[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:47:01 UTC 2017

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=f4feff0

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f4feff0864cdaab53618b2e6e7b8b347ade8a2f7
Author: Robin Mills <robin at clanmills.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 22 18:20:43 2016 +0000

    #1229.  Fix submitted (and appropriate update to test harness).  Fix an error in jpgimage::doWriteMetadata for large (>64k) ICC profiles.
 src/jpgimage.cpp            |   8 +-
 test/bugfixes-test.sh       |   6 +
 test/data/bugfixes-test.out | Bin 1912576 -> 1913071 bytes
 test/data/exiv2-bug1229.jpg | Bin 0 -> 47323 bytes
 test/data/icc-test.out      | 652 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 5 files changed, 336 insertions(+), 330 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/jpgimage.cpp b/src/jpgimage.cpp
index be7de85..4c1d0ad 100644
--- a/src/jpgimage.cpp
+++ b/src/jpgimage.cpp
@@ -682,11 +682,11 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
                             } else {
                                 start = 2+35+32+4+4; // Adobe Spec, p19
-                            xmp[size]=0;
-                            out << xmp + start;
+                            out.write((const char*)(xmp+start),size-start);
                             delete [] xmp;
                             bufRead = size;
+                            done = !bExtXMP;
                     } else if ( option == kpsIccProfile && std::strcmp(signature,iccId_) == 0 ) {
                         // extract ICCProfile
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
                     marker = advanceToMarker();
-                done = marker == eoi_ || marker == sos_;
+                done |= marker == eoi_ || marker == sos_;
                 if ( done && bPrint ) out << std::endl;
@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
                         pad[0] = chunk+1;
                         pad[1] = chunks;
                         outIo.write((const byte *) iccId_,12);
-                        outIo.write((const byte *)    pad, 1);
+                        outIo.write((const byte *)    pad, 2);
                         if (outIo.write(iccProfile_.pData_+ (chunk*chunk_size), bytes) != bytes)
                             throw Error(21);
                         if (outIo.error()) throw Error(21);
diff --git a/test/bugfixes-test.sh b/test/bugfixes-test.sh
index d339fbc..b3d72e8 100755
--- a/test/bugfixes-test.sh
+++ b/test/bugfixes-test.sh
@@ -581,6 +581,12 @@ source ./functions.source
     copyTestFile                        $filename
     runTest exiv2 -pa --grep Bar        $filename
+    num=1229
+    printf "$num " >&3
+    filename=exiv2-bug$num.jpg
+    copyTestFile                        $filename
+    runTest exiv2 -pX                   $filename | xmllint --format -
 ) 3>&1 > $results 2>&1
 printf "
diff --git a/test/data/bugfixes-test.out b/test/data/bugfixes-test.out
index 282e1e2..a277cac 100644
Binary files a/test/data/bugfixes-test.out and b/test/data/bugfixes-test.out differ
diff --git a/test/data/exiv2-bug1229.jpg b/test/data/exiv2-bug1229.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff6a7e4
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/data/exiv2-bug1229.jpg differ
diff --git a/test/data/icc-test.out b/test/data/icc-test.out
index f532ab8..0fdd88f 100644
--- a/test/data/icc-test.out
+++ b/test/data/icc-test.out
@@ -16,189 +16,189 @@ STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: Reagan.jpg
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5704 | Exif..MM.*......................
     5708 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5287 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
-   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE.....0ADBE....mntrRGB chunk 1/0
-   11576 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
-   14608 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
-   14624 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
-   14758 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
-   14770 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
-   14789 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
-   14795 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
-   15215 | 0xffda SOS  
+   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE......0ADBE....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+   11577 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+   14609 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
+   14625 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
+   14759 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
+   14771 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
+   14790 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
+   14796 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
+   15216 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5704 | Exif..MM.*......................
     5708 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5287 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
-   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE....0ADBE....mntrRGB  chunk 1/0
-   11576 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
-   14608 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
-   14624 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
-   14758 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
-   14777 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
-   14783 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
-   15203 | 0xffda SOS  
+   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE......0ADBE....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+   11577 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+   14609 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
+   14625 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
+   14759 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
+   14778 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
+   14784 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
+   15204 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5704 | Exif..MM.*......................
