Bug#563602: I had a similar issue

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Tue Jan 12 19:35:16 UTC 2010

also sprach Виталий Филиппов <vfilippov at custis.ru> [2010.01.13.0028 +1300]:
> I was running MySQL InnoDB databases on mdadm RAID5 partition with
> XFS file system when I discovered that if /etc/cron.d/mdadm
> (checkarray) of this partition concurs with some database updates,
> database file is corrupted and needs some kind of recovery, which
> is not always simple.

There is no way that mdadm's checking of arrays can interfere with
your filesystem operations. It's more likely that MySQL loses data.

> RAID array, though, does not degrade, and it seems that MyISAM
> (non-transactional) tables are OK even when checkarray concurs with
> database updates. So I suppose the data loss is caused by some
> sync/barrier issues... Is that so? And if so, what I'm supposed to do
> to get rid of this problem?

Barriers are only really relevant if you lose the power at some
point and the system reboots. Is that what happened?

martin | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
a bachelor is a man who never made the same mistake once.
spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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