[marco] 01/03: debian/changelog: New upstream release.

Martin Wimpress flexiondotorg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 25 17:03:39 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

flexiondotorg-guest pushed a commit to branch ubuntu/bionic
in repository marco.

commit 74431e24265b3bd8238eaec357a5863b46ca55a8
Author: Martin Wimpress <martin.wimpress at ubuntu.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 25 16:25:01 2018 +0000

    debian/changelog: New upstream release.
 debian/changelog                                   |   6 +
 debian/patches/0000_no_scale.patch                 |  19 -
 .../0002_tiled_windows_resized_horizontally.patch  | 138 ------
 debian/patches/0003_xpresent.patch                 | 521 ---------------------
 debian/patches/series                              |   3 -
 5 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 681 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index fc12cc5..f7d486e 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+marco (1.19.2-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Martin Wimpress <martin.wimpress at ubuntu.com>  Tue, 23 Jan 2018 22:43:49 +0000
 marco (1.18.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Martin Wimpress ]
diff --git a/debian/patches/0000_no_scale.patch b/debian/patches/0000_no_scale.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b35df40..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0000_no_scale.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Author: Martin Wimpress <martin.wimpress at ubuntu.com>
-Description: Disable the automatic scale handling, so that we can fully trust that window and monitor sizes reported by GDK and X11 always match.
-diff --git a/src/ui/ui.c b/src/ui/ui.c
-index 2c1747f..9ed9e8b 100644
---- a/src/ui/ui.c
-+++ b/src/ui/ui.c
-@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ void meta_ui_init(int* argc, char*** argv)
- 	{
- 		meta_fatal ("Unable to open X display %s\n", XDisplayName (NULL));
- 	}
-+  /* We need to be able to fully trust that the window and monitor sizes
-+   * that GDK reports corresponds to the X ones, so we disable the automatic
-+   * scale handling */
-+  gdk_x11_display_set_window_scale (gdk_display_get_default (), 1);
- }
- Display* meta_ui_get_display(void)
diff --git a/debian/patches/0002_tiled_windows_resized_horizontally.patch b/debian/patches/0002_tiled_windows_resized_horizontally.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c004493..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0002_tiled_windows_resized_horizontally.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-Author: Victor Kareh <vkareh at vkareh.net>
-Description: Allow tiled windows to be resized horizontally
-Determine whether the user is initiating a resize action on a tiled
-window. If the user is trying to grab the window for resizing
-horizontally from the edge that's farther away from the screen edge,
-allow the resize to occur. Otherwise maintain the current tile geometry.
-Also modified the window hints to allow resizing from the window menu.
-diff --git a/src/core/constraints.c b/src/core/constraints.c
-index 69263a5..99b0aef 100644
---- a/src/core/constraints.c
-+++ b/src/core/constraints.c
-@@ -876,6 +876,7 @@ constrain_tiling (MetaWindow         *window,
-   gboolean hminbad, vminbad;
-   gboolean horiz_equal, vert_equal;
-   gboolean constraint_already_satisfied;
-+  gboolean allow_resize = FALSE;
-   if (priority > PRIORITY_TILING)
-     return TRUE;
-@@ -908,9 +909,43 @@ constrain_tiling (MetaWindow         *window,
-   if (check_only || constraint_already_satisfied)
-     return constraint_already_satisfied;
-+  /* Allow the user to resize horizontally when tiled */
-+  if (info->is_user_action)
-+    {
-+      /* Only allow resizing from the window side farther from the screen edge */
-+      switch (info->resize_gravity)
-+        {
-+        case NorthEastGravity:
-+        case EastGravity:
-+        case SouthEastGravity:
-+          if (window->tile_mode == META_TILE_RIGHT)
-+            allow_resize = TRUE;
-+          break;
-+        case NorthWestGravity:
-+        case WestGravity:
-+        case SouthWestGravity:
-+          if (window->tile_mode == META_TILE_LEFT)
