[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:45:17 UTC 2017

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=4cfce11

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 4cfce114db331f1aa296c1458e16ef451ad2b85b
Author: Robin Mills <robin at clanmills.com>
Date:   Tue May 5 19:10:11 2015 +0000

    msvc2005/configure script.  Work in progress.  Currently does not update exv_msvc.h and requires more testing.
 msvc2005/configure.bat |   1 +
 msvc2005/configure.py  | 250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 251 insertions(+)

diff --git a/msvc2005/configure.bat b/msvc2005/configure.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56bd3ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc2005/configure.bat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+python configure.py %*%
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/msvc2005/configure.py b/msvc2005/configure.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf43033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc2005/configure.py
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import optparse
+global empty           # set:  empty
+global strings         # dict: Visual Studio Strings
+global uid             # dict: UID of every projects
+global project         # dict: dependency
+strings = {}
+strings['Begin']='''Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
+# Visual Studio 2005
+strings['End'] = ''
+strings['globalBegin'] = 'Global'
+strings['globalEnd'  ] = 'EndGlobal'
+strings['platforms'] = '''
+	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+		Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
+		Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
+		DebugDLL|Win32 = DebugDLL|Win32
+		DebugDLL|x64 = DebugDLL|x64
+		Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
+		Release|x64 = Release|x64
+		ReleaseDLL|Win32 = ReleaseDLL|Win32
+		ReleaseDLL|x64 = ReleaseDLL|x64
+	EndGlobalSection
+strings['postSolutionBegin'] =   '    GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+strings['postSolutionEnd'  ] =   '    EndGlobalSection
+strings['preSolution']       = '''    GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ 		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ 	EndGlobalSection
+# grep ^Project exiv2.sln | while read line; do p=$(echo $line | cut -d'"' -f 4); u=$(echo $line | cut -d'"' -f 8 | sed -e 's/{//' -e 's/}//' ); echo $p $u ; done
+uid = {}
+uid['addmoddel'				] = '83914D93-57B3-4718-8A50-662C17C4AE8F'
+uid['conntest'				] = 'E015DB8C-C463-4A6B-88EA-AFC671D84B5B'
+uid['convert-test'			] = 'D802FE1E-7868-4034-92B8-00865E1CABAB'
+uid['easyaccess-test'		] = '30E18D87-0147-4601-9ED2-4D5291645DB3'
+uid['exifcomment'			] = 'D291B6EF-986B-4222-ADA6-38A2EC2A56CE'
+uid['exifdata'				] = '1A091C40-C0F3-4405-B99E-CA60B9855D77'
+uid['exifdata-test'			] = 'FEF9C19E-F774-4D8A-991C-A566C1B2E8B6'
+uid['exifprint'				] = 'BFB98A96-7ABD-4F78-BA8B-2C2C257D74D8'
+uid['exifvalue'				] = 'B85BDC90-013A-4D6B-B774-F2D7E0067DA6'
+uid['exiv2'					] = '07293CAC-00DA-493E-90C9-5D010C2B1B53'
+uid['exiv2json'				] = '4171BC51-2FDD-4BF5-BB80-1D9B2ACB03B9'
+uid['geotag'				] = 'E3073076-4837-4DDB-89E5-5AC297C7481D'
+uid['httptest'				] = '4AC6B957-1506-4EDB-BF6A-CF7CCE86EC1F'
+uid['iotest'				] = '21F0CEB1-D850-4C29-88BF-1CE4171824E6'
+uid['iptceasy'				] = '6860BB9B-2053-46CD-9E2D-EEC199D68982'
+uid['iptcprint'				] = 'A7D22798-1262-4194-94A5-C636BCB68329'
+uid['iptctest'				] = 'AD41F87C-242B-4B61-B767-A9879F0D5C04'
+uid['key-test'				] = 'F11358FA-AA36-46E1-BA80-A17B8042BF9B'
+uid['largeiptc-test'		] = '953404C9-B20A-4D17-8262-9D9AD1CDC5C1'
+uid['libexiv2'				] = '831EF580-92C8-4CA8-B0CE-3D906280A54D'
+uid['metacopy'				] = 'AD231915-942F-4083-9671-85E26A5798B0'
+uid['mmap-test'				] = '556CB4FC-33BB-4E67-AB0E-1865E67176A5'
+uid['path-test'				] = 'E04D48BF-F529-4267-9311-908E94DF5A49'
+uid['prevtest'				] = 'FC7120EC-BEB2-4CC3-9B90-B022F560E584'
