Bug#728380: jetty8: Missing files

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg at apache.org
Tue Jul 29 17:09:13 UTC 2014

Hi Mauro,

Thank you for your feedback on the jetty8 package.

Le 31/10/2013 14:34, Mauro Molinari a écrit :

> First of all, the official Jetty documentation talks about a context deployer which monitors the ${jetty.home}/contexts directory to hot deploy webapps configured using appropriate xml files. The jetty8 Debian package provides such a directory in etc/jetty8/contexts, also providing an example javadoc.xml file which should allow to deploy the Jetty javadoc provided by libjetty8-java-doc package. However, there's no jetty-*.xml file in /etc/jetty8 which configures the ContextDeployer (or rather the ContextProvider, see below).
> The provided file /etc/jetty8/contexts/README.TXT says that the ContextDeployer is configured in jetty.xml configuration file, but if you look at the contents of this file you'll see this is not the case. Also, if you start jetty8 with all the default contents, a welcome page is displayed which points to the javadoc, but this link does not work at all (even if you install libjetty8-java-doc) because the ContextDeployer is not actually configured.
> /etc/jetty8/jetty-plus.xml also says ContextDeployer is configured in jetty.xml.
> /ety/jetty8/jetty-shared-webapps.xml configures just the WebAppDeployer, although a comment says: "see ContextDeployer above"... but it's not there, either.

As I understand jetty-contexts.xml is missing from /etc/jetty8, this is
the configuration file defining the ContextProvider.

> Another little error I saw is again in /etc/jetty8/jetty-shared-webapps.xml: the starting comment says that it configures Jetty to deploy webapps in /usr/share/java/webapps, but it should actually say /usr/share/jetty8/webapps.

This is fixed in the next update.

> Lastly, the libsetuid.so for Jetty 8 is missing, because there isn't any package corresponding to libjetty-extra used for Jetty 6.

According to the Jetty documentation jetty-setuid isn't part of the
Jetty 8 distribution from Eclipse (it was part of the Hightide
distribution from Codehaus and is now bundled with Jetty 9). This is an
independent project that should be packaged separately [1].

Alternatively, it should be possible to achieve the same feature with
authbind. It's already used by the tomcat package and works well.

Emmanuel Bourg

[1] http://git.eclipse.org/c/jetty/org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain.git/

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