freemind_0.9.0~rc1-2_amd64.changes REJECTED

Eric Lavarde deb at
Sun Apr 5 14:35:33 UTC 2009


Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> Hi.
> Still some issues with the copyright file:
>  * The GNU Classpath extension is mentioned but not included
>    in the copyright file.
Shoot! Right...

>  * Some of the file you mention as copyright unknown have
>    license statements in separate files: e.g.
>    freemind/plugins/latex/Readme.txt for
Despite the name, the Java file only refers to the HotEqn library but 
doesn't belong to it. I've removed the hoteqn jar file from the sources 
but not the license file. I deactivated anyway the whole Latex plugin.

>  * There is also 
>    freemind/plugins/script/groovy-all-1.5.6-LICENSE.txt which
>    presumably belongs to some file, but I can't see which
Same story: I've removed the jar file but not the license file. Groovy 
is part of Debian. is right now down (Alioth as well), and I won't be able 
to re-upload the stuff before my holiday, would it be possible to let it 
through given my explanations and the promise to correct those glitches 
with the next upload (I attach the already corrected copyright file - I 
have nothing against an NMU BTW)?

The changelog would read:
   * Add Classpath exception statement and hint about orphan license files
     to copyright file (ftpmaster request).

Thanks, Eric

> Gruesse,
> 	Frank
> ===
> Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why
> your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our
> concerns.
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