[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#913474: Bug#913474: kile: Kile fails to start due to missing libnepomukutils (and other nepomuk related libs)

Pino Toscano pino at debian.org
Sun Nov 11 14:45:42 GMT 2018

tag 913474 + moreinfo

In data domenica 11 novembre 2018 14:32:27 CET, Nicola Chiapolini ha scritto:
> Package: kile
> Version: 4:2.9.92-1
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable
> Dear Maintainer,
>    * What led up to the situation?
> The system upgrade (testing) from 2018-10-15 removed the nepomuk related
> libraries, probably since then kile does not start any more. (I do not
> use kile daily anymore.)

This is unrelated: the removed nepomuk libraries were Qt4/kdelibs 4.x,
while kile since the 2.9.x versions switched to Qt5/KF5.

Are you really sure that the version of the installed kile on your
machine is 4:2.9.92-1? Please provide:
$ dpkg -l kile
$ dpkg -L kile
$ ldd /usr/bin/kile
$ ldd /usr/lib/*/libkdeinit5_kile.so

Also, what is your exact Debian version? Please provide the rest of the
reportbug template:
$ reportbug --template kile

>    * What was the outcome of this action?
> "kile: error while loading shared libraries: libnepomukutils.so.4:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

It sounds like you still have kile 2.1.x installed.

Pino Toscano
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