mdadm 2.6.3+200709292116+4450e59-4: Please translate debconf PO for the package mdadm

Esko Arajärvi edu at
Fri Apr 11 18:55:47 UTC 2008

On Friday 11 April 2008, martin f krafft wrote:
> Could you provide a change suggestion? I don't understand your
> problem...

I can't, because I'm not sure what these strings try to say. :-) I try to tell 
the problem with another words.

The question is: "Start arrays not listed in mdadm.conf?"
So, we can either start those or not. This doesn't tell _when_ they would be 
started if user chooses this option (I'm guessing that at boot). Additionally 
the long description says that these cannot be started during boot unless 
some things are done.

Does this all mean that 

a) the mentioned arrays would be started at the boot and this script will 
modify the configuration file and recreate the initial ramdisk so that this 
thing works?

b) the mentioned arrays would be started at the boot and the user has to take 
care of the other things.

c) something else.

If a) or b), I can try to come up with some other wording. Otherwise you would 
first have to tell what really happens in the boot. :-)

The other thing I mentioned was part: 

" can simply continue. Alternatively, choose not to continue and 
enter 'none' when prompted which arrays to start from the initial ramdisk." 

It sounds little weird first not to continue and then later do something. 
Better wording would be something like: 

" can simply choose this option. Alternatively, don't choose this option 
and enter 'none' when prompted which arrays to start from the initial 


Esko Arajärvi - edu at - +358-50-5446844
"Only idiots quote signatures." -Antti Kuntsi (at his .sig)

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