libslang2: intention of dh_makeshlibs -V

Jörg Sommer joerg at
Fri May 26 16:43:03 UTC 2006

Hi Alastair,

you decrease the build dependency of libslang2 in the rules file to
2.0.1-1. Why? _slang_install_prefix was set wrong before 2.0.6-1 which
causes problems in jed. Therefor jed needs at least the version 2.0.6-1
of libslang2, but you set a lower version number. The question is why you
do this?

See at [1] the thread "jed: slsh load path settings".

Bye, Jörg.


PS: Please reply to the jed list.
- StGB §§ 328 Absatz 2, Nr.3 : Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu
fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer eine
nukleare Explosion verursacht.
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