Bug#834682: mina2: FTBFS in testing (failing tests)

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Wed Sep 7 23:57:34 UTC 2016

On Wed, 7 Sep 2016, Markus Koschany wrote:

> I am attaching two build logs (cowbuilder and sbuild) that show no
> issues at all. The build succeeds.

Thanks a lot for trying to reproduce this.

There are still a lot of differences, we should better remove them all,
until our building environments are the same. Then it should fail
for you too (hopefully).

Would you please add this to the mix?:

* Use a stretch chroot (as reported).

* Build only arch-independent packages (as reported).
  This is the equivalent to "dpkg-buildpackage -A".
  In sbuild it's done with options "--arch-all --no-arch-any".

* The chroot should be as small as possible. Well, I don't do exactly
  that because most packages build-depend on debhelper, and I want
  to save disk I/O so I have debhelper by default, but on the other side
  I don't have gnupg installed.
  To simplify: Would you please install the packages in
  package-list.txt (attached) and only those?
[ This is of course only the starting point, sbuild should then
  automatically download and install the required packages ].

* I'm also using --resolve-alternatives option of sbuild. Don't know if
  it's relevant but we should try to minimize differences. There is at
  least one package that FTBFS if I didn't use this option, which is
  otherwise the default (AFAIK) in the official buildds.

* Build with only one CPU. This is achieved by putting this in .sbuildrc:

$ENV{'DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS'} = 'parallel=1';

* Finally, I'm building on machines with not a lot of memory, because
  monitoring /proc/meminfo tells me that I don't need more for this
  particular package (but maybe I'm wrong).
  Please try on a virtual machine having only 1GB RAM and 1 GB swap.

If you do all this, the probability that you will reproduce the bug
may only increase (but of course it may also continue to be zero).
In either case, we should try.

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