != ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] || parts[ 2 ] != ajaxLocParts[ 2 ] ||
+					( parts[ 3 ] || ( parts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) !=
+						( ajaxLocParts[ 3 ] || ( ajaxLocParts[ 1 ] === "http:" ? 80 : 443 ) ) )
+			);
+		}
+		// Convert data if not already a string
+		if ( s.data && s.processData && typeof s.data !== "string" ) {
+			s.data = jQuery.param( s.data, s.traditional );
+		}
+		// Apply prefilters
+		inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( prefilters, s, options, jqXHR );
+		// If request was aborted inside a prefilter, stop there
+		if ( state === 2 ) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		// We can fire global events as of now if asked to
+		fireGlobals = s.global;
+		// Uppercase the type
+		s.type = s.type.toUpperCase();
+		// Determine if request has content
+		s.hasContent = !rnoContent.test( s.type );
+		// Watch for a new set of requests
+		if ( fireGlobals && jQuery.active++ === 0 ) {
+			jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" );
+		}
+		// More options handling for requests with no content
+		if ( !s.hasContent ) {
+			// If data is available, append data to url
+			if ( s.data ) {
+				s.url += ( rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) + s.data;
+				// #9682: remove data so that it's not used in an eventual retry
+				delete s.data;
+			}
+			// Get ifModifiedKey before adding the anti-cache parameter
+			ifModifiedKey = s.url;
+			// Add anti-cache in url if needed
+			if ( s.cache === false ) {
+				var ts = jQuery.now(),
+					// try replacing _= if it is there
+					ret = s.url.replace( rts, "$1_=" + ts );
+				// if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
+				s.url = ret + ( ( ret === s.url ) ? ( rquery.test( s.url ) ? "&" : "?" ) + "_=" + ts : "" );
+			}
+		}
+		// Set the correct header, if data is being sent
+		if ( s.data && s.hasContent && s.contentType !== false || options.contentType ) {
+			jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", s.contentType );
+		}
+		// Set the If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match header, if in ifModified mode.
+		if ( s.ifModified ) {
+			ifModifiedKey = ifModifiedKey || s.url;
+			if ( jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] ) {
+				jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-Modified-Since", jQuery.lastModified[ ifModifiedKey ] );
+			}
+			if ( jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] ) {
+				jqXHR.setRequestHeader( "If-None-Match", jQuery.etag[ ifModifiedKey ] );
+			}
+		}
+		// Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType
+		jqXHR.setRequestHeader(
+			"Accept",
+			s.dataTypes[ 0 ] && s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] ?
+				s.accepts[ s.dataTypes[0] ] + ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] !== "*" ? ", " + allTypes + "; q=0.01" : "" ) :
+				s.accepts[ "*" ]
+		);
+		// Check for headers option
+		for ( i in s.headers ) {
+			jqXHR.setRequestHeader( i, s.headers[ i ] );
+		}
+		// Allow custom headers/mimetypes and early abort
+		if ( s.beforeSend && ( s.beforeSend.call( callbackContext, jqXHR, s ) === false || state === 2 ) ) {
+				// Abort if not done already
+				jqXHR.abort();
+				return false;
+		}
+		// Install callbacks on deferreds
+		for ( i in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 } ) {
+			jqXHR[ i ]( s[ i ] );
+		}
+		// Get transport
+		transport = inspectPrefiltersOrTransports( transports, s, options, jqXHR );
+		// If no transport, we auto-abort
+		if ( !transport ) {
+			done( -1, "No Transport" );
+		} else {
+			jqXHR.readyState = 1;
+			// Send global event
+			if ( fireGlobals ) {
+				globalEventContext.trigger( "ajaxSend", [ jqXHR, s ] );
+			}
+			// Timeout
+			if ( s.async && s.timeout > 0 ) {
+				timeoutTimer = setTimeout( function(){
+					jqXHR.abort( "timeout" );
+				}, s.timeout );
+			}
+			try {
+				state = 1;
+				transport.send( requestHeaders, done );
+			} catch (e) {
+				// Propagate exception as error if not done
+				if ( state < 2 ) {
+					done( -1, e );
+				// Simply rethrow otherwise
+				} else {
+					throw e;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return jqXHR;
+	},
+	// Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
+	// key/values into a query string
+	param: function( a, traditional ) {
+		var s = [],
+			add = function( key, value ) {
+				// If value is a function, invoke it and return its value
+				value = jQuery.isFunction( value ) ? value() : value;
+				s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent( key ) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value );
+			};
+		// Set traditional to true for jQuery <= 1.3.2 behavior.
+		if ( traditional === undefined ) {
+			traditional = jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional;
+		}
+		// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array of form elements.
+		if ( jQuery.isArray( a ) || ( a.jquery && !jQuery.isPlainObject( a ) ) ) {
+			// Serialize the form elements
+			jQuery.each( a, function() {
+				add( this.name, this.value );
+			});
+		} else {
+			// If traditional, encode the "old" way (the way 1.3.2 or older
+			// did it), otherwise encode params recursively.
+			for ( var prefix in a ) {
+				buildParams( prefix, a[ prefix ], traditional, add );
+			}
+		}
+		// Return the resulting serialization
+		return s.join( "&" ).replace( r20, "+" );
+	}
+function buildParams( prefix, obj, traditional, add ) {
+	if ( jQuery.isArray( obj ) ) {
+		// Serialize array item.
+		jQuery.each( obj, function( i, v ) {
+			if ( traditional || rbracket.test( prefix ) ) {
+				// Treat each array item as a scalar.
+				add( prefix, v );
+			} else {
+				// If array item is non-scalar (array or object), encode its
+				// numeric index to resolve deserialization ambiguity issues.
+				// Note that rack (as of 1.0.0) can't currently deserialize
+				// nested arrays properly, and attempting to do so may cause
+				// a server error. Possible fixes are to modify rack's
+				// deserialization algorithm or to provide an option or flag
+				// to force array serialization to be shallow.
+				buildParams( prefix + "[" + ( typeof v === "object" ? i : "" ) + "]", v, traditional, add );
+			}
+		});
+	} else if ( !traditional && jQuery.type( obj ) === "object" ) {
+		// Serialize object item.
+		for ( var name in obj ) {
+			buildParams( prefix + "[" + name + "]", obj[ name ], traditional, add );
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Serialize scalar item.
+		add( prefix, obj );
+	}
+// This is still on the jQuery object... for now
+// Want to move this to jQuery.ajax some day
+	// Counter for holding the number of active queries
+	active: 0,
+	// Last-Modified header cache for next request
+	lastModified: {},
+	etag: {}
+/* Handles responses to an ajax request:
+ * - sets all responseXXX fields accordingly
+ * - finds the right dataType (mediates between content-type and expected dataType)
+ * - returns the corresponding response
+ */
+function ajaxHandleResponses( s, jqXHR, responses ) {
+	var contents = s.contents,
+		dataTypes = s.dataTypes,
+		responseFields = s.responseFields,
+		ct,
+		type,
+		finalDataType,
+		firstDataType;
+	// Fill responseXXX fields
+	for ( type in responseFields ) {
+		if ( type in responses ) {
+			jqXHR[ responseFields[type] ] = responses[ type ];
+		}
+	}
+	// Remove auto dataType and get content-type in the process
+	while( dataTypes[ 0 ] === "*" ) {
+		dataTypes.shift();
+		if ( ct === undefined ) {
+			ct = s.mimeType || jqXHR.getResponseHeader( "content-type" );
+		}
+	}
+	// Check if we're dealing with a known content-type
+	if ( ct ) {
+		for ( type in contents ) {
+			if ( contents[ type ] && contents[ type ].test( ct ) ) {
+				dataTypes.unshift( type );
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Check to see if we have a response for the expected dataType
+	if ( dataTypes[ 0 ] in responses ) {
+		finalDataType = dataTypes[ 0 ];
+	} else {
+		// Try convertible dataTypes
+		for ( type in responses ) {
+			if ( !dataTypes[ 0 ] || s.converters[ type + " " + dataTypes[0] ] ) {
+				finalDataType = type;
+				break;
+			}
+			if ( !firstDataType ) {
+				firstDataType = type;
+			}
+		}
+		// Or just use first one
+		finalDataType = finalDataType || firstDataType;
+	}
+	// If we found a dataType
+	// We add the dataType to the list if needed
+	// and return the corresponding response
+	if ( finalDataType ) {
+		if ( finalDataType !== dataTypes[ 0 ] ) {
+			dataTypes.unshift( finalDataType );
+		}
+		return responses[ finalDataType ];
+	}
+// Chain conversions given the request and the original response
+function ajaxConvert( s, response ) {
+	// Apply the dataFilter if provided
+	if ( s.dataFilter ) {
+		response = s.dataFilter( response, s.dataType );
+	}
+	var dataTypes = s.dataTypes,
+		converters = {},
+		i,
+		key,
+		length = dataTypes.length,
+		tmp,
+		// Current and previous dataTypes
+		current = dataTypes[ 0 ],
+		prev,
+		// Conversion expression
+		conversion,
+		// Conversion function
+		conv,
+		// Conversion functions (transitive conversion)
+		conv1,
+		conv2;
+	// For each dataType in the chain
+	for ( i = 1; i < length; i++ ) {
+		// Create converters map
+		// with lowercased keys
+		if ( i === 1 ) {
+			for ( key in s.converters ) {
+				if ( typeof key === "string" ) {
+					converters[ key.toLowerCase() ] = s.converters[ key ];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Get the dataTypes
+		prev = current;
+		current = dataTypes[ i ];
+		// If current is auto dataType, update it to prev
+		if ( current === "*" ) {
+			current = prev;
+		// If no auto and dataTypes are actually different
+		} else if ( prev !== "*" && prev !== current ) {
+			// Get the converter
+			conversion = prev + " " + current;
+			conv = converters[ conversion ] || converters[ "* " + current ];
+			// If there is no direct converter, search transitively
+			if ( !conv ) {
+				conv2 = undefined;
+				for ( conv1 in converters ) {
+					tmp = conv1.split( " " );
+					if ( tmp[ 0 ] === prev || tmp[ 0 ] === "*" ) {
+						conv2 = converters[ tmp[1] + " " + current ];
+						if ( conv2 ) {
+							conv1 = converters[ conv1 ];
+							if ( conv1 === true ) {
+								conv = conv2;
+							} else if ( conv2 === true ) {
+								conv = conv1;
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// If we found no converter, dispatch an error
+			if ( !( conv || conv2 ) ) {
+				jQuery.error( "No conversion from " + conversion.replace(" "," to ") );
+			}
+			// If found converter is not an equivalence
+			if ( conv !== true ) {
+				// Convert with 1 or 2 converters accordingly
+				response = conv ? conv( response ) : conv2( conv1(response) );
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return response;
+var jsc = jQuery.now(),
+	jsre = /(\=)\?(&|$)|\?\?/i;
+// Default jsonp settings
+	jsonp: "callback",
+	jsonpCallback: function() {
+		return jQuery.expando + "_" + ( jsc++ );
+	}
+// Detect, normalize options and install callbacks for jsonp requests
+jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "json jsonp", function( s, originalSettings, jqXHR ) {
+	var inspectData = ( typeof s.data === "string" ) && /^application\/x\-www\-form\-urlencoded/.test( s.contentType );
+	if ( s.dataTypes[ 0 ] === "jsonp" ||
+		s.jsonp !== false && ( jsre.test( s.url ) ||
+				inspectData && jsre.test( s.data ) ) ) {
+		var responseContainer,
+			jsonpCallback = s.jsonpCallback =
+				jQuery.isFunction( s.jsonpCallback ) ? s.jsonpCallback() : s.jsonpCallback,
+			previous = window[ jsonpCallback ],
+			url = s.url,
+			data = s.data,
+			replace = "$1" + jsonpCallback + "$2";
+		if ( s.jsonp !== false ) {
+			url = url.replace( jsre, replace );
+			if ( s.url === url ) {
+				if ( inspectData ) {
+					data = data.replace( jsre, replace );
+				}
+				if ( s.data === data ) {
+					// Add callback manually
+					url += (/\?/.test( url ) ? "&" : "?") + s.jsonp + "=" + jsonpCallback;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		s.url = url;
+		s.data = data;
+		// Install callback
+		window[ jsonpCallback ] = function( response ) {
+			responseContainer = [ response ];
+		};
+		// Clean-up function
+		jqXHR.always(function() {
+			// Set callback back to previous value
+			window[ jsonpCallback ] = previous;
+			// Call if it was a function and we have a response
+			if ( responseContainer && jQuery.isFunction( previous ) ) {
+				window[ jsonpCallback ]( responseContainer[ 0 ] );
+			}
+		});
+		// Use data converter to retrieve json after script execution
+		s.converters["script json"] = function() {
+			if ( !responseContainer ) {
+				jQuery.error( jsonpCallback + " was not called" );
+			}
+			return responseContainer[ 0 ];
+		};
+		// force json dataType
+		s.dataTypes[ 0 ] = "json";
+		// Delegate to script
+		return "script";
+	}
+// Install script dataType
+	accepts: {
+		script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"
+	},
+	contents: {
+		script: /javascript|ecmascript/
+	},
+	converters: {
+		"text script": function( text ) {
+			jQuery.globalEval( text );
+			return text;
+		}
+	}
+// Handle cache's special case and global
+jQuery.ajaxPrefilter( "script", function( s ) {
+	if ( s.cache === undefined ) {
+		s.cache = false;
+	}
+	if ( s.crossDomain ) {
+		s.type = "GET";
+		s.global = false;
+	}
+// Bind script tag hack transport
+jQuery.ajaxTransport( "script", function(s) {
+	// This transport only deals with cross domain requests
+	if ( s.crossDomain ) {
+		var script,
+			head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0] || document.documentElement;
+		return {
+			send: function( _, callback ) {
+				script = document.createElement( "script" );
+				script.async = "async";
+				if ( s.scriptCharset ) {
+					script.charset = s.scriptCharset;
+				}
+				script.src = s.url;
+				// Attach handlers for all browsers
+				script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function( _, isAbort ) {
+					if ( isAbort || !script.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test( script.readyState ) ) {
+						// Handle memory leak in IE
+						script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
+						// Remove the script
+						if ( head && script.parentNode ) {
+							head.removeChild( script );
+						}
+						// Dereference the script
+						script = undefined;
+						// Callback if not abort
+						if ( !isAbort ) {
+							callback( 200, "success" );
+						}
+					}
+				};
+				// Use insertBefore instead of appendChild  to circumvent an IE6 bug.
+				// This arises when a base node is used (#2709 and #4378).
+				head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
+			},
+			abort: function() {
+				if ( script ) {
+					script.onload( 0, 1 );
+				}
+			}
+		};
+	}
+var // #5280: Internet Explorer will keep connections alive if we don't abort on unload
+	xhrOnUnloadAbort = window.ActiveXObject ? function() {
+		// Abort all pending requests
+		for ( var key in xhrCallbacks ) {
+			xhrCallbacks[ key ]( 0, 1 );
+		}
+	} : false,
+	xhrId = 0,
+	xhrCallbacks;
+// Functions to create xhrs
+function createStandardXHR() {
+	try {
+		return new window.XMLHttpRequest();
+	} catch( e ) {}
+function createActiveXHR() {
+	try {
+		return new window.ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" );
+	} catch( e ) {}
+// Create the request object
+// (This is still attached to ajaxSettings for backward compatibility)
+jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = window.ActiveXObject ?
