Bug#764988: javahelper: please insert jh_installlibs after dh_link instead of before dh_compress

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg at apache.org
Sun Oct 12 21:20:44 UTC 2014

Le 12/10/2014 22:14, Andrew Ayer a écrit :

>  * Sets the timestamp of every Zip entry to January 1, 1980 (the
>    earliest date that can be represented in a Zip archive).

Would it be possible to set the timestamp to the release date in
debian/changelog instead please? Sometimes when debugging tricky issues
I have found useful to know the build time of a jar.

Note that some java packages also produces jar files with the .war and
.hpi extension, you may want to extend your processing to them.

>  * Lexicographically sorts the Zip entries by filename, while keeping
>    META-INF/ and META-INF/MANIFEST.MF at the beginning.


Regarding the MANIFEST.MF file, you may want to remove the
Bnd-LastModified field (another timestamp) and the Built-By field (it
contains the system username).

>  * Removes the timestamp comment from Javadoc-generated .html files
>    in the Jar file.

I was planning to add the -notimestamp option to the javadoc calls, but
this solution is fine. I just hope it doesn't slow the build too much.

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