ITP: xsddoc a XML Schema documentation generator for W3C XML Schemas.

Bastien ROUCARIES roucaries.bastien+qucs at
Tue Nov 13 22:52:23 UTC 2007

Package: wnpp
Tag: ITP

According to the web site (

The xsddoc subproject of xframe is an Open Source documentation tool for W3C 
XML Schema based on XSLT and XalanJ. With xsddoc you can generate 
documentation of your XML Schema in a JavaDoc like visualisation.

Licence is LGPL. It could be integrated with ant.

I do not try to package it and to built from source, but it seems to be easy.
Nevertheless I will apreciate the help of pkg-java-maintenainers list.

I am not a debian developper, but I am volonteer to maintain this package.


                                              roucaries.bastien+qucs at
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