[pkg-kolab] 3 Issues

Johannes Graumann graumann at caltech.edu
Tue Mar 21 17:09:29 UTC 2006


Started trying again with the 'experimental' packages.
This is a debian unstable system.
Three issues so far:
1) 'apt-get install kolabd/experimental kolab-libcyrus-imap-perl/experimental 
kolab-cyrus-admin/experimental kolab-cyrus-clients/experimental 
kolab-cyrus-imapd/experimental kolab-cyru
s-pop3d/experimental kolab-resource-handlers/experimental 
kolab-cyrus-common/experimental' works fine, while the same command using 
aptitude segfaults with a 'faulty state information' error - not sure whether 
this is an aptitude bug.
2) slapadding the provided ldif information 
fails with:
ERROR: /usr/share/kolabd/schema/kolab2.schema: line 547: AttributeType not 
found: "calFBURL"
slapadd: bad configuration file!
Removing that line solves the problem.
3) shouldn't 'PASSWORD" in the provided slapd.conf and saslauthd.conf be 
replaced with the 
'credativ' (e1NTSEF9eng5WTB0RDVCc2pEeVI2MHI4Z2hRdTBOS3JUZC9jT0I=) string?

Hoping for feedback,


| Johannes Graumann, Dipl. Biol.                                       |
|                                                                      |
|      Graduate Student                Tel.: ++1 (626) 395 6602        |
|      Deshaies Lab                    Fax.: ++1 (626) 395 5739        |
|      Department of Biology                                           |
|      CALTECH, M/C 156-29                                             |
|      1200 E. California Blvd.                                        |
|      Pasadena, CA 91125                                              |
|      USA                                                             |
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