+	/* Microsoft failed to properly
+	 * implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7 (can't request local files),
+	 * so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available
+	 * Additionally XMLHttpRequest can be disabled in IE7/IE8 so
+	 * we need a fallback.
+	 */
+	function() {
+		return !this.isLocal && createStandardXHR() || createActiveXHR();
+	} :
+	// For all other browsers, use the standard XMLHttpRequest object
+	createStandardXHR;
+// Determine support properties
+(function( xhr ) {
+	jQuery.extend( jQuery.support, {
+		ajax: !!xhr,
+		cors: !!xhr && ( "withCredentials" in xhr )
+	});
+})( jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr() );
+// Create transport if the browser can provide an xhr
+if ( jQuery.support.ajax ) {
+	jQuery.ajaxTransport(function( s ) {
+		// Cross domain only allowed if supported through XMLHttpRequest
+		if ( !s.crossDomain || jQuery.support.cors ) {
+			var callback;
+			return {
+				send: function( headers, complete ) {
+					// Get a new xhr
+					var xhr = s.xhr(),
+						handle,
+						i;
+					// Open the socket
+					// Passing null username, generates a login popup on Opera (#2865)
+					if ( s.username ) {
+						xhr.open( s.type, s.url, s.async, s.username, s.password );
+					} else {
+						xhr.open( s.type, s.url, s.async );
+					}
+					// Apply custom fields if provided
+					if ( s.xhrFields ) {
+						for ( i in s.xhrFields ) {
+							xhr[ i ] = s.xhrFields[ i ];
+						}
+					}
+					// Override mime type if needed
+					if ( s.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType ) {
+						xhr.overrideMimeType( s.mimeType );
+					}
+					// X-Requested-With header
+					// For cross-domain requests, seeing as conditions for a preflight are
+					// akin to a jigsaw puzzle, we simply never set it to be sure.
+					// (it can always be set on a per-request basis or even using ajaxSetup)
+					// For same-domain requests, won't change header if already provided.
+					if ( !s.crossDomain && !headers["X-Requested-With"] ) {
+						headers[ "X-Requested-With" ] = "XMLHttpRequest";
+					}
+					// Need an extra try/catch for cross domain requests in Firefox 3
+					try {
+						for ( i in headers ) {
+							xhr.setRequestHeader( i, headers[ i ] );
+						}
+					} catch( _ ) {}
+					// Do send the request
+					// This may raise an exception which is actually
+					// handled in jQuery.ajax (so no try/catch here)
+					xhr.send( ( s.hasContent && s.data ) || null );
+					// Listener
+					callback = function( _, isAbort ) {
+						var status,
+							statusText,
+							responseHeaders,
+							responses,
+							xml;
+						// Firefox throws exceptions when accessing properties
+						// of an xhr when a network error occured
+						// http://helpful.knobs-dials.com/index.php/Component_returned_failure_code:_0x80040111_(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)
+						try {
+							// Was never called and is aborted or complete
+							if ( callback && ( isAbort || xhr.readyState === 4 ) ) {
+								// Only called once
+								callback = undefined;
+								// Do not keep as active anymore
+								if ( handle ) {
+									xhr.onreadystatechange = jQuery.noop;
+									if ( xhrOnUnloadAbort ) {
+										delete xhrCallbacks[ handle ];
+									}
+								}
+								// If it's an abort
+								if ( isAbort ) {
+									// Abort it manually if needed
+									if ( xhr.readyState !== 4 ) {
+										xhr.abort();
+									}
+								} else {
+									status = xhr.status;
+									responseHeaders = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();
+									responses = {};
+									xml = xhr.responseXML;
+									// Construct response list
+									if ( xml && xml.documentElement /* #4958 */ ) {
+										responses.xml = xml;
+									}
+									// When requesting binary data, IE6-9 will throw an exception
+									// on any attempt to access responseText (#11426)
+									try {
+										responses.text = xhr.responseText;
+									} catch( _ ) {
+									}
+									// Firefox throws an exception when accessing
+									// statusText for faulty cross-domain requests
+									try {
+										statusText = xhr.statusText;
+									} catch( e ) {
+										// We normalize with Webkit giving an empty statusText
+										statusText = "";
+									}
+									// Filter status for non standard behaviors
+									// If the request is local and we have data: assume a success
+									// (success with no data won't get notified, that's the best we
+									// can do given current implementations)
+									if ( !status && s.isLocal && !s.crossDomain ) {
+										status = responses.text ? 200 : 404;
+									// IE - #1450: sometimes returns 1223 when it should be 204
+									} else if ( status === 1223 ) {
+										status = 204;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						} catch( firefoxAccessException ) {
+							if ( !isAbort ) {
+								complete( -1, firefoxAccessException );
+							}
+						}
+						// Call complete if needed
+						if ( responses ) {
+							complete( status, statusText, responses, responseHeaders );
+						}
+					};
+					// if we're in sync mode or it's in cache
+					// and has been retrieved directly (IE6 & IE7)
+					// we need to manually fire the callback
+					if ( !s.async || xhr.readyState === 4 ) {
+						callback();
+					} else {
+						handle = ++xhrId;
+						if ( xhrOnUnloadAbort ) {
+							// Create the active xhrs callbacks list if needed
+							// and attach the unload handler
+							if ( !xhrCallbacks ) {
+								xhrCallbacks = {};
+								jQuery( window ).unload( xhrOnUnloadAbort );
+							}
+							// Add to list of active xhrs callbacks
+							xhrCallbacks[ handle ] = callback;
+						}
+						xhr.onreadystatechange = callback;
+					}
+				},
+				abort: function() {
+					if ( callback ) {
+						callback(0,1);
+					}
+				}
+			};
+		}
+	});
+var elemdisplay = {},
+	iframe, iframeDoc,
+	rfxtypes = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/,
+	rfxnum = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)([a-z%]*)$/i,
+	timerId,
+	fxAttrs = [
+		// height animations
+		[ "height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ],
+		// width animations
+		[ "width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ],
+		// opacity animations
+		[ "opacity" ]
+	],
+	fxNow;
+	show: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
+		var elem, display;
+		if ( speed || speed === 0 ) {
+			return this.animate( genFx("show", 3), speed, easing, callback );
+		} else {
+			for ( var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++ ) {
+				elem = this[ i ];
+				if ( elem.style ) {
+					display = elem.style.display;
+					// Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is
+					// being hidden by cascaded rules or not
+					if ( !jQuery._data(elem, "olddisplay") && display === "none" ) {
+						display = elem.style.display = "";
+					}
+					// Set elements which have been overridden with display: none
+					// in a stylesheet to whatever the default browser style is
+					// for such an element
+					if ( (display === "" && jQuery.css(elem, "display") === "none") ||
+						!jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument.documentElement, elem ) ) {
+						jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", defaultDisplay(elem.nodeName) );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Set the display of most of the elements in a second loop
+			// to avoid the constant reflow
+			for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
+				elem = this[ i ];
+				if ( elem.style ) {
+					display = elem.style.display;
+					if ( display === "" || display === "none" ) {
+						elem.style.display = jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay" ) || "";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	},
+	hide: function( speed, easing, callback ) {
+		if ( speed || speed === 0 ) {
+			return this.animate( genFx("hide", 3), speed, easing, callback);
+		} else {
+			var elem, display,
+				i = 0,
+				j = this.length;
+			for ( ; i < j; i++ ) {
+				elem = this[i];
+				if ( elem.style ) {
+					display = jQuery.css( elem, "display" );
+					if ( display !== "none" && !jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay" ) ) {
+						jQuery._data( elem, "olddisplay", display );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// Set the display of the elements in a second loop
+			// to avoid the constant reflow
+			for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
+				if ( this[i].style ) {
+					this[i].style.display = "none";
+				}
+			}
+			return this;
+		}
+	},
+	// Save the old toggle function
+	_toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle,
+	toggle: function( fn, fn2, callback ) {
+		var bool = typeof fn === "boolean";
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction(fn) && jQuery.isFunction(fn2) ) {
+			this._toggle.apply( this, arguments );
+		} else if ( fn == null || bool ) {
+			this.each(function() {
+				var state = bool ? fn : jQuery(this).is(":hidden");
+				jQuery(this)[ state ? "show" : "hide" ]();
+			});
+		} else {
+			this.animate(genFx("toggle", 3), fn, fn2, callback);
+		}
+		return this;
+	},
+	fadeTo: function( speed, to, easing, callback ) {
+		return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity", 0).show().end()
+					.animate({opacity: to}, speed, easing, callback);
+	},
+	animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) {
+		var optall = jQuery.speed( speed, easing, callback );
+		if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( prop ) ) {
+			return this.each( optall.complete, [ false ] );
+		}
+		// Do not change referenced properties as per-property easing will be lost
+		prop = jQuery.extend( {}, prop );
+		function doAnimation() {
+			// XXX 'this' does not always have a nodeName when running the
+			// test suite
+			if ( optall.queue === false ) {
+				jQuery._mark( this );
+			}
+			var opt = jQuery.extend( {}, optall ),
+				isElement = this.nodeType === 1,
+				hidden = isElement && jQuery(this).is(":hidden"),
+				name, val, p, e, hooks, replace,
+				parts, start, end, unit,
+				method;
+			// will store per property easing and be used to determine when an animation is complete
+			opt.animatedProperties = {};
+			// first pass over propertys to expand / normalize
+			for ( p in prop ) {
+				name = jQuery.camelCase( p );
+				if ( p !== name ) {
+					prop[ name ] = prop[ p ];
+					delete prop[ p ];
+				}
+				if ( ( hooks = jQuery.cssHooks[ name ] ) && "expand" in hooks ) {
+					replace = hooks.expand( prop[ name ] );
+					delete prop[ name ];
+					// not quite $.extend, this wont overwrite keys already present.
+					// also - reusing 'p' from above because we have the correct "name"
+					for ( p in replace ) {
+						if ( ! ( p in prop ) ) {
+							prop[ p ] = replace[ p ];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			for ( name in prop ) {
+				val = prop[ name ];
+				// easing resolution: per property > opt.specialEasing > opt.easing > 'swing' (default)
+				if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) {
+					opt.animatedProperties[ name ] = val[ 1 ];
+					val = prop[ name ] = val[ 0 ];
+				} else {
+					opt.animatedProperties[ name ] = opt.specialEasing && opt.specialEasing[ name ] || opt.easing || 'swing';
+				}
+				if ( val === "hide" && hidden || val === "show" && !hidden ) {
+					return opt.complete.call( this );
+				}
+				if ( isElement && ( name === "height" || name === "width" ) ) {
+					// Make sure that nothing sneaks out
+					// Record all 3 overflow attributes because IE does not
+					// change the overflow attribute when overflowX and
+					// overflowY are set to the same value
+					opt.overflow = [ this.style.overflow, this.style.overflowX, this.style.overflowY ];
+					// Set display property to inline-block for height/width
+					// animations on inline elements that are having width/height animated
+					if ( jQuery.css( this, "display" ) === "inline" &&
+							jQuery.css( this, "float" ) === "none" ) {
+						// inline-level elements accept inline-block;
+						// block-level elements need to be inline with layout
+						if ( !jQuery.support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout || defaultDisplay( this.nodeName ) === "inline" ) {
+							this.style.display = "inline-block";
+						} else {
+							this.style.zoom = 1;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if ( opt.overflow != null ) {
+				this.style.overflow = "hidden";
+			}
+			for ( p in prop ) {
+				e = new jQuery.fx( this, opt, p );
+				val = prop[ p ];
+				if ( rfxtypes.test( val ) ) {
+					// Tracks whether to show or hide based on private
+					// data attached to the element
+					method = jQuery._data( this, "toggle" + p ) || ( val === "toggle" ? hidden ? "show" : "hide" : 0 );
+					if ( method ) {
+						jQuery._data( this, "toggle" + p, method === "show" ? "hide" : "show" );
+						e[ method ]();
+					} else {
+						e[ val ]();
+					}
+				} else {
+					parts = rfxnum.exec( val );
+					start = e.cur();
+					if ( parts ) {
+						end = parseFloat( parts[2] );
+						unit = parts[3] || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ p ] ? "" : "px" );
+						// We need to compute starting value
+						if ( unit !== "px" ) {
+							jQuery.style( this, p, (end || 1) + unit);
+							start = ( (end || 1) / e.cur() ) * start;
+							jQuery.style( this, p, start + unit);
+						}
+						// If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation
+						if ( parts[1] ) {
+							end = ( (parts[ 1 ] === "-=" ? -1 : 1) * end ) + start;
+						}
+						e.custom( start, end, unit );
+					} else {
+						e.custom( start, val, "" );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// For JS strict compliance
+			return true;
+		}
+		return optall.queue === false ?
