[Pkg-mozext-commits] [SCM] torbutton Debian packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.4.1-1

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at debian.org
Wed Aug 31 07:27:00 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f27e1d8a1e43a803417a47db0a72c9386cb4cc69
Merge: 74326eeaef47a629e25ce63d7f90c8989f4e995c 5c07a442485e323870ae40b7532d89a6696bc39e
Author: Jérémy Bobbio <lunar at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Aug 30 15:09:27 2011 +0200

    Merge commit 'upstream/1.4.1'

diff --combined src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
index eac8ad4,ee4b03e..3372cf5
--- a/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
+++ b/src/chrome/content/torbutton.js
@@@ -18,6 -18,11 +18,11 @@@ var m_tb_ff3 = false
  var m_tb_ff35 = false;
  var m_tb_ff36 = false;
  var m_tb_ff4 = false;
+ var m_tb_tbb = false;
+ var m_tb_control_port = null;
+ var m_tb_control_host = null;
+ var m_tb_control_pass = null;
  var torbutton_window_pref_observer =
@@@ -345,18 -350,10 +350,18 @@@ function torbutton_set_panel_view() 
      if (!o_statuspanel || !o_prefbranch) return;
      // Firefox 4 has no toolbar panel
 -    var display_panel = o_prefbranch.getBoolPref('display_panel')
 -        && !m_tb_ff4;
 +    var display_panel = o_prefbranch.getBoolPref('display_panel');
      torbutton_log(2, 'setting panel visibility');
      o_statuspanel.setAttribute('collapsed', !display_panel);
 +    // Prevent the FF4 nav bar from making our menu invisible...
 +    var o_toolbutton = torbutton_get_toolbutton();
 +    if (o_toolbutton) {
 +      var context = document.getElementById('torbutton-context-menu');
 +      context.style.visibility = "visible";
 +      context.hidden = false;
 +      torbutton_log(3, "Set new context menu.");
 +    }
  function torbutton_set_panel_style() {
@@@ -390,10 -387,10 +395,10 @@@ function torbutton_toggle(force) 
      if (torbutton_check_status()) {
          // Close on toggle before actually changing proxy settings
          // as additional safety precaution
-         torbutton_close_on_toggle(false);
+         torbutton_close_on_toggle(false, false);
      } else {
-         torbutton_close_on_toggle(true);
+         torbutton_close_on_toggle(true, false);
@@@ -441,6 -438,16 +446,6 @@@ function torbutton_init_toolbutton(
      try {
        torbutton_log(3, "Initializing the Torbutton button.");
 -      // Prevent the FF4 status bar from making our menu invisible...
 -      /* Not needed
 -      var o_toolbutton = torbutton_get_toolbutton();
 -      if (o_toolbutton) {
 -        var context = document.getElementById('torbutton-context-menu');
 -        context.style.visibility = "visible";
 -        context.hidden = false;
 -        torbutton_log(3, "Set new context menu.");
 -      }
 -      */
      } catch(e) {
        torbutton_log(4, "Error Initializing Torbutton button: "+e);
@@@ -480,6 -487,27 +485,27 @@@ function torbutton_init() 
          m_tb_ff36 = false;
+     var environ = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"]
+                    .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIEnvironment);
+     if (environ.exists("TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD")) {
+         m_tb_control_pass = environ.get("TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD");
+         // FIXME: We might want a check to use to set this in the future,
+         // but this works fine for now.
+         m_tb_tbb = true;
+     }
+     if (environ.exists("TOR_CONTROL_PORT")) {
+         m_tb_control_port = environ.get("TOR_CONTROL_PORT");
+     }
+     if (environ.exists("TOR_CONTROL_HOST")) {
+         m_tb_control_host = environ.get("TOR_CONTROL_HOST");
+     } else {
+         m_tb_control_host = "";
+     }
      // initialize preferences before we start our prefs observer
@@@ -629,6 -657,9 +655,9 @@@ function torbutton_open_link_as_tor(tab
  // this function duplicates a lot of code in preferences.js for deciding our
  // recommended settings.  figure out a way to eliminate the redundancy.
  // TODO: Move it to torbutton_util.js?