-+            allow_resize = TRUE;
-+          break;
-+        }
-+      /* Mark window as being resized from a tiled state */
-+      window->tile_resized = TRUE;
-+    }
-+  if (window->tile_resized)
-+    {
-+      /* Maintain current tile size for user-resized windows */
-+      target_size.x = info->orig.x;
-+      target_size.width = info->orig.width;
-+    }
-   /*** Enforce constraint ***/
--  info->current.x      = target_size.x;
--  info->current.width  = target_size.width;
-+  if (!allow_resize)
-+    {
-+      info->current.x      = target_size.x;
-+      info->current.width  = target_size.width;
-+    }
-   info->current.y      = target_size.y;
-   info->current.height = target_size.height;
-diff --git a/src/core/keybindings.c b/src/core/keybindings.c
-index f4eb01b..fd17b49 100644
---- a/src/core/keybindings.c
-+++ b/src/core/keybindings.c
-@@ -3109,6 +3109,7 @@ handle_toggle_tiled (MetaDisplay *display,
-   else if (meta_window_can_tile (window))
-     {
-       window->tile_mode = mode;
-+      window->tile_resized = FALSE;
-       window->tile_monitor_number = meta_screen_get_xinerama_for_window (window->screen, window)->number;
-       /* Maximization constraints beat tiling constraints, so if the window
-        * is maximized, tiling won't have any effect unless we unmaximize it
-diff --git a/src/core/window-private.h b/src/core/window-private.h
-index b3871bb..e775a59 100644
---- a/src/core/window-private.h
-+++ b/src/core/window-private.h
-@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ struct _MetaWindow
-    * this is the current mode. If not, it is the mode which will be
-    * requested after the window grab is released */
-   guint tile_mode : 2;
-+  guint tile_resized : 1;
-   /* The last "full" maximized/unmaximized state. We need to keep track of
-    * that to toggle between normal/tiled or maximized/tiled states. */
-@@ -408,12 +409,12 @@ struct _MetaWindow
-                                     (w)->tile_mode == META_TILE_RIGHT)
- #define META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_MOVE(w)     ((w)->has_move_func && !(w)->fullscreen)
--#define META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_RESIZE_EXCEPT_HINTS(w)   ((w)->has_resize_func && !META_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED (w) && !META_WINDOW_TILED(w) && !(w)->fullscreen && !(w)->shaded)
-+#define META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_RESIZE_EXCEPT_HINTS(w)   ((w)->has_resize_func && !META_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED (w) && !(w)->fullscreen && !(w)->shaded)
-                                         (((w)->size_hints.min_width < (w)->size_hints.max_width) ||  \
-                                          ((w)->size_hints.min_height < (w)->size_hints.max_height)))
- #define META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_HORIZONTAL_RESIZE(w) (META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_RESIZE_EXCEPT_HINTS (w) && (w)->size_hints.min_width < (w)->size_hints.max_width)
--#define META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_VERTICAL_RESIZE(w)   (META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_RESIZE_EXCEPT_HINTS (w) && (w)->size_hints.min_height < (w)->size_hints.max_height)
-+#define META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_VERTICAL_RESIZE(w)   (META_WINDOW_ALLOWS_RESIZE_EXCEPT_HINTS (w) && !META_WINDOW_TILED(w) && (w)->size_hints.min_height < (w)->size_hints.max_height)
- MetaWindow* meta_window_new                (MetaDisplay *display,
-                                             Window       xwindow,
-diff --git a/src/core/window.c b/src/core/window.c
-index 1bb3bb7..546600d 100644
---- a/src/core/window.c
-+++ b/src/core/window.c
-@@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ meta_window_new_with_attrs (MetaDisplay       *display,
-   window->require_titlebar_visible = TRUE;
-   window->on_all_workspaces = FALSE;
-   window->tile_mode = META_TILE_NONE;
-+  window->tile_resized = FALSE;
-   window->tile_monitor_number = -1;
-   window->shaded = FALSE;
-   window->initially_iconic = FALSE;
-@@ -7032,6 +7033,7 @@ update_move (MetaWindow  *window,
-       /* Check if the cursor is in a position which triggers tiling
-        * and set tile_mode accordingly.