+uid['remotetest'			] = 'B25A3F96-68E8-4FD4-860E-2C33E539B892'
+uid['stringto-test'			] = '9DCEE051-A07B-4C6B-B2BC-0814F0C323AA'
+uid['taglist'				] = 'DBD630FC-0DA9-41EB-925D-70654D01F6FA'
+uid['tiff-test'				] = 'C34B11A1-B707-46B2-8053-2FA236B369CF'
+uid['utiltest'				] = '495BC686-DF50-4250-B469-9C6B7B33A4B8'
+uid['werror-test'			] = '430C4512-CC73-4943-8CDF-71DEA573BD47'
+uid['write-test'			] = '98A9F59D-FDFE-4B27-88FE-2625F1E7597F'
+uid['write2-test'			] = 'E796088F-0EE6-4EC7-ABA0-8A18F54A4DD7'
+uid['xmpparse'				] = '1708EFC1-414E-4712-80A5-813A6F38814C'
+uid['xmpparser-test'		] = '85121FD0-01A1-49BA-B168-CC8D90F91A6F'
+uid['xmpsample'				] = '45CA5427-4260-4F4A-86B0-FB7AE233D76B'
+uid['xmpsdk'				] = '09877CF4-83B6-44FE-A2E2-629AA5C8093E'
+# for lib in libcurl openssl libssh zlib libexpat; do  xmllint $lib/$lib.vcproj -pretty 1 | grep RootNamespace ; done
+uid['libcurl'           	] = 'F36F075A-880D-47BA-805F-C47850062121'
+uid['libexpat'         	 	] = '6C4C06A3-6F8F-4067-AA4C-D5F41E1FFF9A'
+uid['zlib'  	           	] = '8308C68D-E12B-4C71-96F4-7137F6BEB654'
+uid['libssh'        	    ] = '729E4E11-3BBA-4306-B53C-8AEC45E70E10'
+uid['openssl'   	        ] = '3D77E4F8-02EE-491F-B01C-EE8012CABA18'
+# define project dependances
+project = {}
+# no dependancy
+for p in ['libexpat','zlib']:
+	project[p]=empty
+# known dependance
+project['libcurl'           ] = set(['webready'                    ])
+project['libssh'            ] = set(['webready'                    ])
+project['openssl'           ] = set(['webready'                    ])
+project['xmpparser-test'	] = set(['libexiv2','xmpsdk'           ])
+project['xmpsample'			] = set(['libexiv2','xmpsdk'           ])
+project['xmpsdk'			] = set(['libexpat'                    ])
+project['libexiv2'			] = set(['zlib'    ,'libexpat','xmpsdk'])
+project['geotag'            ] = set(['libexiv2','libexpat'         ])
+# all others depend on libexiv2
+for p in uid:
+	if not p in project:
+		project[p]=set(['libexiv2'])
+#	{831EF580-92C8-4CA8-B0CE-3D906280A54D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+def writeCompilationTable(s,uid):
+	for t in [ 'Debug' , 'DebugDLL' , 'Release' , 'ReleaseDLL' ]:
+		for p in [ 'Win32','x64']:
+			for z in ['ActiveCfg','Build.0']:
+				s.write(   '		{%s}.%s|%s.%s = %s|%s
' % (uid,t,p,z,t,p)   );
+# Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libexiv2", "libexiv2\libexiv2.vcproj", "{831EF580-92C8-4CA8-B0CE-3D906280A54D}"
+#	ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+#		{09877CF4-83B6-44FE-A2E2-629AA5C8093E} = {09877CF4-83B6-44FE-A2E2-629AA5C8093E}
+#		{6C4C06A3-6F8F-4067-AA4C-D5F41E1FFF9A} = {6C4C06A3-6F8F-4067-AA4C-D5F41E1FFF9A}
+#		{8308C68D-E12B-4C71-96F4-7137F6BEB654} = {8308C68D-E12B-4C71-96F4-7137F6BEB654}
+#	EndProjectSection
+# EndProject
+# '''
+def writeProject(s,project,projects):
+	UID='8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942' # grep 8BC9 exiv2.sln | head -1
+	s.write( 'Project("{%s}") = "%s", "%s\%s.vcproj", "{%s}"
' % (UID,project,project,project,uid[project]) )
+	count=len(projects)
+	if 'webready' in projects:
+		count=count-1
+	if count > 0:
+		s.write('	ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+		for p in projects:
+			if p != 'webready':
+				s.write(  '		{%s} = {%s}
' % (uid[p],uid[p])    )
+		s.write('	EndProjectSection
+	s.write('EndProject
+# not assert!
+def cantHappen(condition,message):
+	if condition:
+		print(message)
+		exit(1)
+def main():
+	# set up argument parser
+	usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg"
+	parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
+	parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+	parser.add_option('-W', '--enable-webready' , action='store_true' , dest='webready',help='enable webready' ,default=False)
+	parser.add_option('-w', '--disable-webready', action='store_false', dest='webready',help='disable webready')
