[SCM] Debian Qt/KDE packaging tools branch, master, updated. debian/0.11.4-7-g2d56843

Modestas Vainius modax at alioth.debian.org
Sat Mar 26 21:20:21 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9334f9628b4615619a4c144cfd4601bd2f2d00e3
Author: Modestas Vainius <modax at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Mar 26 14:14:11 2011 +0200

    Initial version of DebianABIManager.cmake.
    Includes documentation in cmake/README.DebianABIManager. Please refer to this
    file for more information.
 cmake/DebianABIManager.cmake  |  107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 cmake/README.DebianABIManager |  162 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 cmake/debabi_verscript.cmake  |    3 +
 cmake/debcontrol2cmake.pl     |   44 +++++++++++
 4 files changed, 316 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cmake/DebianABIManager.cmake b/cmake/DebianABIManager.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f74869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/DebianABIManager.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+set(DEBABI_VERSION_PREFIX abi CACHE STRING "Prefix for custom SOVERSIONs and symbol versions")
+function(DEBABI_SPLIT_PKGNAME pkg targetvar soversionvar)
+    set(t "")
+    set(pkgsv "")
+    if (DEFINED debabi_${pkg}_CMake-Target)
+        set(t "${debabi_${pkg}_CMake-Target}")
+    else (DEFINED debabi_${pkg}_CMake-Target)
+        # Strip abi suffix if needed
+        if (debabi_${pkg}_Debian-ABI GREATER 0)
+            string(REGEX REPLACE "${DEBABI_VERSION_PREFIX}[0-9]+$" "" pkg_noabi ${pkg})
+        else (debabi_${pkg}_Debian-ABI GREATER 0)
+            set(pkg_noabi ${pkg})
+        endif (debabi_${pkg}_Debian-ABI GREATER 0)
+        # Parse package name
+        if (${pkg_noabi} MATCHES "^lib(.+)([0-9]+)[a-f]?$")
+            set(t ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
+            set(pkgsv ${CMAKE_MATCH_2})
+        endif (${pkg_noabi} MATCHES "^lib(.+)([0-9]+)[a-f]?$")
+    endif (DEFINED debabi_${pkg}_CMake-Target)
+    if (t STREQUAL "" OR NOT(TARGET ${t}))
+        message(STATUS "DebianABIManager: unable to find CMake target '${t}' for package '${pkg}'. Please set X-CMake-Target")
+        return()
+    endif (t STREQUAL "" OR NOT(TARGET ${t}))
+    # Extract current SOVERSION from the target
+    get_target_property(tgttype ${t} TYPE)
+    get_target_property(tgtsv ${t} SOVERSION)
+    if (NOT (tgtsv OR tgttype STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY"))
+        message(STATUS "DebianABIManager: CMake target '${t}' (package '${pkg}') is not valid shared library target")
+        return()
+    endif (NOT (tgtsv OR tgttype STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY"))
+    # If X-CMake-Target was used, simply trust target SOVERSION.
+    # Otherwise compare if package name matches SOVERSION property.
+    if (pkgsv STREQUAL "" OR pkgsv STREQUAL tgtsv)
+        set(${targetvar} ${t} PARENT_SCOPE)
+        set(${soversionvar} ${tgtsv} PARENT_SCOPE)
+    else (pkgsv STREQUAL "" OR pkgsv STREQUAL tgtsv)
+        message(STATUS "DebianABIManager: CMake target '${t}' SOVERSION does not match package name '${pkg}'")
+    endif (pkgsv STREQUAL "" OR pkgsv STREQUAL tgtsv)
+endfunction(DEBABI_SPLIT_PKGNAME pkg targetvar soversionvar)
+    # Parse debian/control
+    get_filename_component(debabi_dirname ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH)
+    execute_process(
+        COMMAND ${debabi_dirname}/debcontrol2cmake.pl -sdebabi_ -FDebian-ABI -FCMake-Target
+        OUTPUT_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/debabi_control
+    )
+    include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/debabi_control)
+    # Process packages which debcontrol2cmake returned
+    set(debabi_okpkgs "")
+    set(debabi_failedpkgs "")
+    foreach (debabi_pkg ${debabi_packages})
+        if (DEFINED debabi_${debabi_pkg}_Debian-ABI)
+            unset(debabi_target)
+            # Try spliting package name
+            debabi_split_pkgname(${debabi_pkg} debabi_target debabi_origsoversion)
+            if (debabi_target)
+                set(debabi_${debabi_pkg}_CMake-Target ${debabi_target}) # for success log
+                # Do not add soversion suffix if ABI is 0
+                if (${debabi_${debabi_pkg}_Debian-ABI} GREATER 0)
+                    set(debabi_soversion "${debabi_origsoversion}${DEBABI_VERSION_PREFIX}${debabi_${debabi_pkg}_Debian-ABI}")
+                    set_target_properties(${debabi_target} PROPERTIES SOVERSION "${debabi_soversion}")
+                endif (${debabi_${debabi_pkg}_Debian-ABI} GREATER 0)
+                # Generate symbol version. Do it always even if ABI is 0. So ABI_4_0, ABI_4_1, ...