-        */
-+      MetaTileMode tile_mode = window->tile_mode;
-       if (meta_window_can_tile (window) &&
-           x >= monitor->rect.x && x < (work_area.x + shake_threshold))
-         window->tile_mode = META_TILE_LEFT;
-@@ -7047,6 +7049,10 @@ update_move (MetaWindow  *window,
-       if (window->tile_mode != META_TILE_NONE)
-         window->tile_monitor_number = monitor->number;
-+      /* Reset resized flag when changing tile mode */
-+      if (tile_mode != window->tile_mode)
-+        window->tile_resized = FALSE;
-     }
-   /* shake loose (unmaximize) maximized or tiled window if dragged beyond
diff --git a/debian/patches/0003_xpresent.patch b/debian/patches/0003_xpresent.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c85f682..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0003_xpresent.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
-Author: Victor Kareh <vkareh at vkareh.net>
-Description: XPresent extension support
-diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-index f2ac9ba..f2dd2ea 100644
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -415,7 +415,19 @@ if test "x$found_xsync" = "xyes"; then
-    AC_DEFINE(HAVE_XSYNC, , [Have the Xsync extension library])
- fi
-+AC_CHECK_LIB(Xpresent, XPresentPixmap,
-+               [AC_CHECK_HEADER(X11/extensions/Xpresent.h,
-+                                XPRESENT_LIBS=-lXpresent found_xpresent=yes,,
-+        [#include <X11/Xlib.h>])],
-+               , $ALL_X_LIBS)
-+if test "x$found_xpresent" = "xyes"; then
-+   AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PRESENT, , [Have the Xpresent extension library])
-@@ -523,6 +535,7 @@ marco-$VERSION:
- 	Shape extension:          ${found_shape}
- 	Resize-and-rotate:        ${found_randr}
- 	Xsync:                    ${found_xsync}
-+	Xpresent:                 ${found_xpresent}
- 	Render:                   ${have_xrender}
- 	Xcursor:                  ${have_xcursor}
- "
-diff --git a/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c b/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c
-index 04e89f6..75171cb 100644
---- a/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c
-+++ b/src/compositor/compositor-xrender.c
-@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
- #include <cairo/cairo-xlib.h>
- #include "display.h"
-+#include "../core/display-private.h"
- #include "screen.h"
- #include "frame.h"
- #include "errors.h"
-@@ -53,6 +54,10 @@
- #include <X11/extensions/Xfixes.h>
- #include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
-+#include <X11/extensions/Xpresent.h>
- #define USE_IDLE_REPAINT 1
- typedef enum _MetaCompWindowType
-@@ -103,6 +108,11 @@ typedef struct _MetaCompositorXRender
-   guint enabled : 1;
-   guint show_redraw : 1;
-   guint debug : 1;
-+  guint has_present : 1;
-+  int present_major;
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
- } MetaCompositorXRender;
- typedef struct _conv
-@@ -118,6 +128,7 @@ typedef struct _shadow
-   guchar *shadow_top;
- } shadow;
-+#define NUM_BUFFER      2
- typedef struct _MetaCompScreen
- {
-   MetaScreen *screen;
-@@ -132,11 +143,20 @@ typedef struct _MetaCompScreen
-   shadow *shadows[LAST_SHADOW_TYPE];
-   Picture root_picture;
--  Picture root_buffer;
-+  Picture root_buffers[NUM_BUFFER];
-+  Pixmap  root_pixmaps[NUM_BUFFER];
-+  int root_current;
-   Picture black_picture;
-   Picture trans_black_picture;
-   Picture root_tile;
-   XserverRegion all_damage;
-+  XserverRegion prev_damage;
-+  XID present_eid;
-+  gboolean use_present;
-+  gboolean present_pending;
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
-   guint overlays;
-   gboolean compositor_active;
-@@ -675,6 +695,26 @@ find_window_for_child_window_in_display (MetaDisplay *display,
-   return NULL;
- }
-+static MetaScreen *
-+find_screen_from_output(MetaDisplay *display, Window output)
-+  int i;
-+  Display *xdisplay = meta_display_get_xdisplay(display);
-+  for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(xdisplay); i++)
-+    {
-+      MetaScreen *screen = meta_display_screen_for_x_screen(display,
-+                                                            ScreenOfDisplay(xdisplay, i));
-+      MetaCompScreen *info = meta_screen_get_compositor_data(screen);
-+      if (info->output == output)
-+        return screen;
-+    }
-+  return NULL;
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
- static Picture