+	parser.add_option('-V', '--enable-video'	, action='store_true' , dest='video'   ,help='enable video'    ,default=False)
+	parser.add_option('-v', '--disable-video'	, action='store_false', dest='video'   ,help='disable video'   )
+	parser.add_option('-X', '--enable-xmp'		, action='store_true' , dest='xmp'	   ,help='enable xmp'      ,default=True)
+	parser.add_option('-x', '--disable-xmp'		, action='store_false', dest='xmp'	   ,help='disable xmp'     )
+	parser.add_option('-Z', '--enable-zlib'		, action='store_true' , dest='zlib'	   ,help='enable zlib/png' ,default=True)
+	parser.add_option('-z', '--disable-zlib'	, action='store_false', dest='zlib'	   ,help='disable zlib/png')
+	parser.add_option('-C', '--enable-curl'		, action='store_true' , dest='curl'	   ,help='enable curl'     ,default=False)
+	parser.add_option('-c', '--disable-curl'	, action='store_false', dest='curl'	   ,help='disable curl'    )
+	parser.add_option('-S', '--enable-ssh'		, action='store_true' , dest='ssh'	   ,help='enable ssh'      ,default=False)
+	parser.add_option('-s', '--disable-ssh'		, action='store_false', dest='ssh'	   ,help='disable ssh'     )
+	parser.add_option('-O', '--enable-openssl'	, action='store_true' , dest='openssl' ,help='enable openssl'  ,default=False)
+	parser.add_option('-o', '--disable-openssl' , action='store_false', dest='openssl' ,help='disable openssl' )
+	parser.add_option('-E', '--enable-expat'    , action='store_true' , dest='expat'   ,help='enable expat'    ,default=True)
+	parser.add_option('-e', '--disable-expat'   , action='store_false', dest='expat'   ,help='disable expat'   )
+	parser.add_option('-d', '--default'         , action='store_true' , dest='defolt'  ,help='default'         ,default=True)
+	if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+		parser.print_help()
+		return
+	##
+	# parse and test for errors
+	(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+	cantHappen(options.curl    & (not options.webready),'cannot use curl without webready'   );
+	cantHappen(options.openssl & (not options.webready),'cannot use openssl without webready');
+	cantHappen(options.ssh     & (not options.webready),'cannot use libssh  without webready');
+	cantHappen(options.xmp     & (not options.expat   ),'cannot use xmp without expat'       );
+	if options.defolt == True:
+		options.xmp=True
+		options.zlib=True
+		options.expat=True
+	##
+	# print options
+	fmt='%-20s	->	%s'
+	print(fmt % ('Option' , 'Value'))
+	print(fmt % ('------' , '-----'))
+	for o, v in sorted(options.__dict__.items()):
+		if o != 'defolt':
+			print(fmt % (o, v))
+	if options.curl:
+	 	project['libexiv2'].add('libcurl')
+	if options.openssl:
+		project['libexiv2'].add('openssl')
+	if options.ssh:
+		project['libexiv2'].add('ssh'    )
+	##
+	# open the strings file
+	sln='exiv2-configure.sln'
+	s = open(sln,'w') # 'a+')
+	s.write(strings['Begin'])
+	##
+	# write projects
+	print('Projects:',end=' ')
+	for p in sorted(project):
+		print(p,end=' ')
+		projects=project[p]
+		zap = False
+		zap = zap | ((not options.webready) & ('webready' in projects))
+		zap = zap | ((not options.zlib    ) & ('zlib'     in projects))
+		zap = zap | ((not options.xmp     ) & ('xmp'      in projects))
+		if zap:
+			project[p]=0
+		else:
+			writeProject(s,p,projects)
+	print('')
+	##
+	# write compilation table
+	s.write(strings['globalBegin'])
+	s.write(strings['platforms'  ])
+	s.write(strings['postSolutionBegin'  ])
+	for p in project:
+		if type(project[p]) == type(empty):
+			writeCompilationTable(s,uid[p])
+	s.write(strings['postSolutionEnd'  ])
+	s.write(strings['preSolution'      ])
+	s.write(strings['globalEnd'])
+	##
+	# finish
+	s.write(strings['End'])
+	s.close()
+	print()
+	print('MSVC 2005 strings file created: ' + sln)
+	print()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	main()
+# That's all Folks

exiv2 packaging

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