+			this.each( doAnimation ) :
+			this.queue( optall.queue, doAnimation );
+	},
+	stop: function( type, clearQueue, gotoEnd ) {
+		if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
+			gotoEnd = clearQueue;
+			clearQueue = type;
+			type = undefined;
+		}
+		if ( clearQueue && type !== false ) {
+			this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
+		}
+		return this.each(function() {
+			var index,
+				hadTimers = false,
+				timers = jQuery.timers,
+				data = jQuery._data( this );
+			// clear marker counters if we know they won't be
+			if ( !gotoEnd ) {
+				jQuery._unmark( true, this );
+			}
+			function stopQueue( elem, data, index ) {
+				var hooks = data[ index ];
+				jQuery.removeData( elem, index, true );
+				hooks.stop( gotoEnd );
+			}
+			if ( type == null ) {
+				for ( index in data ) {
+					if ( data[ index ] && data[ index ].stop && index.indexOf(".run") === index.length - 4 ) {
+						stopQueue( this, data, index );
+					}
+				}
+			} else if ( data[ index = type + ".run" ] && data[ index ].stop ){
+				stopQueue( this, data, index );
+			}
+			for ( index = timers.length; index--; ) {
+				if ( timers[ index ].elem === this && (type == null || timers[ index ].queue === type) ) {
+					if ( gotoEnd ) {
+						// force the next step to be the last
+						timers[ index ]( true );
+					} else {
+						timers[ index ].saveState();
+					}
+					hadTimers = true;
+					timers.splice( index, 1 );
+				}
+			}
+			// start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced
+			// timers currently will call their complete callbacks, which will dequeue
+			// but only if they were gotoEnd
+			if ( !( gotoEnd && hadTimers ) ) {
+				jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
+			}
+		});
+	}
+// Animations created synchronously will run synchronously
+function createFxNow() {
+	setTimeout( clearFxNow, 0 );
+	return ( fxNow = jQuery.now() );
+function clearFxNow() {
+	fxNow = undefined;
+// Generate parameters to create a standard animation
+function genFx( type, num ) {
+	var obj = {};
+	jQuery.each( fxAttrs.concat.apply([], fxAttrs.slice( 0, num )), function() {
+		obj[ this ] = type;
+	});
+	return obj;
+// Generate shortcuts for custom animations
+	slideDown: genFx( "show", 1 ),
+	slideUp: genFx( "hide", 1 ),
+	slideToggle: genFx( "toggle", 1 ),
+	fadeIn: { opacity: "show" },
+	fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" },
+	fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" }
+}, function( name, props ) {
+	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( speed, easing, callback ) {
+		return this.animate( props, speed, easing, callback );
+	};
+	speed: function( speed, easing, fn ) {
+		var opt = speed && typeof speed === "object" ? jQuery.extend( {}, speed ) : {
+			complete: fn || !fn && easing ||
+				jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed,
+			duration: speed,
+			easing: fn && easing || easing && !jQuery.isFunction( easing ) && easing
+		};
+		opt.duration = jQuery.fx.off ? 0 : typeof opt.duration === "number" ? opt.duration :
+			opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ opt.duration ] : jQuery.fx.speeds._default;
+		// normalize opt.queue - true/undefined/null -> "fx"
+		if ( opt.queue == null || opt.queue === true ) {
+			opt.queue = "fx";
+		}
+		// Queueing
+		opt.old = opt.complete;
+		opt.complete = function( noUnmark ) {
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) ) {
+				opt.old.call( this );
+			}
+			if ( opt.queue ) {
+				jQuery.dequeue( this, opt.queue );
+			} else if ( noUnmark !== false ) {
+				jQuery._unmark( this );
+			}
+		};
+		return opt;
+	},
+	easing: {
+		linear: function( p ) {
+			return p;
+		},
+		swing: function( p ) {
+			return ( -Math.cos( p*Math.PI ) / 2 ) + 0.5;
+		}
+	},
+	timers: [],
+	fx: function( elem, options, prop ) {
+		this.options = options;
+		this.elem = elem;
+		this.prop = prop;
+		options.orig = options.orig || {};
+	}
+jQuery.fx.prototype = {
+	// Simple function for setting a style value
+	update: function() {
+		if ( this.options.step ) {
+			this.options.step.call( this.elem, this.now, this );
+		}
+		( jQuery.fx.step[ this.prop ] || jQuery.fx.step._default )( this );
+	},
+	// Get the current size
+	cur: function() {
+		if ( this.elem[ this.prop ] != null && (!this.elem.style || this.elem.style[ this.prop ] == null) ) {
+			return this.elem[ this.prop ];
+		}
+		var parsed,
+			r = jQuery.css( this.elem, this.prop );
+		// Empty strings, null, undefined and "auto" are converted to 0,
+		// complex values such as "rotate(1rad)" are returned as is,
+		// simple values such as "10px" are parsed to Float.
+		return isNaN( parsed = parseFloat( r ) ) ? !r || r === "auto" ? 0 : r : parsed;
+	},
+	// Start an animation from one number to another
+	custom: function( from, to, unit ) {
+		var self = this,
+			fx = jQuery.fx;
+		this.startTime = fxNow || createFxNow();
+		this.end = to;
+		this.now = this.start = from;
+		this.pos = this.state = 0;
+		this.unit = unit || this.unit || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ this.prop ] ? "" : "px" );
+		function t( gotoEnd ) {
+			return self.step( gotoEnd );
+		}
+		t.queue = this.options.queue;
+		t.elem = this.elem;
+		t.saveState = function() {
+			if ( jQuery._data( self.elem, "fxshow" + self.prop ) === undefined ) {
+				if ( self.options.hide ) {
+					jQuery._data( self.elem, "fxshow" + self.prop, self.start );
+				} else if ( self.options.show ) {
+					jQuery._data( self.elem, "fxshow" + self.prop, self.end );
+				}
+			}
+		};
+		if ( t() && jQuery.timers.push(t) && !timerId ) {
+			timerId = setInterval( fx.tick, fx.interval );
+		}
+	},
+	// Simple 'show' function
+	show: function() {
+		var dataShow = jQuery._data( this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop );
+		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
+		this.options.orig[ this.prop ] = dataShow || jQuery.style( this.elem, this.prop );
+		this.options.show = true;
+		// Begin the animation
+		// Make sure that we start at a small width/height to avoid any flash of content
+		if ( dataShow !== undefined ) {
+			// This show is picking up where a previous hide or show left off
+			this.custom( this.cur(), dataShow );
+		} else {
+			this.custom( this.prop === "width" || this.prop === "height" ? 1 : 0, this.cur() );
+		}
+		// Start by showing the element
+		jQuery( this.elem ).show();
+	},
+	// Simple 'hide' function
+	hide: function() {
+		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
+		this.options.orig[ this.prop ] = jQuery._data( this.elem, "fxshow" + this.prop ) || jQuery.style( this.elem, this.prop );
+		this.options.hide = true;
+		// Begin the animation
+		this.custom( this.cur(), 0 );
+	},
+	// Each step of an animation
+	step: function( gotoEnd ) {
+		var p, n, complete,
+			t = fxNow || createFxNow(),
+			done = true,
+			elem = this.elem,
+			options = this.options;
+		if ( gotoEnd || t >= options.duration + this.startTime ) {
+			this.now = this.end;
+			this.pos = this.state = 1;
+			this.update();
+			options.animatedProperties[ this.prop ] = true;
+			for ( p in options.animatedProperties ) {
+				if ( options.animatedProperties[ p ] !== true ) {
+					done = false;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( done ) {
+				// Reset the overflow
+				if ( options.overflow != null && !jQuery.support.shrinkWrapBlocks ) {
+					jQuery.each( [ "", "X", "Y" ], function( index, value ) {
+						elem.style[ "overflow" + value ] = options.overflow[ index ];
+					});
+				}
+				// Hide the element if the "hide" operation was done
+				if ( options.hide ) {
+					jQuery( elem ).hide();
+				}
+				// Reset the properties, if the item has been hidden or shown
+				if ( options.hide || options.show ) {
+					for ( p in options.animatedProperties ) {
+						jQuery.style( elem, p, options.orig[ p ] );
+						jQuery.removeData( elem, "fxshow" + p, true );
+						// Toggle data is no longer needed
+						jQuery.removeData( elem, "toggle" + p, true );
+					}
+				}
+				// Execute the complete function
+				// in the event that the complete function throws an exception
+				// we must ensure it won't be called twice. #5684
+				complete = options.complete;
+				if ( complete ) {
+					options.complete = false;
+					complete.call( elem );
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		} else {
+			// classical easing cannot be used with an Infinity duration
+			if ( options.duration == Infinity ) {
+				this.now = t;
+			} else {
+				n = t - this.startTime;
+				this.state = n / options.duration;
+				// Perform the easing function, defaults to swing
+				this.pos = jQuery.easing[ options.animatedProperties[this.prop] ]( this.state, n, 0, 1, options.duration );
+				this.now = this.start + ( (this.end - this.start) * this.pos );
+			}
+			// Perform the next step of the animation
+			this.update();
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+jQuery.extend( jQuery.fx, {
+	tick: function() {
+		var timer,
+			timers = jQuery.timers,
+			i = 0;
+		for ( ; i < timers.length; i++ ) {
+			timer = timers[ i ];
+			// Checks the timer has not already been removed
+			if ( !timer() && timers[ i ] === timer ) {
+				timers.splice( i--, 1 );
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !timers.length ) {
+			jQuery.fx.stop();
+		}
+	},
+	interval: 13,
+	stop: function() {
+		clearInterval( timerId );
+		timerId = null;
+	},
+	speeds: {
+		slow: 600,
+		fast: 200,
+		// Default speed
+		_default: 400
+	},
+	step: {
+		opacity: function( fx ) {
+			jQuery.style( fx.elem, "opacity", fx.now );
+		},
+		_default: function( fx ) {
+			if ( fx.elem.style && fx.elem.style[ fx.prop ] != null ) {
+				fx.elem.style[ fx.prop ] = fx.now + fx.unit;
+			} else {
+				fx.elem[ fx.prop ] = fx.now;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// Ensure props that can't be negative don't go there on undershoot easing
+jQuery.each( fxAttrs.concat.apply( [], fxAttrs ), function( i, prop ) {
+	// exclude marginTop, marginLeft, marginBottom and marginRight from this list
+	if ( prop.indexOf( "margin" ) ) {
+		jQuery.fx.step[ prop ] = function( fx ) {
+			jQuery.style( fx.elem, prop, Math.max(0, fx.now) + fx.unit );
+		};
+	}
+if ( jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters ) {
+	jQuery.expr.filters.animated = function( elem ) {
+		return jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers, function( fn ) {
+			return elem === fn.elem;
+		}).length;
+	};
+// Try to restore the default display value of an element
+function defaultDisplay( nodeName ) {
+	if ( !elemdisplay[ nodeName ] ) {
+		var body = document.body,
+			elem = jQuery( "<" + nodeName + ">" ).appendTo( body ),
+			display = elem.css( "display" );
+		elem.remove();
+		// If the simple way fails,
+		// get element's real default display by attaching it to a temp iframe
+		if ( display === "none" || display === "" ) {
+			// No iframe to use yet, so create it
+			if ( !iframe ) {
+				iframe = document.createElement( "iframe" );
+				iframe.frameBorder = iframe.width = iframe.height = 0;
+			}
+			body.appendChild( iframe );
+			// Create a cacheable copy of the iframe document on first call.
+			// IE and Opera will allow us to reuse the iframeDoc without re-writing the fake HTML
+			// document to it; WebKit & Firefox won't allow reusing the iframe document.
+			if ( !iframeDoc || !iframe.createElement ) {
+				iframeDoc = ( iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument ).document;
+				iframeDoc.write( ( jQuery.support.boxModel ? "<!doctype html>" : "" ) + "<html><body>" );
+				iframeDoc.close();
+			}
+			elem = iframeDoc.createElement( nodeName );
+			iframeDoc.body.appendChild( elem );
+			display = jQuery.css( elem, "display" );
+			body.removeChild( iframe );
+		}
+		// Store the correct default display
+		elemdisplay[ nodeName ] = display;
+	}
+	return elemdisplay[ nodeName ];
+var getOffset,
+	rtable = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i,
+	rroot = /^(?:body|html)$/i;
+if ( "getBoundingClientRect" in document.documentElement ) {
+	getOffset = function( elem, doc, docElem, box ) {
+		try {
+			box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
+		} catch(e) {}
+		// Make sure we're not dealing with a disconnected DOM node
+		if ( !box || !jQuery.contains( docElem, elem ) ) {
+			return box ? { top: box.top, left: box.left } : { top: 0, left: 0 };
+		}
+		var body = doc.body,
+			win = getWindow( doc ),
+			clientTop  = docElem.clientTop  || body.clientTop  || 0,
+			clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0,
+			scrollTop  = win.pageYOffset || jQuery.support.boxModel && docElem.scrollTop  || body.scrollTop,
+			scrollLeft = win.pageXOffset || jQuery.support.boxModel && docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft,
+			top  = box.top  + scrollTop  - clientTop,
+			left = box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft;
+		return { top: top, left: left };
+	};
+} else {
+	getOffset = function( elem, doc, docElem ) {
+		var computedStyle,
+			offsetParent = elem.offsetParent,
+			prevOffsetParent = elem,
+			body = doc.body,
+			defaultView = doc.defaultView,
+			prevComputedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null ) : elem.currentStyle,
+			top = elem.offsetTop,
+			left = elem.offsetLeft;
+		while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem !== body && elem !== docElem ) {
+			if ( jQuery.support.fixedPosition && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) {
+				break;
+			}
+			computedStyle = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null) : elem.currentStyle;
+			top  -= elem.scrollTop;
+			left -= elem.scrollLeft;
+			if ( elem === offsetParent ) {
+				top  += elem.offsetTop;
+				left += elem.offsetLeft;
+				if ( jQuery.support.doesNotAddBorder && !(jQuery.support.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && rtable.test(elem.nodeName)) ) {
+					top  += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth  ) || 0;
+					left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0;
+				}
+				prevOffsetParent = offsetParent;
+				offsetParent = elem.offsetParent;
+			}
+			if ( jQuery.support.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && computedStyle.overflow !== "visible" ) {
+				top  += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderTopWidth  ) || 0;
+				left += parseFloat( computedStyle.borderLeftWidth ) || 0;
+			}
+			prevComputedStyle = computedStyle;
+		}
+		if ( prevComputedStyle.position === "relative" || prevComputedStyle.position === "static" ) {
+			top  += body.offsetTop;
+			left += body.offsetLeft;
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.support.fixedPosition && prevComputedStyle.position === "fixed" ) {
+			top  += Math.max( docElem.scrollTop, body.scrollTop );
+			left += Math.max( docElem.scrollLeft, body.scrollLeft );
+		}
+		return { top: top, left: left };
+	};
+jQuery.fn.offset = function( options ) {
+	if ( arguments.length ) {
+		return options === undefined ?
