[Pkg-libvirt-commits] [libguestfs] 151/165: v2v: Warn only if virtio packages are missing from the guest.

Hilko Bengen bengen at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Aug 30 08:25:24 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bengen pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository libguestfs.

commit 273f3464654ebb10de9d53e3c1f225e8f3aade6e
Author: Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 20 13:34:54 2014 +0100

    v2v: Warn only if virtio packages are missing from the guest.
    In this version of virt-v2v you have to install a virtio
    capable kernel before doing the conversion.
 v2v/convert_linux_enterprise.ml | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 v2v/virt-v2v.pod                | 34 +++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/convert_linux_enterprise.ml b/v2v/convert_linux_enterprise.ml
index 11627a9..6544b27 100644
--- a/v2v/convert_linux_enterprise.ml
+++ b/v2v/convert_linux_enterprise.ml
@@ -350,26 +350,28 @@ Grub1/grub-legacy error was: %s")
       if !updated then g#aug_save ();
-  and install_virtio () =
-    (* How you install virtio depends on the guest type.  Note that most
-     * modern guests already support virtio, so we do nothing for them.
-     * In Perl virt-v2v this was done via a configuration database
-     * (virt-v2v.db).  This function returns true if virtio is supported
-     * already or if we managed to install it.
+  and can_do_virtio () =
+    (* In the previous virt-v2v, this was a function that installed
+     * virtio, eg. by updating the kernel.  However that function
+     * (which only applied to RHEL <= 5) was very difficult to write
+     * and maintain.  Instead what we do here is to check if the kernel
+     * supports virtio, warn if it doesn't (and give some hint about
+     * what to do) and return false.  Note that all recent Linux comes
+     * with virtio drivers.
     match distro, major_version, minor_version with
     (* RHEL 6+ has always supported virtio. *)
     | ("rhel"|"centos"|"scientificlinux"|"redhat-based"), v, _ when v >= 6 ->
     | ("rhel"|"centos"|"scientificlinux"|"redhat-based"), 5, _ ->
-      let kernel = upgrade_package "kernel" (0_l, "2.6.18", "128.el5") in
-      let lvm2 = upgrade_package "lvm2" (0_l, "2.02.40", "6.el5") in
+      let kernel = check_kernel_package (0_l, "2.6.18", "128.el5") in
+      let lvm2 = check_package "lvm2" (0_l, "2.02.40", "6.el5") in
       let selinux =
-        upgrade_package ~ifinstalled:true
+        check_package ~ifinstalled:true
           "selinux-policy-targeted" (0_l, "2.4.6", "203.el5") in
       kernel && lvm2 && selinux
     | ("rhel"|"centos"|"scientificlinux"|"redhat-based"), 4, _ ->
-      upgrade_package "kernel" (0_l, "2.6.9", "89.EL")
+      check_kernel_package (0_l, "2.6.9", "89.EL")
     (* All supported Fedora versions support virtio. *)
     | "fedora", _, _ -> true
@@ -377,18 +379,71 @@ Grub1/grub-legacy error was: %s")
     (* SLES 11 supports virtio in the kernel. *)
     | ("sles"|"suse-based"), v, _ when v >= 11 -> true
     | ("sles"|"suse-based"), 10, _ ->
-      upgrade_package "kernel" (0_l, "", "0.85.1")
+      check_kernel_package (0_l, "", "0.85.1")
     (* OpenSUSE. *)
     | "opensuse", v, _ when v >= 11 -> true
     | "opensuse", 10, _ ->
-      upgrade_package "kernel" (0_l, "", "1.1")
+      check_kernel_package (0_l, "", "1.1")
     | _ ->
       eprintf (f_"%s: warning: don't know how to install virtio drivers for %s %d\n%!")
         prog distro major_version;
+  and check_kernel_package minversion =
+    let names = ["kernel"; "kernel-PAE"; "kernel-hugemem"; "kernel-smp";
+                 "kernel-largesmp"; "kernel-pae"; "kernel-default"] in
+    let found = List.exists (
+      fun name -> check_package ~warn:false name minversion
+    ) names in
+    if not found then (
