[SCM] pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org website branch, master, updated. 89697a775d174a7b82bda8ccadc760dc19646c84

Eshat Cakar eshat-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Jun 5 14:37:35 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 216a3cc705427104bef7ee91e9d8d0874238365f
Author: Eshat Cakar <info at eshat.de>
Date:   Sat Jun 4 19:42:25 2011 +0200

    less is more:
    - removed IMO useless top navigation
    - remove konqui.jpg from index
    - make icons in sidebar smaller and do not repeat "KDE" too often
    - remove KDE overview at Startpage
    content changes:
    - make rss feed work when links are in news entry
    - mention anonscm at pkg-kde-commits
    - add Link to Startpage at left navigation
    - remove oldstable/KDE3 content
    design changes:
    - new Debian-KDE Logo, thanks to Eugene Trounev
    - smaller KDE Logos in left navigation
    - colorize background of page/header/footer
    and many small improvements, that I don't remeber
 genrss.sh                      |    2 +-
 images/background.gif          |  Bin 677 -> 321 bytes
 images/kde3_32.png             |  Bin 0 -> 2478 bytes
 images/kde4_32.png             |  Bin 0 -> 2666 bytes
 images/kde_at_debian_clean.svg |  130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 images/kdedebianlogo2.png      |  Bin 0 -> 56626 bytes
 images/kdedebianlogo2_64.png   |  Bin 0 -> 7811 bytes
 images/kdedebianlogo3_64.png   |  Bin 0 -> 3667 bytes
 pages/bottom                   |   32 +++-------
 pages/index                    |   52 ++--------------
 pages/join                     |    2 +-
 pages/kde3                     |   37 -----------
 pages/kde4                     |    2 -
 pages/metapackages-kde3        |   41 -------------
 pages/style.css                |   47 ++++++++-------
 pages/top                      |    5 +-
 16 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

diff --git a/genrss.sh b/genrss.sh
index 3ee0c48..58c66e4 100644
--- a/genrss.sh
+++ b/genrss.sh
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ cat <<__EOHEAD__
-tail -n +${NEWS_START} ${FILE} | head -n +${NEWS_END} | sed 's,<p>,<item>,g;s,</p>,</description></item>,g;s,<strong>,<title>,g;s,</strong>,</title>,g;s,<br />,<link>http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/</link><description>,g'
+tail -n +${NEWS_START} ${FILE} | head -n +${NEWS_END} | sed  's/<a[^>]*>//g' | sed 's/<\/a[^>]*>//g' | sed 's,<p>,<item>,g;s,</p>,</description></item>,g;s,<strong>,<title>,g;s,</strong>,</title>,g;s,<br />,<link>http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/</link><description>,g'
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Binary files a/images/background.gif and b/images/background.gif differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e96042
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kde3_32.png differ
diff --git a/images/kde4_32.png b/images/kde4_32.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b16956e
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kde4_32.png differ
diff --git a/images/kde_at_debian_clean.svg b/images/kde_at_debian_clean.svg