+			this :
+			this.each(function( i ) {
+				jQuery.offset.setOffset( this, options, i );
+			});
+	}
+	var elem = this[0],
+		doc = elem && elem.ownerDocument;
+	if ( !doc ) {
+		return null;
+	}
+	if ( elem === doc.body ) {
+		return jQuery.offset.bodyOffset( elem );
+	}
+	return getOffset( elem, doc, doc.documentElement );
+jQuery.offset = {
+	bodyOffset: function( body ) {
+		var top = body.offsetTop,
+			left = body.offsetLeft;
+		if ( jQuery.support.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset ) {
+			top  += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginTop") ) || 0;
+			left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(body, "marginLeft") ) || 0;
+		}
+		return { top: top, left: left };
+	},
+	setOffset: function( elem, options, i ) {
+		var position = jQuery.css( elem, "position" );
+		// set position first, in-case top/left are set even on static elem
+		if ( position === "static" ) {
+			elem.style.position = "relative";
+		}
+		var curElem = jQuery( elem ),
+			curOffset = curElem.offset(),
+			curCSSTop = jQuery.css( elem, "top" ),
+			curCSSLeft = jQuery.css( elem, "left" ),
+			calculatePosition = ( position === "absolute" || position === "fixed" ) && jQuery.inArray("auto", [curCSSTop, curCSSLeft]) > -1,
+			props = {}, curPosition = {}, curTop, curLeft;
+		// need to be able to calculate position if either top or left is auto and position is either absolute or fixed
+		if ( calculatePosition ) {
+			curPosition = curElem.position();
+			curTop = curPosition.top;
+			curLeft = curPosition.left;
+		} else {
+			curTop = parseFloat( curCSSTop ) || 0;
+			curLeft = parseFloat( curCSSLeft ) || 0;
+		}
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( options ) ) {
+			options = options.call( elem, i, curOffset );
+		}
+		if ( options.top != null ) {
+			props.top = ( options.top - curOffset.top ) + curTop;
+		}
+		if ( options.left != null ) {
+			props.left = ( options.left - curOffset.left ) + curLeft;
+		}
+		if ( "using" in options ) {
+			options.using.call( elem, props );
+		} else {
+			curElem.css( props );
+		}
+	}
+	position: function() {
+		if ( !this[0] ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		var elem = this[0],
+		// Get *real* offsetParent
+		offsetParent = this.offsetParent(),
+		// Get correct offsets
+		offset       = this.offset(),
+		parentOffset = rroot.test(offsetParent[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset();
+		// Subtract element margins
+		// note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft
+		// are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0
+		offset.top  -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginTop") ) || 0;
+		offset.left -= parseFloat( jQuery.css(elem, "marginLeft") ) || 0;
+		// Add offsetParent borders
+		parentOffset.top  += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderTopWidth") ) || 0;
+		parentOffset.left += parseFloat( jQuery.css(offsetParent[0], "borderLeftWidth") ) || 0;
+		// Subtract the two offsets
+		return {
+			top:  offset.top  - parentOffset.top,
+			left: offset.left - parentOffset.left
+		};
+	},
+	offsetParent: function() {
+		return this.map(function() {
+			var offsetParent = this.offsetParent || document.body;
+			while ( offsetParent && (!rroot.test(offsetParent.nodeName) && jQuery.css(offsetParent, "position") === "static") ) {
+				offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+			}
+			return offsetParent;
+		});
+	}
+// Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods
+jQuery.each( {scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset"}, function( method, prop ) {
+	var top = /Y/.test( prop );
+	jQuery.fn[ method ] = function( val ) {
+		return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, method, val ) {
+			var win = getWindow( elem );
+			if ( val === undefined ) {
+				return win ? (prop in win) ? win[ prop ] :
+					jQuery.support.boxModel && win.document.documentElement[ method ] ||
+						win.document.body[ method ] :
+					elem[ method ];
+			}
+			if ( win ) {
+				win.scrollTo(
+					!top ? val : jQuery( win ).scrollLeft(),
+					 top ? val : jQuery( win ).scrollTop()
+				);
+			} else {
+				elem[ method ] = val;
+			}
+		}, method, val, arguments.length, null );
+	};
+function getWindow( elem ) {
+	return jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ?
+		elem :
+		elem.nodeType === 9 ?
+			elem.defaultView || elem.parentWindow :
+			false;
+// Create width, height, innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight and outerWidth methods
+jQuery.each( { Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function( name, type ) {
+	var clientProp = "client" + name,
+		scrollProp = "scroll" + name,
+		offsetProp = "offset" + name;
+	// innerHeight and innerWidth
+	jQuery.fn[ "inner" + name ] = function() {
+		var elem = this[0];
+		return elem ?
+			elem.style ?
+			parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, type, "padding" ) ) :
+			this[ type ]() :
+			null;
+	};
+	// outerHeight and outerWidth
+	jQuery.fn[ "outer" + name ] = function( margin ) {
+		var elem = this[0];
+		return elem ?
+			elem.style ?
+			parseFloat( jQuery.css( elem, type, margin ? "margin" : "border" ) ) :
+			this[ type ]() :
+			null;
+	};
+	jQuery.fn[ type ] = function( value ) {
+		return jQuery.access( this, function( elem, type, value ) {
+			var doc, docElemProp, orig, ret;
+			if ( jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
+				// 3rd condition allows Nokia support, as it supports the docElem prop but not CSS1Compat
+				doc = elem.document;
+				docElemProp = doc.documentElement[ clientProp ];
+				return jQuery.support.boxModel && docElemProp ||
+					doc.body && doc.body[ clientProp ] || docElemProp;
+			}
+			// Get document width or height
+			if ( elem.nodeType === 9 ) {
+				// Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height], whichever is greater
+				doc = elem.documentElement;
+				// when a window > document, IE6 reports a offset[Width/Height] > client[Width/Height]
+				// so we can't use max, as it'll choose the incorrect offset[Width/Height]
+				// instead we use the correct client[Width/Height]
+				// support:IE6
+				if ( doc[ clientProp ] >= doc[ scrollProp ] ) {
+					return doc[ clientProp ];
+				}
+				return Math.max(
+					elem.body[ scrollProp ], doc[ scrollProp ],
+					elem.body[ offsetProp ], doc[ offsetProp ]
+				);
+			}
+			// Get width or height on the element
+			if ( value === undefined ) {
+				orig = jQuery.css( elem, type );
+				ret = parseFloat( orig );
+				return jQuery.isNumeric( ret ) ? ret : orig;
+			}
+			// Set the width or height on the element
+			jQuery( elem ).css( type, value );
+		}, type, value, arguments.length, null );
+	};
+// Expose jQuery to the global object
+window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;
+// Expose jQuery as an AMD module, but only for AMD loaders that
+// understand the issues with loading multiple versions of jQuery
+// in a page that all might call define(). The loader will indicate
+// they have special allowances for multiple jQuery versions by
+// specifying define.amd.jQuery = true. Register as a named module,
+// since jQuery can be concatenated with other files that may use define,
+// but not use a proper concatenation script that understands anonymous
+// AMD modules. A named AMD is safest and most robust way to register.
+// Lowercase jquery is used because AMD module names are derived from
+// file names, and jQuery is normally delivered in a lowercase file name.
+// Do this after creating the global so that if an AMD module wants to call
+// noConflict to hide this version of jQuery, it will work.
+if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd && define.amd.jQuery ) {
+	define( "jquery", [], function () { return jQuery; } );
+})( window );
diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-Fix-shebang-lines.patch b/debian/patches/0001-Fix-shebang-lines.patch
index 6910804..f5e75ff 100644
--- a/debian/patches/0001-Fix-shebang-lines.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/0001-Fix-shebang-lines.patch
@@ -7,19 +7,15 @@ Remove extraneous shebang lines, and correct necessary jruby ones.
  lib/ruby/1.8/abbrev.rb                         |    1 -
  lib/ruby/1.8/irb/cmd/subirb.rb                 |    1 -
  lib/ruby/1.8/irb/ext/save-history.rb           |    1 -
- lib/ruby/1.8/matrix.rb                         |    1 -
  lib/ruby/1.8/rdoc/markup/sample/rdoc2latex.rb  |    1 -
  lib/ruby/1.8/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb          |    1 -
  lib/ruby/1.8/set.rb                            |    1 -
  lib/ruby/1.8/tsort.rb                          |    1 -
  lib/ruby/1.8/wsdl/soap/wsdl2ruby.rb            |    1 -
  lib/ruby/1.9/abbrev.rb                         |    1 -
- lib/ruby/1.9/rake/rake_test_loader.rb          |    1 -
  lib/ruby/1.9/set.rb                            |    1 -
- lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/md5.rb  |    1 -
- lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha1.rb |    1 -
- lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha2.rb |    1 -
- 15 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
+ lib/ruby/2.0/abbrev.rb                         |    1 -
+ 11 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/lib/ruby/1.8/abbrev.rb b/lib/ruby/1.8/abbrev.rb
 index 338b89f..6e2f71a 100644
@@ -48,15 +44,6 @@ index 486dc76..66aced6 100644
  #   save-history.rb - 
  #   	$Release Version: 0.9.5$
-diff --git a/lib/ruby/1.8/matrix.rb b/lib/ruby/1.8/matrix.rb
-index 93ae3a9..f405d58 100644
---- a/lib/ruby/1.8/matrix.rb
-+++ b/lib/ruby/1.8/matrix.rb
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
- #--
- #   matrix.rb - 
- #       $Release Version: 1.0$
 diff --git a/lib/ruby/1.8/rdoc/markup/sample/rdoc2latex.rb b/lib/ruby/1.8/rdoc/markup/sample/rdoc2latex.rb
 index 26563b7..798357e 100644
 --- a/lib/ruby/1.8/rdoc/markup/sample/rdoc2latex.rb
@@ -111,18 +98,9 @@ index 338b89f..6e2f71a 100644
 +++ b/lib/ruby/1.9/abbrev.rb
 @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 -#!/usr/bin/env ruby
- =begin
- #
+ #--
  # Copyright (c) 2001,2003 Akinori MUSHA <knu at iDaemons.org>
-diff --git a/lib/ruby/1.9/rake/rake_test_loader.rb b/lib/ruby/1.9/rake/rake_test_loader.rb
-index 8d7dad3..acb02d9 100644
---- a/lib/ruby/1.9/rake/rake_test_loader.rb
-+++ b/lib/ruby/1.9/rake/rake_test_loader.rb
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--#!/usr/bin/env ruby
- # Load the test files from the command line.
+ #
 diff --git a/lib/ruby/1.9/set.rb b/lib/ruby/1.9/set.rb
 index c57b668..3b5a3ab 100644
 --- a/lib/ruby/1.9/set.rb
@@ -132,31 +110,12 @@ index c57b668..3b5a3ab 100644
  # set.rb - defines the Set class
-diff --git a/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/md5.rb b/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/md5.rb
-index f924579..d0e0bb5 100644
---- a/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/md5.rb
-+++ b/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/md5.rb
+diff --git a/lib/ruby/2.0/abbrev.rb b/lib/ruby/2.0/abbrev.rb
+index 841f6d9..a6d0266 100755
+--- a/lib/ruby/2.0/abbrev.rb
++++ b/lib/ruby/2.0/abbrev.rb
 @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 -#!/usr/bin/env ruby
- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
- # All rights reserved.
-diff --git a/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha1.rb b/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha1.rb
-index 5a50b53..53cbed5 100644
---- a/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha1.rb
-+++ b/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha1.rb
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--#!/usr/bin/env ruby
- #--
- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
- # All rights reserved.
-diff --git a/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha2.rb b/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha2.rb
-index 5876c7a..2aae91f 100644
---- a/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha2.rb
-+++ b/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/digest/sha2.rb
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--#!/usr/bin/env ruby
- #--
- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
- # All rights reserved.
+ # Copyright (c) 2001,2003 Akinori MUSHA <knu at iDaemons.org>
+ #
diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-Fix-warning-jruby-script.patch b/debian/patches/0002-Fix-warning-jruby-script.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdf1e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0002-Fix-warning-jruby-script.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From: Miguel Landaeta <nomadium at debian.org>
+Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 23:54:04 -0300
+Subject: Fix some warnings/errors with jruby shell script
+Forwarded: no
+diff --git a/bin/jruby.sh b/bin/jruby.sh
+index f182b75..686f185 100755
+--- a/bin/jruby.sh
++++ b/bin/jruby.sh
+@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ if [ "$JRUBY_PARENT_CLASSPATH" != "" ]; then
+ else
+     # add other jars in lib to CP for command-line execution
+     for j in "$JRUBY_HOME"/lib/*.jar; do
+-        if [ "$j" == "$JRUBY_HOME"/lib/jruby.jar ]; then
++        if [ "$j" = "$JRUBY_HOME"/lib/jruby.jar ]; then
+           continue
+         fi
+-        if [ "$j" == "$JRUBY_HOME"/lib/jruby-complete.jar ]; then
++        if [ "$j" = "$JRUBY_HOME"/lib/jruby-complete.jar ]; then
+           continue
+         fi
+         if [ "$CP" ]; then
+@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ do
+ done
+ # Force file.encoding to UTF-8 when on Mac, since Apple JDK defaults to MacRoman (JRUBY-3576)
+-if [[ -z "$JAVA_ENCODING" ]]; then
++if [ -z "$JAVA_ENCODING" ]; then
+   java_args="${java_args} -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
+ fi
diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-jruby_home-is-at-a-specific-location-on-Debian.patch b/debian/patches/0002-jruby_home-is-at-a-specific-location-on-Debian.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e6dfe7c..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0002-jruby_home-is-at-a-specific-location-on-Debian.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From: Sebastien Delafond <seb at debian.org>
-Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 19:46:38 +0200
-Subject: jruby_home is at a specific location on Debian
- bin/jruby.sh |    5 +++++
- 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/bin/jruby.sh b/bin/jruby.sh
-index 395da7c..67fe065 100755
---- a/bin/jruby.sh
-+++ b/bin/jruby.sh
-@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ else
-   JRUBY_HOME=`dirname "$JRUBY_HOME_1"`  # the . dir
- fi
-+# set JRUBY_HOME to /u/l/jruby except for its own build process
-+if [ -z "$BUILDING_JRUBY" ]; then
-+  JRUBY_HOME=/usr/lib/jruby/
- if [ -z "$JRUBY_OPTS" ] ; then
- fi
diff --git a/debian/patches/0003-do-not-install-gems.patch b/debian/patches/0003-do-not-install-gems.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ea5f6ae..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0003-do-not-install-gems.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-From: Sebastien Delafond <seb at debian.org>
-Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 19:46:44 +0200
-Subject: do not install gems
- build.xml |   75 +------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
---- a/build.xml
-+++ b/build.xml
-@@ -452,7 +452,6 @@
-         <sysproperty key="jruby.home" value="${build.dir}/jar-complete/META-INF/jruby.home"/>
-         <env key="RUBYOPT" value=""/>
-         <jvmarg value="${run.jvm.model}"/>
--        <arg line="--command maybe_install_gems ${complete.jar.gems}"/>
-         <arg line="--no-ri --no-rdoc --ignore-dependencies --env-shebang"/>
-       </java>
-@@ -542,7 +541,6 @@
-         <sysproperty key="jruby.home" value="${build.dir}/jar-complete/META-INF/jruby.home"/>
-         <env key="RUBYOPT" value=""/>
-         <jvmarg value="${run.jvm.model}"/>
--        <arg line="--command maybe_install_gems ${complete.jar.gems}"/>
-         <arg line="--no-ri --no-rdoc --ignore-dependencies --env-shebang"/>
-       </java>
-@@ -690,33 +688,8 @@
-     </emma>
-   </target>
--  <target name="install-dist-gems" depends="init,jar">
--    <property name="jruby.home" value="${basedir}"/>
--    <java classname="org.jruby.Main" fork="true" maxmemory="${jruby.launch.memory}" failonerror="true">
--      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
--      <classpath path="${jruby.classes.dir}"/>
--      <sysproperty key="jruby.home" value="${jruby.home}"/>
--      <env key="GEM_PATH" value=""/> <!-- to ignore any gems installed in ~/.gem -->
--      <arg line="--command maybe_install_gems ${dev.gems}"/>
--    </java>
--  </target>
--  <target name="install-jruby-launcher-gem" depends="init,jar">
--    <property name="jruby.home" value="${basedir}"/>
--    <java classname="org.jruby.Main" fork="true" maxmemory="${jruby.launch.memory}" failonerror="false">
--      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
--      <classpath path="${jruby.classes.dir}"/>
--      <sysproperty key="jruby.home" value="${jruby.home}"/>
--      <env key="GEM_PATH" value=""/> <!-- to ignore any gems installed in ~/.gem -->
--      <arg line="--command maybe_install_gems ${jruby.launcher.gem}"/>
--    </java>
--  </target>
--  <target name="install-gems" depends="install-dist-gems,install-jruby-launcher-gem"/>
-   <target name="test" depends="
-     copy-test-files,
--    install-gems,
-     run-junit-interpreted-short,
-     test-rake-targets"
-     description="Runs unit tests.">
-@@ -724,7 +697,6 @@
-   <target name="test-indy" depends="
-     copy-test-files,
--    install-gems,
-     run-junit-indy-short,
-     test-rake-targets"
-     description="Runs unit tests.">
-@@ -732,7 +704,6 @@
-   <target name="test-extended" depends="
-     copy-test-files,
--    install-gems,
-     run-junit-compiled,
-     run-junit-embed,
-     test-rake-targets"
-@@ -1066,48 +1037,6 @@
-     </sequential>
-   </macrodef>
--  <!-- Utilities to manage rubyspecs/mspec files -->
--  <target name="fetch-stable-specs" depends="init">
--    <rake task="spec:fetch_stable_specs"/>
--  </target>
--  <target name="fetch-latest-specs" depends="init">
--    <rake task="spec:fetch_latest_specs"/>
--  </target>
--  <!-- Main spec runs (See rakelib/spec.rake for definitions/descriptions) -->
--  <target name="spec:ci_18" depends="install-gems"><rake task="spec:ci_18"/></target>
--  <target name="spec:ci_19" depends="install-gems"><rake task="spec:ci_19"/></target>
--  <target name="spec:ci_interpreted_18_19" depends="install-gems">
--    <rake task="spec:ci_interpreted_18_19"/>
--  </target>
--  <target name="spec:ci_interpreted_18" depends="install-gems">
--    <rake task="spec:ci_interpreted_18"/>
--  </target>
--  <target name="spec:ci_interpreted_19" depends="install-gems">
--    <rake task="spec:ci_interpreted_19"/>
--  </target>
--  <target name="spec:ci_all_precompiled_18" depends="install-gems">
