Bug#501533: eclipse: [ia64] native compilation ICEs seem to no longer occur

dann frazier dannf at hp.com
Wed Oct 8 07:29:42 UTC 2008

Package: eclipse
Version: 3.2.2-6
Severity: normal

I noticed this in the changelog entry for version 3.2.2-0ubuntu2:

  * On ia64, skip some jar files for native compilation to avoid ICEs.

This code in debian/rules seems to correspond with that change:

          if [ $(DEB_HOST_ARCH) = ia64 ]; then \
            case "$$jar" in \
              *jsch*) continue;; \
              *org.eclipse.osgi*) continue;; \
            esac; \
          fi; \

While debugging other issues, I tried reverting this patch. The ia64 build
succeeded w/o any resulting ICEs. I'm guessing that whatever the issue was
has gone away in the 18 months since that release.

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