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45.434648 85.46875 41.75 C 85.840758 41.186588 86.046622 41.482005 86.0625 42.25 C 86.02053 41.566338 85.936527 40.904859 86.0625 39.84375 C 86.366674 40.641342 86.763951 41.470838 86.96875 42.3125 C 86.254979 39.533459 87.70475 37.646308 88.0625 36.03125 C 87.709935 35.874843 86.952348 37.251578 86.78125 33.96875 C 86.80631 32.542936 87.200304 33.225837 87.34375 32.875 C 87.063772 32.714272 86.321755 31.627628 85.875 29.53125 C 86.199049 29.038696 86.746794 30.802413 87.1875 30.875 C 86.904066 29.208094 86.394875 27.935162 86.375 26.65625 C 85.087447 23.965351 85.919733 27.013955 84.875 25.5 C 83.504491 21.225151 86.018131 24.505063 86.1875 22.5625 C 88.264867 25.572263 89.456463 30.255306 90 32.1875 C 89.585218 29.831883 88.912081 27.520351 88.09375 25.3125 C 88.724565 25.577788 87.069975 20.48934 88.90625 23.875 C 88.347715 21.819985 87.416172 19.813238 86.25 17.90625 L 89.03125 14.5625 C 89.509458 13.743538 89.500792 12.542936 88.71875 11.90625 C 86.773723 11.109127 84.656034 11.016809 82.65625 10.40625 C 81.292501 10.054493 79.926939 9.6928694 78.5625 9.34375 C 77.255481 8.3282261 75.901334 7.4491344 74.59375 6.75 C 75.317891 7.4127874 76.234619 8.2445164 75.90625 8.375 C 72.963025 6.6225453 73.484195 6.490559 73.0625 5.75 C 70.66454 4.7743977 70.52577 5.8269075 68.9375 5.75 C 64.418102 3.3529046 63.534056 3.5956072 59.375 2.09375 L 59.5625 2.96875 C 56.568291 1.9715445 56.079915 3.3437822 52.84375 2.96875 C 52.646728 2.8149349 53.859648 2.4290162 54.875 2.28125 C 51.980166 2.6631953 52.145117 1.6992507 49.3125 2.375 C 50.010717 1.8850385 50.72387 1.5727604 51.46875 1.15625 z M 54.875 2.28125 L 55.4375 2.21875 L 55.46875 2.15625 L 54.875 2.28125 z M 55.46875 2.15625 C 56.375222 1.9575002 56.580307 1.7661358 53.8125 1.6875 C 54.6412 1.8361303 55.603554 1.9583643 55.46875 2.15625 z M 86.0625 42.25 C 86.07838 43.017995 85.894907 44.235056 85.5 45.53125 C 86.105736 43.941432 86.114379 43.095173 86.0625 42.25 z M 12.03125 7.03125 C 11.952805 7.0299321 11.860311 7.0414503 11.78125 7.0625 C 10.482789 8.4253842 9.6287524 10.12062 8.5625 11.65625 C 7.6361855 13.101732 6.6870314 14.532497 5.65625 15.90625 C 5.2380608 16.819205 5.4403801 17.996792 6.25 18.625 C 7.752419 20.076362 9.4256391 21.367788 10.90625 22.84375 C 11.904702 23.83519 13.014609 24.749825 13.65625 26.03125 C 14.26647 26.962238 14.138175 28.130038 14.5625 29.125 C 14.624587 29.213443 14.681408 29.254189 14.75 29.28125 C 14.6884 29.828676 14.862493 30.235995 14.78125 30.90625 C 15.010745 30.201867 15.148182 29.622153 15.25 29.125 C 15.252358 29.113486 15.278931 29.105186 15.28125 29.09375 C 15.5053 28.862946 15.672397 28.506191 15.71875 28.28125 C 16.018862 27.312395 16.673477 26.510459 17.03125 25.5625 C 18.091997 23.303638 18.938462 20.924085 20.34375 18.84375 C 21.115188 17.667769 21.921677 16.518799 22.78125 15.40625 C 23.387163 14.538948 24.25112 13.806733 24.6875 12.84375 C 24.923125 11.932917 24.147937 11.032483 23.25 10.9375 C 21.883384 10.597982 20.469285 10.355411 19.1875 9.75 C 17.034102 8.878352 14.892561 7.9764522 12.71875 7.15625 C 12.485763 7.1224167 12.266586 7.0352038 12.03125 7.03125 z M 68.71875 8.875 L 81.34375 11.78125 L 86.21875 12.90625 L 78.25 23.1875 L 63.625 41.96875 L 67.09375 46.75 L 67.28125 47 L 67.4375 47.21875 L 67.59375 47.4375 L 72.9375 54.78125 C 72.337183 55.230491 71.815628 55.572457 71.5 55.65625 C 70.685126 55.6381 72.039875 54.682347 72.21875 54.3125 C 69.923622 55.888672 70.385094 56.667544 66.875 57.625 L 66.78125 57.40625 C 62.571866 59.386569 57.581172 58.484079 53.5625 55.78125 L 47 46.1875 L 47 47.3125 L 47 53.3125 L 47 56.0625 L 47 56.28125 L 46.59375 56.28125 C 46.720654 56.420755 46.867008 56.550656 47 56.6875 L 47 75.09375 L 31.90625 77.34375 C 31.520259 76.829672 31.127046 76.266153 30.6875 75.65625 L 30.6875 20.53125 C 32.740175 18.798057 34.792726 17.54561 36.1875 17.71875 C 37.88033 15.592127 35.830962 17.72325 35.5 17.1875 C 39.218349 13.339531 40.396818 14.473418 42.90625 13.78125 C 45.612704 12.174833 40.591768 14.395412 41.875 13.15625 C 44.972011 12.365122 45.439353 11.432693 47.15625 10.71875 L 47.03125 32.59375 L 47.03125 32.625 L 47 36.21875 L 47 36.25 L 47 37.9375 L 