- solid_picture (MetaDisplay *display,
-                MetaScreen  *screen,
-@@ -796,38 +836,56 @@ root_tile (MetaScreen *screen)
-   return picture;
- }
-+static Pixmap
-+create_root_pixmap (MetaScreen *screen)
-+  MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
-+  Display *xdisplay = meta_display_get_xdisplay (display);
-+  MetaCompScreen *info = meta_screen_get_compositor_data (screen);
-+  Window xroot = meta_screen_get_xroot (screen);
-+  Pixmap pixmap;
-+  int depth, screen_width, screen_height, screen_number;
-+  if (info == NULL)
-+    {
-+      return None;
-+    }
-+  meta_screen_get_size (screen, &screen_width, &screen_height);
-+  screen_number = meta_screen_get_screen_number (screen);
-+  depth = DefaultDepth (xdisplay, screen_number);
-+  pixmap = XCreatePixmap (xdisplay, xroot,
-+                          screen_width, screen_height,
-+                          depth);
-+  return pixmap;
- static Picture
--create_root_buffer (MetaScreen *screen)
-+create_root_buffer (MetaScreen *screen, Pixmap root_pixmap)
- {
-   MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
-   Display *xdisplay = meta_display_get_xdisplay (display);
-   MetaCompScreen *info = meta_screen_get_compositor_data (screen);
-   Picture pict;
-   XRenderPictFormat *format;
--  Pixmap root_pixmap;
-   Visual *visual;
--  int depth, screen_width, screen_height, screen_number;
-+  int screen_number;
-   if (info == NULL)
-     {
-       return None;
-     }
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (root_pixmap != None, None);
--  meta_screen_get_size (screen, &screen_width, &screen_height);
-   screen_number = meta_screen_get_screen_number (screen);
-   visual = DefaultVisual (xdisplay, screen_number);
--  depth = DefaultDepth (xdisplay, screen_number);
-   format = XRenderFindVisualFormat (xdisplay, visual);
-   g_return_val_if_fail (format != NULL, None);
--  root_pixmap = XCreatePixmap (xdisplay, info->output,
--                               screen_width, screen_height, depth);
--  g_return_val_if_fail (root_pixmap != None, None);
-   pict = XRenderCreatePicture (xdisplay, root_pixmap, format, 0, NULL);
--  XFreePixmap (xdisplay, root_pixmap);
-   return pict;
- }
-@@ -1106,10 +1164,57 @@ paint_dock_shadows (MetaScreen   *screen,
-     }
- }
-+static gboolean
-+present_flip (MetaScreen *screen, XserverRegion region, Pixmap pixmap)
-+  static uint32_t present_serial;
-+  gboolean debug;
-+  MetaCompScreen *info = meta_screen_get_compositor_data (screen);
-+  MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
-+  Display *xdisplay = meta_display_get_xdisplay (display);
-+  meta_error_trap_push (display);
-+  XPresentPixmap(xdisplay,
-+                 info->output,
-+                 pixmap,
-+                 present_serial,
-+                 None,
-+                 region,
-+                 0, 0,
-+                 None, None, None, PresentOptionNone,
-+                 0, 1, 0, NULL, 0);
-+  int error_code;
-+  error_code = meta_error_trap_pop_with_return (display, FALSE);
-+  if (error_code)
-+    {
-+      debug = DISPLAY_COMPOSITOR (display)->debug;
-+      if (debug)
-+        fprintf (stderr, "XPresentPixmap window %p pixmap %p error: %i\n",
-+                 (void *)info->output, (void *)pixmap, error_code);
-+      if (error_code == BadWindow)
-+        g_warning ("XPresent is not compatible with your current system configuration.");
-+      /* Disable the Present extension for this session to prevent frozen windows */
-+      info->use_present = FALSE;
-+      return FALSE;
-+    }
-+  present_serial++;
-+  return TRUE;
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
- static void
- paint_windows (MetaScreen   *screen,
-                GList        *windows,
-                Picture       root_buffer,
-+               Pixmap        root_pixmap,
-                XserverRegion region)
- {
-   MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
-@@ -1301,21 +1406,35 @@ paint_windows (MetaScreen   *screen,
-         }
-     }
-+  XFixesSetPictureClipRegion (xdisplay, root_buffer, 0, 0, region);
-+  if (info->use_present)
-+    info->present_pending = present_flip (screen, region, root_pixmap);
-+  if (!info->use_present || !info->present_pending)
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
-+    {
-+      XRenderComposite (xdisplay, PictOpSrc, root_buffer, None,
-+          info->root_picture, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-+          screen_width, screen_height);