+      let _, minversion, minrelease = minversion in
+      eprintf (f_"%s: warning: cannot enable virtio in this guest.\nTo enable virtio you need to install a kernel >= %s-%s and run %s again.\n%!")
+        prog minversion minrelease prog
+    );
+    found
+  and check_package ?(ifinstalled = false) ?(warn = true) name minversion =
+    let installed =
+      let apps = try StringMap.find name apps_map with Not_found -> [] in
+      List.rev (List.sort compare_app2_versions apps) in
+    match ifinstalled, installed with
+    (* If the package is not installed, ignore the request. *)
+    | true, [] -> true
+    (* Is the package already installed at the minimum version? *)
+    | _, (installed::_)
+      when compare_app2_version_min installed minversion >= 0 -> true
+    (* User will need to install the package to get virtio. *)
+    | _ ->
+      if warn then (
+        let _, minversion, minrelease = minversion in
+        eprintf (f_"%s: warning: cannot enable virtio in this guest.\nTo enable virtio you need to upgrade %s >= %s-%s and run %s again.\n%!")
+          prog name minversion minrelease prog
+      );
+      false
+  and compare_app2_versions app1 app2 =
+    let i = compare app1.G.app2_epoch app2.G.app2_epoch in
+    if i <> 0 then i
+    else (
+      let i = compare_version app1.G.app2_version app2.G.app2_version in
+      if i <> 0 then i
+      else
+        compare_version app1.G.app2_release app2.G.app2_release
+    )
+  and compare_app2_version_min app1 (min_epoch, min_version, min_release) =
+    let i = compare app1.G.app2_epoch min_epoch in
+    if i <> 0 then i
+    else (
+      let i = compare_version app1.G.app2_version min_version in
+      if i <> 0 then i
+      else
+        compare_version app1.G.app2_release min_release
+    )
   and configure_kernel virtio grub =
     let kernels = grub#list_kernels () in
@@ -600,17 +655,6 @@ Grub1/grub-legacy error was: %s")
     g#aug_save ()
-  (* Upgrade 'pkg' to >= minversion.  Returns true if that was possible. *)
-  and upgrade_package ?(ifinstalled = false) name minversion =
-    (* XXX *)
-    true
   clean_rpmdb ();
@@ -623,7 +667,7 @@ Grub1/grub-legacy error was: %s")
   unconfigure_vmware ();
   unconfigure_citrix ();
-  let virtio = install_virtio () in
+  let virtio = can_do_virtio () in
   let kernel_version = configure_kernel virtio grub in (*XXX*) ignore kernel_version;
   if keep_serial_console then (
     configure_console ();
diff --git a/v2v/virt-v2v.pod b/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
index 810bed5..b7f4726 100644
--- a/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
+++ b/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
@@ -208,6 +208,40 @@ Enable tracing of libguestfs API calls.
+"Virtio" is the name for a set of drivers which make disk (block
+device), network and other guest operations work much faster on KVM.
+Older versions of virt-v2v could install these drivers for certain
+guests.  This version of virt-v2v does I<not> attempt to install these
+drivers, but will warn you if they are not installed already.
+In order to enable virtio, and hence improve performance of the guest
+after conversion, you should ensure that the B<minimum> versions of
+packages are installed I<before> conversion, by consulting the table
+ RHEL 3         No virtio drivers are available
+ RHEL 4         kernel >= 2.5.9-89.EL
+ RHEL 5         kernel >= 2.6.18-128.el5
+                lvm2 >= 2.02.40-6.el5
+                selinux-policy-targeted >= 2.4.6-203.el5
+ RHEL 6+        All versions support virtio
+ Fedora         All versions support virtio
+ SLES 11+       All versions support virtio
+ SLES 10        kernel >=
+ OpenSUSE 11+   All versions support virtio
+ OpenSUSE 10    kernel >=
 The I<--machine-readable> option can be used to make the output more

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