     5708 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5287 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
-   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..... APPL....prtrRGB chunk 1/0
-   76512 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..X..Ih.V...j.U..4mVT chunk 2/88
-  142027 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..}.f...~mcx....`.... chunk 3/125
-  207542 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...|...S...^...v..... chunk 4/-119
-  273057 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....bXf2..`Og...^0g.. chunk 5/-117
-  338572 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....~.|...{.}P..y.}.. chunk 6/-119
-  404087 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....b.....:...?..... chunk 7/-96
-  469602 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]eT chunk 8/81
-  535117 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..i.T'..RA.Y..P,....N chunk 9/105
-  600632 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..i.}/..key...l.v..cn chunk 10/105
-  666147 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..{....O{.....|..c..| chunk 11/123
-  731662 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a.` chunk 12/69
-  797177 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..up............. chunk 13/-84
-  862692 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......<............. chunk 14/-32
-  928207 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.............,...'... chunk 15/-1
-  993722 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......g.....m%....qw. chunk 16/-1
- 1059237 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....s....xX.M..n.... chunk 17/-1
- 1124752 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...........0......E.. chunk 18/-1
- 1190267 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......(.n.B......... chunk 19/-1
- 1255782 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 20/48
- 1321297 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 21/49
- 1386812 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 22/49
- 1452327 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 23/54
- 1517842 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...0.670.0.653.0.634. chunk 24/9
- 1583357 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE..09.0.584.0.555.0.50 chunk 25/48
- 1625072 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
- 1628104 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
- 1628120 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
- 1628254 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
- 1628273 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
- 1628279 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
- 1628699 | 0xffda SOS  
+   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...... APPL....prtrRG chunk 1/25
+   76513 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..Ih.V...j.U..4mV chunk 2/25
+  142029 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}.f...~mcx....`... chunk 3/25
+  207545 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....|...S...^...v.... chunk 4/25
+  273061 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....bXf2..`Og...^0g. chunk 5/25
+  338577 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....~.|...{.}P..y.}. chunk 6/25
+  404093 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......b.....:...?.... chunk 7/25
+  469609 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]e chunk 8/25
+  535125 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.T'..RA.Y..P,.... chunk 9/25
+  600641 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.}/..key...l.v..c chunk 10/25
+  666157 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...{....O{.....|..c.. chunk 11/25
+  731673 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a. chunk 12/25
+  797189 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....X..up............ chunk 13/25
+  862705 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........<............ chunk 14/25
+  928221 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..............,...'.. chunk 15/25
+  993737 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......g.....m%....qw chunk 16/25
+ 1059253 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......s....xX.M..n... chunk 17/25
+ 1124769 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............0......E. chunk 18/25
+ 1190285 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........(.n.B........ chunk 19/25
+ 1255801 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/25
+ 1321317 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 21/25
+ 1386833 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 22/25
+ 1452349 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/25
+ 1517865 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....0.670.0.653.0.634 chunk 24/25
+ 1583381 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...09.0.584.0.555.0.5 chunk 25/25
+ 1625097 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+ 1628129 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
+ 1628145 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
+ 1628279 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
+ 1628298 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
+ 1628304 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
+ 1628724 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5704 | Exif..MM.*......................
