Bug#398044: closed by Marcus Better <marcus@better.se> (Bug#398044: fixed in tomcat5.5 5.5.20-2)

Jhair Tocancipa Triana jhair.tocancipa at gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 21:28:27 UTC 2006


Debian Bug Tracking System writes:

>    * Fix typo affecting "/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 status" command. Thanks to
>      Jhair Tocancipa Triana. (Closes: #398044)

This is not critical, I just want to have something clear. The last
change done to the package outputs the PID like this:

jtocancipa at golem:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 status
Tomcat servlet engine is running with Java pid /var/lib/tomcat5.5/temp/tomcat5.5.pid

Is there is a reason (security policy, etc.) why we don't display the
PID instead the location of the file containing the PID?

The patch I proposed (see bug report history) displays the PID
itself. IMHO tomcat5.5 status should display the PID, not the location
of the file containing it.


-- Jhair

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