[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:43:51 UTC 2017

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=9f48237

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9f48237901489f03ddad48129c665c202fa2733a
Author: Andreas Huggel <ahuggel at gmx.net>
Date:   Mon Jul 29 15:42:14 2013 +0000

    Removed non-ASCII characters from the file.
 src/properties.cpp | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/properties.cpp b/src/properties.cpp
index 330467d..246044d 100644
--- a/src/properties.cpp
+++ b/src/properties.cpp
@@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
         { "Director",               N_("Director"),                         "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Information about the Director.")   },
         { "DisplayUnit",            N_("Video Display Unit"),               "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Video display unit. Eg - cm, pixels, inch")   },
         { "DistributedBy",          N_("Distributed By"),                   "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Distributed By, i.e. name of person or organization.")   },
-        { "DocType",                N_("Doc Type"),                         "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Describes the contents of the file. In the case of a MATROSKA file, its value is 'matroska'")   },
+        { "DocType",                N_("Doc Type"),                         "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Describes the contents of the file. In the case of a MATROSKA file, its value is 'matroska'")   },
         { "DocTypeReadVersion",     N_("Doc Type Read Version"),            "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A Matroska video specific property, helps in determining the compatibility of file with a particular version of a video player")   },
         { "DocTypeVersion",         N_("Doc Type Version"),                 "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A Matroska video specific property, indicated the version of filetype, helps in determining the compatibility")   },
         { "DotsPerInch",            N_("Dots Per Inch"),                    "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Dots Per Inch")   },
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
                                                                                                                                  "operation QuickDraw should performwhen drawing ortransferring an image fromone location to another.")   },
         { "Grouping",               N_("Grouping"),                         "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Information about the Grouping.")   },
         { "HandlerClass",           N_("Handler Class"),                    "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A four-character code that identifies the type of the handler. Only two values are valid for this field: 'mhlr' for media handlers and 'dhlr' for data handlers.")   },
-        { "HandlerDescription",     N_("Handler Description"),              "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A (counted) string that specifies the name of the component—that is, the media handler used when this media was created..")   },
+        { "HandlerDescription",     N_("Handler Description"),              "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A (counted) string that specifies the name of the component-that is, the media handler used when this media was created..")   },
         { "HandlerType",            N_("Handler Type"),                     "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A four-character code that identifies the type of the media handler or data handler.")   },
         { "HandlerVendorID",        N_("Handler Vendor ID"),                "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Component manufacturer.")   },
         { "Height",                 N_("Video Height"),                     "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Video height in pixels")   },
@@ -1153,11 +1153,11 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
         { "MaxBitRate",             N_("Maximum Bit Rate"),                 "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Specifies the maximum instantaneous bit rate in bits per second for the entire file. This shall equal the sum of the bit rates of the individual digital media streams.")   },
         { "MaxDataRate",            N_("Maximum Data Rate"),                "kiloBytes per Second",     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Peak rate at which data is presented in a video (Expressed in kB/s(kiloBytes per Second))")   },
         { "MediaCreateDate",        N_("Media Track Create Date"),          "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that indicates (in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904) when the media header was created.")   },
-        { "MediaDuration",          N_("Media Track Duration"),             "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the duration of this media (in the movie’s time coordinate system).")   },
+        { "MediaDuration",          N_("Media Track Duration"),             "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the duration of this media (in the movie's time coordinate system).")   },
         { "MediaHeaderVersion",     N_("Media Header Version"),             "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 1-byte specification of the version of this media header")   },
         { "MediaLangCode",          N_("Media Language Code"),              "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit integer that specifies the language code for this media.")   },
         { "MediaModifyDate",        N_("Media Track Modify Date"),          "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that indicates (in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904) when the media header was last modified.")   },
-        { "MediaTimeScale",         N_("Media Time Scale"),                 "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the time scale for this media—that is, the number of time units that pass per second in its time coordinate system." )   },
+        { "MediaTimeScale",         N_("Media Time Scale"),                 "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the time scale for this media-that is, the number of time units that pass per second in its time coordinate system." )   },
         { "Medium",                 N_("Medium"),                           "Text",                     xmpSeq,  xmpExternal, N_("Medium.")   },
         { "Metadata",               N_("Metadata"),                         "Text",                     xmpSeq,  xmpExternal, N_("An array of Unknown / Unregistered Metadata Tags and their values.")   },
         { "MetadataLibrary",        N_("Metadata Library"),                 "Text",                     xmpSeq,  xmpExternal, N_("An array of Unregistered Metadata Library Tags and their values.")   },
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
         { "ModificationDate",       N_("Modification Date-Time"),           "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Contains the modification date of the video")   },
         { "MovieHeaderVersion",     N_("Movie Header Version"),             "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Movie Header Version")   },