     5708 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5287 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
-   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.... APPL....prtrRGB  chunk 1/24
-   76512 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....Ih.V...j.U..4mVT< chunk 2/-79
-  142027 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...f...~mcx....`..... chunk 3/27
-  207542 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..|...S...^...v...... chunk 4/124
-  273057 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...bXf2..`Og...^0g..I chunk 5/-98
-  338572 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...~.|...{.}P..y.}..V chunk 6/-116
-  404087 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....b.....:...?.....E chunk 7/-44
-  469602 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]eT6 chunk 8/56
-  535117 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...T'..RA.Y..P,....N% chunk 9/-105
-  600632 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}/..key...l.v..cn- chunk 10/-120
-  666147 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......O{.....|..c..|S chunk 11/-18
-  731662 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...;.O-F.-.R>J...a.`1 chunk 12/-81
-  797177 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..X..up.............. chunk 13/88
-  862692 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......<.............. chunk 14/-76
-  928207 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............,...'.... chunk 15/-1
-  993722 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....g.....m%....qw.. chunk 16/-1
- 1059237 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....s....xX.M..n..... chunk 17/-1
- 1124752 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..........0......E... chunk 18/-1
- 1190267 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......(.n.B.........J chunk 19/-1
- 1255782 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/9
- 1321297 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 21/55
- 1386812 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 22/48
- 1452327 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/9
- 1517842 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..0.670.0.653.0.634.0 chunk 24/48
- 1583357 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE..9.0.584.0.555.0.509 chunk 25/57
- 1625072 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
- 1628104 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
- 1628120 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
- 1628254 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
- 1628266 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
- 1628285 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
- 1628291 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
- 1628711 | 0xffda SOS  
+   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...... APPL....prtrRG chunk 1/25
+   76513 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..Ih.V...j.U..4mV chunk 2/25
+  142029 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}.f...~mcx....`... chunk 3/25
+  207545 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....|...S...^...v.... chunk 4/25
+  273061 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....bXf2..`Og...^0g. chunk 5/25
+  338577 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....~.|...{.}P..y.}. chunk 6/25
+  404093 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......b.....:...?.... chunk 7/25
+  469609 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]e chunk 8/25
+  535125 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.T'..RA.Y..P,.... chunk 9/25
+  600641 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.}/..key...l.v..c chunk 10/25
+  666157 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...{....O{.....|..c.. chunk 11/25
+  731673 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a. chunk 12/25
+  797189 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....X..up............ chunk 13/25
+  862705 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........<............ chunk 14/25
+  928221 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..............,...'.. chunk 15/25
+  993737 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......g.....m%....qw chunk 16/25
+ 1059253 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......s....xX.M..n... chunk 17/25
+ 1124769 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............0......E. chunk 18/25
+ 1190285 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........(.n.B........ chunk 19/25
+ 1255801 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/25
+ 1321317 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 21/25
+ 1386833 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 22/25
+ 1452349 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/25
+ 1517865 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....0.670.0.653.0.634 chunk 24/25
+ 1583381 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...09.0.584.0.555.0.5 chunk 25/25
+ 1625097 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+ 1628129 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
+ 1628145 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
+ 1628279 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
+ 1628291 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
+ 1628310 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
+ 1628316 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
+ 1628736 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5704 | Exif..MM.*......................
     5708 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5287 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
-   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... APPL....prtrRGB L chunk 1/-97
-   76512 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Ih.V...j.U..4mVT<. chunk 2/-99
-  142027 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..f...~mcx....`.....] chunk 3/102
-  207542 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....S...^...v....... chunk 4/-99
-  273057 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..bXf2..`Og...^0g..I\ chunk 5/98
-  338572 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..~.|...{.}P..y.}..Vv chunk 6/126
-  404087 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...b.....:...?.....E. chunk 7/-94
-  469602 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..yq].R.wW].S.uJ]eT6s chunk 8/121
-  535117 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..T'..RA.Y..P,....N%. chunk 9/84
-  600632 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..}/..key...l.v..cn-r chunk 10/125
-  666147 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....O{.....|..c..|S. chunk 11/-67
-  731662 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..;.O-F.-.R>J...a.`1 chunk 12/59
-  797177 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....up............... chunk 13/-1
-  862692 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....<............... chunk 14/-1
-  928207 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...........,...'..... chunk 15/-96
-  993722 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....g.....m%....qw.. chunk 16/0
- 1059237 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...s....xX.M..n.....g chunk 17/-126
- 1124752 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.........0......E.... chunk 18/22
- 1190267 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....(.n.B.........J} chunk 19/-1