+                string(TOUPPER "${DEBABI_VERSION_PREFIX}" debabi_symver)
+                set(debabi_symver "${debabi_symver}_${debabi_origsoversion}_${debabi_${debabi_pkg}_Debian-ABI}")
+                set_target_properties(${debabi_target} PROPERTIES DEBABI_SYMVER ${debabi_symver})
+                # Now add symbol version (via --version-script) to the linker command line
+                get_target_property(debabi_link_flags ${debabi_target} LINK_FLAGS_DEBIAN)
+                if (NOT(debabi_link_flags) OR (debabi_link_flags STREQUAL "NOTFOUND"))
+                    set(debabi_link_flags "")
+                endif (NOT(debabi_link_flags) OR (debabi_link_flags STREQUAL "NOTFOUND"))
+                set(debabi_verscript "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/debabi_verscript_${debabi_target}")
+                configure_file("${debabi_dirname}/debabi_verscript.cmake" "${debabi_verscript}" @ONLY)
+                set(debabi_link_flags "${debabi_link_flags} -Wl,--version-script,${debabi_verscript}")
+                set_target_properties(${debabi_target} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_DEBIAN ${debabi_link_flags})
+                list(APPEND debabi_okpkgs ${debabi_pkg})
+            else (debabi_target)
+                list(APPEND debabi_failedpkgs ${debabi_pkg})
+            endif (debabi_target)
+        endif (DEFINED debabi_${debabi_pkg}_Debian-ABI)
+    endforeach (debabi_pkg ${debabi_packages})
+    if (debabi_failedpkgs)
+        string(REPLACE ";" " " debabi_errpkgs "${debabi_failedpkgs}")
+        message(SEND_ERROR "DebianABIManager: failed packages: ${debabi_errpkgs}")
+    elseif (debabi_okpkgs)
+        message("------------------------------------------------------------------")
+        message("-- DebianAbiManager: successfuly processed the following packages:")
+        message("------------------------------------------------------------------")
+        foreach (debabi_pkg ${debabi_okpkgs})
+            get_target_property(debabi_soversion ${debabi_${debabi_pkg}_CMake-Target} SOVERSION)
+            get_target_property(debabi_symver ${debabi_${debabi_pkg}_CMake-Target} DEBABI_SYMVER)
+            message("   * ${debabi_pkg} - SOVERSION: ${debabi_soversion}; SYMVER: ${debabi_symver}")
+        endforeach (debabi_pkg ${debabi_okpkgs})
+    endif (debabi_failedpkgs)
diff --git a/cmake/README.DebianABIManager b/cmake/README.DebianABIManager
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be90b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/README.DebianABIManager
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+* BC - Binary Compatibility.
+* BIC - Binary InCompatible.
+* Undefined (UNDEF) symbol - a symbol reference. It will be resolved to
+  the implementation/definition in the external shared library by dynamic
+  linker.
+* Unstable-BC library - a library which is prone to break BC without SONAME
+  change.
+1) Unstable-BC libraries should get all symbols versioned from the beginning.
