[Pkg-mono-devel] Getting involved

Jo Shields directhex at apebox.org
Fri Apr 3 22:28:40 UTC 2009

Patrick McEvoy wrote:
> Hi there,
> We have embraced mono within our company and only want to use 
> debian/ubuntu for servers/clients. Maintaining scripts to compile from 
> source is simply not working and I wish to focus my efforts where we all 
> can see the benefits. I am new-ish to deb packaging process but not to 
> debian, ubuntu or mono.
> I want to get involved to help in any way I can and can devote a great 
> deal of time if required. If someone can help me get going I would be 
> very grateful. I have already started upgrading the mono packages to 2.2 
> but I didn't feel I was doing it the right way...

Mono is one of the most complex source packages you're ever likely to
meet, producing about a hundred binary packages. If you're unfamiliar
with package creation then it's not starting at the deep end, it's
starting in the middle of the Pacific.

The best way to get involved is to start small, on the easier packages -
as examples, look at the procedure required to update mono-basic or
libgdiplus for fairly simple examples

As a team, we coordinate work via IRC (oftc #debian-mono), and
colaborate via SVN. If you're looking to coordinate, then those are the
places to look.

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