- 1255782 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 20/48
- 1321297 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 21/53
- 1386812 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 22/51
- 1452327 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 23/48
- 1517842 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...670.0.653.0.634.0. chunk 24/46
- 1583357 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...0.584.0.555.0.509. chunk 25/9
- 1625072 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
- 1628104 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
- 1628120 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
- 1628254 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
- 1628273 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
- 1628279 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
- 1628699 | 0xffda SOS  
+   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...... APPL....prtrRG chunk 1/25
+   76513 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..Ih.V...j.U..4mV chunk 2/25
+  142029 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}.f...~mcx....`... chunk 3/25
+  207545 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....|...S...^...v.... chunk 4/25
+  273061 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....bXf2..`Og...^0g. chunk 5/25
+  338577 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....~.|...{.}P..y.}. chunk 6/25
+  404093 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......b.....:...?.... chunk 7/25
+  469609 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]e chunk 8/25
+  535125 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.T'..RA.Y..P,.... chunk 9/25
+  600641 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.}/..key...l.v..c chunk 10/25
+  666157 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...{....O{.....|..c.. chunk 11/25
+  731673 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a. chunk 12/25
+  797189 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....X..up............ chunk 13/25
+  862705 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........<............ chunk 14/25
+  928221 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..............,...'.. chunk 15/25
+  993737 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......g.....m%....qw chunk 16/25
+ 1059253 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......s....xX.M..n... chunk 17/25
+ 1124769 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............0......E. chunk 18/25
+ 1190285 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........(.n.B........ chunk 19/25
+ 1255801 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/25
+ 1321317 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 21/25
+ 1386833 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 22/25
+ 1452349 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/25
+ 1517865 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....0.670.0.653.0.634 chunk 24/25
+ 1583381 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...09.0.584.0.555.0.5 chunk 25/25
+ 1625097 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+ 1628129 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
+ 1628145 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
+ 1628279 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
+ 1628298 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
+ 1628304 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
+ 1628724 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5704 | Exif..MM.*......................
     5708 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5287 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
-   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE.....0ADBE....mntrRGB chunk 1/0
-   11576 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
-   14608 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
-   14624 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
-   14758 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
-   14777 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
-   14783 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
-   15203 | 0xffda SOS  
+   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE......0ADBE....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+   11577 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+   14609 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
+   14625 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
+   14759 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
+   14778 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
+   14784 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
+   15204 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5704 | Exif..MM.*......................
     5708 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5287 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
-   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE....0ADBE....mntrRGB  chunk 1/0
-   11576 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
-   14608 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
-   14624 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
-   14758 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
-   14770 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
-   14789 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
-   14795 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
-   15215 | 0xffda SOS  
+   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE......0ADBE....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+   11577 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+   14609 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
+   14625 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
+   14759 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
+   14771 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
+   14790 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
+   14796 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
+   15216 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5704 | Exif..MM.*......................
     5708 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    5287 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
-   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE...0ADBE....mntrRGB X chunk 1/2
-   11576 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
-   14608 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
-   14624 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
-   14758 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
-   14777 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
-   14783 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
-   15203 | 0xffda SOS  
+   10997 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE......0ADBE....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+   11577 | 0xffed APP13 |    3030 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+   14609 | 0xffee APP14 |      14 | Adobe.d at ......
+   14625 | 0xffdb DQT   |     132 
+   14759 | 0xffc0 SOF0  |      17 
+   14778 | 0xffdd DRI   |       4 
+   14784 | 0xffc4 DHT   |     418 
+   15204 | 0xffda SOS  
 STRUCTURE OF WEBP FILE: exiv2-bug1199.webp
  Chunk |   Length |   Offset | Payload
   RIFF |   187526 |        0 | WEBP
@@ -818,226 +818,226 @@ STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: ReaganLargeJpg.jpg
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe0 APP0  |      16 | JFIF.....,.,....
       20 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    4073 | Exif..MM.*......................