+   That's because undefined unversioned symbols may bind to any symbol of the
+   same name in any library which dynamic linker (recursively) loaded [1]:
+   | In case only the object file with the reference does not use versioning
+   | but the object with the definition does, then the reference only matches
+   | the base definition. [ ...] If there is no symbol definition with such an
+   | version index and there is exactly one version for which this symbol is
+   | defined, then this version is accepted.
+   It does not matter if a real symbol in the library is versioned or not. The
+   first same-name real symbol seen by dynamic linker will be bound to the
+   unversioned UNDEF. It means that developers basically have no control over
+   this process UNDEF symbol is unversioned.
+2) Unlike unversioned (Base) symbols, versioned UNDEF symbols have version
+   and originating library information assigned to them. According to [1]:
+   | The last case is if the object with the references uses symbol
+   | versions but the object with the definitions has none.  In this case a
+   | matching symbol is accepted unless the object's name matches the one
+   | in the Elfxx_Verneed entry.  In the latter case this is a fatal error.
+  However, I determined that this is not the case since middle 1999 [2]. This
+  situation is not a fatal error but merely a warning [3]. However, I'm pretty
+  sure that it's a bug in the dynamic linker which may get fixed one day.
+  Respective assert() is in place [4] but it does not fire in release builds.
+3) Versioned symbols cannot be easily "moved" from one library to another down
+   the library dependency tree without breakage (as it was done e.g. with
+   "libkutils4 -> libkcmutils4 libkemoticons4 libkidletime4 libkprintutils4"
+   split). But this should be a non-issue for unstable-BC libraries.
+Having in mind the points 1 and 2 above, all symbols in the unstable-BC
+libraries should get a unique-per-ABI version. As soon as upstream breaks BC
+without bumping SOVERSION, SONAME should be bumped package name should be
+changed. However, initially, it is better to keep original upstream SONAME.
+This strategy allows to preserve some compatibility with the rest of the world
+as long as upstream does not break BC without bumping SOVERSION (i.e. plays
+nice). In particular:
+a) external binaries (which supposedly have unversioned UNDEF symbols as
+   pushed by upstream, see point 1) will work with unstable-BC libraries as
+   packaged by Debian;
+b) binaries with versioned UNDEF symbols (i.e. linked against our unstable-
+   BC libraries) will work with unstable-BC libraries as built from upstream
+   sources (kdesrc-build) or packaged by other distros which do not use
+   incompatible symbol versioning. That's because of point 2 and as long as
+   the linker bug is not fixed.
+BC handling with DebianABIManager
+In order to minimize patching of upstream sources, tasks of SONAME (SOVERSION)
+bumping and symbol versioning (as described above) are handled by
+DebianABIManager.cmake script [5] on-the-fly.
+DebianABIManager is capable of managing only a single library per package.
+Morever, the package must be properly named according to Debian library naming
+standards (as enforced by lintian). DebianABIManager is configured via a couple
+of custom debian/control fields.
+* X-Debian-ABI - specifies a custom ABI sequence number to be assigned for the
+  library in question. Its presence tells DebianABIManager to process the
+  package so all unstable-BC must have it. The value must be a non-negative
+  integer. Whenever a new unstable-BC library is introduced or upstream
+  changes SONAME of the existing one, the value of this field should be set to
+  0. In that case, the script won't change SONAME but only version symbols of
+  the library. Whenever the library breaks BC without changing SONAME, bump
+  this value. Then the script will change both SONAME and symbol versions of
+  the library.
+* X-CMake-Target - typically DebianABIManager should be able to guess CMake
+  target of the library from the package name. However, sometimes it may fail
+  to do so (e.g. when upstream changed OUTPUT_NAME of the target or package
+  name is non-standard). Then speficy this field and set it to the proper CMake
+  target name for the library.
+In order to use DebianABIManager in the source package, add the following line
+near the bottom of the main CMakeLists.txt (recommended patch name -
+enable_debianabimanager.diff) and pass -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debian to cmake
+(the latter is implicit for KDE packages in Debian). Otherwise,
+DebianABIManager won't have any effect.