@@@ -652,7 -683,7 +681,7 @@@ function torbutton_init_prefs() 
                  torprefs.setBoolPref('use_privoxy', true);
              if (torprefs.getBoolPref('use_privoxy')) {
 -                proxy_host = '';
 +                proxy_host = 'localhost';
                  proxy_port = 8118;
              } else {
                  proxy_host = '';
@@@ -1188,6 -1219,225 +1217,225 @@@ function torbutton_set_uagent() 
+ function torbutton_socket_readline(input) {
+   var str = "";
+   var bytes;
+   while((bytes = input.readBytes(1)) != "\n") {
+     str += bytes;
+   }
+   return str;
+ }
+ // Executes a command on the control port.
+ // Return 0 in error, 1 for success.
+ function torbutton_send_ctrl_cmd(command) {
+   try {
+     var socketTransportService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/socket-transport-service;1"]
+         .getService(Components.interfaces.nsISocketTransportService);
+     var socket = socketTransportService.createTransport(null, 0, m_tb_control_host, m_tb_control_port, null);
+     var input = socket.openInputStream(3, 0, 0); // 3 == OPEN_BLOCKING|OPEN_UNBUFFERED
+     var output = socket.openOutputStream(3, 0, 0); // 3 == OPEN_BLOCKING|OPEN_UNBUFFERED
+     inputStream     = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream);
+     outputStream    = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryoutputstream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIBinaryOutputStream);
+     inputStream.setInputStream(input);
+     outputStream.setOutputStream(output);
+     var auth_cmd = "AUTHENTICATE "+m_tb_control_pass+"\r\n";
+     outputStream.writeBytes(auth_cmd, auth_cmd.length);
+     var bytes = torbutton_socket_readline(inputStream);
+     if (bytes.indexOf("250") != 0) {
+       torbutton_safelog(4, "Unexpected auth response on control port "+m_tb_control_port+":", bytes);
+       return 0;
+     }
+     outputStream.writeBytes(command, command.length);
+     bytes = torbutton_socket_readline(inputStream);
+     if(bytes.indexOf("250") != 0) {
+       torbutton_safelog(4, "Unexpected command response on control port "+m_tb_control_port+":", bytes);
+       return 0;
+     }
+     socket.close(1);
+     return 1;
+   } catch(e) {
+     torbutton_log(4, "Exception on control port "+e);
+     return 0;
+   }
+ }
+ /* The "New Identity" implementation does the following:
+  *   1. Tag all tabs as non-tor
+  *   2. Disables Javascript and plugins on all tabs
+  *   3. Clears state:
+  *      a. OCSP
+  *      b. Cache
+  *      c. Site-specific zoom
+  *      d. Cookies+DOM Storage+safe browsing key
+  *      e. google wifi geolocation token
+  *      f. http auth
+  *      g. SSL Session IDs
+  *      h. last open location url
+  *      i. clear content prefs
+  *   4. Sends tor the NEWNYM signal to get a new circuit
+  *
+  * XXX: intermediate SSL certificates are not cleared.
+  */
+ function torbutton_new_identity() {
+   var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
+       .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
+   var enumerator = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
+   var closeWins = new Array();
+   while(enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
+       var win = enumerator.getNext();
+       var browser = win.getBrowser();
+       if(!browser) {
+           torbutton_log(5, "No browser for possible closed window");
+           continue;
+       }
+       var tabs = browser.browsers.length;
+       torbutton_log(3, "Length: "+browser.browsers.length);
+       for(var i = 0; i < tabs; i++) {
+         torbutton_apply_tab_tag(browser, browser.browsers[i], false);
+       }
+   }
+   torbutton_toggle_jsplugins(true, true, true);
+   m_tb_prefs.setBoolPref("browser.zoom.siteSpecific",
+                          !m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("browser.zoom.siteSpecific"));
+   m_tb_prefs.setBoolPref("browser.zoom.siteSpecific",
+                          !m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("browser.zoom.siteSpecific"));
+   if(m_tb_ff35) {
+       try {
+           if(m_tb_prefs.prefHasUserValue("geo.wifi.access_token")) {
+               m_tb_prefs.clearUserPref("geo.wifi.access_token");
+           }
+       } catch(e) {
+           torbutton_log(3, "Exception on wifi token clear: "+e);
+       }
+   }
+   try {
+       if(m_tb_prefs.prefHasUserValue("general.open_location.last_url")) {
+           m_tb_prefs.clearUserPref("general.open_location.last_url");
+       }
+   } catch(e) {
+       torbutton_log(3, "Exception on wifi token clear: "+e);
+   }
+   torbutton_close_on_toggle(true, true);
+   if(m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref('extensions.torbutton.clear_http_auth')) {
+       var auth = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/http-auth-manager;1"].
