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Hello,<br>I want to work on mobile desktops and I want to develop hildon environment in ubuntu 8.04 . But, I have a big trouble with development with source packages of hildon* and libhildon*, because when I download the source packages, open them in a folder with dpkg-source command, run the autogen.sh , make and make install, I can not find the packets where they must be ( places that I found hildon packages when I installed them directly from deb. packages, not from sources ) . Do I have to create debian packets from the source packets of hildon to install it in ubuntu ?<br>Please tell me the steps That I need to follow to make development with these packages ? Thanks for reading ...<br><br>Best Regards ...<br><br /><hr />It’s the same Hotmail®. If by “same” you mean up to 70% faster. <a href='http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_broad1_122008' target='_new'>Get your account now.</a></body>