[Pkg-mc-devel] Bug#528331: mc: [VFS] utar internal filter is unable to open .tar files

Denis Briand denis at narcan.fr
Tue May 12 21:16:29 UTC 2009

tags 528331 confirmed
found 528331 2:4.6.2-2

Thank you for your bug report Antonio.
I can reproduce it with these steps:
	-create some test files in a directory
	-in this directory:
		$ tar -cvf archive.tar ./
		this command put root directory "./" in archive
	I try to browse it with mc... nothing is in archive

Work fine with this command:
	$ tar -cvf archive.tar ./* 
	who don't include root directory "./"

in conclusion:
when the name of directory archive is only "./" mc is blind.

Best regards

Denis Briand
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