[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:40:25 UTC 2017

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=e57c3e5

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e57c3e5e8acbf3efdf105a0e3fbd54dcd535447f
Author: Andreas Huggel <ahuggel at gmx.net>
Date:   Sat Mar 21 10:03:38 2009 +0000

    #623: Removed class TiffPrinter and tiffparse.cpp.
 src/tiffparse.cpp       |  68 ---------------------------
 src/tiffvisitor.cpp     | 120 ------------------------------------------------
 src/tiffvisitor_int.hpp |  65 --------------------------
 3 files changed, 253 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/tiffparse.cpp b/src/tiffparse.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e24f118..0000000
--- a/src/tiffparse.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// ***************************************************************** -*- C++ -*-
-// tiffparse.cpp, $Rev$
-// Print the structure of a TIFF file
-#include <exiv2/tiffparser.hpp>
-#include <exiv2/tiffcomposite.hpp>
-#include <exiv2/tiffvisitor.hpp>
-#include <exiv2/tiffimage.hpp>
-#include <exiv2/futils.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace Exiv2;
-int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
-try {
-    if (argc != 2) {
-        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " file
-        std::cout << "Print the structure of a TIFF file
-        return 1;
-    }
-    FileIo io(argv[1]);
-    if(io.open() != 0) {
-        throw Error(9, io.path(), strError());
-    }
-    IoCloser closer(io);
-    // Ensure that this is the correct image type
-    if (!isTiffType(io, false)) {
-        if (io.error() || io.eof()) throw Error(14);
-        throw Error(3, "TIFF");
-    }
-    // Read the image into a memory buffer
-    long len = io.size();
-    DataBuf buf(len);
-    io.read(buf.pData_, len);
-    if (io.error() || io.eof()) throw Error(14);
-    TiffHeader tiffHeader;
-    if (!tiffHeader.read(buf.pData_, buf.size_)) throw Error(3, "TIFF");
-    TiffComponent::AutoPtr rootDir = TiffCreator::create(Tag::root, Group::none);
-    if (0 == rootDir.get()) {
-        throw Error(1, "No root element defined in TIFF structure");
-    }
-    rootDir->setStart(buf.pData_ + tiffHeader.offset());
-    TiffRwState::AutoPtr state(new TiffRwState(tiffHeader.byteOrder(), 0));
-    TiffReader reader(buf.pData_,
-                      buf.size_,
-                      rootDir.get(),
-                      state);
-    rootDir->accept(reader);
-    tiffHeader.print(std::cerr);
-    TiffPrinter tiffPrinter(std::cerr);
-    rootDir->accept(tiffPrinter);
-    return 0;
-catch (AnyError& e) {
-    std::cerr << e << "
-    return -1;
diff --git a/src/tiffvisitor.cpp b/src/tiffvisitor.cpp
index 7aadfbf..92296c3 100644
--- a/src/tiffvisitor.cpp
+++ b/src/tiffvisitor.cpp
@@ -912,126 +912,6 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
     } // TiffEncoder::add
-    const std::string TiffPrinter::indent_("   ");
-    void TiffPrinter::incIndent()
-    {
-        prefix_ += indent_;
-    } // TiffPrinter::incIndent
-    void TiffPrinter::decIndent()
-    {
-        if (prefix_.length() >= indent_.length()) {
-            prefix_.erase(prefix_.length() - indent_.length(), indent_.length());
-        }
-    } // TiffPrinter::decIndent
-    void TiffPrinter::visitEntry(TiffEntry* object)
-    {
-        printTiffEntry(object, prefix());
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitEntry
-    void TiffPrinter::visitDataEntry(TiffDataEntry* object)
-    {
-        printTiffEntry(object, prefix());
-        if (object->pValue()) {
-            os_ << prefix() << _("Data area") << " "
-                << object->pValue()->sizeDataArea()
-                << " " << _("bytes.
-        }
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitDataEntry
-    void TiffPrinter::visitImageEntry(TiffImageEntry* object)
-    {
-        printTiffEntry(object, prefix());
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitImageEntry
-    void TiffPrinter::visitSizeEntry(TiffSizeEntry* object)
-    {
-        printTiffEntry(object, prefix());
-    }
-    void TiffPrinter::visitDirectory(TiffDirectory* object)
-    {
-        assert(object != 0);
-        os_ << prefix() << tiffGroupName(object->group())
-            << " " << _("directory with") << " "
-            // cast to make MSVC happy
-            << std::dec << static_cast<unsigned int>(object->components_.size());
-        if (object->components_.size() == 1) os_ << " " << _("entry:
-        else os_ << " " << _("entries:
-        incIndent();
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitDirectory
-    void TiffPrinter::visitDirectoryNext(TiffDirectory* object)
-    {
-        decIndent();
-        if (object->hasNext()) {
-            if (object->pNext_) os_ << prefix() << _("Next directory:
-            else os_ << prefix() << _("No next directory
-        }
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitDirectoryNext
-    void TiffPrinter::visitDirectoryEnd(TiffDirectory* /*object*/)
-    {
-        // Nothing to do
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitDirectoryEnd
-    void TiffPrinter::visitSubIfd(TiffSubIfd* object)
-    {
-        os_ << prefix() << _("Sub-IFD") << " ";
