[Pkg-mailman-hackers] sponsor/upload requested for mailman

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Sat Jun 16 17:50:56 UTC 2012

Thijs Kinkhorst dixit:

>I've created a new mailman upload for 2.1.15. However, I have also recently 
>added a new subkey to my GnuPG key and this takes a while to propagate inside 
>Debian infrastructure.

Oh ok. Might want to prod the Right People™ for that.

>If someone would want to upload it for me that would be 
>great (with the freeze approaching and all).

Sure, no problem.

13:37⎜«Natureshadow» Deep inside, I hate mirabilos. I mean, he's a good
guy. But he's always right! In every fsckin' situation, he's right. Even
with his deeply perverted taste in software and borked ambition towards
broken OSes - in the end, he's damn right about it :(! […] works in mksh

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