-+    }
-+  XFlush (xdisplay);
-   XFixesDestroyRegion (xdisplay, paint_region);
- }
- static void
- paint_all (MetaScreen   *screen,
--           XserverRegion region)
-+           XserverRegion region,
-+           int           b)
- {
-   MetaCompScreen *info = meta_screen_get_compositor_data (screen);
-   MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
-   Display *xdisplay = meta_display_get_xdisplay (display);
-   int screen_width, screen_height;
--  /* Set clipping to the given region */
--  XFixesSetPictureClipRegion (xdisplay, info->root_picture, 0, 0, region);
-   meta_screen_get_size (screen, &screen_width, &screen_height);
-   if (DISPLAY_COMPOSITOR (display)->show_redraw)
-@@ -1330,6 +1449,9 @@ paint_all (MetaScreen   *screen,
-                                ((double) (rand () % 100)) / 100.0,
-                                ((double) (rand () % 100)) / 100.0);
-+      /* Set clipping to the given region */
-+      XFixesSetPictureClipRegion (xdisplay, info->root_picture, 0, 0, region);
-       XRenderComposite (xdisplay, PictOpOver, overlay, None, info->root_picture,
-                         0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height);
-       XRenderFreePicture (xdisplay, overlay);
-@@ -1337,15 +1459,13 @@ paint_all (MetaScreen   *screen,
-       usleep (100 * 1000);
-     }
--  if (info->root_buffer == None)
--    info->root_buffer = create_root_buffer (screen);
-+  if (info->root_pixmaps[b] == None)
-+    info->root_pixmaps[b] = create_root_pixmap (screen);
--  paint_windows (screen, info->windows, info->root_buffer, region);
-+  if (info->root_buffers[b] == None)
-+    info->root_buffers[b] = create_root_buffer (screen, info->root_pixmaps[b]);
--  XFixesSetPictureClipRegion (xdisplay, info->root_buffer, 0, 0, region);
--  XRenderComposite (xdisplay, PictOpSrc, info->root_buffer, None,
--                    info->root_picture, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
--                    screen_width, screen_height);
-+  paint_windows (screen, info->windows, info->root_buffers[b], info->root_pixmaps[b], region);
- }
- static void
-@@ -1355,14 +1475,47 @@ repair_screen (MetaScreen *screen)
-   MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
-   Display *xdisplay = meta_display_get_xdisplay (display);
--  if (info!=NULL && info->all_damage != None)
-+  g_return_if_fail(info != NULL);
-+  if (info->all_damage != None)
-     {
--      meta_error_trap_push (display);
--      paint_all (screen, info->all_damage);
--      XFixesDestroyRegion (xdisplay, info->all_damage);
--      info->all_damage = None;
--      info->clip_changed = FALSE;
--      meta_error_trap_pop (display, FALSE);
-+      if (info->use_present)
-+        {
-+          if (!info->present_pending)
-+            {
-+              XserverRegion damage = info->all_damage;
-+              meta_error_trap_push (display);
-+              if (info->prev_damage)
-+                {
-+                  XFixesUnionRegion(xdisplay, info->prev_damage, info->prev_damage, damage);
-+                  damage = info->prev_damage;
-+                }
-+              paint_all (screen, damage, info->root_current);
-+              if (++info->root_current >= NUM_BUFFER)
-+                info->root_current = 0;
-+              if (info->prev_damage)
-+                XFixesDestroyRegion (xdisplay, info->prev_damage);
-+              info->prev_damage = info->all_damage;
-+              info->all_damage = None;
-+              info->clip_changed = FALSE;
-+              meta_error_trap_pop (display, FALSE);
-+            }
-+        }
-+      else
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
-+        {
-+          meta_error_trap_push (display);
-+          paint_all (screen, info->all_damage, info->root_current);
-+          XFixesDestroyRegion (xdisplay, info->all_damage);
-+          info->all_damage = None;
-+          info->clip_changed = FALSE;
-+          meta_error_trap_pop (display, FALSE);
-+        }
-     }
- }
-@@ -2143,10 +2296,18 @@ process_configure_notify (MetaCompositorXRender  *compositor,
-         return;
-       info = meta_screen_get_compositor_data (screen);
--      if (info != NULL && info->root_buffer)
-+      if (info != NULL)
-         {
--          XRenderFreePicture (xdisplay, info->root_buffer);
--          info->root_buffer = None;
-+          int b;