+           getService(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpAuthManager);
+       auth.clearAll();
+   }
+   try {
+       var secMgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/crypto;1"].
+           getService(Ci.nsIDOMCrypto);
+       secMgr.logout();
+       torbutton_log(3, "nsIDOMCrypto logout succeeded");
+   } catch(e) {
+       torbutton_log(4, "Failed to use nsIDOMCrypto to clear SSL Session ids. Falling back to old method. Error: "+e);
+       // This clears the SSL Identifier Cache.
+       // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=448747 and
+       // http://mxr.mozilla.org/security/source/security/manager/ssl/src/nsNSSComponent.cpp#2134
+       m_tb_prefs.setBoolPref("security.enable_ssl2", 
+               !m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("security.enable_ssl2"));
+       m_tb_prefs.setBoolPref("security.enable_ssl2", 
+               !m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("security.enable_ssl2"));
+   }
+   // This clears the OCSP cache.
+   //
+   // nsNSSComponent::Observe() watches security.OCSP.enabled, which calls
+   // setOCSPOptions(), which if set to 0, calls CERT_DisableOCSPChecking(),
+   // which calls CERT_ClearOCSPCache().
+   // See: http://mxr.mozilla.org/security/source/security/manager/ssl/src/nsNSSComponent.cpp
+   var ocsp = m_tb_prefs.getIntPref("security.OCSP.enabled");
+   m_tb_prefs.setIntPref("security.OCSP.enabled", 0);
+   m_tb_prefs.setIntPref("security.OCSP.enabled", ocsp);
+   // This clears the STS cache and site permissions on Tor Browser
+   // XXX: Tie to some kind of disk-ok pref?
+   try {
+       m_tb_prefs.setBoolPref('permissions.memory_only', false);
+       m_tb_prefs.setBoolPref('permissions.memory_only', true);
+   } catch(e) {
+       // Actually, this catch does not appear to be needed. Leaving it in for
+       // safety though.
+       torbutton_log(3, "Can't clear STS/Permissions: Not Tor Browser: "+e);
+   }
+   // This clears the undo tab history.
+   var tabs = m_tb_prefs.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
+   m_tb_prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", 0);
+   m_tb_prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", tabs);
+   var cache = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/cache-service;1"].
+       getService(Components.interfaces.nsICacheService);
+   try {
+       cache.evictEntries(0);
+   } catch(e) {
+       torbutton_log(5, "Exception on cache clearing: "+e);
+   }
+   if (m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref('extensions.torbutton.cookie_protections')) {
+     var selector = Components.classes["@torproject.org/cookie-jar-selector;1"]
+                     .getService(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)
+                     .wrappedJSObject;
+     // This emits "cookie-changed", "cleared", which kills DOM storage
+     // and the safe browsing API key
+     selector.clearUnprotectedCookies("tor");
+   } else {
+     torbutton_clear_cookies();
+   }
+   var cps = Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"].
+       createInstance(Ci.nsIContentPrefService);
+   cps.removeGroupedPrefs();
+   // Force prefs to be synced to disk
+   var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+       .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
+   prefService.savePrefFile(null);
+   // We only support TBB for newnym.
