Bug#782635: tomcat8-admin: Default upload limit for manager app too small with no way to override

Dominic Hargreaves dom at earth.li
Sat Apr 18 20:16:42 UTC 2015

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 11:10:45PM +0200, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> Le 15/04/2015 16:05, Dominic Hargreaves a écrit :
> > Here's a useful response from someone on the tomcat-users list, who seems
> > to agree that this is something that should be changed at the Debian side.
> Here is the link for the reference:
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/tomcat-users/201504.mbox/%3C552E688C.6080600%40apache.org%3E
> As I understand, the web.xml file of the manager application should be
> moved to /etc/tomcat8, symlinked to
> /usr/share/tomcat8-admin/manager/WEB-INF. Do you think you could provide
> a patch implementing this change?

There are some other suggestions which are probably better than moving
the whole of web.xml?

"One option would be for Debian to use external entities for the
configurable elements and place the file that defines those entities
somewhere where users can edit it."

"Another option (I think) is to use the property replacement feature. I.e.
${property.name} in web.xml and property.name=foo in catalina.properties

The only question is if this works in web.xml which I don't recall and I don't
have easy access to the source to check. If it doesn't work we should be able to
fix that easily."


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