Bug#709920: Keyboard Shortcuts completely stop working on some sites

Georgiy Treyvus georgiytreyvus at riseup.net
Sun May 26 18:16:55 UTC 2013

package: iceweasel
version: 10.0.12esr-1

When this happens the only way I can control the browser is via the
mouse which is excruciatingly slow.

Why this happens I have no idea. The reason I'm filing a bug report here
and not with Mozilla is that I did not have this problem when using
Iceweasel 10 ESR in sid a year ago nor was this in any way a problem
when I was using it with Fedora.

I am not sure what is the exact cause of this bug. If I had more time I
would have investigated further to provide better information to help
you guys. For now however I only leave you with an example site that I
sometimes read http://www.alternet.org/

Also for what it worth my guess is that somehow the web application
running on these sites or perhaps gnash itself grabs keystrokes and does
not forward them to the browser. Sometimes when I press Escape I regain
control and can use keybindings so I think that there is a chance my
theory holds some water. Nonetheless this wasn't a problem with other
Firefox 10 ESR that I used in other distros or hell even in sid.
Furthermore having no easy way to know what exactly is in focus/grabbing
keystrokes I have no idea if pressing Escape will get me control back or
stop the page as it's loading meaning that's really not that great a

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