[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:47:24 UTC 2017

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=6af7c0e

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 6af7c0e1e59b74f9ad90125a5cf7363bbd192517
Author: Robin Mills <robin at clanmills.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 10 17:16:49 2017 +0000

    #1279 Preparing release.
 website/Checklist.txt                              | 43 +++++--------
 .../bin/{exiv2-buildrelease.sh => buildrelease.sh} | 15 ++++-
 website/bin/conversion.sh                          |  1 -
 website/bin/download.sh                            | 47 ++++++++++++++
 website/master/download.html.in                    | 75 ++--------------------
 5 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)

diff --git a/website/Checklist.txt b/website/Checklist.txt
index 75d1573..04d82d5 100644
--- a/website/Checklist.txt
+++ b/website/Checklist.txt
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Review and update documentation
+Get the release ready by inspecting the logs from the buildserver.
 v0.26 and Later (must do this on the buildserver)
 	Get the "release builds" from the buildserver:
 	701 rmills at rmillsmm:~/gnu/exiv2/trunk/website $ mkdir html/builds
@@ -37,37 +38,27 @@ v0.26 and Later (must do this on the buildserver)
 	-rw-r--r--+ 1 rmills staff 2.3M Mar  8 18:19 html/builds/linux-svn-4718-date-2017-03-08+02-18-55.tar.gz
 	-rw-r--r--+ 1 rmills staff 2.7M Mar  8 18:19 html/builds/macosx-svn-4718-date-2017-03-08+02-17-33.tar.gz
 	-rw-r--r--+ 1 rmills staff 5.9M Mar  8 18:19 html/builds/mingw-svn-4718-date-2017-03-08+03-27-53.tar.gz
-	705 rmills at rmillsmm:~/gnu/exiv2/trunk/website $ pushd html/builds ; mv msvc....... msvc.tar.gz etc... ; popd
+	705 rmills at rmillsmm:~/gnu/exiv2/trunk/website $ pushd html/builds ; mv msvc....... exiv2-0.26-msvc.tar.gz etc... ; popd
 	715 rmills at rmillsmm:~/gnu/exiv2/trunk/website $
-v0.25 and earlier
-  Compile organize
-  Compile and run tests on Intel 32
-  Compile and run tests on AMD 64
-  Compile and run tests on Mac OSX
-  Compile and run tests
-  Compile with 7.1 msvc2003
-  Run tests with 7.1 executables
-  Compile with 8   msvc2005
-  Run tests with 8 executables
-  Compile with 9   msvc2005
-  Run tests with 9 executables
-  Compile with 10  msvc2005
-  Run tests with 10 executables
-  Compile with 11  msvc2012
-  Run tests with 11 executables
+Get the Website ready:
+Run the script to get revision history:
+	$ cd exiv2/team/contrib/redmine
+	$ getdata.sh release 
+	Modify/paste output to html/var/__ChangeLog__
+	Finalize webpage download information (echo -e '0.27' > var/__version__ ; bin/download.sh)
+	make
+	open html/index.html
 Tag release (bin/exiv2-tagrelease.sh)
-Create packages (bin/exiv2-buildrelease.sh, bin/exiv2-buildwinexe.sh)
-Finalize webpages with package information (bin/release_info.sh)
+Create packages (bin/exiv2-buildrelease.sh # bin/exiv2-buildwinexe.sh)
 Publish webpages and packages locally (make publish)
 Download and test packages
-Test Windows binary on Windows
+# Test Windows binary on Windows
 Really publish webpages and packages (make really-publish)
 Validate uploaded webpages with W3C HTML checker
 Exiv2 forum announcement
diff --git a/website/bin/exiv2-buildrelease.sh b/website/bin/buildrelease.sh
similarity index 90%
copy from website/bin/exiv2-buildrelease.sh
copy to website/bin/buildrelease.sh
index c962628..d6a8f3a 100755
--- a/website/bin/exiv2-buildrelease.sh
+++ b/website/bin/buildrelease.sh
@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ if [ $rel = trunk ] ; then
 svn export svn://dev.exiv2.org/svn/$path
-mv $rel exiv2-$rel
+version=$(grep AC_INIT $path/config/configure.ac  | cut -d, -f 2 | sed -E -e 's/ //g')
+mv $rel exiv2-$version-$rel
 echo ==========================================================================
 echo Preparing the source code
@@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ rm -f .gitignore