-    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..... APPL....prtrRGB chunk 1/0
-   69610 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..X..Ih.V...j.U..4mVT chunk 2/88
-  135125 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..}.f...~mcx....`.... chunk 3/125
-  200640 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...|...S...^...v..... chunk 4/-119
-  266155 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....bXf2..`Og...^0g.. chunk 5/-117
-  331670 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....~.|...{.}P..y.}.. chunk 6/-119
-  397185 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....b.....:...?..... chunk 7/-96
-  462700 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]eT chunk 8/81
-  528215 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..i.T'..RA.Y..P,....N chunk 9/105
-  593730 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..i.}/..key...l.v..cn chunk 10/105
-  659245 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..{....O{.....|..c..| chunk 11/123
-  724760 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a.` chunk 12/69
-  790275 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..up............. chunk 13/-84
-  855790 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......<............. chunk 14/-32
-  921305 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.............,...'... chunk 15/-1
-  986820 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......g.....m%....qw. chunk 16/-1
- 1052335 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....s....xX.M..n.... chunk 17/-1
- 1117850 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...........0......E.. chunk 18/-1
- 1183365 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......(.n.B......... chunk 19/-1
- 1248880 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 20/48
- 1314395 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 21/49
- 1379910 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 22/49
- 1445425 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 23/54
- 1510940 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...0.670.0.653.0.634. chunk 24/9
- 1576455 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE..09.0.584.0.555.0.50 chunk 25/48
- 1618170 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618239 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618308 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
- 1618320 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
- 1618339 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
- 1618371 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
- 1618400 | 0xffda SOS  
+    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...... APPL....prtrRG chunk 1/25
+   69611 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..Ih.V...j.U..4mV chunk 2/25
+  135127 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}.f...~mcx....`... chunk 3/25
+  200643 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....|...S...^...v.... chunk 4/25
+  266159 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....bXf2..`Og...^0g. chunk 5/25
+  331675 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....~.|...{.}P..y.}. chunk 6/25
+  397191 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......b.....:...?.... chunk 7/25
+  462707 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]e chunk 8/25
+  528223 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.T'..RA.Y..P,.... chunk 9/25
+  593739 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.}/..key...l.v..c chunk 10/25
+  659255 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...{....O{.....|..c.. chunk 11/25
+  724771 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a. chunk 12/25
+  790287 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....X..up............ chunk 13/25
+  855803 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........<............ chunk 14/25
+  921319 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..............,...'.. chunk 15/25
+  986835 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......g.....m%....qw chunk 16/25
+ 1052351 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......s....xX.M..n... chunk 17/25
+ 1117867 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............0......E. chunk 18/25
+ 1183383 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........(.n.B........ chunk 19/25
+ 1248899 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/25
+ 1314415 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 21/25
+ 1379931 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 22/25
+ 1445447 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/25
+ 1510963 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....0.670.0.653.0.634 chunk 24/25
+ 1576479 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...09.0.584.0.555.0.5 chunk 25/25
+ 1618195 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618264 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618333 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
+ 1618345 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
+ 1618364 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
+ 1618396 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
+ 1618425 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe0 APP0  |      16 | JFIF.....,.,....
       20 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    4073 | Exif..MM.*......................
-    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.... APPL....prtrRGB  chunk 1/24
-   69610 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....Ih.V...j.U..4mVT< chunk 2/-79
-  135125 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...f...~mcx....`..... chunk 3/27
-  200640 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..|...S...^...v...... chunk 4/124
-  266155 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...bXf2..`Og...^0g..I chunk 5/-98
-  331670 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...~.|...{.}P..y.}..V chunk 6/-116
-  397185 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....b.....:...?.....E chunk 7/-44
-  462700 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]eT6 chunk 8/56
-  528215 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...T'..RA.Y..P,....N% chunk 9/-105
-  593730 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}/..key...l.v..cn- chunk 10/-120
-  659245 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......O{.....|..c..|S chunk 11/-18
-  724760 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...;.O-F.-.R>J...a.`1 chunk 12/-81
-  790275 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..X..up.............. chunk 13/88
-  855790 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......<.............. chunk 14/-76
-  921305 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............,...'.... chunk 15/-1
-  986820 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....g.....m%....qw.. chunk 16/-1
- 1052335 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....s....xX.M..n..... chunk 17/-1
- 1117850 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..........0......E... chunk 18/-1
- 1183365 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......(.n.B.........J chunk 19/-1
- 1248880 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/9
- 1314395 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 21/55
- 1379910 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 22/48
- 1445425 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/9
- 1510940 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..0.670.0.653.0.634.0 chunk 24/48
- 1576455 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE..9.0.584.0.555.0.509 chunk 25/57
- 1618170 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618239 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618308 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
- 1618327 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
- 1618359 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
- 1618388 | 0xffda SOS  
+    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...... APPL....prtrRG chunk 1/25
+   69611 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..Ih.V...j.U..4mV chunk 2/25
+  135127 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}.f...~mcx....`... chunk 3/25
+  200643 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....|...S...^...v.... chunk 4/25
+  266159 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....bXf2..`Og...^0g. chunk 5/25
+  331675 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....~.|...{.}P..y.}. chunk 6/25
+  397191 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......b.....:...?.... chunk 7/25
+  462707 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]e chunk 8/25
+  528223 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.T'..RA.Y..P,.... chunk 9/25
+  593739 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.}/..key...l.v..c chunk 10/25
+  659255 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...{....O{.....|..c.. chunk 11/25
+  724771 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a. chunk 12/25
+  790287 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....X..up............ chunk 13/25
+  855803 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........<............ chunk 14/25
+  921319 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..............,...'.. chunk 15/25
+  986835 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......g.....m%....qw chunk 16/25
+ 1052351 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......s....xX.M..n... chunk 17/25
+ 1117867 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............0......E. chunk 18/25
+ 1183383 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........(.n.B........ chunk 19/25
+ 1248899 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/25
+ 1314415 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 21/25
+ 1379931 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 22/25
+ 1445447 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/25
+ 1510963 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....0.670.0.653.0.634 chunk 24/25
+ 1576479 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...09.0.584.0.555.0.5 chunk 25/25
+ 1618195 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618264 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618333 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
+ 1618352 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
+ 1618384 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
+ 1618413 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe0 APP0  |      16 | JFIF.....,.,....