--    <rake task="spec:ci_all_precompiled_18"/>
--  </target>
--  <target name="spec:ci_all_interpreted_18" depends="install-gems">
--    <rake task="spec:ci_all_interpreted_18"/>
--  </target>
--  <target name="spec:ci_all" depends="install-gems"><rake task="spec:ci_all"/></target>
--  <target name="spec:ci_latest" depends="install-gems"><rake task="spec:ci_latest"/></target>
--  <!-- Old compatibility targets which call to newer Rake-based ones -->
--  <target name="spec" depends="spec:ci_18"/>
--  <target name="spec-ci" depends="spec:ci_18"/>
--  <target name="spec-short" depends="spec:ci_interpreted_18_19"/>
--  <target name="spec-ci-1.9" depends="spec:ci_19"/>
--  <target name="spec-short-1.9" depends="spec:ci_interpreted_19"/>
--  <target name="spec-all" depends="spec:ci_all_precompiled_18"/>
--  <target name="spec-all-interpreted" depends="spec:ci_all_interpreted_18"/>
--  <!-- latest, unstable specs -->
--  <target name="spec-latest-all" depends="spec:ci_all"/>
--  <target name="spec-latest" depends="spec:ci_latest"/>
-   <target name="update-excludes">
-     <java classname="org.jruby.Main" fork="true" maxmemory="${jruby.launch.memory}" failonerror="false" dir="${spec.dir}">
-       <classpath refid="jruby.execute.classpath"/>
-@@ -1289,7 +1218,6 @@
-     <mkdir dir="${dist.stage.bin.dir}/lib/native"/>
-     <unzip-native-libs destination.dir="${dist.stage.bin.dir}/lib/native"/>
-     <fixEOLs dist-stage-dir="${dist.stage.bin.dir}"/>
--    <rake task="install_dist_gems"/>
-     <tar destfile="${dist.dir}/jruby-bin-${version.jruby}.tar.gz" compression="gzip">
-       <tarfileset dir="${dist.stage.bin.dir}" mode="755" prefix="jruby-${version.jruby}">
-         <include name="bin/**"/>
-@@ -1339,7 +1267,6 @@
-         <patternset refid="dist.lib.files"/>
-       </fileset>
-     </copy>
--    <rake task="install_dist_gems"/>
-     <fixEOLs dist-stage-dir="${dist.stage.src.dir}"/>
-     <tar destfile="${dist.dir}/jruby-src-${version.jruby}.tar.gz" compression="gzip">
-       <tarfileset dir="${dist.stage.src.dir}" mode="755" prefix="jruby-${version.jruby}">
-@@ -1425,7 +1352,7 @@
-     </antcall>
-   </target>
--  <target name="dist" depends="install-dist-gems,dist-bin,dist-src,dist-jar-complete"/>
-+  <target name="dist" depends="dist-bin,dist-src,dist-jar-complete"/>
-   <target name="dist-clean">
-     <delete dir="${dist.dir}"/>
diff --git a/debian/patches/0004-replace-bundled-libraries.patch b/debian/patches/0004-replace-bundled-libraries.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 30ed287..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0004-replace-bundled-libraries.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-From: Hideki Yamane <henrich at debian.or.jp>
-Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 19:46:58 +0200
-Subject: replace bundled libraries
-... and use Debian packages instead
- build.properties |    2 +
- build.xml        |  170 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
- 2 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 build.properties
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/build.properties
-@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
---- a/build.xml
-+++ b/build.xml
-@@ -15,7 +15,29 @@
-   <property name="shared.lib.dir" value="lib/ruby/site_ruby/shared"/>
-   <path id="build.classpath">
--    <fileset dir="${build.lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
-+    <fileset dir="${build.lib.dir}">
-+      <include name="asm3.jar"/>
-+      <include name="asm3-commons.jar"/>
-+      <include name="asm3-util.jar"/>
-+      <include name="asm3-analysis.jar"/>
-+      <include name="asm3-tree.jar"/>
-+      <include name="jnr-constants.jar"/>
-+      <include name="joda-time.jar"/>
-+      <include name="bsf.jar"/>
-+      <include name="jline.jar"/>
-+      <include name="junit4.jar"/>
-+      <include name="jgrapht0.8.jar"/>
-+      <include name="bytelist.jar"/>
-+      <include name="jcodings.jar"/>
-+      <include name="jaffl.jar"/>
-+      <include name="jffi.jar"/>
-+      <include name="joni.jar"/>
-+      <include name="nailgun-server.jar"/>
-+      <include name="yydebug.jar"/>
-+      <include name="jnr-posix.jar"/>
-+      <include name="jnr-netdb.jar"/>
-+    </fileset>
-+    <fileset dir="${local.build.lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
-   </path>
-   <path id="jruby.execute.classpath">
-@@ -289,38 +311,21 @@
-       <jar destfile="${lib.dir}/jruby.jar" compress="true" index="true">
-         <fileset dir="${jruby.classes.dir}"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-commons-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-util-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-analysis-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-tree-3.2.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-commons.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-util.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-analysis.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-tree.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/bytelist.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/constantine.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jline-0.9.93.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-constants.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jline.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jcodings.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joni.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-netdb.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-posix.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jaffl.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-Darwin.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc-AIX.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc64-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-sparc-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-sparcv9-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-FreeBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-FreeBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-OpenBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-OpenBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-Windows.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-Windows.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-s390x-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time-1.6.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/yydebug.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-0.7.1.jar"/>
-         <metainf dir="${base.dir}/spi">
-@@ -345,15 +350,15 @@
-             <exclude name="org/jruby/ext/ffi/**/*"/>
-             <exclude name="org/jruby/embed/**/*"/>
-         </fileset>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-util-3.2.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-util.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/bytelist.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/constantine.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-constants.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jcodings.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joni.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-netdb.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-posix.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time-1.6.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time.jar"/>
-         <manifest>
-           <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"/>
-           <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.jruby.Main"/>
-@@ -367,38 +372,21 @@
-       <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar-1.0.jar"/>
-       <jarjar destfile="${lib.dir}/jruby.jar" compress="true">
-         <fileset dir="${jruby.classes.dir}"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-commons-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-util-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-analysis-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-tree-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/constantine.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-commons.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-util.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-analysis.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-tree.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-constants.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/bytelist.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jline-0.9.93.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jline.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jcodings.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joni.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-netdb.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-posix.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jaffl.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-Darwin.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc-AIX.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc64-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-sparc-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-sparcv9-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-FreeBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-FreeBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-OpenBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-OpenBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-Windows.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-Windows.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-s390x-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time-1.6.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/yydebug.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-0.7.1.jar"/>
-         <metainf dir="${base.dir}/spi">
-@@ -462,41 +450,24 @@
-           <exclude name="META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/site_ruby/shared/builtin/**"/>
-           <exclude name="META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/1.9/**"/>
-         </fileset>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-commons-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-util-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-analysis-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-tree-3.2.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-commons.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-util.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-analysis.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-tree.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/bytelist.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/constantine.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jline-0.9.93.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-constants.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jline.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jcodings.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joni.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-netdb.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-posix.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jaffl.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-Darwin.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc-AIX.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc64-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-sparc-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-sparcv9-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-FreeBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-FreeBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-OpenBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-OpenBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-Windows.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-Windows.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-s390x-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time-1.6.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/yydebug.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-0.7.1.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${shared.lib.dir}/yecht.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${local.shared.lib.dir}/yecht.jar"/>
-         <metainf dir="${base.dir}/spi">
-           <include name="services/**"/>
-         </metainf>
-@@ -550,41 +521,24 @@
-         <fileset dir="${build.dir}/jar-complete">
-           <exclude name="META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/1.8/**"/>
-         </fileset>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-commons-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-util-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-analysis-3.2.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm-tree-3.2.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-commons.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-util.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-analysis.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3-tree.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/bytelist.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/constantine.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jline-0.9.93.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-constants.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jline.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jcodings.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joni.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-netdb.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jnr-posix.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jaffl.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-Darwin.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc-AIX.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-ppc64-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-sparc-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-sparcv9-SunOS.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-FreeBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-FreeBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-OpenBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-OpenBSD.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-i386-Windows.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-x86_64-Windows.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi-s390x-Linux.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time-1.6.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/yydebug.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-0.7.1.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${shared.lib.dir}/yecht.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${local.shared.lib.dir}/yecht.jar"/>
-         <metainf dir="${base.dir}/spi">
-           <include name="services/**"/>
-         </metainf>
-@@ -757,7 +711,7 @@
-   <path id="test.class.path">
-     <pathelement path="${build.lib.dir}/junit.jar"/>
--    <pathelement path="${build.lib.dir}/livetribe-jsr223-2.0.6.jar"/>
-+    <pathelement path="${build.lib.dir}/livetribe-jsr223.jar"/>
-     <pathelement path="${build.lib.dir}/bsf.jar"/>
-     <pathelement path="${build.lib.dir}/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar"/>
-     <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
diff --git a/debian/patches/0005-ignore-test-failures.patch b/debian/patches/0005-ignore-test-failures.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d5a625..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0005-ignore-test-failures.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-From: Torsten Werner <twerner at debian.org>
-Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 01:43:51 +0200
-Subject: ignore test failures
- build.xml |    6 +++---
- 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
-index fe433f9..bf2b9e8 100644
---- a/build.xml
-+++ b/build.xml
-@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@
-       <echo message="compile=@{compile.mode}, jit.threshold=@{jit.threshold}, jit.maxsize=@{jit.maxsize}, jit.max=@{jit.max}, objectspace=@{objectspace.enabled} threadpool=@{thread.pooling} reflection=@{reflection} version=@{jruby.version}"/>
-       <taskdef name="junit" classname="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/junit.jar"/>
--      <junit jvm="${jruby.test.jvm}" fork="yes" forkMode="once" haltonfailure="true" dir="${basedir}" maxmemory="${jruby.test.memory}" showoutput="true" timeout="1800000">
-+      <junit jvm="${jruby.test.jvm}" fork="yes" forkMode="once" haltonfailure="false" dir="${basedir}" maxmemory="${jruby.test.memory}" showoutput="true" timeout="1800000">
- 	<classpath refid="test.class.path"/>
-         <sysproperty key="jruby.compile.invokedynamic" value="true"/>
-@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@
-       <echo message="compile=@{compile.mode}, jit.threshold=@{jit.threshold}, jit.maxsize=@{jit.maxsize}, jit.max=@{jit.max}, objectspace=@{objectspace.enabled} threadpool=@{thread.pooling} reflection=@{reflection} version=@{jruby.version}"/>
-       <taskdef name="junit" classname="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/junit.jar"/>
--      <junit jvm="${jruby.test.jvm}" fork="yes" forkMode="once" haltonfailure="true" dir="${basedir}" maxmemory="${jruby.test.memory}" showoutput="true" timeout="1800000">
-+      <junit jvm="${jruby.test.jvm}" fork="yes" forkMode="once" haltonfailure="false" dir="${basedir}" maxmemory="${jruby.test.memory}" showoutput="true" timeout="1800000">
- 	<classpath refid="test.class.path"/>
- 	<sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="true"/>
-@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@
-   <macrodef name="run-junit-embed-all">
-     <sequential>
-       <taskdef name="junit" classname="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/junit.jar"/>
--      <junit jvm="${jruby.test.jvm}" fork="yes" forkMode="once" haltonfailure="true" dir="${basedir}" maxmemory="${jruby.test.memory}" showoutput="true" timeout="1800000">
-+      <junit jvm="${jruby.test.jvm}" fork="yes" forkMode="once" haltonfailure="false" dir="${basedir}" maxmemory="${jruby.test.memory}" showoutput="true" timeout="1800000">
-         <classpath refid="test.class.path"/>
-         <jvmarg value="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"/>
-         <formatter type="xml"/>
diff --git a/debian/patches/0006-do-not-build-InvokeDynamicSupport.java.patch b/debian/patches/0006-do-not-build-InvokeDynamicSupport.java.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c7826dd..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0006-do-not-build-InvokeDynamicSupport.java.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-From: Torsten Werner <twerner at debian.org>
-Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 00:02:18 +0200
-Subject: do not build InvokeDynamicSupport.java
-... because it requires a dependency from the Java7 world which is not packaged
- build.xml |    1 +
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
---- a/build.xml
-+++ b/build.xml
