Bug#644389: suspect non-working mdadm.conf created during install

pille pille+debian+bug-report at struction.de
Thu Oct 6 16:58:38 UTC 2011

> It's not the wrong hostname, it is what was current when the array
> was created.

yes, but i think it's the hostname when the initramfs was created for 
the installer.

> At least we should make sure this is the case. Could
> you investigate what the 'hostname' command outputs on the d-i
> shell, just before creating an array in partman during the install?

i checked and it behaves like expected:
it reports '(none)' up to the point where i set it to 'file'. afterwards 
it reports 'file'.

i installed _without_ RAID and used guided partitioning this time.
after the system is installed i took a look into /target and
there was the hetzner-mdadm.conf

more evidence for the d-i deploys standard initramfs with 
broken/suspect/unupdated mdadm.conf:

1) initramfs has an old timestamp (2011-08-27)
    and contains a comment that it was autogenerated that day
    sha1sum is: a8f016e70843f108ae05ab0ef874eaad231005c8 

2) last time i configured two arrays, but mdadm.conf contains three.

my problem is, that i cannot find it on the install medium (or a file 
big enough to hold it, tat actually contains it).

> There are three ways forward, really:
>    1. figure out a way by which the initramfs is updated when the
>       hostname is changed;

there's only one way and it's updating the initramfs when nessessary 
(RAID config) and remove it when not needed.

>    2. make sure the admin knows that changing the hostname requires
>       telling mdadm;
>    3. provide a debconf setting to disable the homehost feature
>       (setting it to<ignore>).

the UUIDs are different, that's why the array don't get assembled.

since you should now be able to reproduce (even without RAID) i'll trash 
those VM images.

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