       20 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    4073 | Exif..MM.*......................
-    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..... APPL....prtrRGB chunk 1/0
-   69610 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..X..Ih.V...j.U..4mVT chunk 2/88
-  135125 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..}.f...~mcx....`.... chunk 3/125
-  200640 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...|...S...^...v..... chunk 4/-119
-  266155 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....bXf2..`Og...^0g.. chunk 5/-117
-  331670 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....~.|...{.}P..y.}.. chunk 6/-119
-  397185 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....b.....:...?..... chunk 7/-96
-  462700 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]eT chunk 8/81
-  528215 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..i.T'..RA.Y..P,....N chunk 9/105
-  593730 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..i.}/..key...l.v..cn chunk 10/105
-  659245 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..{....O{.....|..c..| chunk 11/123
-  724760 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a.` chunk 12/69
-  790275 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..up............. chunk 13/-84
-  855790 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......<............. chunk 14/-32
-  921305 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.............,...'... chunk 15/-1
-  986820 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......g.....m%....qw. chunk 16/-1
- 1052335 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....s....xX.M..n.... chunk 17/-1
- 1117850 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...........0......E.. chunk 18/-1
- 1183365 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......(.n.B......... chunk 19/-1
- 1248880 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 20/48
- 1314395 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 21/49
- 1379910 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 22/49
- 1445425 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 23/54
- 1510940 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...0.670.0.653.0.634. chunk 24/9
- 1576455 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE..09.0.584.0.555.0.50 chunk 25/48
- 1618170 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618239 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618308 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
- 1618327 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
- 1618359 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
- 1618388 | 0xffda SOS  
+    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...... APPL....prtrRG chunk 1/25
+   69611 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..Ih.V...j.U..4mV chunk 2/25
+  135127 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}.f...~mcx....`... chunk 3/25
+  200643 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....|...S...^...v.... chunk 4/25
+  266159 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....bXf2..`Og...^0g. chunk 5/25
+  331675 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....~.|...{.}P..y.}. chunk 6/25
+  397191 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......b.....:...?.... chunk 7/25
+  462707 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]e chunk 8/25
+  528223 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.T'..RA.Y..P,.... chunk 9/25
+  593739 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.}/..key...l.v..c chunk 10/25
+  659255 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...{....O{.....|..c.. chunk 11/25
+  724771 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a. chunk 12/25
+  790287 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....X..up............ chunk 13/25
+  855803 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........<............ chunk 14/25
+  921319 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..............,...'.. chunk 15/25
+  986835 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......g.....m%....qw chunk 16/25
+ 1052351 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......s....xX.M..n... chunk 17/25
+ 1117867 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............0......E. chunk 18/25
+ 1183383 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........(.n.B........ chunk 19/25
+ 1248899 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/25
+ 1314415 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 21/25
+ 1379931 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 22/25
+ 1445447 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/25
+ 1510963 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....0.670.0.653.0.634 chunk 24/25
+ 1576479 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...09.0.584.0.555.0.5 chunk 25/25
+ 1618195 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618264 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618333 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
+ 1618352 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
+ 1618384 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
+ 1618413 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe0 APP0  |      16 | JFIF.....,.,....