+Internally, the script sets "ABI_<upstream SOVERSION>_<X-Debian-ABI>" version
+for all symbols of the library (via --version-script linker option). In addition,
+if X-Debian-ABI value is greater than 0, SOVERSION of the library target will
+be modified by appending the string "abi<X-Debian-ABI>" to it. As this
+effectively changes the SONAME of the library, make sure to adjust package name
+and install file accordingly.
+1) debian/control:
+Package: libfoo4
+X-Debian-ABI: 0
+Symbols of the library (CMake target "foo") with SONAME "libfoo.so.4" will be
+versioned as "ABI_4_0". SONAME is kept unchanged from original.
+2) debian/control:
+Package: libbar5abi1
+X-Debian-ABI: 1
+SONAME of the library (CMake target "bar") will be changed from "libbar.so.5"
+to "libbar.so.5abi1". Symbols will be versioned as "ABI_5_1".
+3) debian/control:
+Package: libfoobaz2abi10
+X-Debian-ABI: 10
+X-CMake-Target: foobazlib
+SONAME of the library (CMake target "foobazlib") will be changed from "libfoobaz.so.2"
+to "libfoobaz.so.2abi10". Symbols will be versioned as "ABI_2_10".
+KDE Software Compiliation 4.6
+DebianABIManager is used for KDE SC packaging since 4.6. Therefore, all
+unstable-BC library packages that kept BC throughout 4.4 -> 4.6 cycle should
+be assigned "X-Debian-ABI: 0" field. Otherwise, if the library broke BC but
+kept the SONAME, X-Debian-ABI should be set to 1 and packages should be renamed
+by appending "abi1" to their name (discarding previous [a-f] suffixes if any).
+As 4.6 is a transitional release from unversioned to versioned symbols, it
+might make sense to add "Breaks" against old libs (<< 4:4.6) to all future
+"abi1" packages. That's to avoid weird crashes if both old unversioned and new
+versioned BIC libraries end up getting loaded in the same process space. While
+it's possible, it's also highly unlikely because unstable-BC libs are not very
+popular. So let's not do this "Breaks" stuff for first release.
+[1] http://www.akkadia.org/drepper/symbol-versioning
+[2] http://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=commit;h=9a8fcca0b33c26759134a545ac45251df53418a3
+[3] <apppath>: <libpath>: no version information available (required by <apppath>)
+[4] http://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=blob;f=elf/dl-lookup.c;hb=glibc-2.13#l168
+[5] /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/cmake/DebianABIManager.cmake
+ -- Modestas Vainius <modax at debian.org>  Fri, 25 Mar 2011 23:47:26 +0200
diff --git a/cmake/debabi_verscript.cmake b/cmake/debabi_verscript.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c42936f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/debabi_verscript.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ at debabi_symver@ {
+    global: *;
diff --git a/cmake/debcontrol2cmake.pl b/cmake/debcontrol2cmake.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c13bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/debcontrol2cmake.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Dpkg::Control::Info;
+use Dpkg::Control;
+# Parse command line arguments
+my @fields;
+my $prefix = "debcontrol_";
+for (my $i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) {
+    if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-F") {
+        push @fields, $ARGV[++$i];
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-F(.+)$/) {
+        push @fields, $1;
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-s") {
+        $prefix = $ARGV[++$i];
+    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-s(.+)$/) {
+        $prefix = $1;
+    }
+# Retrieve requested fields and generate set statements
+my $control = Dpkg::Control::Info->new("debian/control");
+foreach my $pkg ($control->{source}, @{$control->{packages}}) {
+    my $pkgok;
+    my $pkgname = ($pkg->get_type() ==  CTRL_INFO_SRC) ? "Source" : $pkg->{Package};
+    foreach my $field (@fields) {
+        my $val;
+        if (exists $pkg->{$field}) {
+            $val = $pkg->{$field};
+        } elsif (my $f = $pkg->find_custom_field($field)) {
+            $val = $pkg->{$f};
+        }
+        if (defined $val) {
+            $pkgok = 1;
+            printf "set(%s%s_%s \"%s\")\n", $prefix, $pkgname, $field, $val;
+        }
+    }
+    if ($pkgok) {
+        printf "list(APPEND %spackages \"%s\")\n", $prefix, $pkgname;
+    }

Debian Qt/KDE packaging tools

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