Bug#272295: gcFree Assertion at gc-incremental.c:1300 - "Attempt to explicitly free nonfixed object"

Wolfgang Baer Wolfgang Baer <wbaer@gmx.de>, 272295@bugs.debian.org
Sun Feb 13 07:26:04 2005

Barry Hawkins wrote:
> Package: kaffe
> Version: 1.1.4.PRECVS7-1
> Severity: normal
> uname -a:
> Linux case 2.6.10 #1 Tue Dec 28 10:49:53 EST 2004 ppc GNU/Linux
> A javacc task that ran successfully under kaffe-1.1.4.PRECVS6-1 is now
> failing under kaffe-1.1.4.PRECVS7-1.  The kaffe install in question uses
> the pthreads package, not jthreads.  The javacc task is part of the
> build for the lucene source package.  A trimmed transcript of the build
> attempt is attached at the end of the message.

uname -a:
Linux 2.6.10 #1 Mon Jan 24 17:21:44 CET 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

I realized the same error for kaffe-1.1.4.PRECVS7-1 yesterday trying to
build rhino with kaffe/jikes. In my case it happenes due to an recursive
ant call inside the build.xml - when I removed the ant call by replacing
the call with the actuall target xml code it worked.

This is just a workaround but maybe also a hint for finding the
error. To make clear what I meant with recusive ant call this is my
workaround patch for rhino:

--- build.xml.orig	2004-03-25 14:54:36.000000000 +0000
+++ build.xml	2005-02-12 14:15:14.000000000 +0000
@@ -47,8 +47,23 @@

    <target name="compile" depends="init">
-    <ant dir="src" target="compile"/>
-    <ant dir="toolsrc" target="compile"/>
+    <!-- Workaround for the rekursive <ant> invocations
+         which fail with kaffe - not yet clear why -->
+    <!-- build src dir -->
+    <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${classes}"
+      includes="org/**/*.java" deprecation="on" debug="${debug}">
+    </javac>
+    <copy todir="${classes}">
+      <fileset dir="src" includes="org/**/*.properties" />
+    </copy>
+    <!-- build toolsrc dir -->
+    <javac srcdir="toolsrc" destdir="${classes}"
+      includes="org/**/*.java" excludes="**/debugger/*"
+      deprecation="on" debug="${debug}">
+    </javac>
+    <copy todir="${classes}">
+      <fileset dir="toolsrc" includes="org/**/*.properties" />
+    </copy>

    <target name="copy-source" depends="init">

