Bug#436406: jakarta-log4j: FTBFS: Cannot locate class java.lang.Object

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net
Tue Aug 7 07:03:43 UTC 2007

Package: jakarta-log4j
version: 1.2.13-5
Severity: serious
User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20070806 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS on i386


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on i386.

Relevant part:
Constructing Javadoc information...
WARNING: Cannot locate class java.lang.Object referenced in class org.apache.log4j.Appender
WARNING: Cannot locate class Thread referenced in class org.apache.log4j.Dispatcher
WARNING: Error while loading class Enumeration
WARNING: Error while loading class MissingResourceException
WARNING: Error while loading class ResourceBundle
WARNING: Error while loading class OutputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class IOException
WARNING: Error while loading class GregorianCalendar
WARNING: Error while loading class File
WARNING: Error while loading class SimpleDateFormat
WARNING: Error while loading class Date
WARNING: Error while loading class Calendar
WARNING: Error while loading class TimeZone
WARNING: Error while loading class Locale
WARNING: Error while loading class Writer
WARNING: Error while loading class FileOutputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class BufferedWriter
WARNING: Error while loading class FileNotFoundException
WARNING: Error while loading class Hashtable
WARNING: Error while loading class Vector
WARNING: Error while loading class ObjectInputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class ObjectOutputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class ObjectStreamException
WARNING: Error while loading class Serializable
WARNING: Error while loading class URL
WARNING: Error while loading class MalformedURLException
WARNING: Error while loading class Stack
WARNING: Error while loading class Properties
WARNING: Error while loading class FileInputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class StringTokenizer
WARNING: Error while loading class OutputStreamWriter
WARNING: Error while loading class JPanel
WARNING: Error while loading class GridBagConstraints
WARNING: Error while loading class GridBagLayout
WARNING: Error while loading class ActionEvent
WARNING: Error while loading class ActionListener
WARNING: Error while loading class BorderFactory
WARNING: Error while loading class JButton
WARNING: Error while loading class JComboBox
WARNING: Error while loading class JLabel
WARNING: Error while loading class JTextField
WARNING: Error while loading class DocumentEvent
WARNING: Error while loading class DocumentListener
WARNING: Error while loading class BorderLayout
WARNING: Error while loading class MessageFormat
WARNING: Error while loading class JEditorPane
WARNING: Error while loading class JScrollPane
WARNING: Error while loading class JTable
WARNING: Error while loading class ListSelectionModel
WARNING: Error while loading class ListSelectionEvent
WARNING: Error while loading class ListSelectionListener
WARNING: Error while loading class AbstractAction
WARNING: Error while loading class StringReader
WARNING: Error while loading class JFileChooser
WARNING: Error while loading class JFrame
WARNING: Error while loading class JOptionPane
WARNING: Error while loading class ParserConfigurationException
WARNING: Error while loading class SAXParserFactory
WARNING: Error while loading class InputSource
WARNING: Error while loading class SAXException
WARNING: Error while loading class XMLReader
WARNING: Error while loading class EOFException
WARNING: Error while loading class ServerSocket
WARNING: Error while loading class Socket
WARNING: Error while loading class SocketException
WARNING: Error while loading class Dimension
WARNING: Error while loading class WindowAdapter
WARNING: Error while loading class WindowEvent
WARNING: Error while loading class JMenu
WARNING: Error while loading class JMenuBar
WARNING: Error while loading class JMenuItem
WARNING: Error while loading class JSplitPane
WARNING: Error while loading class DateFormat
WARNING: Error while loading class ArrayList
WARNING: Error while loading class Comparator
WARNING: Error while loading class Iterator
WARNING: Error while loading class List
WARNING: Error while loading class SortedSet
WARNING: Error while loading class TreeSet
WARNING: Error while loading class AbstractTableModel
WARNING: Error while loading class DefaultHandler
WARNING: Error while loading class Attributes
WARNING: Error while loading class Introspector
WARNING: Error while loading class PropertyDescriptor
WARNING: Error while loading class BeanInfo
WARNING: Error while loading class IntrospectionException
WARNING: Cannot locate class Exception referenced in class org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetterException
WARNING: Error while loading class FieldPosition
WARNING: Error while loading class ParsePosition
WARNING: Error while loading class DateFormatSymbols
WARNING: Error while loading class IllegalAccessException
WARNING: Error while loading class Method
WARNING: Error while loading class InvocationTargetException
WARNING: Error while loading class NoSuchElementException
WARNING: Error while loading class FilterWriter
WARNING: Error while loading class DatagramSocket
WARNING: Error while loading class InetAddress
WARNING: Error while loading class DatagramPacket
WARNING: Error while loading class UnknownHostException
WARNING: Cannot locate class InheritableThreadLocal referenced in class org.apache.log4j.helpers.ThreadLocalMap
WARNING: Error while loading class DriverManager
WARNING: Error while loading class Connection
WARNING: Error while loading class Statement
WARNING: Error while loading class SQLException
WARNING: Error while loading class Session
WARNING: Error while loading class Transport
WARNING: Error while loading class Message
WARNING: Error while loading class MessagingException
WARNING: Error while loading class MimeMessage
WARNING: Error while loading class Multipart
WARNING: Error while loading class MimeMultipart
WARNING: Error while loading class MimeBodyPart
WARNING: Error while loading class InternetAddress
WARNING: Error while loading class AddressException
WARNING: Error while loading class InterruptedIOException
WARNING: Error while loading class BufferedInputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class InputStreamReader
WARNING: Error while loading class StringWriter
WARNING: Error while loading class PrintWriter
WARNING: Error while loading class DataInputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class DataOutputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class InputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class Reader
WARNING: Error while loading class DocumentBuilderFactory
WARNING: Error while loading class DocumentBuilder
WARNING: Error while loading class FactoryConfigurationError
WARNING: Error while loading class ByteArrayOutputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class ByteArrayInputStream
WARNING: Error while loading class EntityResolver
WARNING: Error while loading class ErrorHandler
WARNING: Error while loading class SAXParseException
Resolving references in comments...
Resolving references in classes...
Resolving references in packages...
Resolving references in class comments...
Resolving references in package comments...
Running doclet...
WARNING: Option -validhtml hasn't been specified. Generated HTML will not validate.
Building cross-reference information...
Writing overview files...
Writing full tree...
Writing index...
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
*** Got java.lang.NullPointerException while trying to print stack trace.
make: *** [build-stamp] Error 1

The full build log is available from

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on about 50 AMD64 nodes
of the Grid'5000 platform, using a clean chroot containing a sid i386
environment.  Internet was not accessible from the build systems.

| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas at nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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