[SCM] Debian Qt/KDE packaging tools branch, improved-gensymbols, updated. debian/0.5.3-25-gf1ba9e5

Modestas Vainius modax at alioth.debian.org
Sun Jan 17 14:39:55 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the improved-gensymbols branch:
commit 7c685c247d8278182c8cd063b6b617873e3dbf06
Author: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Date:   Sun Jan 17 16:05:17 2010 +0200

    Get rid of basic pkgkde-symbolshelper version.
 Makefile                                 |    2 +-
 debian/changelog                         |    2 +
 symbolshelper/pkgkde-symbolshelper-basic |  284 ------------------------------
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 285 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index d875895..4a614bc 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ install:
 	# symbolshelper
 	cd $(SYMBOLSHELPER_DIR) && find Debian -type f -name "*.pm" -exec \
 	    install -D -m 0644 {} $(DESTDIR)/$(PERLLIBDIR)/{} \;
-	install -m 0755 $(SYMBOLSHELPER_DIR)/pkgkde-symbolshelper-basic $(BINDIR)/pkgkde-symbolshelper
+	install -m 0755 $(SYMBOLSHELPER_DIR)/pkgkde-symbolshelper $(BINDIR)/pkgkde-symbolshelper
 	install -m 0755 $(SYMBOLSHELPER_DIR)/dh_pkgkde-symbolshelper $(DATADIR)
 	ln -sf /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/dh_pkgkde-symbolshelper $(BINDIR)/dh_pkgkde-symbolshelper_symbolfile
 	ln -sf /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/dh_pkgkde-symbolshelper $(BINDIR)/dh_pkgkde-symbolshelper_clean
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 357d84d..0493bfd 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ pkg-kde-tools (0.6.0~pre2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Use my @debian.org address in the Uploaders field.
   * Make cdbs/symbolshelper.mk add /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/bin to $PATH.
   * Add pkgkde-symbolshelper addon.
+  * Port pkgkde-symbolshelper to the latest dpkg-dev symbols API.
+    Most subcomands as of 0.4.0 are supported, some are no longer needed.
  -- Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>  Sun, 06 Dec 2009 22:06:01 +0200
diff --git a/symbolshelper/pkgkde-symbolshelper-basic b/symbolshelper/pkgkde-symbolshelper-basic
deleted file mode 100755
index edb2833..0000000
--- a/symbolshelper/pkgkde-symbolshelper-basic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Spec;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Dpkg::Arch qw(get_host_arch);
-use Debian::PkgKde::SymHelper qw(info error warning);
-use Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile;
-my $handlers;
-######## Option processing ##################
-my $opt_out;
-my $opt_in;
-my $opt_package;
-my $opt_arch = get_host_arch();
-my $opt_version;
-sub verify_opt_in {
-    my ($opt, $input) = @_;
-    error("input file ($input) does not exit") unless (-f $input);
-    $opt_in = $input;
-sub get_common_options {
-    my $args = shift;
-    my (%args, %res);
-    map { $args{$_} = 1 } split(//, $args);
-    $res{"output|o=s"} = \$opt_out if ($args{o});
-    $res{"input|i=s"} = \&verify_opt_in if ($args{i});
-    $res{"package|p=s"} = \$opt_package if ($args{p});
-    $res{"architecture|a=s"} = \&verify_opt_arch if ($args{a});
-    $res{"version|v:s"} = \$opt_version if ($args{v});
-    return %res;
-sub check_mandatory_options {
-    my $args = shift;
-    my $msg = shift;
-    my %args;
-    $msg = "" if (!defined $msg);
-    map { $args{$_} = 1 } split(//, $args);
-    error("input file option (-i) is mandatory $msg") if (!$opt_in && $args{i});
-    error("output file option (-o) is mandatory $msg") if (!$opt_out && $args{o});
-    error("package name option (-p) is mandatory $msg") if (!$opt_package && $args{p});
-    error("architecture option (-a) is mandatory $msg") if (!$opt_arch && $args{a});
-    error("version option (-v) is mandatory $msg") if (!$opt_version && $args{v});
-    while (@_) {
-        my $val = shift;
-        my $msg = shift;
-        error($msg) if (!$val);
-    }
-    return 1;
-############### Common subroutines #################
-sub find_package_symbolfile_path {
-    my ($package, $arch) = @_;
-    my @PATHS = (
-        "debian/$package.symbols.$arch",
-        "debian/symbols.$arch",
-        "debian/$package.symbols",
-        "debian/symbols"
-    );
-    for my $path (@PATHS) {
-        return $path if (-f $path);
-    }
-    return undef;
-sub out_symfile {
-    my $symfile = shift;
-    return 1 unless $symfile;
-    if ($opt_out) {
-        $symfile->save($opt_out, with_deprecated => 1, template_mode => 1);
-    } else {
-        $symfile->dump(*STDOUT, with_deprecated => 1, template_mode => 1);
-    }
-    return 0;
-############### SUBSTS ####################
-my $arches64bit = qr/amd64|ia64|alpha/;
-    'ssize_t' => \&subst_ssize_t,
-    'size_t' => \&subst_size_t,
-    'int64_t' => \&subst_int64_t,
-    'uint64_t' => \&subst_uint64_t,
-    'qreal' => \&subst_qreal,
-    'vt' => \&subst_vt,
-sub expand_substitutions {
-    my $symbol = shift;
-    my %substs;
-    # Collect substitutions in the symbol name
-    while ($symbol =~ /\{(([^}:]+)(?::([^}]+))?)\}/g) {
-        my $subst = $1;