         { "MusicBy",                N_("Music By"),                         "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Music By, i.e. name of person or organization.")   },
-        { "MuxingApp",              N_("Muxing App"),                       "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Contains the name of the library that has been used to create the file (like ”libmatroska 0.7.0“)")   },
+        { "MuxingApp",              N_("Muxing App"),                       "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Contains the name of the library that has been used to create the file (like \"libmatroska 0.7.0\")")   },
         { "Name",                   N_("Name"),                             "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Name of song or the event.")   },
         { "NextTrackID",            N_("Next Track ID"),                    "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that indicates a value to use for the track ID number of the next track added to this movie. Note that 0 is not a valid track ID value.")   },
         { "NumOfColours",           N_("Number Of Colours"),                "Integer/Text",             xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Total number of colours used") },
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
         { "Planes",                 N_("Planes"),                           "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("The number of Image Planes in the video") },
         { "PosterTime",             N_("Poster Time"),                      "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("The time value of the time of the movie poster.") },
         { "PreferredRate",          N_("Preferred Rate"),                   "Rational",                 xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit fixed-point number that specifies the rate at which to play this movie. A value of 1.0 indicates normal rate.") },
-        { "PreferredVolume",        N_("Preferred Volume"),                 "Rational",                 xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit fixed-point number that specifies how loud to play this movie’s sound. A value of 1.0 indicates full volume.") },
+        { "PreferredVolume",        N_("Preferred Volume"),                 "Rational",                 xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit fixed-point number that specifies how loud to play this movie's sound. A value of 1.0 indicates full volume.") },
         { "Preroll",                N_("Preroll"),                          "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Specifies the amount of time to buffer data before starting to play the file, in millisecond units. If this value is nonzero,"
                                                                                                                                  "the Play Duration field and all of the payload Presentation Time fields have been offset by this amount. Therefore, player software "
                                                                                                                                  "must subtract the value in the preroll field from the play duration and presentation times to calculate their actual values.") },
@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
         { "TapeName",               N_("Tape Name"),                        "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("TapeName.")   },
         { "TagDefault",             N_("Tag Default Setting"),              "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("If Tag is Default enabled, this value is Yes, else No ")   },
         { "TagLanguage",            N_("Tag Language"),                     "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Language that has been used to define tags")   },
-        { "TagName",                N_("Tag Name"),                         "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Tags could be used to define several titles for a segment.")   },
+        { "TagName",                N_("Tag Name"),                         "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Tags could be used to define several titles for a segment.")   },
         { "TagString",              N_("Tag String"),                       "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Information contained in a Tags")   },
         { "TargetType",             N_("Target Type"),                      "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A string describing the logical level of the object the Tag is refering to.")   },
         { "Technician",             N_("Technician"),                       "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Technician, in most cases name of person.")   },
@@ -1284,28 +1284,28 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
         { "ThumbnailWidth",         N_("Thumbnail Width"),                  "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Preview Image Thumbnail Width.")   },
         { "TimecodeScale",          N_("Timecode Scale"),                   "Rational",                 xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Multiplying factor which is helpful in calculation of a particular timecode")   },
         { "TimeOffset",             N_("Time Offset"),                      "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Specifies the presentation time offset of the stream in 100-nanosecond units. This value shall be equal to the send time of the first interleaved packet in the data section.")   },
-        { "TimeScale",              N_("Time Scale"),                       "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the time scale for this movie—that is, the number of time units that"
+        { "TimeScale",              N_("Time Scale"),                       "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the time scale for this movie-that is, the number of time units that"
                                                                                                                                   "pass per second in its time coordinate system. A time coordinate system that measures time"
                                                                                                                                   "in sixtieths of a second, for example, has a time scale of 60.")   },
-        { "Title",                  N_("Title"),                            "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Contains a general name of the SEGMENT, like 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', however, Tags could be used to define several titles for a segment.")   },
+        { "Title",                  N_("Title"),                            "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Contains a general name of the SEGMENT, like 'Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers', however, Tags could be used to define several titles for a segment.")   },
         { "ToningEffect",           N_("Toning Effect"),                    "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Toning Effect Settings Applied.")   },
         { "TotalFrameCount",        N_("Total Frame Count"),                "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Total number of frames in a video")   },
