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I believe I'm seeing this bug in virt-manager 1.0.1 on Jessie.<br>
My VMs are running on localhost, and I see this issue on two
separate Debian 8 systems - one is running a Jessie VM under the
free Nouveau video driver, and one running Windows 7 under the
proprietary Catalyst driver.<br>
Hovering the mouse where the pop-up *should* appear produces the
occasional flickering view of the menu, but fleetingly and
inconsistently; additionally, the mouse cursor "splits" - the VM's
mouse cursor stops moving and the host's cursor appears when (I'm
guessing) the pop-up should appear. Hovering in the right place
displays a tool tip "Leave Fullscreen", and clicking while that is
visible does the right thing; so it looks like a drawing bug, more
than anything else.<br>
The problem appears to relate to using the "VNC" display server for
accessing the VM - switching to using the "Spice" display server
fixes the issue.<br>
John Pearson<br>
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