53.09375 29.75 C 53.246031 29.673668 53.406349 29.601477 53.5625 29.53125 C 58.61593 27.029595 64.567661 28.063938 68.1875 31.4375 C 66.199138 28.833014 62.221745 26.054125 57.53125 26.3125 C 56.856975 26.323153 56.184103 26.406378 55.53125 26.53125 L 66.59375 11.71875 L 68.71875 8.875 z M 56.375 9.6875 C 59.391372 9.7361627 62.678504 10.30819 65.46875 11.3125 L 52.6875 27.4375 C 51.454324 27.996451 50.330456 28.723098 49.40625 29.5625 L 50.09375 10 C 50.474208 9.944608 50.821804 9.8894149 51.28125 9.84375 C 51.56682 10.006276 51.270294 10.143755 50.84375 10.28125 C 52.403492 9.8531813 54.318886 9.654329 56.375 9.6875 z M 30.6875 9.75 L 30.8125 9.75 C 30.768539 9.7907057 30.732443 9.8336979 30.6875 9.875 L 30.6875 9.75 z M 29.25 21.8125 L 27.9375 69.3125 C 26.811099 67.706044 25.924273 65.933259 26 65.28125 C 26.722412 66.256852 27.22274 66.426973 27.71875 66.59375 C 24.299389 58.109726 24.089796 66.137367 21.5 57.96875 L 22.0625 57.9375 C 21.642533 57.304957 21.369125 56.611521 21.03125 55.9375 L 21.28125 53.5625 C 18.819345 50.716057 20.582343 41.451761 20.9375 36.375 C 21.183777 34.310594 22.999306 32.102399 24.375 28.65625 L 23.53125 28.53125 C 24.342644 27.115905 26.684402 24.24076 29.25 21.8125 z M 79.5625 26.03125 C 80.311467 27.980106 80.776434 29.993669 80.84375 31.96875 L 81.1875 32.0625 C 81.025044 35.347921 81.683999 39.134781 80.53125 42.625 L 81.3125 40.96875 C 81.40496 43.479911 80.589494 44.718133 79.84375 46.875 L 78.5 47.53125 C 77.401691 49.663922 78.59886 48.897464 77.8125 50.59375 C 76.846943 51.452239 75.348418 52.822461 74 53.9375 C 72.327739 51.426514 70.643149 48.915811 68.96875 46.40625 C 69.406485 45.575074 69.72831 44.704374 69.875 43.8125 C 69.700963 44.676882 69.283283 45.443557 68.84375 46.21875 C 68.635449 45.906558 68.427059 45.593437 68.21875 45.28125 C 68.39218 44.973801 68.540184 44.687277 68.59375 44.46875 C 68.37286 44.746758 68.260919 44.900416 68.09375 45.125 C 67.614638 44.406972 67.135355 43.686782 66.65625 42.96875 C 66.40008 41.970698 67.094582 41.079975 67.71875 40.375 L 79.5625 26.03125 z M 11.78125 36.25 C 11.701678 36.2484 11.612342 36.257109 11.53125 36.28125 C 9.1482145 37.228346 6.7465848 38.17405 4.21875 38.65625 C 3.2555583 38.928244 2.1925182 38.770465 1.28125 39.21875 C 0.29284233 39.640304 -0.074233227 40.754558 0.09375 41.75 C 0.16021911 43.701219 0.24977326 45.647375 0.40625 47.59375 C 0.26486439 48.415043 0.95033276 49.156109 1.6875 49.40625 C 2.9689502 49.758324 4.2466781 50.180117 5.5 50.625 C 6.7274328 51.046643 7.9148217 51.583861 9.0625 52.1875 C 9.9568935 52.697289 10.789384 53.315198 11.5 54.0625 C 12.05817 54.613445 13.187501 55.040188 13.5 54 C 13.886181 53.103713 13.410627 52.184999 13.34375 51.28125 C 13.116965 48.893887 12.863725 46.519287 12.71875 44.125 C 12.526198 41.891012 12.580775 39.639566 12.75 37.40625 C 12.815463 36.85625 12.338255 36.261199 11.78125 36.25 z M 70.875 38.03125 C 70.682947 38.03615 70.436503 38.5289 70.3125 39.0625 C 70.601983 39.212859 70.845022 41.032211 71.125 39.90625 C 71.21876 38.508088 71.06705 38.026389 70.875 38.03125 z M 87.875 42.75 L 87.625 43.3125 C 87.206761 46.283377 86.321836 49.243285 84.9375 51.96875 C 86.467009 49.092927 87.460218 45.93691 87.875 42.75 z M 48.6875 55.09375 C 49.862457 56.237537 51.176977 57.359332 52.65625 58.5 L 53.375 59.59375 C 53.321027 59.709802 53.265962 59.823661 53.3125 60 C 51.610839 59.203128 50.032221 58.086913 48.625 56.75 C 48.641625 56.196823 48.669871 55.646872 48.6875 55.09375 z M 44.75 56.28125 C 45.035481 56.607959 45.350462 56.907231 45.6875 57.1875 C 45.514129 56.849068 45.350829 56.564002 45.1875 56.28125 L 44.75 56.28125 z M 48.625 57.15625 C 49.18162 57.836882 49.782872 