-+          for (b = 0; b < NUM_BUFFER; b++)
-+            {
-+              if (info->root_buffers[b]) {
-+                XRenderFreePicture (xdisplay, info->root_buffers[b]);
-+                XFreePixmap (xdisplay, info->root_pixmaps[b]);
-+                info->root_buffers[b] = None;
-+                info->root_pixmaps[b] = None;
-+              }
-+            }
-         }
-       damage_screen (screen);
-@@ -2422,6 +2583,47 @@ process_shape (MetaCompositorXRender *compositor,
-     }
- }
-+static void
-+xrender_present_complete(MetaScreen *screen,
-+                         XPresentCompleteNotifyEvent *ce)
-+  MetaCompScreen *info = meta_screen_get_compositor_data (screen);
-+  info->present_pending = False;
-+  repair_screen(screen);
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
-+static void
-+process_generic(MetaCompositorXRender   *compositor,
-+                XGenericEvent           *event)
-+  XGenericEventCookie *ge = (XGenericEventCookie *) event;
-+  Display *xdisplay = meta_display_get_xdisplay (compositor->display);
-+  XGetEventData(xdisplay, ge);
-+  switch (ge->evtype)
-+    {
-+    case PresentConfigureNotify:
-+      break;
-+    case PresentCompleteNotify:
-+      {
-+        if (ge->extension == compositor->present_major)
-+          {
-+            XPresentCompleteNotifyEvent *ce = ge->data;
-+            MetaScreen *screen = find_screen_from_output(compositor->display, ce->window);
-+            if (screen)
-+              xrender_present_complete(screen, ce);
-+          }
-+      }
-+      break;
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
-+    }
-+  XFreeEventData(xdisplay, ge);
- static int
- timeout_debug (MetaCompositorXRender *compositor)
- {
-@@ -2506,6 +2708,7 @@ xrender_manage_screen (MetaCompositor *compositor,
-                        MetaScreen     *screen)
- {
-+  MetaCompositorXRender *xrc = (MetaCompositorXRender *) compositor;
-   MetaCompScreen *info;
-   MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
-   Display *xdisplay = meta_display_get_xdisplay (display);
-@@ -2513,6 +2716,7 @@ xrender_manage_screen (MetaCompositor *compositor,
-   XRenderPictFormat *visual_format;
-   int screen_number = meta_screen_get_screen_number (screen);
-   Window xroot = meta_screen_get_xroot (screen);
-+  int b;
-   /* Check if the screen is already managed */
-   if (meta_screen_get_compositor_data (screen))
-@@ -2554,7 +2758,10 @@ xrender_manage_screen (MetaCompositor *compositor,
-       return;
-     }
--  info->root_buffer = None;
-+  for (b = 0; b < NUM_BUFFER; b++) {
-+    info->root_buffers[b] = None;
-+    info->root_pixmaps[b] = None;
-+  }
-   info->black_picture = solid_picture (display, screen, TRUE, 1, 0, 0, 0);
-   info->root_tile = None;
-@@ -2578,6 +2785,21 @@ xrender_manage_screen (MetaCompositor *compositor,
-   else
-     meta_verbose ("Disabling shadows\n");
-+  if (xrc->has_present)
-+    {
-+      info->present_eid = XPresentSelectInput(xdisplay, info->output,
-+                                              PresentCompleteNotifyMask);
-+      info->use_present = TRUE;
-+      info->present_pending = FALSE;
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      info->use_present = FALSE;
-+      g_warning ("XPresent not available");
-+    }
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
-   XClearArea (xdisplay, info->output, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE);
-   meta_screen_set_cm_selection (screen);
-@@ -2761,6 +2983,10 @@ xrender_process_event (MetaCompositor *compositor,
-       process_destroy (xrc, (XDestroyWindowEvent *) event);
-       break;
-+    case GenericEvent:
-+      process_generic (xrc, (XGenericEvent *) event);
-+      break;
-     default:
-       if (event->type == meta_display_get_damage_event_base (xrc->display) + XDamageNotify)
-         process_damage (xrc, (XDamageNotifyEvent *) event);
-@@ -3066,6 +3292,9 @@ meta_compositor_xrender_new (MetaDisplay *display)
-   xrc->atom_net_wm_window_type_tooltip = atoms[14];
-   xrc->show_redraw = FALSE;
-   xrc->debug = FALSE;
-+  xrc->has_present = XPresentQueryExtension(xdisplay, &xrc->present_major, NULL, NULL);
-+#endif /* HAVE_PRESENT */
-   meta_verbose ("Using idle repaint\n");
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a4f18..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mate/marco.git

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