-        printTiffEntry(object);
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitSubIfd
-    void TiffPrinter::visitMnEntry(TiffMnEntry* object)
-    {
-        if (!object->mn_) printTiffEntry(object, prefix());
-        else os_ << prefix() << _("Makernote") << " ";
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitMnEntry
-    void TiffPrinter::visitIfdMakernote(TiffIfdMakernote* /*object*/)
-    {
-        // Nothing to do
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitIfdMakernote
-    void TiffPrinter::printTiffEntry(TiffEntryBase* object,
-                                     const std::string& px) const
-    {
-        assert(object != 0);
-        os_ << px << tiffGroupName(object->group())
-            << " " << _("tag") << " 0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0')
-            << std::hex << std::right << object->tag()
-            << ", " << _("type") << " 0x" << std::hex << object->tiffType()
-            << ", " << std::dec << object->count() << " "<< _("component");
-        if (object->count() > 1) os_ << "s";
-        os_ << " in " << object->size() << " " << _("bytes");
-        if (object->size() > 4) os_ << ", " << _("offset") << " " << object->offset();
-        os_ << "
-        const Value* vp = object->pValue();
-        if (vp && vp->count() < 100) os_ << prefix() << *vp;
-        else os_ << prefix() << "...";
-        os_ << "
-    } // TiffPrinter::printTiffEntry
-    void TiffPrinter::visitArrayEntry(TiffArrayEntry* object)
-    {
-        os_ << prefix() << _("Array Entry") << " " << tiffGroupName(object->group())
-            << " " << _("tag") << " 0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0')
-            << std::hex << std::right << object->tag() << " " << _("with")
-            << " " << std::dec << object->count() << " ";
-        if (object->count() > 1) os_ << _("elements");
-        else os_ << _("element");
-        os_ << "
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitArrayEntry
-    void TiffPrinter::visitArrayElement(TiffArrayElement* object)
-    {
-        printTiffEntry(object, prefix());
-    } // TiffPrinter::visitArrayElement
     TiffReader::TiffReader(const byte*    pData,
                            uint32_t       size,
                            TiffComponent* pRoot,
diff --git a/src/tiffvisitor_int.hpp b/src/tiffvisitor_int.hpp
index 6a452b8..e718d3f 100644
--- a/src/tiffvisitor_int.hpp
+++ b/src/tiffvisitor_int.hpp
@@ -631,71 +631,6 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
     }; // class TiffReader
-    /*!
-      @brief TIFF composite visitor to print the TIFF structure to an output
-             stream.
-    */
-    class TiffPrinter : public TiffVisitor {
-    public:
-        //! @name Creators
-        //@{
-        //! Constructor, takes an output stream to write to.
-        TiffPrinter(std::ostream& os, const std::string& prefix ="")
-            : os_(os), prefix_(prefix) {}
-        //! Virtual destructor
-        virtual ~TiffPrinter() {}
-        //@}
-        //! @name Manipulators
-        //@{
-        //! Print a TIFF entry.
-        virtual void visitEntry(TiffEntry* object);
-        //! Print a TIFF data entry.
-        virtual void visitDataEntry(TiffDataEntry* object);
-        //! Print a TIFF image entry.
-        virtual void visitImageEntry(TiffImageEntry* object);
-        //! Print a TIFF size entry.
-        virtual void visitSizeEntry(TiffSizeEntry* object);
-        //! Print a TIFF directory
-        virtual void visitDirectory(TiffDirectory* object);
-        //! Print header before next directory
-        virtual void visitDirectoryNext(TiffDirectory* object);
-        //! Cleanup before leaving this directory
-        virtual void visitDirectoryEnd(TiffDirectory* object);
-        //! Print a TIFF sub-IFD
-        virtual void visitSubIfd(TiffSubIfd* object);
-        //! Print a TIFF makernote
-        virtual void visitMnEntry(TiffMnEntry* object);
-        //! Print an IFD makernote
-        virtual void visitIfdMakernote(TiffIfdMakernote* object);
-        //! Print an array entry component
-        virtual void visitArrayEntry(TiffArrayEntry* object);
-        //! Print an array element
-        virtual void visitArrayElement(TiffArrayElement* object);
-        //! Increment the indent by one level
-        void incIndent();
-        //! Decrement the indent by one level
-        void decIndent();
-        //@}
-        //! @name Accessors
-        //@{
-        //! Print a standard TIFF entry.
-        void printTiffEntry(TiffEntryBase* object,
-                            const std::string& prefix ="") const;
-        //! Return the current prefix
-        std::string prefix() const { return prefix_; }
-        //@}
-    private:
-        // DATA
-        std::ostream& os_;                      //!< Output stream to write to
-        std::string prefix_;                    //!< Current prefix
-        static const std::string indent_;       //!< Indent for one level
-    }; // class TiffPrinter
 }}                                      // namespace Internal, Exiv2
 #endif                                  // #ifndef TIFFVISITOR_INT_HPP_

exiv2 packaging

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