-@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
-     <include name="**/*.java"/>
-     <exclude unless="bsf.present" name="org/jruby/javasupport/bsf/**/*.java"/>
-     <exclude unless="sun-misc-signal" name="**/SunSignalFacade.java"/>
-+    <exclude name="org/jruby/runtime/invokedynamic/InvokeDynamicSupport.java"/>
-   </patternset>
-   <patternset id="ruby.src.pattern">
diff --git a/debian/patches/0007-use-unversioned-jarjar.jar.patch b/debian/patches/0007-use-unversioned-jarjar.jar.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bc0bc25..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0007-use-unversioned-jarjar.jar.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-From: Torsten Werner <twerner at debian.org>
-Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2011 22:42:51 +0200
-Subject: use unversioned jarjar.jar
- build.xml |   12 ++++++------
- 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
---- a/build.xml
-+++ b/build.xml
-@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
-   <target name="jar-jruby-dist" depends="generate-method-classes, generate-unsafe" unless="jar-up-to-date">
-       <antcall target="_update_scm_revision_"/>
--      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar-1.0.jar"/>
-+      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar.jar"/>
-       <jarjar destfile="${lib.dir}/jruby.jar" compress="true">
-         <fileset dir="${jruby.classes.dir}"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/asm3.jar"/>
-@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
-       <property name="mainclass" value="org.jruby.Main"/>
-       <property name="filename" value="jruby-complete.jar"/>
-       <property name="bilename" value="jruby-complete.bar"/>
--      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar-1.0.jar"/>
-+      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar.jar"/>
-       <property name="jar-complete-home" value="${build.dir}/jar-complete/META-INF/jruby.home"/>
-       <mkdir dir="${jar-complete-home}"/>
-       <copy todir="${jar-complete-home}">
-@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
-         <arg line="--no-ri --no-rdoc --ignore-dependencies --env-shebang"/>
-       </java>
--      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar-1.0.jar"/>
-+      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar.jar"/>
-       <jarjar destfile="${dest.lib.dir}/${filename}">
-         <fileset dir="${jruby.classes.dir}"/>
-         <fileset dir="${build.dir}/jar-complete">
-@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
-     <target name="jar-complete-1.9" depends="generate-method-classes, generate-unsafe" description="Create the 'complete' JRuby jar. Pass 'mainclass' and 'filename' to adjust.">
-       <property name="mainclass" value="org.jruby.Main"/>
-       <property name="filename" value="jruby-complete.jar"/>
--      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar-1.0.jar"/>
-+      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar.jar"/>
-       <property name="jar-complete-home" value="${build.dir}/jar-complete/META-INF/jruby.home"/>
-       <mkdir dir="${jar-complete-home}"/>
-       <copy todir="${jar-complete-home}">
-@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
-         <arg line="--no-ri --no-rdoc --ignore-dependencies --env-shebang"/>
-       </java>
--      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar-1.0.jar"/>
-+      <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="${build.lib.dir}/jarjar.jar"/>
-       <jarjar destfile="${dest.lib.dir}/${filename}">
-         <fileset dir="${jruby.classes.dir}"/>
-         <fileset dir="${build.dir}/jar-complete">
-@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@
-     <exclude name="lib/emma.jar"/>
-     <exclude name="lib/emma_ant.jar"/>
-     <exclude name="lib/junit.jar"/>
--    <exclude name="lib/jarjar-1.0.jar"/>
-+    <exclude name="lib/jarjar.jar"/>
-     <exclude name="docs/rdocs.tar.gz"/>
-     <exclude name="bench/**"/>
-     <include name="share/**"/>
diff --git a/debian/patches/0008-CVE-2011-4838.patch b/debian/patches/0008-CVE-2011-4838.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0236f8a..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0008-CVE-2011-4838.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyHash.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyHash.java
-@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
-             oldTable[j] = null;
-             while (entry != null) {
-                 RubyHashEntry next = entry.next;
--                entry.hash = entry.key.hashCode(); // update the hash value
-+                entry.hash = hashValue(entry.key.hashCode()); // update the hash value
-                 int i = bucketIndex(entry.hash, newTable.length);
-                 entry.next = newTable[i];
-                 newTable[i] = entry;
---- a/src/org/jruby/Ruby.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/Ruby.java
-@@ -269,6 +269,8 @@
-         this.beanManager        = BeanManagerFactory.create(this, config.isManagementEnabled());
-         this.jitCompiler        = new JITCompiler(this);
-         this.parserStats        = new ParserStats(this);
-+	this.hashSeed = this.random.nextInt();
-         this.beanManager.register(new Config(this));
-         this.beanManager.register(parserStats);
-@@ -3704,6 +3706,10 @@
-     public Set<Script> getJittedMethods() {
-         return jittedMethods;
-     }
-+    public int getHashSeed() {
-+        return hashSeed;
-+    }
-     public ExecutorService getExecutor() {
-         return executor;
-@@ -3808,6 +3814,8 @@
-     private long randomSeed = 0;
-     private long randomSeedSequence = 0;
-     private Random random = new Random();
-+    /** The runtime-local seed for hash randomization */
-+    private int hashSeed = 0;
-     private final List<EventHook> eventHooks = new Vector<EventHook>();
-     private boolean hasEventHooks;  
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyString.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyString.java
-@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
- import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.UnmarshalStream;
- import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
- import org.jruby.util.ConvertBytes;
-+import org.jruby.util.MurmurHash;
- import org.jruby.util.Numeric;
- import org.jruby.util.Pack;
- import org.jruby.util.Sprintf;
-@@ -1024,11 +1025,11 @@
-     }
-     private int strHashCode(Ruby runtime) {
-+        int hash = MurmurHash.hash32(value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getRealSize(), runtime.getHashSeed());
-         if (runtime.is1_9()) {
--            return value.hashCode() ^ (value.getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible() && scanForCodeRange() == CR_7BIT ? 0 : value.getEncoding().getIndex());
--        } else {
--            return value.hashCode();
-+            hash ^= (value.getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible() && scanForCodeRange() == CR_7BIT ? 0 : value.getEncoding().getIndex());
-         }
-+        return hash;
-     }
-     @Override
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/util/MurmurHash.java
-@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
-+package org.jruby.util;
-+public class MurmurHash {
-+    // Based on Murmurhash 2.0 Java port at http://dmy999.com/article/50/murmurhash-2-java-port
-+    // 2011-12-05: Modified by Hiroshi Nakamura <nahi at ruby-lang.org>
-+    // - signature change to use offset
-+    //   hash(byte[] data, int seed) to hash(byte[] src, int offset, int length, int seed)
-+    // - extract 'm' and 'r' as murmurhash2.0 constants
-+    // Ported by Derek Young from the C version (specifically the endian-neutral
-+    // version) from:
-+    //   http://murmurhash.googlepages.com/
-+    //
-+    // released to the public domain - dmy999 at gmail.com
-+    // 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline.
-+    // They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well.
-+    private static final int MURMUR2_MAGIC = 0x5bd1e995;
-+    // CRuby 1.9 uses 16 but original C++ implementation uses 24 with above Magic.
-+    private static final int MURMUR2_R = 24;
-+    @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
-+    public static int hash32(byte[] src, int offset, int length, int seed) {
-+        // Initialize the hash to a 'random' value
-+        int h = seed ^ length;
-+        int i = offset;
-+        int len = length;
-+        while (len >= 4) {
-+            int k = src[i + 0] & 0xFF;
-+            k |= (src[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8;
-+            k |= (src[i + 2] & 0xFF) << 16;
-+            k |= (src[i + 3] & 0xFF) << 24;
-+            k *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
-+            k ^= k >>> MURMUR2_R;
-+            k *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
-+            h *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
-+            h ^= k;
-+            i += 4;
-+            len -= 4;
-+        }
-+        switch (len) {
-+        case 3:
-+            h ^= (src[i + 2] & 0xFF) << 16;
-+        case 2:
-+            h ^= (src[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8;
-+        case 1:
-+            h ^= (src[i + 0] & 0xFF);
-+            h *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
-+        }
-+        h ^= h >>> 13;
-+        h *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
-+        h ^= h >>> 15;
-+        return h;
-+    }
diff --git a/debian/patches/0009-CVE-2012-5370.patch b/debian/patches/0009-CVE-2012-5370.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f725f8..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0009-CVE-2012-5370.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-Drop the MurmurHash to compute hashes, as it is vulnerable to a DoS:
-A specially-crafted set of keys could trigger Murmur hash function
-collisions, which degrade hash table items insert performance by
-changing hash table operations complexity from an expected/average
-O(n) to the worst case O(n^2). Reporters were able to find colliding
-strings efficiently using equivalent substrings.
-Use PerlHash instead, as it was done upstream (see commit
-5e4aab28b26fd127112b76fabfac9a33b64caf77 of git://jruby.org/jruby.git)
-instead of the SipHash that is used in the C implementation of Ruby,
-for performance reasons.
-Index: jruby/src/org/jruby/util/MurmurHash.java
---- jruby.orig/src/org/jruby/util/MurmurHash.java	2012-12-11 20:29:23.666433052 +0100
-+++ /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
--package org.jruby.util;
--public class MurmurHash {
--    // Based on Murmurhash 2.0 Java port at http://dmy999.com/article/50/murmurhash-2-java-port
--    // 2011-12-05: Modified by Hiroshi Nakamura <nahi at ruby-lang.org>
--    // - signature change to use offset
--    //   hash(byte[] data, int seed) to hash(byte[] src, int offset, int length, int seed)
--    // - extract 'm' and 'r' as murmurhash2.0 constants
--    // Ported by Derek Young from the C version (specifically the endian-neutral
--    // version) from:
--    //   http://murmurhash.googlepages.com/
--    //
--    // released to the public domain - dmy999 at gmail.com
--    // 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline.
--    // They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well.
--    private static final int MURMUR2_MAGIC = 0x5bd1e995;
--    // CRuby 1.9 uses 16 but original C++ implementation uses 24 with above Magic.
--    private static final int MURMUR2_R = 24;
--    @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")
--    public static int hash32(byte[] src, int offset, int length, int seed) {
--        // Initialize the hash to a 'random' value
--        int h = seed ^ length;
--        int i = offset;
--        int len = length;
--        while (len >= 4) {
--            int k = src[i + 0] & 0xFF;
--            k |= (src[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8;
--            k |= (src[i + 2] & 0xFF) << 16;
--            k |= (src[i + 3] & 0xFF) << 24;
--            k *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
--            k ^= k >>> MURMUR2_R;
--            k *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
--            h *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
--            h ^= k;
--            i += 4;
--            len -= 4;
--        }
--        switch (len) {
--        case 3:
--            h ^= (src[i + 2] & 0xFF) << 16;
--        case 2:
--            h ^= (src[i + 1] & 0xFF) << 8;
--        case 1:
--            h ^= (src[i + 0] & 0xFF);
--            h *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
--        }
--        h ^= h >>> 13;
--        h *= MURMUR2_MAGIC;
--        h ^= h >>> 15;
--        return h;
--    }
-Index: jruby/src/org/jruby/RubyString.java
---- jruby.orig/src/org/jruby/RubyString.java	2012-12-11 20:29:23.650433034 +0100
-+++ jruby/src/org/jruby/RubyString.java	2012-12-11 20:49:48.895686092 +0100
-@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
- import org.jruby.runtime.marshal.UnmarshalStream;
- import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
- import org.jruby.util.ConvertBytes;
--import org.jruby.util.MurmurHash;
-+import org.jruby.util.PerlHash;
- import org.jruby.util.Numeric;
- import org.jruby.util.Pack;
- import org.jruby.util.Sprintf;
-@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@
-     }
-     private int strHashCode(Ruby runtime) {
--        int hash = MurmurHash.hash32(value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getRealSize(), runtime.getHashSeed());
-+        int hash = PerlHash.hash32(runtime.getHashSeed(), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getRealSize());
-         if (runtime.is1_9()) {
-             hash ^= (value.getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible() && scanForCodeRange() == CR_7BIT ? 0 : value.getEncoding().getIndex());
-         }
-Index: jruby/src/org/jruby/util/PerlHash.java
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ jruby/src/org/jruby/util/PerlHash.java	2012-12-11 20:42:32.429215037 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-+package org.jruby.util;
-+ * Perl's Hash implementation.
-+ *
-+ * @author nahi at ruby-lang.org
-+ */
-+public class PerlHash {
-+    public static long hash64(long key, byte[] src, int offset, int length) {
-+        for (int idx = 0; idx < length; ++idx) {
-+            key += (src[offset + idx] & 0xFF);
-+            key += (key << 10);
-+            key ^= (key >>> 6);
-+        }
-+        key += (key << 3);
-+        key ^= (key >>> 11);
-+        key += (key << 15);
-+        return key;
-+    }
-+    public static int hash32(long key, byte[] src, int offset, int length) {
-+        long res = hash64(key,src,offset,length);
-+        return ((int) (res & 0xFFFFFFFF)) ^ ((int) (res >>> 32));
-+    }
diff --git a/debian/patches/0010-jruby-Set-FD_CLOEXEC-correctly-using-F_SETFD-not-F_S.patch b/debian/patches/0010-jruby-Set-FD_CLOEXEC-correctly-using-F_SETFD-not-F_S.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c802c1..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0010-jruby-Set-FD_CLOEXEC-correctly-using-F_SETFD-not-F_S.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-From e6ba288b93628e231dbb1a067b30f6f928be87d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Guillem Jover <guillem at hadrons.org>
-Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 18:33:48 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] jruby: Set FD_CLOEXEC correctly using F_SETFD not F_SETFL
-Using that value on F_SETFL is just wrong, and might make the call fail
-on some systems, as it's requesting to set an undetermined flag. For
-example on GNU/* FD_CLOEXEC has value 1, which matches with O_WRONLY.
-This might cause the code to at least leak file descriptors, and at worst
-to terminate execution.
- lib/ruby/1.8/drb/unix.rb      | 2 +-
- lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/utils.rb | 2 +-
- lib/ruby/1.9/drb/unix.rb      | 2 +-
- lib/ruby/1.9/webrick/utils.rb | 2 +-
- 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/unix.rb b/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/unix.rb
-index 57feed8..90ca292 100644
---- a/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/unix.rb
-+++ b/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/unix.rb
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ module DRb
-     end
-     def set_sockopt(soc)
--      soc.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) if defined? Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC
-+      soc.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) if defined? Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC
-     end
-   end
-diff --git a/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/utils.rb b/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/utils.rb
-index cf9da6f..1c29ef5 100644
---- a/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/utils.rb
-+++ b/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/utils.rb
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module WEBrick
-     def set_close_on_exec(io)
-       if defined?(Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC)
--        io.fcntl(Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC, 1)
-+        io.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC)
-       end
-     end
-     module_function :set_close_on_exec
-diff --git a/lib/ruby/1.9/drb/unix.rb b/lib/ruby/1.9/drb/unix.rb
-index ebecc22..e56008c 100644
---- a/lib/ruby/1.9/drb/unix.rb
-+++ b/lib/ruby/1.9/drb/unix.rb
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ module DRb
-     end
-     def set_sockopt(soc)
--      soc.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) if defined? Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC
-+      soc.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC) if defined? Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC
-     end
-   end
-diff --git a/lib/ruby/1.9/webrick/utils.rb b/lib/ruby/1.9/webrick/utils.rb
-index dee9363..677ecb8 100644
---- a/lib/ruby/1.9/webrick/utils.rb
-+++ b/lib/ruby/1.9/webrick/utils.rb
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module WEBrick
-     def set_close_on_exec(io)
-       if defined?(Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC)
--        io.fcntl(Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC, 1)
-+        io.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC)
-       end
-     end
-     module_function :set_close_on_exec
diff --git a/debian/patches/0011-java7-compat.patch b/debian/patches/0011-java7-compat.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a720066..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0011-java7-compat.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-Description:  Fix compilation issues under OpenJDK 7 after b142 with primitive
- + varargs now resolving as ambiguous.
