Bug#771537: freeplane: should relax to depend on default-jre | java-runtime

Felix Natter fnatter at gmx.net
Tue Dec 2 19:29:52 UTC 2014

hello Jonas, hello Tony,

Thanks for reporting. I am the maintainer of freeplane, simplyhtml,
libidw-java and jmapviewer.

I would like to fix this in jessie+1 because it's not a critical bug
and (as you stated) it would require unblocking freeplane, simplyhtml
and jmapviewer [1].

Furthermore, the freeplane wiki page which refers to Java1.6 may not be
up-to-date, as most devs use Java7 or Java8 and might accidentally have
committed code for Java >= 7.

[1] libidw-java is not affected since it uses:
  Depends: ${java:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
and because it includes no executable jars, there is no dependency
to a JRE (from /usr/share/doc/javahelper/tutorial.txt.gz).

Cheers and Best Regards,
Felix Natter

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