[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#648130: lensfun: FTBFS with libpng 1.5

Nobuhiro Iwamatsu iwamatsu at nigauri.org
Wed Nov 9 03:21:37 UTC 2011

Source: lensfun
Version: 0.2.4-1
Severity: wishlist
User: libpng at packages.debian.org
Usertags: libpng15-transition


I uploaded libpng 1.5 to experimental.
libpng maintainers plan to transition from libpng 1.2 to 1.5.
I am checking build it the package depend to libpng.

I noticed your package FTBFS by libpng 1.5. I attached build log.
Could you check your package ?

Best regards,
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
   iwamatsu at {nigauri.org / debian.org}
   GPG ID: 40AD1FA6
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