[pkg-jboss-maintainer] prelimenary jboss packages

Philipp Hug debian@hug.cx
Fri, 18 Jun 2004 13:16:17 +0200

> but for whatever reason it doesn't show up. Is this because I'm not a
> project admin or is CVSROOT updated asynchronously? Philipp, could you
> have a look?
you have to modify the files in CVSROOT via cvs, you cannot edit them on the
server directly ;-)

> I have a rather big patch here that handles the file deletions between
> RC1 and final, which I'll commit after the above change shows up in CVS
> since it replaces a .jar that was modified by the import back to it's
> original version.
actually, I should merge the changes between rc1 and final into HEAD, I didn't
do that yet..