+   if (!m_tb_control_pass || !m_tb_control_port) {
+     var o_stringbundle = torbutton_get_stringbundle();
+     var warning = o_stringbundle.GetStringFromName("torbutton.popup.no_newnym");
+     torbutton_log(5, "Torbutton cannot safely newnym. It does not have access to the Tor Control Port.");
+     window.alert(warning);
+   } else {
+     if(torbutton_send_ctrl_cmd("SIGNAL NEWNYM\r\n") == 0) {
+       torbutton_log(5, "Torbutton was unable to request a new circuit from Tor");
+     }
+   }
+   torbutton_log(3, "New identity successful");
+ }
+ // toggles plugins: true for disabled, false for enabled
+ function torbutton_toggle_plugins(disable_plugins) {
+   if (m_tb_tbb) {
+     var PH=Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost);
+     var P=PH.getPluginTags({});
+     for(var i=0; i<P.length; i++) {
+         P[i].disabled=disable_plugins;
+     }
+   }
+ }
  // NOTE: If you touch any additional prefs in here, be sure to update
  // the list in torbutton_util.js::torbutton_reset_browser_prefs()
@@@ -1234,6 -1484,8 +1482,8 @@@ function torbutton_update_status(mode, 
      // thread
      torbutton_log(2, 'Toggling JS state');
+     torbutton_toggle_plugins(mode && torprefs.getBoolPref("no_tor_plugins"));
              changed && torprefs.getBoolPref("isolate_content"),
@@@ -1563,7 -1815,7 +1813,7 @@@
      torbutton_set_timezone(mode, false);
      // This call also has to be here for 3rd party proxy changers.
-     torbutton_close_on_toggle(mode);
+     torbutton_close_on_toggle(mode, false);
      if(m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref('extensions.torbutton.clear_http_auth')) {
          var auth = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/http-auth-manager;1"].
@@@ -1666,11 -1918,16 +1916,16 @@@
      torbutton_log(3, "Settings applied for mode: "+mode);
- function torbutton_close_on_toggle(mode) {
+ function torbutton_close_on_toggle(mode, newnym) {
      var close_tor = m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.torbutton.close_tor");
      var close_nontor = m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.torbutton.close_nontor");
+     var close_newnym = m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.torbutton.close_newnym");
-     if((!close_tor && !mode) || (mode && !close_nontor)) {
+     if (newnym) {
+       if (!close_newnym) {
+         torbutton_log(3, "Not closing tabs");
+       }
+     } else if((mode && !close_nontor) || (!mode && !close_tor)) {
          torbutton_log(3, "Not closing tabs");
@@@ -1728,6 -1985,9 +1983,9 @@@ function torbutton_check_protections(
    var locked_pref = m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.torbutton.locked_mode")
    document.getElementById("torbutton-cookie-protector").disabled = !cookie_pref;
    document.getElementById("torbutton-toggle").collapsed = locked_pref;
+   if (!m_tb_control_pass || !m_tb_control_port)
+     document.getElementById("torbutton-new-identity").disabled = true;
  function torbutton_open_cookie_dialog() {
@@@ -2228,7 -2488,7 +2486,7 @@@ function torbutton_jar_certs(mode) 
  // -------------- JS/PLUGIN HANDLING CODE ---------------------
- function torbutton_check_js_tag(browser, tor_enabled, js_enabled) {
+ function torbutton_check_js_tag(tabbrowser, browser, tor_enabled, js_enabled) {
      var eventSuppressor = null;
      if (typeof(browser.__tb_tor_fetched) == 'undefined') {
          try {
@@@ -2239,7 -2499,7 +2497,7 @@@
          // Defensive programming to tag this window here to 
          // an alternate tor state. It wil lmake this window totally
          // useless, but that is better than some undefined state
-         torbutton_apply_tab_tag(browser, !tor_enabled);
+         torbutton_apply_tab_tag(tabbrowser, browser, !tor_enabled);
      /* Solution from: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=409737 */
@@@ -2304,10 -2564,12 +2562,12 @@@ function torbutton_toggle_win_jsplugins
          if (b && b.docShell) {
              // Only allow plugins if the tab load was from an 
              // non-tor state and the current tor state is off.