58.4815 50.46875 59.03125 C 49.872789 58.829337 49.238107 58.325404 48.59375 57.71875 C 48.599264 57.530767 48.619413 57.344228 48.625 57.15625 z M 74.78125 57.3125 L 86.0625 72.8125 L 68.875 78.25 L 58.46875 62.96875 C 60.990488 63.507493 63.388869 63.497172 65.25 62.71875 C 63.078261 62.798982 60.434439 62.783645 57.90625 62.1875 L 56.6875 60.40625 C 62.954946 61.9297 69.229992 61.053295 74.78125 57.3125 z M 15.5 63.28125 C 15.446637 63.281829 15.396462 63.290912 15.34375 63.3125 C 13.51598 64.441439 11.959748 65.974775 10.125 67.09375 C 9.209674 67.768077 8.205772 68.330667 7.375 69.09375 C 6.8092121 69.831047 6.867788 70.942188 7.4375 71.65625 L 10.09375 76.875 C 10.797567 77.678647 11.976533 77.272626 12.84375 77.03125 C 14.399287 76.6579 15.98531 76.943933 17.5625 76.9375 C 18.708041 76.989709 19.708265 77.626314 20.8125 77.875 C 21.553967 78.249135 22.860979 78.228714 22.90625 77.15625 C 23.003505 76.156824 22.242819 75.418141 21.6875 74.6875 C 19.769244 72.126933 18.393859 69.203236 17.125 66.28125 C 16.754884 65.338311 16.56354 64.282987 15.9375 63.46875 C 15.820525 63.36143 15.660088 63.279514 15.5 63.28125 z M 27.90625 70.5625 L 27.875 70.78125 C 27.849386 70.736881 27.838261 70.703046 27.8125 70.65625 L 27.90625 70.5625 z M 32.75 78.53125 C 32.822522 78.526884 32.896251 78.535937 32.96875 78.53125 L 32.875 78.6875 C 32.86181 78.664866 32.770075 78.561918 32.75 78.53125 z M 30.78125 85.75 C 30.720482 85.750498 30.657793 85.754215 30.59375 85.78125 C 29.737128 86.456489 29.451766 87.567192 28.90625 88.46875 C 28.291614 89.708122 27.658694 90.941313 27.125 92.21875 C 26.916214 93.328344 27.67215 94.422453 28.65625 94.875 C 29.591305 95.444964 30.399889 96.461832 31.59375 96.40625 C 33.13641 96.172795 34.105577 94.77357 35.46875 94.15625 C 36.20708 93.794324 37.047197 93.78988 37.84375 93.78125 C 38.619257 93.80963 39.388562 94.28394 40.15625 94.0625 C 41.274568 93.566261 39.991847 92.473306 39.28125 92.3125 C 38.395946 91.665033 37.564323 90.921598 36.6875 90.25 C 34.860139 88.854258 33.167089 87.286092 31.28125 85.96875 C 31.129491 85.846704 30.963555 85.748505 30.78125 85.75 z "
+   id="path3713" /></svg>
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Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kdedebianlogo2.png differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kdedebianlogo2_64.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/images/kdedebianlogo3_64.png differ
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--- a/pages/bottom
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@@ -1,34 +1,20 @@
 		<div id="sidebar">
-			<h2><big>KDE SC in testing or unstable</big></h2>
-			<ul>
-				<li style="clear:both;"><a href="kde4.html"><img src="../images/kde4_64.png" style="float:left;" alt="KDE SC 4" /><div style="margin-top:auto; margin-bottom:auto; text-align:center;padding-top:0.5em;"><span style="font-size:x-large; font-weight:bolder;line-height: 1.1em">KDE SC 4.4</span> <!--<span style="font-size:x-small;"><em>experimental</em></span>--></div></a></li>
-			</ul>
+			<h2><a href="index.html">Home/News</h2>
 			<br />
-      <h2>KDE SC in Squeeze 6.0 (stable)</h2>
-      <ul>
-        <li style="clear:both;"><a href="kde4.html"><img src="../images/kde4_64.png" style="float:left;" alt="KDE SC 4" /><div style="margin-top:auto; margin-bottom:auto; text-align:center;padding-top:0.5em;"><span style="font-size:x-large; font-weight:bolder;line-height: 1.1em">KDE SC 4.4</span> <!--<span style="font-size:x-small;"><em>experimental</em></span>--></div></a></li>
-        <li><a href="kaboom.html" title="Kaboom, the Debian KDE settings migration wizard">Kaboom, the settings migration wizard</a></li>
