[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:38:55 UTC 2017

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=ffead90

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit ffead90b214be3ae36c624529dc4575baf74e87b
Author: HumanDynamo <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Oct 13 19:03:24 2007 +0000

    i18n in progress
 src/properties.cpp | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/properties.cpp b/src/properties.cpp
index 842ab2f..e3d0010 100644
--- a/src/properties.cpp
+++ b/src/properties.cpp
@@ -334,55 +334,55 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
     //! crs:CropUnits
     extern const TagDetails xmpCrsCropUnits[] = {
-        { 0, "pixels" },
-        { 1, "inches" },
-        { 2, "cm"     }
+        { 0, N_("pixels") },
+        { 1, N_("inches") },
+        { 2, N_("cm")     }
     extern const XmpPropertyInfo xmpCrsInfo[] = {
-        { "AutoBrightness",   "AutoBrightness",   "Boolean",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When true, \"Brightness\" is automatically adjusted." },
-        { "AutoContrast",     "AutoContrast",     "Boolean",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When true, \"Contrast\" is automatically adjusted." },
-        { "AutoExposure",     "AutoExposure",     "Boolean",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When true, \"Exposure\" is automatically adjusted." },
-        { "AutoShadows",      "AutoShadows",      "Boolean",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When true,\"Shadows\" is automatically adjusted." },
-        { "BlueHue",          "BlueHue",          "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Blue Hue\" setting. Range -100 to 100." },
-        { "BlueSaturation",   "BlueSaturation",   "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Blue Saturation\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "Brightness",       "Brightness",       "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Brightness\" setting. Range 0 to +150." },
-        { "CameraProfile",    "CameraProfile",    "Text",        xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Camera Profile\" setting." },
-        { "ChromaticAberrationB", "ChromaticAberrationB", "Integer", xmpText,      xmpExternal, "\"Chomatic Aberration, Fix Blue/Yellow Fringe\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "ChromaticAberrationR", "ChromaticAberrationR", "Integer", xmpText,      xmpExternal, "\"Chomatic Aberration, Fix Red/Cyan Fringe\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "ColorNoiseReduction", "ColorNoiseReduction", "Integer", xmpText,        xmpExternal, "\"Color Noise Reducton\" setting. Range 0 to +100." },
-        { "Contrast",         "Contrast",         "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Contrast\" setting. Range -50 to +100." },
-        { "CropTop",          "CropTop",          "Real",        xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When HasCrop is true, top of crop rectangle" },
-        { "CropLeft",         "CropLeft",         "Real",        xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When HasCrop is true, left of crop rectangle." },
-        { "CropBottom",       "CropBottom",       "Real",        xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When HasCrop is true, bottom of crop rectangle." },
-        { "CropRight",        "CropRight",        "Real",        xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When HasCrop is true, right of crop rectangle." },
-        { "CropAngle",        "CropAngle",        "Real",        xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When HasCrop is true, angle of crop rectangle." },
-        { "CropWidth",        "CropWidth",        "Real",        xmpText,          xmpExternal, "Width of resulting cropped image in CropUnits units." },
-        { "CropHeight",       "CropHeight",       "Real",        xmpText,          xmpExternal, "Height of resulting cropped image in CropUnits units." },
-        { "CropUnits",        "CropUnits",        "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "Units for CropWidth and CropHeight. 0=pixels, 1=inches, 2=cm" },
-        { "Exposure",         "Exposure",         "Real",        xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Exposure\" setting. Range -4.0 to +4.0." },
-        { "GreenHue",         "GreenHue",         "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Green Hue\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "GreenSaturation",  "GreenSaturation",  "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Green Saturation\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "HasCrop",          "HasCrop",          "Boolean",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When true, image has a cropping rectangle." },
-        { "HasSettings",      "HasSettings",      "Boolean",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "When true, non-default camera raw settings." },
-        { "LuminanceSmoothing", "LuminanceSmoothing", "Integer", xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Luminance Smoothing\" setting. Range 0 to +100." },
-        { "RawFileName",      "RawFileName",      "Text",        xmpText,          xmpInternal, "File name fo raw file (not a complete path)." },
-        { "RedHue",           "RedHue",           "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Red Hue\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "RedSaturation",    "RedSaturation",    "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Red Saturation\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "Saturation",       "Saturation",       "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Saturation\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "Shadows",          "Shadows",          "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Shadows\" setting. Range 0 to +100." },
-        { "ShadowTint",       "ShadowTint",       "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Shadow Tint\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "Sharpness",        "Sharpness",        "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Sharpness\" setting. Range 0 to +100." },
-        { "Temperature",      "Temperature",      "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Temperature\" setting. Range 2000 to 50000." },
-        { "Tint",             "Tint",             "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Tint\" setting. Range -150 to +150." },
-        { "ToneCurve",        "ToneCurve",        "Seq of points (Integer, Integer)", xmpText, xmpExternal, "Array of points (Integer, Integer) defining a \"Tone Curve\"." },
-        { "ToneCurveName",    "ToneCurveName",    "Choice Text", xmpText,          xmpInternal, "The name of the Tone Curve described by ToneCurve. One of: Linear, Medium Contrast, "
-                                                                                                "Strong Contrast, Custom or a user-defined preset name." },
-        { "Version",          "Version",          "Text",        xmpText,          xmpInternal, "Version of Camera Raw plugin." },
-        { "VignetteAmount",   "VignetteAmount",   "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Vignetting Amount\" setting. Range -100 to +100." },
-        { "VignetteMidpoint", "VignetteMidpoint", "Integer",     xmpText,          xmpExternal, "\"Vignetting Midpoint\" setting. Range 0 to +100." },
-        { "WhiteBalance",     "WhiteBalance",     "Closed Choice Text", xmpText,   xmpExternal, "\"White Balance\" setting. One of: As Shot, Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, Shade, Tungsten, "
-                                                                                                "Fluorescent, Flash, Custom" },
+        { "AutoBrightness",       N_("Auto Brightness"),           "Boolean",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When true, \"Brightness\" is automatically adjusted.") },