-             if(kill_plugins) 
-                 b.docShell.allowPlugins = !b.__tb_tor_fetched && !tor_enabled;
-             else 
-                 b.docShell.allowPlugins = true;
+             if (!m_tb_tbb) {
+               if(kill_plugins) 
+                   b.docShell.allowPlugins = !b.__tb_tor_fetched && !tor_enabled;
+               else 
+                   b.docShell.allowPlugins = true;
+             }
              // Likewise for DNS prefetch
              if(m_tb_ff35) {
@@@ -2318,7 -2580,7 +2578,7 @@@
              if(isolate_dyn) {
-                 torbutton_check_js_tag(b, tor_enabled, js_enabled);
+                 torbutton_check_js_tag(browser, b, tor_enabled, js_enabled);
                  // kill meta-refresh and existing page loading 
@@@ -2380,26 -2642,32 +2640,32 @@@ tbHistoryListener.prototype = 
      OnHistoryReload: function(uri,flags) { return this.f1(); }
- function torbutton_apply_tab_tag(browser, tag) {
+ function torbutton_apply_tab_tag(tabbrowser, browser, tag) {
     if (typeof(browser["__tb_tor_fetched"]) == "undefined" ||
             browser.__tb_tor_fetched != tag) {
       // Only update the browser's session store tag if the tag has changed.
       // This is an expensive operation.
       var ss = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"]
-      // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3374056/firefox-gbrowser-getbrowserfortab-but-no-gbrowser-gettabforbrowser
-      var mTabs = gBrowser.mTabContainer.childNodes;
       var tab = null;
-      for (var i=0; i<mTabs.length; i++) {
-          if (mTabs[i].linkedBrowser == browser) {
-              tab = mTabs[i];
-          }
+      // XXX: if tabbrowser is null, we may either write or omit session store data..
+      // This should only happen in toggle mode, though.
+      if (tabbrowser) {
+        // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3374056/firefox-gbrowser-getbrowserfortab-but-no-gbrowser-gettabforbrowser
+        var mTabs = tabbrowser.mTabContainer.childNodes;
+        for (var i=0; i<mTabs.length; i++) {
+            if (mTabs[i].linkedBrowser == browser) {
+                tab = mTabs[i];
+            }
+        }
       if (tab)
         ss.setTabValue(tab, "__tb_tor_fetched", tag.toString());
         torbutton_log(5, "No tab found for session store tag.");
     var oldtag = browser.__tb_tor_fetched;
     browser.__tb_tor_fetched = tag;
@@@ -2407,7 -2675,7 +2673,7 @@@
  function torbutton_tag_new_browser(browser, tor_tag, no_plugins) {
-     if (!tor_tag && no_plugins) {
+     if (!tor_tag && no_plugins && !m_tb_tbb) {
          browser.docShell.allowPlugins = tor_tag;
@@@ -2420,7 -2688,7 +2686,7 @@@
      // Only tag new windows
      if (typeof(browser.__tb_tor_fetched) == 'undefined') {
          torbutton_log(3, "Tagging new window: "+tor_tag);
-         torbutton_apply_tab_tag(browser, !tor_tag);
+         torbutton_apply_tab_tag(gBrowser, browser, !tor_tag);
          // XXX: Do we need to remove this listener on tab close?
          // No, but we probably do need to remove it on window close!
@@@ -2449,21 -2717,6 +2715,21 @@@
 +function torbutton_reload_homepage() {
 +    var homepage = m_tb_prefs.getCharPref("browser.startup.homepage");
 +    if (homepage.match(/chrome:\/\/.*\.properties$/)) {
 +        try {
 +            var bundle = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
 +                                    .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIStringBundleService);
 +            var stringbundle = bundle.createBundle(homepage);
 +            homepage = stringbundle.GetStringFromName("browser.startup.homepage");
 +        } catch(err) {
 +            torbutton_log(4, "Error while getting browser.startup.homepage:" + err);
 +        }
 +    }
 +    gBrowser.loadURI(homepage, null, null);
  function torbutton_set_launch_state(state, session_restore) {
      if (!m_tb_wasinited) torbutton_init();
      var no_plugins = m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.torbutton.no_tor_plugins");
@@@ -2491,7 -2744,7 +2757,7 @@@
              if (state) {
                  if(b && b.docShell){
-                     if(no_plugins) b.docShell.allowPlugins = false;
+                     if(no_plugins && !m_tb_tbb) b.docShell.allowPlugins = false;
                      if(m_tb_ff35) {
                          if (!m_tb_ff36) /* Unified with nsIDocShell in 3.6 */
@@@ -2508,7 -2761,7 +2774,7 @@@
-             torbutton_apply_tab_tag(b, state);
+             torbutton_apply_tab_tag(browser, b, state);
@@@ -2523,7 -2776,8 +2789,7 @@@
          // Load our homepage again. We just killed it via the toggle.