 rm -rf kdevelop/
 sudo make uninstall
 make distclean
-rm -rf test/
+rm -rf test/tmp
 rm -f Makefile
 rm -f bootstrap.linux
 rm -f msvc64\runner.txt
@@ -92,3 +95,11 @@ echo
 grep 'Error ' exiv2-buildrelease-$rel.out | grep -v -e'BasicError ' -e'Error 1 (ignored)'
 ) 2>&1 | tee exiv2-buildrelease-$rel.out 2>&1
+if [ -e exiv2-$rel.tar.gz ]; then
+	ls -alt exiv2-$rel.tar.gz
+# That's all Folks
diff --git a/website/bin/conversion.sh b/website/bin/conversion.sh
index c79f00c..cb3da23 100755
--- a/website/bin/conversion.sh
+++ b/website/bin/conversion.sh
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ count=${#from[@]}
     echo   '<table class="table table-striped">'
     echo   '<tr><th>Between Exif tags or Iptc datasets</th><th>and XMP properties</th></tr>'
     while [ $index -lt $count ]; do
diff --git a/website/bin/download.sh b/website/bin/download.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e8fa179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/bin/download.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Create download tables
+version=$(cat $basedir/var/__version__)
+rm -rf $basedir/var/$table
+rm -rf $basedir/var/$buttons
+for P in trunk macosx linux cygwin mingw msvc; do
+	p=exiv2-$version-$P.tar.gz
+	size=$(ls -la html/builds/$p | cut -d' ' -f 5)
+	date=$(stat -c "%w" html/builds/$p | cut -d' ' -f 1)
+	md5=$(md5sum html/builds/$p  | cut -d' ' -f 1)
+	echo "<tr>  \
+            <td>Exiv2 v$version $P</td> \
+            <td><a href=\"builds/${p}\">${p}</a></td> \
+            <td>$size</td> \
+            <td class=\"text-nowrap\">$date</td> \
+            <td>$md5</td> \
+          </tr>"  >> $basedir/var/$table
+	platform=$P
+	config="64 bit shared libraries" 
+	if [ "$platform" == macosx ]; then platform="MacOSX"       ; fi          
+	if [ "$platform" == cygwin ]; then platform="Cygwin"       ; fi          
+	if [ "$platform" == mingw  ]; then platform="MinGW"        ; config="32 bit shared libraries"                     ; fi          
+	if [ "$platform" == msvc   ]; then platform="Visual Studio"; config="32 & 64 bit DLLs for MSVC 2005/8/10/12/13/15"; fi          
+	if [ "$platform" == linux  ]; then platform="Linux"        ; fi
+	if [ "$platform" != trunk  ]; then
+  	  echo "<tr><td>$platform<h3></td><td>$config</td> \
+	        <td> \
+	          <p3 class=\"text-center\"> \
+                <a href=\"builds/$p\" class=\"btn btn-sm btn-success\"> \
+	            <span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></span> $p \
+	            </a> \
+	         </p3> \
+            </td></tr>" >> $basedir/var/$buttons
+    fi
+# That's all Folks!
diff --git a/website/master/download.html.in b/website/master/download.html.in
index 9040ac5..8fa3cb0 100644
--- a/website/master/download.html.in
+++ b/website/master/download.html.in
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ __navbar__
 	  installation notes and further information.
 	<p class="text-center margin-top-s">
-          <a href="exiv2-__version__.tar.gz" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">
+          <a href="exiv2-__version__-trunk.tar.gz" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">
 	    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span>  Download source
@@ -60,50 +60,7 @@ __navbar__
 <div class="table-responsive">
 <table class="table table-striped">
-	<tr><td>MacOSX<h3></td><td>64 bit shared libraries</td>
-	<td>
-	<p3 class="text-center">
-          <a href="builds/macosx.tar.gz" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">
-	    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span>  Download macosx.tar.gz
-	  </a>
-	</p3>
-	<tr><td>Linux<h3></td><td>64 bit shared libraries.</td>
-	<td>
-	<p3 class="text-center">
-          <a href="builds/linux.tar.gz" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">
-	    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span>  Download linux.tar.gz