+        { "AutoContrast",         N_("Auto Contrast"),             "Boolean",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When true, \"Contrast\" is automatically adjusted.") },
+        { "AutoExposure",         N_("Auto Exposure"),             "Boolean",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When true, \"Exposure\" is automatically adjusted.") },
+        { "AutoShadows",          N_("Auto Shadows"),              "Boolean",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When true,\"Shadows\" is automatically adjusted.") },
+        { "BlueHue",              N_("Blue Hue"),                  "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Blue Hue\" setting. Range -100 to 100.") },
+        { "BlueSaturation",       N_("Blue Saturation"),           "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Blue Saturation\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "Brightness",           N_("Brightness"),                "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Brightness\" setting. Range 0 to +150.") },
+        { "CameraProfile",        N_("Camera Profile"),            "Text",                             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Camera Profile\" setting.") },
+        { "ChromaticAberrationB", N_("Chromatic Aberration Blue"), "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Chomatic Aberration, Fix Blue/Yellow Fringe\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "ChromaticAberrationR", N_("Chromatic Aberration Red"),  "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Chomatic Aberration, Fix Red/Cyan Fringe\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "ColorNoiseReduction",  N_("Color Noise Reduction"),     "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Color Noise Reducton\" setting. Range 0 to +100.") },
+        { "Contrast",             N_("Contrast"),                  "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Contrast\" setting. Range -50 to +100.") },
+        { "CropTop",              N_("Crop Top"),                  "Real",                             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When HasCrop is true, top of crop rectangle") },
+        { "CropLeft",             N_("Crop Left"),                 "Real",                             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When HasCrop is true, left of crop rectangle.") },
+        { "CropBottom",           N_("Crop Bottom"),               "Real",                             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When HasCrop is true, bottom of crop rectangle.") },
+        { "CropRight",            N_("Crop Right"),                "Real",                             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When HasCrop is true, right of crop rectangle.") },
+        { "CropAngle",            N_("Crop Angle"),                "Real",                             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When HasCrop is true, angle of crop rectangle.") },
+        { "CropWidth",            N_("Crop Width"),                "Real",                             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Width of resulting cropped image in CropUnits units.") },
+        { "CropHeight",           N_("Crop Height"),               "Real",                             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Height of resulting cropped image in CropUnits units.") },
+        { "CropUnits",            N_("Crop Units"),                "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Units for CropWidth and CropHeight. 0=pixels, 1=inches, 2=cm") },
+        { "Exposure",             N_("Exposure"),                  "Real",                             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Exposure\" setting. Range -4.0 to +4.0.") },
+        { "GreenHue",             N_("GreenHue"),                  "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Green Hue\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "GreenSaturation",      N_("Green Saturation"),          "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Green Saturation\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "HasCrop",              N_("Has Crop"),                  "Boolean",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When true, image has a cropping rectangle.") },
+        { "HasSettings",          N_("Has Settings"),              "Boolean",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("When true, non-default camera raw settings.") },
+        { "LuminanceSmoothing",   N_("Luminance Smoothing"),       "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Luminance Smoothing\" setting. Range 0 to +100.") },
+        { "RawFileName",          N_("Raw File Name"),             "Text",                             xmpText, xmpInternal, N_("File name fo raw file (not a complete path).") },
+        { "RedHue",               N_("Red Hue"),                   "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Red Hue\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "RedSaturation",        N_("Red Saturation"),            "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Red Saturation\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "Saturation",           N_("Saturation"),                "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Saturation\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "Shadows",              N_("Shadows"),                   "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Shadows\" setting. Range 0 to +100.") },
+        { "ShadowTint",           N_("Shadow Tint"),               "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Shadow Tint\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "Sharpness",            N_("Sharpness"),                 "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Sharpness\" setting. Range 0 to +100.") },
+        { "Temperature",          N_("Temperature"),               "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Temperature\" setting. Range 2000 to 50000.") },
+        { "Tint",                 N_("Tint"),                      "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Tint\" setting. Range -150 to +150.") },
+        { "ToneCurve",            N_("Tone Curve"),                "Seq of points (Integer, Integer)", xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Array of points (Integer, Integer) defining a \"Tone Curve\".") },
+        { "ToneCurveName",        N_("Tone Curve Name"),           "Choice Text",                      xmpText, xmpInternal, N_("The name of the Tone Curve described by ToneCurve. One of: Linear, Medium Contrast, "
+                                                                                                                                "Strong Contrast, Custom or a user-defined preset name.") },
+        { "Version",              N_("Version"),                   "Text",                             xmpText, xmpInternal, N_("Version of Camera Raw plugin.") },
+        { "VignetteAmount",       N_("Vignette Amount"),           "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Vignetting Amount\" setting. Range -100 to +100.") },
+        { "VignetteMidpoint",     N_("Vignette Midpoint"),         "Integer",                          xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"Vignetting Midpoint\" setting. Range 0 to +100.") },
+        { "WhiteBalance",         N_("White Balance"),             "Closed Choice Text",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("\"White Balance\" setting. One of: As Shot, Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, Shade, Tungsten, "
+                                                                                                                                "Fluorescent, Flash, Custom") },
         // End of list marker
         { 0, 0, 0, invalidTypeId, xmpInternal, 0 }

exiv2 packaging

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