tomcat5.5 5.5.20-3 in stable?

Arnaud Fontaine arnaud at
Thu Nov 22 12:24:21 UTC 2007

>>>>> "Adeodato" == Adeodato Simó <dato at> writes:


Thanks for your answer.

    Adeodato> If you  can verify #401713 happens in  stable, you'll want
    Adeodato> to talk to its  maintainers so that they prepare an upload
    Adeodato> to  s-p-u containing  only that fix,  and send  a proposed
    Adeodato> debdiff to this list for approval and later upload.

Actually, the  users I put in  Cc has had  this bug in stable.  I should
have mentioned that in the previous mail... ;)

Arnaud Fontaine

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