-	  </a>
-	</p3>
-	<tr><td>Cygwin<h3></td><td>64 bit shared libraries.</td>
-	<td>
-	<p3 class="text-center">
-          <a href="builds/cygwin.tar.gz" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">
-	    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span>  Download cygwin.tar.gz
-	  </a>
-	</p3>
-	<tr><td>MinGW<h3></td><td>32 bit shared libraries.</td>
-	<td>
-	<p3 class="text-center">
-          <a href="builds/mingw.tar.gz" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">
-	    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span>  Download mingw.tar.gz
-	  </a>
-	</p3>
-	<tr><td>MSVC<h3></td><td>64 and 32 bit shared libraries for Visual Studio 2005/8/10/12/13/15</td>
-	<td>
-	<p3 class="text-center">
-          <a href="builds/mingw.tar.gz" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">
-	    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt" aria-hidden="true"></span>  Download msvc.tar.gz
-	  </a>
-	</p3>
+	__download_buttons__
   <p class="margin-top-s">As an alternative to these packages, most Linux distributions,
@@ -132,20 +89,7 @@ __navbar__
-    <tr>
-      <td>Exiv2 v__version__ Source</td>
-      <td><a title="Download the v__version__ source package" href="exiv2-__version__.tar.gz" >exiv2-__version__.tar.gz</a></td>
-      <td>__size_src_pkg__</td>
-      <td class="text-nowrap">__rel_date_src_pkg__</td>
-      <td>__md5sum_src_pkg__</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>Exiv2 v__version__ Windows executable</td>
-      <td><a title="Download the v__version__ Windows executable" href="exiv2-__version__-win.zip" >exiv2-__version__-win.zip</a></td>
-      <td>__size_win_pkg__</td>
-      <td class="text-nowrap">__rel_date_win_pkg__</td>
-      <td>__md5sum_win_pkg__</td>
-    </tr>
@@ -170,7 +114,7 @@ for NLS,
 <h2 id="svndevel">SVN Repository (before and including v0.26)</h2>
- <p>The Exiv2 source code was maintained in a Subversion repository until v0.26 shipped.  You can
+ <p>The Exiv2 source code has maintained in a Subversion repository.  Future changes to Exiv2 will not be managed by SVN.  You can
   <a href="http://dev.exiv2.org/projects/exiv2/repository" title="Exiv2 online source code repository" >browse the source code online</a>
   or get a copy of the latest development code from the repository.
   Once you have the source code, see the <em><a title="README file" href="http://dev.exiv2.org/projects/exiv2/repository/entry/tags/__version__/README">README</a></em> file in the top
@@ -181,11 +125,11 @@ for NLS,
     <li>Source: svn://dev.exiv2.org/svn/trunk</li>
     <li>Source: svn://dev.exiv2.org/svn/branches</li>
     <li>Team Resources: svn://dev.exiv2.org/svn/team</li>
-    <li>Test Resources: svn://dev.exiv2.org/svn/test</li>
+    <li>Test Resources: svn://dev.exiv2.org/svn/testdata</li>
- <p>To check-out the current source code from the repository, you need a 
+ <p>To check-out code from the repository, you need a 
   <a title="Get Subversion!"
   href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Subversion_clients">Subversion client</a>. 
   If you use the standard subversion <code>svn</code> command line client, change to the directory where you want to keep 
@@ -193,13 +137,6 @@ for NLS,
 <pre class="pre-x-scrollable">$ svn checkout svn://dev.exiv2.org/svn/trunk</pre>
- <p>Not included in the source distribution are test data and several
-  test drivers.  To download these directly from the repository (about
-  34 MB), change to your local exiv2-__version__/ directory and use the
-  following command:</p>
-<pre class="pre-x-scrollable">$ svn export svn://dev.exiv2.org/svn/tags/__version__/test</pre>
 <p>The <a href="http://dev.exiv2.org/projects/exiv2/wiki" title="Exiv2 community website">Exiv2 community website</a>
  provides access to further project resources, including the issue tracker, wiki and forum.</p>

exiv2 packaging

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