-        my $name = $2;
-        my $val = $3;
-        unless (exists $substs{$name}) {
-            my $subroutine = $SUBSTITUTIONS{$name};
-            if (defined $subroutine) {
-                $substs{$subst} = &$subroutine($name, $val, @_);
-                if (!defined $substs{$subst}) {
-                    error(_g("%s: unable to process symbol substitution '%s'"), $symbol, $subst);
-                }
-            } # If not defined, silently ignore.
-        }
-    }
-    # Expand substitutions
-    for my $subst (keys %substs) {
-        $symbol =~ s/\Q{$subst}\E/$substs{$subst}/g;
-    }
-    return $symbol;
-# Mangling of C++ type ssize_t:
-# - long (l) on amd64, ia64, alpha, s390
-# - int (i) on others
-sub subst_ssize_t {
-    my ($name, $val, %opts) = @_;
-    return undef unless exists $opts{arch};
-    return ($opts{arch} =~ /amd64|ia64|alpha|s390/) ? 'l' : 'i';
-# Mangling of C++ type size_t:
-# - unsigned long (m) on amd64, ia64, alpha, s390
-# - unsigned int (j) on others
-sub subst_size_t {
-    my ($name, $val, %opts) = @_;
-    return undef unless exists $opts{arch};
-    return ($opts{arch} =~ /amd64|ia64|alpha|s390/) ? 'm' : 'j';
-# Mangling of C++ type int64_t:
-# - long (l) on 64bit arches
-# - long long (x) on others (32bit arches)
-sub subst_int64_t {
-    my ($name, $val, %opts) = @_;
-    return undef unless exists $opts{arch};
-    return ($opts{arch} =~ $arches64bit) ? 'l' : 'x';
-# Mangling of C++ type uint64_t:
-# - unsigned long (m) on 64bit arches
-# - unsgined long long (y) on others (32bit arches)
-sub subst_uint64_t {
-    my ($name, $val, %opts) = @_;
-    return undef unless exists $opts{arch};
-    return ($opts{arch} =~ $arches64bit) ? 'm' : 'y';
-# Mangling of C++ type qreal:
-# - float (f) on arm(el)
-# - double (d) on others
-sub subst_qreal {
-    my ($name, $val, %opts) = @_;
-    return undef unless exists $opts{arch};
-    return ($opts{arch} =~ /arm/) ? 'f' : 'd';
-# C++ virtual table offsets:
-# - multiply value by 2 on 64bit arches
-# - leave unchanged on 32bit arches
-sub subst_vt {
-    my ($name, $val, %opts) = @_;
-    return undef unless exists $opts{arch} &&
-           defined $val && $val =~ /^\d+$/;
-    $val *= ($opts{arch} =~ $arches64bit) ? 2 : 1;
-    return "$val";
-############### Subcommands ####################
-sub subcommand_create {
-    info('NOT IMPLEMENTED');
-    return 1;
-sub subcommand_symbolfile {
-    my %opts = (
-        get_common_options("oipa"),
-    );
-    if (GetOptions(%opts)) {
-        check_mandatory_options("i", "when package (-p) is not specified") unless ($opt_package);
-        unless ($opt_in) {
-            $opt_in = "debian/$opt_package.symbols.in";
-            error("symbol template file '$opt_in' was not found for package '$opt_package'") unless (-r $opt_in);
-        }
-        # Simple symbol replacement
-        my $symfile = Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile->new(file => $opt_in);
-        for my $soname (keys %{$symfile->{objects}}) {
-            my $obj = $symfile->{objects}{$soname};
-            my $syms = $obj->{syms};
-            for my $name (keys %$syms) {
-                my $sym = $syms->{$name};
-                my $newname = expand_substitutions($sym->get_symbolname(), arch => $opt_arch);
-                $sym->{symbol} = $newname;
-            }
-        }
-        return out_symfile($symfile);
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub subcommand_patch {
-    info('Sorry, NOT IMPLEMENTED');
-    return 1;
-sub subcommand_postgensymbols {
-    my ($infile, $outfile);
-    # We can live without that
-    return 0;
-sub subcommand_resort {
-    info('Sorry, NOT IMPLEMENTED');
-    return 1;
-# Boilerplate for the common subcommand handler
-sub subcommand_boilerplate {
-    my %opts = (
-        get_common_options("oipav"),
-    );
-    if (GetOptions(%opts)) {
-#        check_mandatory_options("o");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-    "create"            => [ 1, \&subcommand_create, "create symbol file template (NOT IMPLEMENTED)" ],
-    "symbolfile"        => [ 2, \&subcommand_symbolfile, "generate symbol file from the template" ],
-    "patch"             => [ 3, \&subcommand_patch, "apply dpkg-gensymbols patch to the symbol file template (NOT IMPLEMENTED)" ],
-    "postgensymbols"    => [ 4, \&subcommand_postgensymbols, "post-process symbols file after dpkg-gensymbols (SKIP)" ],
-    "resort"            => [ 5, \&subcommand_resort, "resort symbol file (NOT IMPLEMENTED)" ],
-my $curcmd = shift @ARGV;
-if (defined $curcmd && exists $SUBCOMMANDS{$curcmd}) {
-    my $ret = &{$SUBCOMMANDS{$curcmd}->[1]}();
-    exit($ret);
-} else {
-    my $err;
-    $err = ($curcmd) ? "unrecognized subcommand '$curcmd'." : "subcommand was not specified.";
-    info($err . " Valid subcommands are:\n");
-    for my $cmd (sort({ $SUBCOMMANDS{$a}->[0] <=> $SUBCOMMANDS{$b}->[0] }
-                 keys %SUBCOMMANDS)) {
-        # Display command and its short help
-        info("  $cmd - " . $SUBCOMMANDS{$cmd}->[2] . "\n");
-    }
-    exit(2);

Debian Qt/KDE packaging tools

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