         { "TotalStream",            N_("Number Of Streams"),                "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Total number of streams present in a video. Eg - Video, Audio or Subtitles")   },
         { "Track",                  N_("Track"),                            "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Information about the Track.")   },
         { "TrackCreateDate",        N_("Video Track Create Date"),          "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that indicates (in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904) when the track header was created.")   },
-        { "TrackDuration",          N_("Video Track Duration"),             "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the duration of this track (in the movie’s time coordinate system).")   },
+        { "TrackDuration",          N_("Video Track Duration"),             "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the duration of this track (in the movie's time coordinate system).")   },
         { "TrackForced",            N_("Video Track Forced"),               "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Video Track Forced , i.e. Enabled/Disabled")   },
         { "TrackID",                N_("Track ID"),                         "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that uniquely identifies the track. The value 0 cannot be used.")   },
         { "TrackHeaderVersion",     N_("Track Header Version"),             "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 1-byte specification of the version of this track header")   },
         { "TrackLacing",            N_("Video Track Lacing"),               "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Video Track Lacing , i.e. Enabled/Disabled")   },
         { "TrackLang",              N_("Track Language"),                   "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("The Language in which a particular stream is recorded in.")   },
-        { "TrackLayer",             N_("Video Track Layer"),                "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit integer that indicates this track’s spatial priority in its movie. The QuickTime Movie"
+        { "TrackLayer",             N_("Video Track Layer"),                "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit integer that indicates this track's spatial priority in its movie. The QuickTime Movie"
                                                                                                                                   "Toolbox uses this value to determine how tracks overlay one another. Tracks with lower layer"
                                                                                                                                   "values are displayed in front of tracks with higher layer values.")   },
         { "TrackModifyDate",        N_("Video Track Modify Date"),          "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that indicates (in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904) when the track header was last modified.")   },
-        { "TrackName",              N_("Track Name"),                       "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Track Name could be used to define titles for a segment.")   },
+        { "TrackName",              N_("Track Name"),                       "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Track Name could be used to define titles for a segment.")   },
         { "TrackNumber",            N_("Track Number"),                     "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Track Number.")   },
-        { "TrackVolume",            N_("Track Volume"),                     "Rational",                 xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit fixed-point number that specifies how loud to play this track’s sound. A value of 1.0 indicates full volume.") },
+        { "TrackVolume",            N_("Track Volume"),                     "Rational",                 xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit fixed-point number that specifies how loud to play this track's sound. A value of 1.0 indicates full volume.") },
         { "TranslateCodec",         N_("Chapter Translate Codec"),          "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Chapter Translate Codec information. Usually used in Matroska filr type.")   },
         { "UnknownInfo",            N_("Unknown Information"),              "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Unknown / Unregistered Metadata Tags and their values.")   },
         { "UnknownInfo2",           N_("Unknown Information"),              "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Unknown / Unregistered Metadata Tags and their values.")   },
@@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
         { "WindowLocation",         N_("Window Location"),                  "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Information about the Window Location.")   },
         { "WorldTime",              N_("WorldTime"),                        "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("World Time")   },
         { "WrittenBy",              N_("Written By"),                       "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Written By, i.e. name of person or organization.")   },
-        { "WritingApp",             N_("Writing App"),                      "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Contains the name of the application used to create the file (like ”mkvmerge 0.8.1“)")   },
+        { "WritingApp",             N_("Writing App"),                      "Text",                     xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Contains the name of the application used to create the file (like \"mkvmerge 0.8.1\")")   },
         { "XResolution",            N_("X Resolution"),                     "Rational",                 xmpText, xmpInternal, N_("Horizontal resolution in pixels per unit.") },
         { "Year",                   N_("Year"),                             "Integer",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Year in which the video was made.")   },
         { "YResolution",            N_("Y Resolution"),                     "Rational",                 xmpText, xmpInternal, N_("Vertical resolution in pixels per unit.") },
@@ -1352,15 +1352,15 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
         { "Enabled",            N_("Audio Track Enabled"),          "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Status of Audio Track, i.e. Enabled/Disabled")   },
         { "Format",             N_("Audio Format"),                 "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A four-character code that identifies the format of the audio.")   },
         { "HandlerClass",       N_("Handler Class"),                "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A four-character code that identifies the type of the handler. Only two values are valid for this field: 'mhlr' for media handlers and 'dhlr' for data handlers.")   },
-        { "HandlerDescription", N_("Handler Description"),          "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A (counted) string that specifies the name of the component—that is, the media handler used when this media was created..")   },
