[knut.yrvin at nokia.com: Q: Key issues to address with Qt/KDE on Debian]

Martin Bretschneider mailing-lists-mmvi at bretschneidernet.de
Wed Jun 17 20:37:02 UTC 2009

Am Mittwoch 17 Juni 2009 schrieb Peter Eisentraut:
> On Monday 15 June 2009 20:12:44 Ana Guerrero wrote:
> > My question: What's the top two-three things which could be
> > improved on Qt/KDE integration on Debian, making it really shine?
> > And how do you think we should address those improvements?
> update-notifier and update-manager for KDE.

Yes, I agree.

1. Networkmanager with some plasmoid that is developed 
(http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3713). This is a must for a the wifi 
2. Some kind of updater of the deb packages with a neat integration with 
the user permissions. Currenly, I use update-notifier that is run be an 
script from ~/.kde/Autostart with sudo. But I guess that this is only a 
hack. I guess that is something going on with policykit.

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