-Origin: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/commit/7588393ca5bfeba6182b87b8b47669ecab2fe403
---- a/src/org/jruby/Ruby.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/Ruby.java
-@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@
-         if (superClass == null) {
-             String className = parentIsObject ? name : parent.getName() + "::" + name;  
--            warnings.warn(ID.NO_SUPER_CLASS, "no super class for `" + className + "', Object assumed", className);
-+            warnings.warn(ID.NO_SUPER_CLASS, "no super class for `" + className + "', Object assumed");
-             superClass = objectClass;
-         }
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyArray.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyArray.java
-@@ -2272,7 +2272,7 @@
-      */
-     @JRubyMethod(name = {"indexes", "indices"}, required = 1, rest = true)
-     public IRubyObject indexes(IRubyObject[] args) {
--        getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "Array#indexes is deprecated; use Array#values_at", "Array#indexes", "Array#values_at");
-+        getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "Array#indexes is deprecated; use Array#values_at");
-         RubyArray ary = new RubyArray(getRuntime(), args.length);
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyBignum.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyBignum.java
-@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
-             long fixValue = fix.getLongValue();
-             // MRI issuses warning here on (RBIGNUM(x)->len * SIZEOF_BDIGITS * yy > 1024*1024)
-             if (((value.bitLength() + 7) / 8) * 4 * Math.abs(fixValue) > 1024 * 1024) {
--                getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.MAY_BE_TOO_BIG, "in a**b, b may be too big", fixValue);
-+                getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.MAY_BE_TOO_BIG, "in a**b, b may be too big");
-             }
-             if (fixValue >= 0) {
-                 return bignorm(getRuntime(), value.pow((int) fixValue)); // num2int is also implemented
-@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@
-             }
-         } else if (other instanceof RubyBignum) {
-             d = ((RubyBignum) other).getDoubleValue();
--            getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.MAY_BE_TOO_BIG, "in a**b, b may be too big", d);
-+            getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.MAY_BE_TOO_BIG, "in a**b, b may be too big");
-         } else if (other instanceof RubyFloat) {
-             d = ((RubyFloat) other).getDoubleValue();
-         } else {
-@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
-             }
-             // MRI issuses warning here on (RBIGNUM(x)->len * SIZEOF_BDIGITS * yy > 1024*1024)
-             if (((value.bitLength() + 7) / 8) * 4 * Math.abs(fixValue) > 1024 * 1024) {
--                getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.MAY_BE_TOO_BIG, "in a**b, b may be too big", fixValue);
-+                getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.MAY_BE_TOO_BIG, "in a**b, b may be too big");
-             }
-             if (fixValue >= 0) {
-                 return bignorm(runtime, value.pow((int) fixValue)); // num2int is also implemented
-@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@
-             }
-         } else if (other instanceof RubyBignum) {
-             d = ((RubyBignum) other).getDoubleValue();
--            getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.MAY_BE_TOO_BIG, "in a**b, b may be too big", d);
-+            getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.MAY_BE_TOO_BIG, "in a**b, b may be too big");
-         } else if (other instanceof RubyFloat) {
-             d = ((RubyFloat) other).getDoubleValue();
-             if (this.compareTo(RubyFixnum.zero(runtime)) == -1
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyEtc.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyEtc.java
-@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
-             throw re;
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getpwuid is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getpwuid is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-             return runtime.getNil();
-         }
-@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
-             return setupPasswd(recv.getRuntime(), pwd);
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getpwnam is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getpwnam is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-             return runtime.getNil();
-         }
-@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
-             }
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.passwd is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.passwd is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-             return runtime.getNil();
-         }
-@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
-             runtime.getPosix().endpwent();
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.endpwent is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.endpwent is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-         }
-         return runtime.getNil();
-@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
-             runtime.getPosix().setpwent();
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.setpwent is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.setpwent is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-         }
-         return runtime.getNil();
-@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
-             }
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getpwent is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getpwent is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-             return runtime.getNil();
-         }
-@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
-             return setupGroup(runtime, grp);
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getgrnam is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getgrnam is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-             return runtime.getNil();
-         }
-@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
-             throw re;
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getgrgid is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getgrgid is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-             return runtime.getNil();
-         }
-@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
-             runtime.getPosix().endgrent();
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.engrent is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.engrent is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-         }
-         return runtime.getNil();
-@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
-             runtime.getPosix().setgrent();
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.setgrent is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.setgrent is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-         }
-         return runtime.getNil();
-@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
-             }
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.group is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.group is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-             return runtime.getNil();
-         }
-@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
-             }
-         } catch (Exception e) {
-             if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getgrent is not supported by JRuby on this platform", e);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Etc.getgrent is not supported by JRuby on this platform");
-             }
-             return runtime.getNil();
-         }
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyGC.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyGC.java
-@@ -105,6 +105,6 @@
-     private static void emptyImplementationWarning(Ruby runtime, String name) {
-         runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.EMPTY_IMPLEMENTATION,
--                name + " does nothing on JRuby", name);
-+                name + " does nothing on JRuby");
-     }
- }
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyGlobal.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyGlobal.java
-@@ -353,13 +353,13 @@
-         @Override
-         public IRubyObject set(IRubyObject value) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.INEFFECTIVE_GLOBAL, "warning: variable " + name + " is no longer effective; ignored", name);
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.INEFFECTIVE_GLOBAL, "warning: variable " + name + " is no longer effective; ignored");
-             return value;
-         }
-         @Override
-         public IRubyObject get() {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.INEFFECTIVE_GLOBAL, "warning: variable " + name + " is no longer effective", name);
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.INEFFECTIVE_GLOBAL, "warning: variable " + name + " is no longer effective");
-             return runtime.getFalse();
-         }
-     }
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyIO.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyIO.java
-@@ -861,8 +861,7 @@
-             String className = klass.getName();
-             context.getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(
-                     ID.BLOCK_NOT_ACCEPTED,
--                    className + "::new() does not take block; use " + className + "::open() instead",
--                    className + "::open()");
-+                    className + "::new() does not take block; use " + className + "::open() instead");
-         }
-         return klass.newInstance(context, args, block);
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyKernel.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyKernel.java
-@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
-     @JRubyMethod(name = "getc", module = true, visibility = PRIVATE)
-     public static IRubyObject getc(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv) {
--        context.getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "getc is obsolete; use STDIN.getc instead", "getc", "STDIN.getc");
-+        context.getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "getc is obsolete; use STDIN.getc instead");
-         IRubyObject defin = context.getRuntime().getGlobalVariables().get("$stdin");
-         return defin.callMethod(context, "getc");
-     }
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyModule.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyModule.java
-@@ -2693,7 +2693,7 @@
-                 if (p == objectClass && this != objectClass) {
-                     String badCName = getName() + "::" + internedName;
-                     runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.CONSTANT_BAD_REFERENCE, "toplevel constant " +
--                            internedName + " referenced by " + badCName, badCName);
-+                            internedName + " referenced by " + badCName);
-                 }
-                 return value;
-@@ -2758,7 +2758,7 @@
-                 runtime.getLoadService().removeAutoLoadFor(getName() + "::" + name);
-             } else {
-                 if (warn) {
--                    runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.CONSTANT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED, "already initialized constant " + name, name);
-+                    runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.CONSTANT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED, "already initialized constant " + name);
-                 }
-             }
-         }
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyRational.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyRational.java
-@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@
-         long e = ne - de;
-         if (e > 1023 || e < -1022) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warn(IRubyWarnings.ID.FLOAT_OUT_OF_RANGE, "out of Float range", getMetaClass());
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warn(IRubyWarnings.ID.FLOAT_OUT_OF_RANGE, "out of Float range");
-             return runtime.newFloat(e > 0 ? Double.MAX_VALUE : 0);
-         }
-@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@
-         f = ldexp(f, e);
-         if (Double.isInfinite(f) || Double.isNaN(f)) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warn(IRubyWarnings.ID.FLOAT_OUT_OF_RANGE, "out of Float range", getMetaClass());
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warn(IRubyWarnings.ID.FLOAT_OUT_OF_RANGE, "out of Float range");
-         }
-         return runtime.newFloat(f);
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyStringScanner.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyStringScanner.java
-@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
-         check();
-         Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
-         if (runtime.isVerbose()) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#clear is obsolete; use #terminate instead", "StringScanner#clear", "#terminate");
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#clear is obsolete; use #terminate instead");
-         }
-         return terminate();
-     }
-@@ -338,8 +338,7 @@
-         Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
-         if (runtime.isVerbose()) { 
-             runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD,
--                    "StringScanner#getbyte is obsolete; use #get_byte instead",
--                    "StringScanner#getbyte", "#get_byte");
-+                    "StringScanner#getbyte is obsolete; use #get_byte instead");
-         }
-         return get_byte(context);
-     }
-@@ -365,8 +364,7 @@
-         Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
-         if (runtime.isVerbose()) {
-             runtime.getWarnings().warning(
--                    ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#peep is obsolete; use #peek instead",
--                    "StringScanner#peep", "#peek");
-+                    ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#peep is obsolete; use #peek instead");
-         }
-         return peek(context, length);
-     }
-@@ -405,7 +403,7 @@
-     public RubyBoolean empty_p(ThreadContext context) {
-         Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
-         if (runtime.isVerbose()) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#empty? is obsolete; use #eos? instead", "StringScanner#empty?", "#eos?");
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#empty? is obsolete; use #eos? instead");
-         }
-         return eos_p(context);
-     }
-@@ -440,8 +438,7 @@
-     public IRubyObject matchedsize(ThreadContext context) {
-         Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
-         if (runtime.isVerbose()) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#matchedsize is obsolete; use #matched_size instead", 
--                    "StringScanner#matchedize", "#matched_size");
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#matchedsize is obsolete; use #matched_size instead");
-         }
-         return matched_size();        
-     }
-@@ -500,7 +497,7 @@
-     public RubyFixnum restsize(ThreadContext context) {
-         Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
-         if (runtime.isVerbose()) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#restsize is obsolete; use #rest_size instead", "StringScanner#restsize", "#rest_size");
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "StringScanner#restsize is obsolete; use #rest_size instead");
-         }
-         return rest_size();
-     }
---- a/src/org/jruby/ast/DefnNode.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/ast/DefnNode.java
-@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
-         String name = getName();
-         if (containingClass == runtime.getObject() && name == "initialize") {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining Object#initialize may cause infinite loop", "Object#initialize");
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining Object#initialize may cause infinite loop");
-         }
-         if (name == "__id__" || name == "__send__") {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining `" + name + "' may cause serious problem", name); 
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining `" + name + "' may cause serious problem");
-         }
-         Visibility visibility = context.getCurrentVisibility();
---- a/src/org/jruby/ast/InstVarNode.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/ast/InstVarNode.java
-@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
-     private void warnAboutUninitializedIvar(Ruby runtime) {
-         runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.IVAR_NOT_INITIALIZED, getPosition(), 
--                "instance variable " + name + " not initialized", name);
-+                "instance variable " + name + " not initialized");
-     }
-     @Override
---- a/src/org/jruby/common/IRubyWarnings.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/common/IRubyWarnings.java
-@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
-  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
- package org.jruby.common;
-+import org.jruby.Ruby;
- import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePosition;
- // FIXME: Document difference between warn and warning (or rename one better)
-@@ -100,12 +101,26 @@
-         }
-     }
--    public abstract org.jruby.Ruby getRuntime();
--    public abstract void warn(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data);
--    public abstract void warn(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message, Object... data);
-+    public abstract Ruby getRuntime();
-     public abstract boolean isVerbose();
-+    public abstract void warn(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message);
-+    public abstract void warn(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message);
-+    public abstract void warn(ID id, String message);
-+    public abstract void warning(ID id, String message);
-+    public abstract void warning(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message);
-+    public abstract void warning(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message);
-+    @Deprecated
-     public abstract void warn(ID id, String message, Object... data);
-+    @Deprecated
-     public abstract void warning(ID id, String message, Object... data);
-+    @Deprecated
-+    public abstract void warn(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data);
-+    @Deprecated
-+    public abstract void warn(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message, Object... data);
-+    @Deprecated
-     public abstract void warning(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data);
--    public abstract void warning(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message, Object... data);
-+    @Deprecated
-+    public abstract void warning(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message, Object...data);
- }
---- a/src/org/jruby/common/NullWarnings.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/common/NullWarnings.java
-@@ -28,14 +28,15 @@
-  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
- package org.jruby.common;
-+import org.jruby.Ruby;
- import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePosition;
- /**
-  * A Warnings implementation which silently ignores everything.
-  */
- public class NullWarnings implements IRubyWarnings {
--    private org.jruby.Ruby runtime;
--    public NullWarnings(org.jruby.Ruby runtime) {
-+    private Ruby runtime;
-+    public NullWarnings(Ruby runtime) {
-         this.runtime = runtime;
-     }
-@@ -47,10 +48,23 @@
-         return runtime;
-     }
-+    public void warn(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message) {}
-+    public void warn(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message) {}
-+    public void warn(ID id, String message) {}
-+    public void warning(ID id, String message) {}
-+    public void warning(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message) {}
-+    public void warning(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message) {}
-+    @Deprecated
-     public void warn(ID id, String message, Object... data) {}
-+    @Deprecated
-     public void warning(ID id, String message, Object... data) {}
-+    @Deprecated
-     public void warn(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data) {}
-+    @Deprecated
-     public void warn(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message, Object... data) {}
-+    @Deprecated
-     public void warning(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data) {}
-+    @Deprecated
-     public void warning(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message, Object...data) {}
- }
---- a/src/org/jruby/common/RubyWarnings.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/common/RubyWarnings.java
-@@ -48,21 +48,25 @@
-         warn(ID.MISCELLANEOUS, message);
-     }
--    public org.jruby.Ruby getRuntime() {
-+    public Ruby getRuntime() {
-         return runtime;
-     }
-+    public boolean isVerbose() {
-+        return runtime.isVerbose();
-+    }
-     /**
-      * Prints a warning, unless $VERBOSE is nil.
-      */
--    public void warn(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data) {
--        warn(id, position.getFile(), position.getStartLine(), message, data);
-+    public void warn(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message) {
-+        warn(id, position.getFile(), position.getStartLine(), message);
-     }
-     /**
-      * Prints a warning, unless $VERBOSE is nil.
-      */
--    public void warn(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message, Object... data) {
-+    public void warn(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message) {
-         if (!runtime.warningsEnabled()) return; // TODO make an assert here
-         StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(100);
-@@ -73,38 +77,79 @@
-         errorStream.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "write", runtime.newString(buffer.toString()));
-     }
--    public boolean isVerbose() {
--        return runtime.isVerbose();
--    }
--    public void warn(ID id, String message, Object... data) {
-+    public void warn(ID id, String message) {
-         ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
--        warn(id, context.getFile(), context.getLine(), message, data);
-+        warn(id, context.getFile(), context.getLine(), message);
-     }
-     /**
-      * Verbose mode warning methods, their contract is that consumer must explicitly check for runtime.isVerbose()
-      * before calling them
-      */
--    public void warning(String message, Object... data) {
--        warning(ID.MISCELLANEOUS, message, data);
-+    public void warning(String message) {
-+        warning(ID.MISCELLANEOUS, message);
-     }
--    public void warning(ID id, String message, Object... data) {
-+    public void warning(ID id, String message) {
-         ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
--        warning(id, context.getFile(), context.getLine(), message, data);
-+        warning(id, context.getFile(), context.getLine(), message);
-     }
-     /**
-      * Prints a warning, only in verbose mode.