+        { "HandlerDescription", N_("Handler Description"),          "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A (counted) string that specifies the name of the component-that is, the media handler used when this media was created..")   },
         { "HandlerType",        N_("Handler Type"),                 "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A four-character code that identifies the type of the media handler or data handler.")   },
         { "HandlerVendorID",    N_("Handler Vendor ID"),            "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Component manufacturer.")   },
         { "MediaCreateDate",    N_("Media Track Create Date"),      "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that indicates (in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904) when the media header was created.")   },
-        { "MediaDuration",      N_("Media Track Duration"),         "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the duration of this media (in the movie’s time coordinate system).")   },
+        { "MediaDuration",      N_("Media Track Duration"),         "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the duration of this media (in the movie's time coordinate system).")   },
         { "MediaHeaderVersion", N_("Media Header Version"),         "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 1-byte specification of the version of this media header")   },
         { "MediaLangCode",      N_("Media Language Code"),          "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit integer that specifies the language code for this media.")   },
         { "MediaModifyDate",    N_("Media Track Modify Date"),      "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that indicates (in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904) when the media header was last modified.")   },
-        { "MediaTimeScale",     N_("Media Time Scale"),             "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the time scale for this media—that is, the number of time units that pass per second in its time coordinate system." )   },
+        { "MediaTimeScale",     N_("Media Time Scale"),             "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the time scale for this media-that is, the number of time units that pass per second in its time coordinate system." )   },
         { "OutputSampleRate",   N_("Output Audio Sample Rate"),     "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("The ouput audio sample rate. Can be any value, but commonly 32000, 41100, or 48000.") },
         { "SampleCount",        N_("Audio Sample Count"),           "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Sample taken for Analyzing Audio Stream")   },
         { "SampleRate",         N_("Audio Sample Rate"),            "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("The audio sample rate. Can be any value, but commonly 32000, 41100, or 48000.") },
@@ -1368,17 +1368,17 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
         { "SchemeTitle",        N_("Sound Scheme Title"),           "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Sound Scheme Title.")   },
         { "TimeOffset",         N_("Time Offset"),                  "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Specifies the presentation time offset of the stream in 100-nanosecond units. This value shall be equal to the send time of the first interleaved packet in the data section.")   },
         { "TrackCreateDate",    N_("Audio Track Create Date"),      "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that indicates (in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904) when the track header was created.")   },
-        { "TrackDuration",      N_("Audio Track Duration"),         "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the duration of this track (in the movie’s time coordinate system).")   },
+        { "TrackDuration",      N_("Audio Track Duration"),         "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A time value that indicates the duration of this track (in the movie's time coordinate system).")   },
         { "TrackForced",        N_("Audio Track Forced"),           "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Audio Track Forced , i.e. Enabled/Disabled")   },
         { "TrackID",            N_("Track ID"),                     "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that uniquely identifies the track. The value 0 cannot be used.")   },
         { "TrackHeaderVersion", N_("Track Header Version"),         "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 1-byte specification of the version of this track header")   },
         { "TrackLacing",        N_("Audio Track Lacing"),           "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("Audio Track Lacing , i.e. Enabled/Disabled")   },
         { "TrackLang",          N_("Track Language"),               "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("The Language in which a particular stream is recorded in.")   },
-        { "TrackLayer",         N_("Audio Track Layer"),            "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit integer that indicates this track’s spatial priority in its movie. The QuickTime Movie"
+        { "TrackLayer",         N_("Audio Track Layer"),            "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit integer that indicates this track's spatial priority in its movie. The QuickTime Movie"
                                                                                                                       "Toolbox uses this value to determine how tracks overlay one another. Tracks with lower layer"
                                                                                                                       "values are displayed in front of tracks with higher layer values.")   },
         { "TrackModifyDate",    N_("Audio Track Modify Date"),      "Integer",               xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that indicates (in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904) when the track header was last modified.")   },
-        { "TrackVolume",        N_("Track Volume"),                 "Rational",              xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit fixed-point number that specifies how loud to play this track’s sound. A value of 1.0 indicates full volume.") },
+        { "TrackVolume",        N_("Track Volume"),                 "Rational",              xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 16-bit fixed-point number that specifies how loud to play this track's sound. A value of 1.0 indicates full volume.") },
         { "URL",                N_("Audio URL"),                    "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A C string that specifies a URL. There may be additional data after the C string.")   },
         { "URN",                N_("Audio URN"),                    "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A C string that specifies a URN. There may be additional data after the C string.")   },
         { "VendorID",           N_("Vendor ID"),                    "Text",                  xmpText, xmpExternal, N_("A 32-bit integer that specifies the developer of the compressor that generated the compressed data. Often this field contains 'appl' to indicate Apple Computer, Inc.")   },

exiv2 packaging

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