       20 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    4073 | Exif..MM.*......................
-    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.... APPL....prtrRGB  chunk 1/24
-   69610 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....Ih.V...j.U..4mVT< chunk 2/-79
-  135125 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...f...~mcx....`..... chunk 3/27
-  200640 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..|...S...^...v...... chunk 4/124
-  266155 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...bXf2..`Og...^0g..I chunk 5/-98
-  331670 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...~.|...{.}P..y.}..V chunk 6/-116
-  397185 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....b.....:...?.....E chunk 7/-44
-  462700 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]eT6 chunk 8/56
-  528215 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...T'..RA.Y..P,....N% chunk 9/-105
-  593730 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}/..key...l.v..cn- chunk 10/-120
-  659245 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......O{.....|..c..|S chunk 11/-18
-  724760 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...;.O-F.-.R>J...a.`1 chunk 12/-81
-  790275 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..X..up.............. chunk 13/88
-  855790 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......<.............. chunk 14/-76
-  921305 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............,...'.... chunk 15/-1
-  986820 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....g.....m%....qw.. chunk 16/-1
- 1052335 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....s....xX.M..n..... chunk 17/-1
- 1117850 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..........0......E... chunk 18/-1
- 1183365 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......(.n.B.........J chunk 19/-1
- 1248880 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/9
- 1314395 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 21/55
- 1379910 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 22/48
- 1445425 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/9
- 1510940 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..0.670.0.653.0.634.0 chunk 24/48
- 1576455 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE..9.0.584.0.555.0.509 chunk 25/57
- 1618170 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618239 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618308 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
- 1618320 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
- 1618339 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
- 1618371 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
- 1618400 | 0xffda SOS  
+    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...... APPL....prtrRG chunk 1/25
+   69611 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..Ih.V...j.U..4mV chunk 2/25
+  135127 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}.f...~mcx....`... chunk 3/25
+  200643 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....|...S...^...v.... chunk 4/25
+  266159 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....bXf2..`Og...^0g. chunk 5/25
+  331675 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....~.|...{.}P..y.}. chunk 6/25
+  397191 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......b.....:...?.... chunk 7/25
+  462707 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]e chunk 8/25
+  528223 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.T'..RA.Y..P,.... chunk 9/25
+  593739 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.}/..key...l.v..c chunk 10/25
+  659255 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...{....O{.....|..c.. chunk 11/25
+  724771 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a. chunk 12/25
+  790287 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....X..up............ chunk 13/25
+  855803 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........<............ chunk 14/25
+  921319 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..............,...'.. chunk 15/25
+  986835 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......g.....m%....qw chunk 16/25
+ 1052351 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......s....xX.M..n... chunk 17/25
+ 1117867 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............0......E. chunk 18/25
+ 1183383 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........(.n.B........ chunk 19/25
+ 1248899 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/25
+ 1314415 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 21/25
+ 1379931 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 22/25
+ 1445447 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/25
+ 1510963 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....0.670.0.653.0.634 chunk 24/25
+ 1576479 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...09.0.584.0.555.0.5 chunk 25/25
+ 1618195 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618264 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618333 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
+ 1618345 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
+ 1618364 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
+ 1618396 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
+ 1618425 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe0 APP0  |      16 | JFIF.....,.,....
       20 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    4073 | Exif..MM.*......................
