[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#582193: kaffeine: Since 1.0.3 EPG ceases to work

Christoph Pfister christophpfister at gmail.com
Wed May 19 11:06:07 UTC 2010

2010/5/19 Daniel <garkein at mailueberfall.de>:
> Package: kaffeine
> Version: 1.0~pre3-3
> Severity: normal
> After upgrading to 1.0.3~pre3-3 and rebuilding the channel list
> of my DVB-C adapter, the EPG functionality is lost.
> No program is shown in the EPG window, the updating button
> doesn't seem to work.
> EPG did work with the previous 0.8.7 build.

Can you please perform the following steps:
- run "kaffeine --dumpdvb"
- start watching a channel where epg surely worked
- go to "Television" --> "Channels" and perform a channel scan (while watching)
- wait till the scan has finished
- close all kaffeine windows
- send me the resulting "KaffeineDvbDump-*.bin" file (it is in your
home directory)



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