-      */
--    public void warning(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data) {
--        warning(id, position.getFile(), position.getStartLine(), message, data);
-+    public void warning(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message) {
-+        warning(id, position.getFile(), position.getStartLine(), message);
-     }
-     /**
-      * Prints a warning, only in verbose mode.
-      */
-+    public void warning(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message) {
-+        assert isVerbose();
-+        warn(id, fileName, lineNumber, message);
-+    }
-+    @Deprecated
-+    public void warn(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data) {
-+        warn(id, position.getFile(), position.getStartLine(), message, data);
-+    }
-+    @Deprecated
-+    public void warn(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message, Object... data) {
-+        if (!runtime.warningsEnabled()) return; // TODO make an assert here
-+        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(100);
-+        buffer.append(fileName).append(':').append(lineNumber + 1).append(' ');
-+        buffer.append("warning: ").append(message).append('\n');
-+        IRubyObject errorStream = runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$stderr");
-+        errorStream.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "write", runtime.newString(buffer.toString()));
-+    }
-+    @Deprecated
-+    public void warn(ID id, String message, Object... data) {
-+        ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
-+        warn(id, context.getFile(), context.getLine(), message, data);
-+    }
-+    @Deprecated
-+    public void warning(String message, Object... data) {
-+        warning(ID.MISCELLANEOUS, message, data);
-+    }
-+    @Deprecated
-+    public void warning(ID id, String message, Object... data) {
-+        ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
-+        warning(id, context.getFile(), context.getLine(), message, data);
-+    }
-+    @Deprecated
-+    public void warning(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data) {
-+        warning(id, position.getFile(), position.getStartLine(), message, data);
-+    }
-+    @Deprecated
-     public void warning(ID id, String fileName, int lineNumber, String message, Object... data) {
-         assert isVerbose(); 
-         warn(id, fileName, lineNumber, message, data);
---- a/src/org/jruby/ext/JRubyPOSIXHandler.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/ext/JRubyPOSIXHandler.java
-@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-         } else {
-             ourID = ID.MISCELLANEOUS;
-         }
--        runtime.getWarnings().warn(ourID, message, data);
-+        runtime.getWarnings().warn(ourID, message);
-     }
-     public boolean isVerbose() {
---- a/src/org/jruby/internal/runtime/GlobalVariables.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/internal/runtime/GlobalVariables.java
-@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
- 	    if (variable != null) return variable.getAccessor().getValue();
- 	    if (runtime.isVerbose()) {
--	        runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.GLOBAL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "global variable `" + name + "' not initialized", name);
-+	        runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.GLOBAL_NOT_INITIALIZED, "global variable `" + name + "' not initialized");
- 	    }
- 		return runtime.getNil();
- 	}
---- a/src/org/jruby/internal/runtime/UndefinedAccessor.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/internal/runtime/UndefinedAccessor.java
-@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-      */
-     public IRubyObject getValue() {
-         if (runtime.isVerbose()) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.ACCESSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED, "global variable `" + name + "' not initialized", name);
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warning(ID.ACCESSOR_NOT_INITIALIZED, "global variable `" + name + "' not initialized");
-         }
-         return runtime.getNil();
-     }
---- a/src/org/jruby/javasupport/util/RuntimeHelpers.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/javasupport/util/RuntimeHelpers.java
-@@ -1579,11 +1579,11 @@
-         }
-         if (containingClass == runtime.getObject() && name.equals("initialize")) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining Object#initialize may cause infinite loop", "Object#initialize");
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining Object#initialize may cause infinite loop");
-         }
-         if (name.equals("__id__") || name.equals("__send__")) {
--            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining `" + name + "' may cause serious problem", name);
-+            runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.REDEFINING_DANGEROUS, "redefining `" + name + "' may cause serious problem");
-         }
-     }
---- a/src/org/jruby/lexer/yacc/RubyYaccLexer.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/lexer/yacc/RubyYaccLexer.java
-@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
-         try {
-             d = Double.parseDouble(number);
-         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
--            warnings.warn(ID.FLOAT_OUT_OF_RANGE, getPosition(), "Float " + number + " out of range.", number);
-+            warnings.warn(ID.FLOAT_OUT_OF_RANGE, getPosition(), "Float " + number + " out of range.");
-             d = number.startsWith("-") ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
-         }
-@@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@
-         //a wrong position if the "inclusive" flag is not set.
-         ISourcePosition tmpPosition = getPosition();
-         if (isARG() && spaceSeen && !Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
--            if (warnings.isVerbose()) warnings.warning(ID.ARGUMENT_AS_PREFIX, tmpPosition, "`&' interpreted as argument prefix", "&");
-+            if (warnings.isVerbose()) warnings.warning(ID.ARGUMENT_AS_PREFIX, tmpPosition, "`&' interpreted as argument prefix");
-             c = Tokens.tAMPER;
-         } else if (isBEG()) {
-             c = Tokens.tAMPER;
-@@ -1939,7 +1939,7 @@
-         default:
-             src.unread(c);
-             if (isARG() && spaceSeen && !Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
--                if (warnings.isVerbose()) warnings.warning(ID.ARGUMENT_AS_PREFIX, getPosition(), "`*' interpreted as argument prefix", "*");
-+                if (warnings.isVerbose()) warnings.warning(ID.ARGUMENT_AS_PREFIX, getPosition(), "`*' interpreted as argument prefix");
-                 c = Tokens.tSTAR;
-             } else if (isBEG()) {
-                 c = Tokens.tSTAR;
---- a/src/org/jruby/parser/ParserSupport.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/parser/ParserSupport.java
-@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
-     }
-     private void handleUselessWarn(Node node, String useless) {
--        warnings.warn(ID.USELESS_EXPRESSION, node.getPosition(), "Useless use of " + useless + " in void context.", useless);
-+        warnings.warn(ID.USELESS_EXPRESSION, node.getPosition(), "Useless use of " + useless + " in void context.");
-     }
-     /**
-@@ -1453,12 +1453,12 @@
-     }
-     public void warn(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data) {
--        warnings.warn(id, position, message, data);
-+        warnings.warn(id, position, message);
-     }
-     public void warning(ID id, ISourcePosition position, String message, Object... data) {
-         if (warnings.isVerbose()) {
--            warnings.warning(id, position, message, data);
-+            warnings.warning(id, position, message);
-         }
-     }
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyStruct.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyStruct.java
-@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
-             if (type != null) {
-                 ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
-                 Frame frame = context.getCurrentFrame();
--                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.STRUCT_CONSTANT_REDEFINED, frame.getFile(), frame.getLine(), "redefining constant Struct::" + name, name);
-+                runtime.getWarnings().warn(ID.STRUCT_CONSTANT_REDEFINED, frame.getFile(), frame.getLine(), "redefining constant Struct::" + name);
-                 superClass.remove_const(context, runtime.newString(name));
-             }
-             newStruct = superClass.defineClassUnder(name, superClass, STRUCT_INSTANCE_ALLOCATOR);
---- a/src/org/jruby/RubyObject.java
-+++ b/src/org/jruby/RubyObject.java
-@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
-      */
-     @JRubyMethod(name = "id")
-     public IRubyObject id_deprecated() {
--        getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id", "Object#id", "Object#object_id");
-+        getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id");
-         return id();
-     }
-@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
-      */
-     @JRubyMethod(name = "type")
-     public RubyClass type_deprecated() {
--        getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "Object#type is deprecated; use Object#class", "Object#type", "Object#class");
-+        getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "Object#type is deprecated; use Object#class");
-         return type();
-     }
-@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@
-      */
-     @JRubyMethod(name = "to_a", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC, compat = CompatVersion.RUBY1_8)
-     public RubyArray to_a() {
--        getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "default 'to_a' will be obsolete", "to_a");
-+        getRuntime().getWarnings().warn(ID.DEPRECATED_METHOD, "default 'to_a' will be obsolete");
-         return getRuntime().newArray(this);
-     }
diff --git a/debian/patches/0012-nailgun.patch b/debian/patches/0012-nailgun.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 56b5d2c..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0012-nailgun.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Description: use unversioned nailgun.jar
-Origin: vendor
-Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/713159
-Forwarded: not needed
-Author: Julian Taylor <jtaylor at ubuntu.com>
-Reviewed-by: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
-Last-Update: 2013-11-01
---- a/build.xml
-+++ b/build.xml
-@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/yydebug.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-0.7.1.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-server.jar"/>
-         <metainf dir="${base.dir}/spi">
-           <include name="services/**"/>
-         </metainf>
-@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/yydebug.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-0.7.1.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-server.jar"/>
-         <metainf dir="${base.dir}/spi">
-           <include name="services/**"/>
-         </metainf>
-@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/yydebug.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-0.7.1.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-server.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${local.shared.lib.dir}/yecht.jar"/>
-         <metainf dir="${base.dir}/spi">
-           <include name="services/**"/>
-@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/jffi.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/joda-time.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/yydebug.jar"/>
--        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-0.7.1.jar"/>
-+        <zipfileset src="${build.lib.dir}/nailgun-server.jar"/>
-         <zipfileset src="${local.shared.lib.dir}/yecht.jar"/>
-         <metainf dir="${base.dir}/spi">
-           <include name="services/**"/>
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 875449d..e18eabe 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,12 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/debian/postinst b/debian/postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index 210f0a2..0000000
--- a/debian/postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-set -e
-update-alternatives --remove-all jruby 2> /dev/null || true
-exit 0
diff --git a/debian/preinst b/debian/preinst
deleted file mode 100644
index dfbba69..0000000
--- a/debian/preinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-set -e
-if [ -d /usr/lib/jruby/share/ri/1.8/system ]; then
-  rm -rf /usr/lib/jruby/share/ri/1.8/system
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index b6af033..03a2087 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -1,49 +1,55 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
 include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/ant.mk
-JAVA_HOME            := /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)
-DEB_ANT_CLEAN_TARGET := clean-all
-DEB_ANT_BUILD_TARGET := -Ddev.gems=false -DdocsNotNeeded=true \
-    -Dshared.lib.dir=/usr/share/java test dist-bin
-DEB_JARS             := ant-junit junit4
-UVERSION             := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version: | sed 's/^.*: \(.*\)-\(.*\)$$/\1/')
-# must be set to avoid test failures
-export BUILDING_JRUBY := true
-	$(RM) lib/ruby/site_ruby/shared/yecht.jar debian/stamp-yecht
-	# strange workaround for dpkg-source
-	$(RM) bin/jruby
-	rm -f test/testapp/testapp
-	mh_clean
-pre-build:: debian/stamp-yecht
-	# symlink system yecht-ruby jar into shared directory
-	ln -s /usr/share/java/yecht-ruby.jar lib/ruby/site_ruby/shared/yecht.jar
-	touch $@
-JRUBY_LIB_DIR := $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/lib/jruby
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/maven.mk
+#JAVA_HOME := /usr/lib/jvm/default-java
+# upstream code directly from git repo builds with
+# openjdk-7-jdk, I have to find out how/why
+JAVA_HOME := /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)
+MAVEN_HOME = /usr/share/maven
+DEB_CLASSPATH = $(MAVEN_HOME)/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.x.jar
+		 $(JAVA_OPTS) -Dclassworlds.conf=$(CURDIR)/debian/m2.conf \
+		 org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher \
+		 -s/etc/maven2/settings-debian.xml \
+		 -Dmaven.repo.local=$(DEB_MAVEN_REPO) \
+		 $(if $(DEB_MAVEN_ARGS_$(cdbs_curpkg)),$(DEB_MAVEN_ARGS_$(cdbs_curpkg)),$(DEB_MAVEN_ARGS))
+	@if ! test -x "$(JAVACMD)"; then \
+		echo "You must specify a valid JAVA_HOME or JAVACMD!"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
+	@if ! test -r "$(MAVEN_HOME)/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.x.jar"; then \
+		echo "You must specify a valid MAVEN_HOME directory!"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
+	mkdir -p lib/jni
+	mkdir -p target/package
+	tar zxf ./maven/jruby-dist/target/jruby-dist-1.7.19-bin.tar.gz -C target/package --strip-components=1
+	cd target/package/bin && mv jruby.sh jruby
+	cd target/package/bin && chmod 0755 *
+	rm target/package/lib/ruby/2.0/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/js/jquery.js
-	tar -z -x -f dist/jruby-bin-*.tar.gz --strip 1 -C $(JRUBY_LIB_DIR)
-	# Remove all of the VCS directories
-	find $(JRUBY_LIB_DIR) -name '.svn'  -delete
-	find $(JRUBY_LIB_DIR) -name '.git*' -delete
-	find $(JRUBY_LIB_DIR) -name '*.bat' -delete
-	# remove extra docs
-	# remove libjnidispatch.so, to keep the package 
-	# architecture-independent; will put it in itw own
-	# separate package later on, if need be.
-	$(RM) -r $(JRUBY_LIB_DIR)/lib/native
-	# Remove all empty directories
-	find $(DEB_DESTDIR) -depth -follow -type d -empty -delete
-	mh_installpoms -pjruby
-	mh_installjar -pjruby --java-lib maven/jruby/pom.xml $(JRUBY_LIB_DIR)/lib/jruby.jar
-	rm -f $(DEB_DESTDIR)/usr/share/java/jruby*.jar
-	dh_link usr/share/java/jruby.jar usr/share/java/jruby-$(UVERSION).jar
+	rm -rf debian/jruby/usr/share/maven-repo/*
+	rm debian/jruby/usr/share/java/*
+	mh_installpom -pjruby --no-parent core/pom.xml
+	mh_installjar -pjruby --java-lib  core/pom.xml target/package/lib/jruby.jar
+	-rm -rf                     \
+	bin/jruby                  \
+	core/target/               \
+	lib/jruby.jar              \
+	target/                    \
+	maven/jruby-dist/target/   \
+	maven/jruby-stdlib/target/ \
+	maven/target/              \
+	core/src/main/java/org/jruby/runtime/Constants.java
diff --git a/debian/source.lintian-overrides b/debian/source.lintian-overrides
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f9c61d..0000000
--- a/debian/source.lintian-overrides
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# java and ant are needed to clean
-#jruby source: build-depends-without-arch-dep openjdk-6-jdk | java6-sdk
-#jruby source: build-depends-without-arch-dep ant
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
index a9b1849..c2154cb 100644
--- a/debian/watch
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-# Rename this file to "watch" and then you can run the "uscan" command
-# to check for upstream updates and more.
-# See uscan(1) for format
-http://githubredir.debian.net/github/jruby/jruby .*/(\d.+).tar.gz
+https://github.com/jruby/jruby/releases \
+ /jruby/jruby/archive/([0-9].+)\.tar\.gz 

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/jruby.git

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