-    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... APPL....prtrRGB L chunk 1/-97
-   69610 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Ih.V...j.U..4mVT<. chunk 2/-99
-  135125 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..f...~mcx....`.....] chunk 3/102
-  200640 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....S...^...v....... chunk 4/-99
-  266155 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..bXf2..`Og...^0g..I\ chunk 5/98
-  331670 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..~.|...{.}P..y.}..Vv chunk 6/126
-  397185 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...b.....:...?.....E. chunk 7/-94
-  462700 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..yq].R.wW].S.uJ]eT6s chunk 8/121
-  528215 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..T'..RA.Y..P,....N%. chunk 9/84
-  593730 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..}/..key...l.v..cn-r chunk 10/125
-  659245 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....O{.....|..c..|S. chunk 11/-67
-  724760 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..;.O-F.-.R>J...a.`1 chunk 12/59
-  790275 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....up............... chunk 13/-1
-  855790 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....<............... chunk 14/-1
-  921305 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...........,...'..... chunk 15/-96
-  986820 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....g.....m%....qw.. chunk 16/0
- 1052335 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...s....xX.M..n.....g chunk 17/-126
- 1117850 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.........0......E.... chunk 18/22
- 1183365 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....(.n.B.........J} chunk 19/-1
- 1248880 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 20/48
- 1314395 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 21/53
- 1379910 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 22/51
- 1445425 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.. chunk 23/48
- 1510940 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...670.0.653.0.634.0. chunk 24/46
- 1576455 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...0.584.0.555.0.509. chunk 25/9
- 1618170 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618239 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
- 1618308 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
- 1618327 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
- 1618359 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
- 1618388 | 0xffda SOS  
+    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...... APPL....prtrRG chunk 1/25
+   69611 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...X..Ih.V...j.U..4mV chunk 2/25
+  135127 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...}.f...~mcx....`... chunk 3/25
+  200643 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....|...S...^...v.... chunk 4/25
+  266159 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....bXf2..`Og...^0g. chunk 5/25
+  331675 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.....~.|...{.}P..y.}. chunk 6/25
+  397191 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......b.....:...?.... chunk 7/25
+  462707 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...Q8yq].R.wW].S.uJ]e chunk 8/25
+  528223 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.T'..RA.Y..P,.... chunk 9/25
+  593739 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...i.}/..key...l.v..c chunk 10/25
+  659255 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...{....O{.....|..c.. chunk 11/25
+  724771 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE...E.;.O-F.-.R>J...a. chunk 12/25
+  790287 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....X..up............ chunk 13/25
+  855803 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........<............ chunk 14/25
+  921319 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE..............,...'.. chunk 15/25
+  986835 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE.......g.....m%....qw chunk 16/25
+ 1052351 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE......s....xX.M..n... chunk 17/25
+ 1117867 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE............0......E. chunk 18/25
+ 1183383 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE........(.n.B........ chunk 19/25
+ 1248899 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 20/25
+ 1314415 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 21/25
+ 1379931 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 22/25
+ 1445447 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE... chunk 23/25
+ 1510963 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   65512 | ICC_PROFILE....0.670.0.653.0.634 chunk 24/25
+ 1576479 | 0xffe2 APP2  |   41712 | ICC_PROFILE...09.0.584.0.555.0.5 chunk 25/25
+ 1618195 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618264 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+ 1618333 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
+ 1618352 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
+ 1618384 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
+ 1618413 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe0 APP0  |      16 | JFIF.....,.,....
       20 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    4073 | Exif..MM.*......................
-    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE.....0ADBE....mntrRGB chunk 1/0
-    4674 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
-    4743 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
-    4812 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
-    4831 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
-    4863 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
-    4892 | 0xffda SOS  
+    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE......0ADBE....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+    4675 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+    4744 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+    4813 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
+    4832 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
+    4864 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
+    4893 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe0 APP0  |      16 | JFIF.....,.,....
       20 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    4073 | Exif..MM.*......................
-    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE....0ADBE....mntrRGB  chunk 1/0
-    4674 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
-    4743 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
-    4812 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
-    4824 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
-    4843 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
-    4875 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
-    4904 | 0xffda SOS  
+    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE......0ADBE....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+    4675 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+    4744 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+    4813 | 0xfffe COM   |      10 | abcdefg
+    4825 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
+    4844 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
+    4876 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
+    4905 | 0xffda SOS  
  address | marker       |  length | data
        0 | 0xffd8 SOI  
        2 | 0xffe0 APP0  |      16 | JFIF.....,.,....
       20 | 0xffe1 APP1  |    4073 | Exif..MM.*......................
-    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE...0ADBE....mntrRGB X chunk 1/2
-    4674 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
-    4743 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
-    4812 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
-    4831 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
-    4863 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
-    4892 | 0xffda SOS  
+    4095 | 0xffe2 APP2  |     576 | ICC_PROFILE......0ADBE....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+    4675 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+    4744 | 0xffdb DQT   |      67 
+    4813 | 0xffc2 SOF2  |      17 
+    4832 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      30 
+    4864 | 0xffc4 DHT   |      27 
+    4893 | 0xffda SOS  

exiv2 packaging

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