[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#505158: Comments on this.

Raúl Sánchez Siles rasasi78 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 23:35:39 UTC 2011


  I also want through this issue with gtk-qt-engine-kde4. I somehow workaround 
it without the need to install vim-gnome.

  After some time, I installed gtk2-engines-oxygen and wanted to try it, I 
did. After installing it, in the "gtk styles and fonts" KDE system settings 
dialog, I chose "Use KDE style in gtk applications." Most gtk applications 
used the KDE style, but vim-gtk stopped working again.

  I then chose "Use another style" option in that dialog, either oxygen-gtk or 
qtcurve worked.

  So I guess the problem doesn't really come from the gtk style, but from the 
way KDE styles overlays gtk.

     Raúl Sánchez Siles
----->Proud Debian user<-----
Linux registered user #416098

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