          if (!session_restore) {
 -          var homepage = m_tb_prefs.getCharPref("browser.startup.homepage");
 -          gBrowser.loadURI(homepage, null, null);
 +            torbutton_reload_homepage();
        } else {
          torbutton_log(3, "Leaving tor disabled");
@@@ -2536,7 -2790,8 +2802,7 @@@
          // Load our homepage again. We just killed it via the toggle.
          if (!session_restore) {
 -            var homepage = m_tb_prefs.getCharPref("browser.startup.homepage");
 -            gBrowser.loadURI(homepage, null, null);
 +            torbutton_reload_homepage();
@@@ -3482,6 -3737,10 +3748,10 @@@ function torbutton_do_startup(
                  torbutton_log(3, "Remoting window closed.");
+         torbutton_toggle_plugins(tor_enabled
+                 && m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.torbutton.no_tor_plugins"));
          if (tor_enabled) {
            // Need to maybe generate google cookie if tor is enabled
@@@ -3866,7 -4125,7 +4136,7 @@@ function torbutton_update_tags(win, new
              // Defensive programming to tag this window here to 
              // an alternate tor state. It wil lmake this window totally
              // useless, but that is better than some undefined state
-             torbutton_apply_tab_tag(browser, tor_tag);
+             torbutton_apply_tab_tag(null, browser, tor_tag);
          if(browser.__tb_tor_fetched != !tor_tag) {
              tag_change = true;
@@@ -3898,8 -4157,11 +4168,11 @@@
-         torbutton_apply_tab_tag(browser, !tor_tag);
-         browser.docShell.allowPlugins = tor_tag || !kill_plugins;
+         torbutton_apply_tab_tag(null, browser, !tor_tag);
+         if (!m_tb_tbb) {
+           browser.docShell.allowPlugins = tor_tag || !kill_plugins;
+         }
          /* We want to disable allowDNSPrefetch on Tor-loaded tabs
           * before the load, because we don't want prefetch to be enabled
@@@ -3953,7 -4215,7 +4226,7 @@@
  //    - http://swik.net/User:Staple/JavaScript+Popup+Windows+Generation+and+Testing+Tutorials
  //  - pure javascript pages/non-text/html pages
  //  - Messing with variables/existing hooks
- function torbutton_hookdoc(win, doc, state_change) {
+ function torbutton_hookdoc(win, doc, state_change, referrer) {
      if(typeof(win.wrappedJSObject) == 'undefined') {
          torbutton_eclog(3, "No JSObject: "+win.location);
@@@ -3963,6 -4225,21 +4236,21 @@@
      if(doc && doc.doctype) {
          torbutton_log(2, "Type: "+doc.doctype.name);
+     try {
+         // Ticket #3414: Apply referer policy to window.name.
+         //
+         // This keeps window.name clean between fresh urls.
+         // It should also apply to iframes because hookdoc gets called for all
+         // frames and subdocuments.
+         if (!referrer || referrer.spec == "") {
+             win.name = null;
+             win.window.name = null;
+         }
+     } catch(e) {
+         torbutton_log(4, "Failed to reset window.name: "+e)
+     }
      var js_enabled = m_tb_prefs.getBoolPref("javascript.enabled");
@@@ -4211,7 -4488,12 +4499,12 @@@ function torbutton_check_progress(aProg
              if(doc) {
                  var tag_change = torbutton_update_tags(DOMWindow.window, new_loc);
                  if(doc.domain) {
-                     torbutton_hookdoc(DOMWindow.window, doc, tag_change);
+                     var referrer = null;
+                     try {
+                         var hreq = aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
+                         referrer = hreq.referrer;
+                     } catch(e) {}
+                     torbutton_hookdoc(DOMWindow.window, doc, tag_change, referrer);
          } catch(e) {

torbutton Debian packaging

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