-              <li><a href="faq4.html">FAQ about the migration to KDE 4</a></li>
-      </ul>
+			<h2><a href="kde4.html"><img src="../images/kde4_32.png" style="float:right; margin:-8px 0 0 0;" alt="KDE4 Logo" />KDE SC 4.6</a> in </br>testing/unstable</h2>
+			<ul>
+			</ul>
 			<br />
-			<h2>KDE 3.5 in Lenny 5.0 (old stable)</h2>
+			<h2><a href="kde4.html"><img src="../images/kde4_32.png" style="float:right; margin:-8px 0 0 0;" alt="KDE4 Logo" />KDE SC 4.4</a> in </br>Squeeze 6.0 (stable)</h2>
-				<li><a href="kde3.html"><img src="../images/kde3_64.png" style="float:left; margin:0 0 16px;" alt="KDE 3" /><div style="margin-top:auto; margin-bottom:auto; text-align:center;padding-top:0.5em;"><span style="font-size:x-large; font-weight:bolder;">KDE 3.5</span></div></a></li>
-			<br />
-			<!--
-			<br />
-			<br />
-			<li><a href="http://kde4.debian.net">Old KDE 4.1 backports for Lenny</span></a></li>
-			-->
+			  <li><a href="kaboom.html" title="Kaboom, the Debian KDE settings migration wizard">Kaboom, the settings migration wizard</a></li>
+				<li><a href="faq4.html">FAQ about the migration to KDE 4</a></li>
-			<br />
  			<br />
 			<h2 style="text-align:center;"><img src="../images/qtkdeteam_48.png" style="float:right; margin:-8px 0 0 0;" alt="Qt KDE Debian Team" />Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers</h2>
@@ -42,7 +28,7 @@
-			<h2 style="text-align:center;"><img src="../images/extrasteam_48.png" style="float:right; margin:-8px 0 0 0;" alt="KDE Extras Debian Team" />Debian KDE Extras Teams</h2>
+			<h2 style="text-align:center;"><img src="../images/extrasteam_48.png" style="float:right; margin:-8px 0 0 0;" alt="KDE Extras Debian Team" />Debian KDE Extras Team</h2>
 				<li><a href="kdeextras.html">General info</a></li>
 				<li><a href="http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org">Package list</a></li>
@@ -77,7 +63,7 @@
 		<div id="footer">
-			<p><a href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">Contact us</a> | <a href="#header">Back to top</a><br />Design by <a href="http://andreasviklund.com/">Andreas Viklund</a>
+			<p><a href="mailto:debian-kde at lists.debian.org">Contact us</a> | <a href="#header">Back to top</a><br />Based on <a href="http://andreasviklund.com/">Andreas Viklund</a>'s Design
diff --git a/pages/index b/pages/index
index 7c329af..8ada2b7 100644
--- a/pages/index
+++ b/pages/index
@@ -1,47 +1,9 @@
-	<p><img src="images/konqui.jpg" width="152" height="184" alt="Konqui" class="right photo" />This is the home page of two closely related teams:</p>
-	<ul>
-		<li><a href="qtkde.html">Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers</a></li>
-		<li><a href="kdeextras.html">Debian KDE Extras Team</a></li>
-	</ul>
-	<p>We are a group of people with a common goal in mind: bringing the best KDE possible to Debian.</p>
-<h2>Get KDE in Debian</h2>
-<table border="0" bordercolor="#fff" width="90%" bgcolor="#fff">
-<td>Pick your KDE version:</td>
-<td>Current status in Debian suites:</td>
-         <ul>
-            <li><a href="kde3.html">KDE 3.5 (Debian old stable)</a></li>
-            <li><a href="kde4.html">KDE 4.4.5 (Debian stable)</a></li>
-            <li><a href="kde4.html">KDE 4.4.5 (Debian testing)</a></li>
-            <li><a href="kde4.html">KDE 4.6.3 (Debian unstable)</a></li>
-         </ul>
-         <ul>
-            <li><a href="http://www.debian.org/releases/oldstable/">oldstable (codename lenny)</a> KDE 3.5.10</li>
-            <li><a href="http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/">stable (codename squeeze)</a> KDE 4.4.5</li>
-            <li><a href="http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/">testing (codename wheezy)</a> KDE 4.4.5</li>
