Public sourcecode repositories? (was: Iceape progress)

Andreas Metzler ametzler at
Mon Nov 6 18:50:43 CET 2006

On 2006-11-06 Eric Dorland <eric at> wrote:
> * Andreas Metzler (ametzler at wrote:
>> Eric has stated on the list that his icedove/thunderbird svn-repo is
>> not public, because the project is too big. If only /debian was kept
>> in SVN (because a patch system like dpatch or quilt was used) the size
>> would not be a issue.
>> cu andreas

> My firefox/iceweasel repo you mean.

Yes, indeed.

> I could keep just the debian dir, but I prefer working with firefox
> this way. I don't like the patch system way of doing things. 

Some people like them, some don't. ;-) - I just had hoped you might
/already/ be using a patch-sys which would have made it easy to make the
repo public.
cu andreas
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