-            <li><a href="http://www.debian.org/releases/unstable/">unstable (codename sid)</a> KDE 4.6.3</li>
-         </ul>
+	<p>This is the home page of two closely related teams: 
+		<a href="qtkde.html">Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers</a></li> and
+		<a href="kdeextras.html">Debian KDE Extras Team</a>.<br />
+	   We are a group of people with a common goal in mind: bringing the best KDE possible to Debian.
+	</p>
 <h2>Latest news:</h2>
@@ -52,7 +14,7 @@
 <p><strong>February 6, 2011</strong><br />
   <a href="http://www.debian.org/News/2011/20110205a">Squeeze was released</a>
-  with KDE 4.4.5. Testing repos will keep KDE 4.4.5 <a href=http://lists.debian.org/1296956851.16209.5044.camel@hathi.jungle.funky-badger.org>until beginnings of March</a>
+  with KDE 4.4.5. Testing repos will keep KDE 4.4.5 <a href="http://lists.debian.org/1296956851.16209.5044.camel@hathi.jungle.funky-badger.org">until beginnings of March</a>
  (see "Onwards with Wheezy", third paragraph).
diff --git a/pages/join b/pages/join
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--- a/pages/join
+++ b/pages/join
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     <dd>This list is a coordination channel for the upcoming KDE Packaging Team. (<a href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kde-talk/">Archives</a>)</dd>
     <dt><a href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-kde-commits">pkg-kde-commits</a></dt>
-    <dd>This list receives commit logs from svn.debian.org/pkg-kde. (<a href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kde-commits/">Archives</a>)</dd>
+    <dd>This list receives commit logs from anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-kde and svn.debian.org/pkg-kde. (<a href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kde-commits/">Archives</a>)</dd>
     <dt><a href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-kde-bugs-fwd">pkg-kde-bugs-fwd</a></dt>
     <dd>This list receives traffic from bugs.kde.org affecting forwarded bugs. (<a href="http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kde-bugs-fwd/">Archives</a>)</dd>
diff --git a/pages/kde3 b/pages/kde3
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-         <h2>How to install KDE on Debian<img src="../images/kde3_64.png" style="float:right; margin:-8px 0 0 0;" /></h2>
-	 <p><em>This page describes how to install KDE 3.5.10 in Debian 5.0 "Lenny" (old stable)</em>
-	 <br />
-		 <p>There are several ways to get Debian with KDE:</p>
-	<h3>Use the KDE version of the Debian Installer CD</h3>
-		 <p>This is the easiest way to get Debian with KDE if you are installing a new system. It installs KDE by default.<br />
-		 <a href="http://ftp.at.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.8/i386/iso-cd/debian-508-i386-kde-CD-1.iso">Download KDE CD for Debian 5.0.8 "Lenny" i386</a><br/>
-		 <a href="http://ftp.at.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0.8/amd64/iso-cd/debian-508-i386-kde-CD-1.iso">Download KDE CD for Debian 5.0.8 "Lenny" AMD64</a>
-		 </p>
-	 <h3>Using the Debian Lenny installer</h3>
-		 <p>If you are installing a new system and you have the Debian Lenny installer (old stable), you can install KDE by typing at the boot prompt:</p>
-		 <pre>install tasks="kde-desktop, standard"</pre>
-		 <p>or, if you prefer to use the Debian Lenny graphical installer:
-		 <pre>installgui tasks="kde-desktop, standard"</pre>
-		 </p>
-	 <h3>Install KDE on your existing Debian system</h3>
-		 <p>If you already have Debian Lenny installed and you want a complete KDE desktop, install the "kde-desktop" task:
-		 <pre>aptitude install kde-desktop</pre>
-		 </p>
-		 <p>To install only a basic KDE desktop, install the "kde-core" and "kdm" packages:
-		 <pre>aptitude install kde-core kdm</pre>
-		 </p>
-	 <h3>Additional packages</h3>
-		 <p>To have KDE in your language, install the appropriate <code>kde-i18n-??</code> package, where <code>??</code> is the ISO code for your language.</p>
-		 <p><em>Enjoy the KDE desktop experience!</em></p>
diff --git a/pages/kde4 b/pages/kde4
index 7ca8cce..34e3c42 100644
--- a/pages/kde4
+++ b/pages/kde4
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 	 <h2>Install KDE 4 packages<img src="../images/download_64.png" style="float:right; margin:-8px 0 0 0;" alt="Install KDE 4 Debian packages in your hard disk" /></h2>
-	<h3>KDE 4 packages</h3>
 	 <p style="margin-bottom:0.1em;">
 		For a basic KDE 4 desktop, install <a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/kde-plasma-desktop"><code>kde-plasma-desktop</code></a>,
 		<a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/kde-plasma-netbook"><code>kde-plasma-netbook</code></a> or both packages
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-	<h2>KDE 3 metapackages</h2>
-	<p>This is still being discussed, but we are planning to do, or we have done, the following:</p>
-	<p>Firstly, we killed kde-extras, kde-amusements and kde-devel-extras, they are already removed from the archive.</p>
-	<h3>kde-core</h3>
-	<p>The minimal set of packages you need to get a KDE 3 desktop, without installing any xserver. Contains: arts, kdebase and kdelibs.
-	</p>
-	<h3>kde</h3>
-	<p>
-	 This metapackage includes all the official modules released with KDE that are not specific to development. In addition to the core KDE modules, this includes multimedia, networking, personal information manager (PIM), graphics, education, games, web development, system administration tools, and other artwork and utilities.
-	</p>
-	<h3>kde-devel</h3>
-	<p>
-	This metapackage includes official KDE modules that are useful to developers. It includes KDE's software development kit kdesdk, Qt3's designer tool, and all core KDE header and development packages.
-	</p>
-	<h3>Stuff TODO</h3>
-	<ul>
-	<li>kde will get added xserver and maybe a media player</li>
-	<li>kdeaddons: remove noatun-plugins from the Depends</li>
-	<li>kdemultimedia: Remove kaboodle and noatun from the kdemultimedia metapackage, hiding it from the users.
-	And we are installing kaffeine with kdemultimedia: Recommends.</li>
-	<li>kdenetowrk: remove from the metapackage to suggest ksirc, ktalkd, kpf. Recommends on konversation.</li>
-	<li>kdeutils: remove kdessh, does not work (look at kde4's one too) and kedit.</li>
-	<li>Think about a kde-desktop task--> we need more resarch to find out what to do with this. Goals to achieve?</li>
-	<li>add k3b to the kde metapackage, besides kaffeine, konversation</li>
-	</ul>
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index e5654fe..71e1d03 100644
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 	<div id="wrap">
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-			<p id="toplinks">Skip to: <a href="#content">Content</a> | <a href="#sidebar">Navigation</a> | <a href="#footer">Footer</a></p>
-			<h1><img src="images/KDEbian2-60x60.png" alt="A logo" /><a href="index.html"> Debian <span class="fade">KDE Team</span></a></h1>
+			<a href="index.html"><img src="images/kdedebianlogo3_64.png" alt="A logo" /></br>
+			<h1>Debian <span class="fade">KDE Team</span></h1></a>
 			<!--<p id="slogan">packaging the best Desktop Enviroment...</p> -->

pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org website

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